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Less Is More

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You get to enjoy your life on how you really look at it ❤ You can either enjoy what you have or expect more. 👀and when are you going to get satisfied? At the end, would you really have time to spend with your loved ones ?? 😕


  1. P.W.S.V. Fernando (209061)
    As I see it, if you want to enjoy life, you have to make time for your dream. In the meantime, they need to spend time with loved ones around them so that they can enjoy life and make their dreams come true. Only then will they feel that they are enjoying life. Don’t think about how long it will take to get to that dream, it is your dream and it should be pursued by no one but you. Time is running out anyway. All we have to do is work.

  2. 209083
    H.M.H.L. Jayarathna.

    We all have a family life and some responsibilities in addition to our job or our target. If we think about only our job or our target, we can miss our enjoy full family life and responsibilities. Sometimes, we will have to spend our lives alone. We should be able to balance our family life, responsibilities, and friendship with our job or education life. If not, we will not be able to do everything incorrectly or to be satisfied. First, we think about our education and we qualified our education or any job opportunity to build up or maintain our life. After we stable society, we can continue our life happily and as enjoy fully. Then, we can help our parents and our friends, spend more time with our family members and friends. If we achieve our target, we will have self-satisfaction about our life. Then we can live life in freedom. Therefore, keep in your mind the first thing we need to do is qualify our qualifications.

  3. The things that I have can make me satisfied. The things that have yet achievements, capital, respect and etc. in the life journey everybody is able to achieve more targets or goals, but I never worry about that the things I’m going to achieve. Because that makes me as not satisfied. So, I always enjoy my life with things that I have with many purpose that I like. But if I will not be achieved those then I don’t worry about it. Because I have enjoyed my life with completing my responsible.

  4. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    I think life is a really short thing. If we didn't plan it well, it will not be enough to fulfill our dreams. Some think that money is the most essential thing to enjoy their life. They think that money can solve every problem. That person is always not satisfied. They are expecting more and more. They will try to collect not only money but also everything in the world. They run through life collecting the object to pierce life, but even if they finally get the object, there will be no time left to enjoy it.
    But there is another type of people. They always enjoy what they have. They think they are luckier than others. They didn't run behind the money. They collect things that they really want. That people didn't wait until old age to enjoy life. They give their valuable life for a good aim. They really have time to spend with their loved ones. I like to become like that person who in the second part. I want to enjoy my full life happily with my loved ones.

  5. 209034
    Every human being leads a very busy life. Because they have to earn money to make a living. So they missed their lifestyle. I mean their parents, lovers, kids, like this. Therefore, it is important for all people to remember that time is irreversible. Therefore, no matter how busy they are, they should keep in mind to live life with their loved ones.

  6. 209052
    DS Ekanayake

    Many of us assume that we need to make drastic changes to our habits, routines and/or bank balances to be happy and enjoy life. Fortunately, that's not the case. Often we already have everything we need to enjoy life it's just a question of prioritizing what's really important.

  7. Ihalavithana I.V.H.M

    Life is a very short thing. No one can live forever. No one knows when or in what way life will end. If we want to live well, we must have a plan. Failure to do so is a hindrance to happiness. In the pursuit of life's dreams, things will be avoided .Otherwise, we must work in a planned manner .Relationships with family should not be avoided .Responsibility must be fulfilled. We must achieve a purpose in life .If everything is balanced, it will be successful.

  8. In now a days most of the people are busy ,Because we can not be satisfied. We cannot satisfied with our food ,cloths we have, the way we live etc. . Even in our academic work we always be unsatisfied . We try and try to get best result ,which is a good thing But very stressful ,worried way to live the best couple of years of a person. In universities most of the students studying hard to get degree with a higher class. There fore students are restless, stressed instead of having a satisfied life in their best times of life. All those hard working is for to get a job ,earn some good money , so that could help us to live a calm satisfied life. But when we reach to that our best ,energetic time is over. In other hand students satisfied with considerable results of their academic work will enjoy the life , be satisfied and get degree .That degree class may be some what lower. But both type of students end up with desire result at the end . The only difference is satisfaction. So forget about the assignments and live with less. It's a wonder full way to live.

