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Showing posts from 2021

Philosophy For a Happy Life

 Life is not at all easy. Specially the time we all are going through right now is extra heavy. Yet, there are people in the world whose life seems to be a disaster since the birth. Not like ours. However, the following video is about a successor who does not own a normal life but enjoys the life he owns.  In this video, he shares three aspects for the happy life he spends.  Watch the video and share your philosophy for a happy life. 

No one should be alone at Christmas !!

Watch the following short movie and write down the story by using your own words    

Power !!

 Listen to the following song and read the lyrics carefully.  Tell us what is the power behind you? What do you believe in?


Imaginations fuel  everything . Thought, imagination and daydreaming can take you a long way.  Watch the following video and let us know how big you want to dream? Is your mind open for imaginations? 
Life is simple!! Why complicate it?? Click on the link to watch the video.  Answer the two questions given below.  1.  Comment on the little boy's action. Do you think he is thoughtful? What would you do if you face the same problem? 2. When you have a problem in your life, do you really chose to go with the easy solution, or do you over think about your problem and make a worse decision?  

Less Is More

 Please watch the following video and leave a comment to the given question. You get to enjoy your life on how you really look at it ❤ You can either enjoy what you have or expect more. 👀 and when are you going to get satisfied? At the end, would you really have time to spend with your loved ones ?? 😕


  "Time is an Illusion": Albert Einstein Time is relative. How would you manage 'time' in your life...  Watch the following video and see how time is corresponding with different situations in life. Please share your experiences; how you have experienced 'time' in different scenarios in life.. 

When are you going to stop fighting

" Sometimes we need to lose the small battles to win the war" Watch the following video and think through the above statement. Leave your comment below.  Cheers!!   

Disruptive Technology

  Have you forgotten to read, think, walk to the lap of nature or to enjoy life? just because your parent provide everything the way they could and just because you were born into  a much better part of the world, have you taken things for granted?  Tell us for we would like to know 😶


 Watch the following video and comment on ' who would you want to become in your life'  A poor man with rich attitudes or a rich man with poor attitudes. 😊 Share your attitudes about how you see the status of 'poor' and 'rich' 


Real Heroes

"There are real life heroes who do great deeds for the others who are not even bothered to tell the world how grate they are" Watch the following videos (the uploaded video and the link given) and comment your own ideas on the given statement.   

Inspiring Songs

Song Review Listen to the following song about 'Your Dreams' and share with us how big your dreams are 💖