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Power !!

 Listen to the following song and read the lyrics carefully. 

Tell us what is the power behind you?

What do you believe in?


  1. We would like to do things with power. Because power is helping to support difficult situations. Every person has power. For example, this power may be the educational side, political side, job-related side, or something. Unfortunately, in current society people cannot identify their own power. Because some people have power but they don't know how to handle it. It is a bad situation as a human. During the life circle, we have to face bad things. And also sometimes we have to lose and down with our business, education or something. In those situations, we should be able to apply our power. Because if we can identify our own power, then we can do a lot of things without any doubts. As well when we use our power, don't keep any hesitates for the works. So, we will be able to keep our confidence and do any works with the power.

  2. I always try to believe in myself. But It does not mean that I am not trusting anybody. That means if someone tells me something, even if it is correct, I do not take it as that person says. I will not rely on him and find out whether he is telling the truth or not. If there is any power behind me, that could be the power of imagination. Sometimes this imagination helps me to think of something new. But most of the time, I imagine beyond the limit and think about unreal things. That imagination wastes most of my valuable time.

  3. I always think about all over the area the can be influenced by my next step. My step is not flexible, because usually I’m not going to change my decisions quickly. I know some detail about the situation that I’m in. I believe myself strongly. That is the power behind me.

  4. 209038
    Sithara Embuldeniya
    Our life is full of ups and downs. we have to face heart breakings, financial losses, educational failures, and many more downs in our journey. but we have to find even one single thing to stay in our journey. to fight till the last. our life is one chance offer to live the happiest life we ever wanted. so we have to be happy. we have to empower ourselves. only we can do it. we can get motivated by people. but we can't get the strength to do it from other people. we have that strength in our self. we just have to find it and apply it to be a success.

  5. 209060
    Mahen Fernando

    I've forgiven my mistakes
    I'm living my truth,
    It’s what I choose

    Truth its depend with our experience. Truth right or wrong its our choose. so no one can judge our truth. every time we doing anything bad or good People judge you there angel but they don’t know full story so I think we wont get their judgement . do right thing about what your heart say.

  6. 209203

    The more obstacles to life, the more experience. A river never stops in the face of obstacles and somehow achieves its ultimate goal. Also, there are various obstacles and problems in our life that we have to face successfully in the face of the question paper called Life, or it is difficult to live in this world. People can always face various challenges and there are times when they are happy in the face of our defeat. Experience all this and live happily.

  7. Althaff 209241

    This song is extremely moving in a variety of ways. I have struggled with anxiety and depression since I was a child. Ihave been on medication my entire life. Anxiety is defined as the fear of not knowing what will happen next. There are both good and bad days. I used to be so afraid to live my life, but with music like this, I am learning more and more each day to not worry or be afraid. I have been homeless, jobless, and without friends several times in my life. I learned to overcome my fears, and I am seeing how wonderful life can be. Nowadays, I am able to transform my fear and worry into hope and happiness.

  8. 209206

    Everyone has a power behind them. Therefore me also have a power. I never give up and retreat anything anywhere, that's the power of mine. Because in every situation I have a strong hope on myself and the almighty God so, I can do my every works perfectly.

  9. 209139

    Our lives are full of troubles and tragedies. we have to deal with heartbreak, financial loss, academic failure, and many other irregularities in our journey. but we have to find even one thing in order to stay on our journey. fight to the end. our life is one opportunity to live the happiest life we ​​have ever wanted. so we should be happy. we must empower ourselves. only we can do it. we can be encouraged by people. but we cannot find the strength to do it in other people. we have that power in ourselves. we just have to find it and use it to be successful.