  9. Reg No : 209013

    In this world, most of the peoples are living for others. They do it for others happiness. But only few of them are living their life for own happiness. Only they spend time with loved one. Others don't have time for spending at least with family.
    They keep running to achieve their goal. But truth is they won't achieve their goal. They will not be satisfied with their life. They will run entire life. So live your life for yourself. And enjoying your life with loved one.
    All the best..

  10. 209166 Pasindu Rajapakse

    Every one in this world are working for their goals. Sometimes they not consider about the time. They always work. No matter what happens today. They only think about future. I have also big dreams about my life. We have to work on them. But we should live in this moment. Enjoy the present. If we enjoy the present we have good memories in our past. We have to spend time with our loving once. We should do what ever things we like to do. Don't put them in our future list. Do it today. Life is really short, if we didn't spend today happily sometimes tomorrow will be a bad day. I think we should live in the moment.

  11. M.A.MOHAMED ALTHAFF 209241

    This is how I see life in my life as we are going to live for a short time. In which we must use to our advantage. Every need of every age of man will remain the same. We needed a bicycle at a children age, we needed a motorbike at a young age, then we needed a car. Money has become so important that we live our case and fulfill our desire and we keep running and working for it. Whenever we have time to live life with our loved ones we should

  12. 209055

    We all have dreams and goals. We think about future happiness. We don't care our present happiness. We work hard seeking happiness. But actually we sacrifice our happiness for seeking happiness. But we have no guarantee of future happiness so we should enjoy our life in Present.

  13. 209081 Himanshi

    Life is wonderful and the bonds are varied. We have many plans, aims in our life. But we should not forget to enjoy our life with happiness, peace, healthy and productive way. Don't think more about your future work but stay now and work more. Another thing is that we must be satisfied with what we have. It is better than to get upset about what we haven't. Don't think about time, spend it usefully without wasting it. Don't miss living with your family members. Don't get stressed more and work more. According to that reach to plans and enjoy your life happily.

  14. Student Number:- 209089
    Name:- Jayasuriya NJLN

    Enjoy life at all times during the time we are living. Life is a very short thing. Make every moment of our lives fun. Then we can enjoy our life. We also need to make sure that we fulfill our responsibilities in life. We should be happy in a lifetime. But we must also make sure to spend time with our loved ones. Anything more or less changes. We need to change our minds to change. Over time we get older but not younger. Accordingly, try to live with our loved ones and take care of them as much as possible. Make it our duty to make time for them and to spend time with them. Stay with loved ones while living our lives happily.

  15. 209076 Dhanushka

    Life is all about the balancing. If someone can balance his life 50/50 that is the greatest achievement of all. Balance between business life and social life. Sometime it may not be 50/50. it can be 25/75 or even 100%. This depends on the value that you give for this each parts.

    It is good to have plans for the future and follow your dreams, goals, work for your targets but but you should have a limitation a point of satisfaction. You should live your life sustainably.
    Sometimes you have to remind your self that why are you working so hard to achieve that? what after that? Are you satisfied after that?

    It is not bad to having the idea that first setting some certain goals, objectives and after achieve them starting to enjoy the life.
    But the best method I think is that enjoy the life you have now and also at the same time try to achieve you goals and objectives too. Again, balance your life.

    No matter how hard you try, you cannot achieve everything in the world. You have to live your life at fullest but also have to aware of your boundaries. Don't live your whole life as a chaser.
    You should stop for a while. take a break and enjoy the life. Talk with your friends, loved ones ask them about their day. Be with them and share love and compassion. Because those are the things that worth of living.

