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Philosophy For a Happy Life

 Life is not at all easy. Specially the time we all are going through right now is extra heavy. Yet, there are people in the world whose life seems to be a disaster since the birth. Not like ours. However, the following video is about a successor who does not own a normal life but enjoys the life he owns.  In this video, he shares three aspects for the happy life he spends. 

Watch the video and share your philosophy for a happy life. 


  1. 209212 -Malinda
    The world is inhabited by people with various disabilities. Some of those people spend their whole lives happily. Some spend their entire lives unhappy. Even someone who has no flaws will spend the rest of their lives unhappy. What is the reason for this? I think the reason for this is the way those people think. Some live happily ever after. Some spend the rest of their lives grieving over what they do not have. I think a person's suffering or suffering depends on the way he thinks. A person who works for his own improvement without thinking about his shortcomings will always live happily. A person who lives by thinking of his own shortcomings always lives in misery. So let us not only think about our shortcomings but also take advantage of our potential and live happily ever after.

  2. Name -Madusha Pramod

    Of course in life we ​​face big problems. Some of the problems are related to our destiny
    But even though they determine the beginning of life, life itself is determined by the effort and skills within oneself.
    This video proves it. So let's be a person who changes God without handing over life to God..

  3. There is no definition to explain what is life. Because it is too complex. But someone can feel life is soo easy. It depends on humans' life circle. Perhaps the time we all are going through right now is extra hard. Unfortunately, there are people in the world whose life seems to be a disaster since birth. All people are not similar to each other. Through this video shows a successor who does not own a normal life but enjoys the life he owns. According to the video, his speech is so meaningful. Nobody deserves to live so short a life. And even though he knew the consequences of such a disease, he was happy. He still enjoyed the pleasures of life and he still had dreams and passions. Actually, this video is able to change everything for our lives and we should be able to be willing to live our life as Sam Berns did.

  4. 209134

    Happy life varies from person to person. How one person can be happy can seem like another person's sad. As I see it, happiness is the freedom to be free to do whatever one wants. We face many problems in life. We need to find solutions problems and live happily ever after because we only live a short time.

  5. Kasun-209156
    Not all of us in the world are born the same way. Some people are born with various disabilities. But we must overcome those obstacles and move towards our goal. And we can overcome adversity and move on to our victories. It can cause a person to face a problem later.

  6. As well gifted human beings we all should be satisfied and be happy what we have. But the most of the normal people does not think that way. They all ways worry about what they do not have and about the things that they cannot achieve. The person in the video does not have a healthy body as we have. Yet he does not consider any of his difficulties. He follows his own dreams and he found some things, a friend , a family member so that he can looking forward to his future. We all should be motivated by those people who does not have much but get the most.

  7. 209199-Dinitha

    There are some people who have some diseases like progeria. Usually, they are physically weak than other people. So some of them, give up their all dreams, whole lives because of their diseases. They live unhappily from birth to death. But some of them like Sam, win their lives without thinking about their diseases. They have great attempt and their own goals. They always satisfy what they can do and what they can achieve. So always they are being a happy mood. They never give up their dreams and they achieve good things day by day. However there are some people without any diseases like that, but they are always in a negative mindset. They give up their dreams and they don’t try to achieve their goals. So in my opinion, if we have a good attempt and positive mindset, physically disabled diseases can’t change anything about our lives.

  8. Student Number: - 209089
    Name: - Jayasuriya NJLN

    The life we lead is not easy at all. We all have different difficulties. But some people have had difficulties in life since birth. They live happier lives than they normally would.

    At one time there was a young man who did not have a normal life together. He looks deformed, unlike a normal young man. The only and biggest obstacle he had was his appearance. But he did not think about his appearance and managed to enjoy their difficult life. He loved to play the drums. But his height and endurance made it difficult for him to fulfil his desire. He took up the challenge himself and set up the necessary equipment so that he could play the drums. By that fulfilled his wish. No matter how difficult it was, he created his happiness in a style that was unique to him.

  9. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    Some people have to face very difficult challenges early in their life. Diseases that occur at birth, various disorders are among them. They will not be saddened in their lives by thinking of their shortcomings, but will be happy with what they have received. People with certain imperfections do a piece of work that is unthinkable more efficiently than all the others. Learning very well will be a great contribution to their life success. They will live their lives without thinking about their shortcomings. They will succeed in life.

  10. 209119 - Punari

    I believe the philosophy for a happy life is letting got the past, acceptance of the present and not having expectations for the future. But as ordinary human beings, it is just natural for us to not be able to accept some (probably most!) situations life has in queue for us. And speaking of the past and future expectations, once again, it would be impossible to come across anyone who never had a shingle of expectation or who has never reminiscence the past. However, what matters is not completely terminating the past and the future or single-handedly accepting the present, but trying the best. Because for most, "what matters most is not the destination but the journey." "Trying" has more merit than just achieving. My philosophy for a happy life is so simple, that I know it needs no further explanation. This philosophy is as old as time. On a final note I would like to add, perfection is over-rated, normality is over-rated so forget it all, because it is all those imperfections that makes you outshine. If it is out of your means, accept it. Embrace those irreplaceable flaws. But without focusing on them, wear it as a amour (as the words of Trion Lannister, "Let me give you some advice bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you") and face the world with "extra" protection on!

  11. 209144
    Nimalsiri OCC

    Not an exact philosophy for a happy life. Doing things rightly it is the philosophy for a happy life. Then our mind comes relax. It is helping for our positive healthy. The positive healthy also help a person Philosophy for a Happy Life

  12. Find the truth,
    Comprehend the method,
    Practice the method,
    Getting out of here.

  13. The life of a human being is amazing. Everyone wants to live a happy life but people are different according to the creation of the world. No man is perfect or perfect, but there are people who work with a vision for a happier life among the many who beg to tell the world about their shortcomings. Not all philosophers, including world celebrities, are perfect human beings. But they are people who have made their lives successful because of their determination and commitment. So we must make our lives as successful as they are. Let us plan our future and live successfully to live a happy life.

  14. Name: WMLB Weerasekara
    Registration No: 209225

    We all know that the world is inhabited by different people. Some people live life happily and some people live life meaninglessly. No one in this world is perfect. There will be any shortcomings. But some will live on their own shortcomings and losses. But some will overcome their shortcomings, diseases, and obstacles and move on. What we do as a habit is look at the other and envy the other that we do not have it. But some will go on to their own success with effort, no matter how many shortcomings and losses they may have. That is our heroic heroes. He will always be determined to protect his motherland despite the loss of his friend, brother, or limb. Also, there will be many people in the world who have changed the world for their own purpose, even though they have congenital diseases and shortcomings. So what we do not have, whatever the disability, is to make his dream, his purpose come true. Therefore, we should always try to make it come true. It will be easier for us if we have our determination and commitment.

  15. Name: Nadeesha Vithanage.
    Index: 209221

    The philosophy of the lives is different from each other. It can be different according to persons' lifestyles. But all people should have a philosophy. We can see lots of meanings for philosophy.

    A theory or attitude that acts as a guiding principle for behavior is called a philosophy. So, we know a theory or attitude that acts as a guiding principle for behavior is changed from person to person. As an example, some people never forgive mistakes. Some people will never try it again if they fail once. And someone who has failed in their first love may never love again. Like that, we can see lots of examples.

    But according to my opinion, we should not live with the past. Because the past is the past. We can not go past it again and change it. So we shouldn't think about it or worry about it. The only thing we should do is take the past as a lesson and work intelligently.

    However, I know it is very hard to forget about past things, hurts, and complaints about things not done. But we should do it. I think it is the best philosophy to live a happier present.

    When we talk about the present, I have heard many times that someone said we should not live yesterday or tomorrow' only we should live in today. I think half of it is correct. We should not live like yesterday. But we should think about tomorrow. Then we can live easily. Because we have a view on the future.

    Should we think about the future? Yes, because if we have a target to achieve, we should work for it in the present or today. So, unknowingly, today has been successful when we work for the future. So we can be happy that our time is not wasted. I think it will be the best philosophy for our future success.

    Now we can understand that if we have a good philosophy, which will bring us to the top of our lives unknowingly. Finally, I would like to tell you to make a philosophy of your own. It will skip your failures and bring you a luxurious life.

    Thank you!

  16. 209038
    Sithara Embuldeniya
    In my words, life is something you have to enjoy. some people suffer in this life to make life a better one. but you can be grateful for what you have and live as simple as you could when you take things not very seriously. life is a journey; a journey that has an end. so before it's too late you have to be happy, live happily, make other people happy. so life is a gift that never going to have again. so live the life you love; love the life you live. that's my philosophy of life.

  17. 209081 Himanshi

    No one can make philosophy for a happy life to someone’s life, it should build ourselves. No one birth with completely everything. We have a responsibility to make our life. I think if we live in present and we do our work on time it gives a better philosophy to our life. And also we should have an effort to go to our victory irrespective of difficulties that come into our life. Some people can win the world although they have happened weaknesses with their birth and, many of example in the society for that. Therefore, we should think about the problem further. There are many things to do in our life for our effectiveness. When we do any work we must think about which way it will affect our life and also other's life. Like this, we should try to do everything the right way. And also we should add good behaviour to our life. If we can create better philosophy for our life, it will prepare the path for a happy life.

  18. 209077 - Zahirul Hutha

    That man was born with progeria disease. He faces a lot of problems in his life but he ignores them. He likes to play musical instruments but he can't lift the instruments but his family customise that instruments for him. then he played musical instruments in events. Now he is a good motivational person. If one has Self-confidence and family support, He can come forward in life no matter what problem or any defect comes in his life.


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