  16. Dasun Thilina

    Life is very short. Most people think only about what we doing to enjoy their future life and planning how to enjoy their future. They are always following their job or earn money or achieve their target. I am not meaning we do not do that. Yes, we need to do that, but first of all, we need to think about how to spend our present with our loving ones. Because after spending our time only earning money or achieving the target, we lost our present and our subordinates and loved ones. So we need to enjoy our present life because we cannot pull that time again into our life.

  17. 209209
    S. Sharavanapavan

    Everyone has one life. We like to do our life in our own way. We don’t follow anyone. My parents were take here us to become a good personality in our society. When we finished our studies and choose our career. But first we take care our parents and give to us good services to enjoy their moments. Because they are living to us. They met lot of pressure but they satisfied their life. Then we choose our partner and enjoy our life. But we don’t forgot our parents. When we still living, we are giving services and take care them. We love and satisfying our life, it’s give good career to us.

    Thank you.


  18. 209029
    Kalana Lakjith

    Nowadays, everyone leads a very hectic life. Most people go after money but do not seek happiness and mental freedom. You can either enjoy what you have or expect more. If you want more, you have to work hard for it or you have to get used to being happy with what you get. If you can be satisfied with a little happiness, it is a great achievement. Sometimes less is more.

  19. 209161

    There are many externals our society teaches us to chase: success, wealth, fame, power, good looks, romantic love. But are they really the keys to happiness? A prestigious award, a big raise, a fancy new car or losing weight can make us feel great at first, but soon become our new normal. Human beings are quick to adapt to new circumstances, which means that positive things that initially make us happier soon become their new normal and we return to our old happiness baseline.

  20. 209048
    Dissanayake DMHSJ
    Yes, After watching this video, I think peoples want leisure time to spend with their loved ones. We want to balance our work. We have a short life. So in a day, we need to spend, our loved ones. These days we can't spend all our friends and all our relations. Because we faced covid 19 pandemic. But we can get calls and chat with them. I think I can satisfy my life. But I have some goals to achieve. I try to achieve my all goals while enjoining my life.

  21. To enjoy your life, In life, you don't want money to enjoy every moment. But sometimes money can. In the latter part of our life, only left our fondest memories of our enjoyable moments. so to get enjoy life, to me spend time with my friends and my parents make me happy. too many dreams can be lost someone's happiness. so live the moment when you enjoy your life. to enjoy, do whatever you want. but keep in mind to do good things in your life. If you enjoy every small thing you do, it's the best thing in your life. if you live your life with balancing your responsibilities, it can be a huge effect to success your life.

  22. Name: A.M.A.Shanuka
    Reg. No: 209207

    Life goes on with a responsible and busy life. As time goes on, responsibilities increase and time for oneself progresses. Looking back, it seems that we did nothing for himself and our happiness. So one should plan first and then succeed and do everything for one's own happiness so that there is no regret in the future.

  23. Name: WMLB Weerasekara
    Registration No: 209225

    Our lives are amazing. It is sometimes beautiful and sometimes sad. Sometimes these are more or less the same. That is, it depends on how the person looks at it. It is up to us whether we truly enjoy the happiness we have or whether we hope for more. But, we really run throughout life, running to the end. But if we really ask ourselves, we may not know what we are really running for. That is when we expect more work to the extent we have, we run endlessly. Then we will miss a lot Perhaps, we will miss the happiness that is closest to us. Then, we will miss our loved ones, friends, and life. Try to live life with your friends, loved ones, and yourself. Stop running for a day or so and spend loved ones with you. Then we will be able to be satisfied. Then you will see the end of this life.

  24. some people say that less is more but I think more is more.

  25. M.Risath

    here I feel, in this modern world, we all have an idea about how to earn a lot of money and who is the first one to have a lot of money, who is the owner of the lot properties. at the time we lose our happiness and valuable lifetime. but all of us have a goal. we have to work to achieve that. at the same time have to enjoy our life with nature. and need to spend time for our valuable person. I try to live my life like this and hope that .

  26. As I think, if we want to enjoy our life, we have to make sacrifices for our own dream or achievements. We are like to spend more time with our loving people. That's why in present time, we have to work hard and save our time to stay with others. In that way, we would have to spend more time and don't think about how long it will take to get to that dream. Keep in mind, time is running fast. So, we should be able to achieve dreams at the correct time.

  27. Name: Nadeesha Vithanage
    Index No:209221

    When we live in this world, we have to earn things for ourselves. The present time is not like the past. The past was very beautiful.

    In the past, people lived happily. Because they lived at the minimum level with minimum needs, They did not go after money. So they spent lots of time with their family. They spent some of their time on their health. So they lived healthily with their family.

    But in the present, that situation is changed. Maybe because it will be their lifestyle, educational level, family background or current situation in the country. Some people have a lot of money, but some do not. But people run after money. In Sri Lanka, lots of people's lifestyles are in the morning when they have to go to their jobs, come home, and do the same things the next day. But most people don't receive a satisfactory salary. So they work for promotions and do part-time jobs. So they don't have time to live with family members. They don't have mental or physical freedom. So they get sick. They pay loans from their small salary. So it causes family issues. Because people are not satisfyingly with what they have. They want to do what others do. So they can't develop.

    Some people don't have money, but they live happily with family. If they don't have money, food, or clothes, but they have a smile to give others. If we can be satisfied with what we receive, we can save time and our health. Then we can spend time with our family very happily. And spend time with your loved ones. Then you can die satisfied.

    Thank You!

  28. 209097
    HSU Karunarathna
    The environment in which we live has an amazingly competitive lifestyle. Nowadays man has a lifestyle of chasing after money. In fact, the main reason is the tax issues in the country. But if not, will man stop chasing money? I do not think so. Everyone tries to do what outsiders do. So never satisfied. Let's just say it doesn't matter. But no matter what job you are in, make your loved ones your number one priority.

  29. 209230- S.M.K.V.Wijerathne

    Life is very short, therefore we should do all of the things within this limited period but unfortunately, most of us spend this limited time only earning money. I really accept, we need money to spend our life happily but if we devote our life only to money, it is stupid. Because without enjoying our life, why do we need money? As I think we should spend balanced life. We should earn money and also we should enjoy our life with our loving.

  30. 209003
    R.D.M.L. Aberathna
    It is true we need a balanced life. If we run after money all the time we will loose many things in our life. It does not matter for death how much we have earn or spend. According to our religion only the consequences of what we have done within the time we live will follow us after the death. We will be more happy when we are with our loved ones not time when are earning money. There will be no ATM machines in our grave yard to take money when we are dead so it is better to stay with our loved ones when we are earning not necessary money.

  31. MYU Madushankha
    The fact that we live in this world means that there are many loved ones associated with us. But in our busy country, we will not have time to be with our loved ones. But we must make time for our loved ones. Thus, by relaxing and spending time happily talking to our loved ones, our monotonous life can be emotionally satisfying. Somehow we have to spend time with loved ones whenever we can not live alone in the world.

  32. S.N.C.O Akalanka
    Reg No - 209184

    According to this video life is very short thing. While living in this short life we have to achieve more things. Dreams and goals are the main things of that. Achieving those dreams and goals make our life happy and also these things give us more experiences to our life's,

  33. 209038
    Sithara Embuldeniya

    In our life, we chase something that never going to be enough for us. power, money, will, status are the things we're chasing for. but can we find happiness from those things? there can be people who have plenty of money but don't have happiness. while there can be someone who has a very small amount of money and lives the happiest life. all these depend on how we take things. you can go by bus to travel and also you can go by Mercedes Benz to travel. it all depends on the person. After all, we do all these things to eat our three meals. In the end, all the struggle is for food. we have to expect less from others and live the moment. fighting to be the best of the best is sometimes can be stressful. we have to live the life we love and love the life we live.


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