  10. Name-Madusha pramod

    Laughter and silence are two powerful tools in everyday life. Laughter is the way to solve many problems and silence is the way to avoid many problems. The best thing we do when we have a problem in life is to face them. The most important thing you will ever do in this life is to forgive yourself for choices that did not happen the way you expected. We can feel sadness, anger and grief but more importantly learn these lessons in life and move on. We have a lot to learn from every setback and if you act boldly you will gain new respect. Only we can do this for ourselves. Facing what you fear most is the biggest challenge of your life. We have a lot to learn in life, but what I have learned is that every lesson leads you to blessings. Life is changing so be careful and strong in everything and that is the biggest lesson. The greatest strength I have, it is the self-confidence

  11. Name: A.M.A.Shanuka
    Reg. No: 209207

    We have to believe that our abilities happen according to the opportunity we choose. We can use our strength to face the challenges of the day. Furthermore, we must learn new things from the challenges we feel. That way, we can identify our strengths. We need to identify our weaknesses and turn them into strengths. It's important to our lives. They must always believe in their own strengths.

  12. 209122 - Madhusha
    As human beings, we have to face various hardships while living on this earth. No one can stop the flow of your life if you have the strength to face those tribulations mentally and physically.

  13. Student Number: - 209089
    Name: - Jayasuriya NJLN

    Anyone in the world has any power. Some of it has been recognized by some. But some have not been able to recognize their own powers. Powers can include political power or powers of parental employment or superpowers or other powers. Some use some of these powers justly and some unjustly. In some cases, political power is used to exploit others. But that political power can be used justly. Therefore, any power can be exercised for the justice of the other.

    The power behind me is that my mother is with me. I do not feel sad or lonely when she is with me. I am not afraid of anything when she's around. I also believe in our abilities and talents as powers. Therefore we can use our abilities as powers. I really believe in our abilities as powers.

  14. Srimal Hapuarachchi

    Believing in you is one of the first steps to success. If you don’t have confidence in yourself, it will be difficult to succeed in anything.

    Self belief is the point at which everything begins and without it, it is difficult to succeed. To do better for yourself, you must believe in yourself that you can succeed at what you are planning to do and that you are worthy of that success. Always think positive because negative talks kill your opportunities and create doubt in your capableness than It seems Like an impossible goal to begin believing in yourself so it's necessary to believe in yourself to overcome your doubt and disbelief in yourself.

  15. 209081

    Power is motivation to encourage to do something. Everyone has power behind themselves. But most people cannot identify their powers. That reason, influence to occur failure of the life. According to that, we can say "the task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.” We must be able to identify our powers and use them in the necessary places. We need to use our power to enhance our day to day life activities. We should believe in our self-confidence and our parents support. Such as also parents give huge power to us to make our life in the correct way. Like this, we should be able to use our power to do good things and miss shortcomings. It will more effectively build a good image for our life. According to that, we will try to skip the failures in our life through our behind power.

  16. Chathura Lakshan

    Not all people are the same. Some of the people we meet are poor, some are rich. In our life journey we face heartaches, financial losses, and many more setbacks. But we must not give up. The life we ​​have is one of the happiest moments of our lives. So we should be happy. We need to keep encouraging ourselves. Only we can do that. We have that energy within us. All we have to do is find it and apply it to succeed.

  17. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    From the moment we are born, we face many challenges in life. Decisions made in the face of challenges may or may not be correct. Avoiding the difficulties of making the wrong decisions and making the right decisions will help a lot in overcoming the challenges. Every wrong decision has a profound effect on the decisions that are made in the future. We must remain steadfast and strong in the face of challenges. Do not hesitate. We must successfully overcome the obstacles that come in the way of challenges. Then you can have a successful life.

  18. Name: Nadeesha Vithanage
    Index: 209221

    We all have power behind us. Maybe a religious or religious leader, parents, family, love, confidence, experiences in the past, education, or any other power. Those powers behind us, power us. Regardless of our problems, we should keep a beautiful smile on our faces. When we live with a smile, our enemies cannot find a chance to attack us. My power is my family. They always help me by standing behind me. I believe in family love because, though all the world leaves us alone, the family never leaves us alone.

    Some people believe in their religion very hard. Their faith in their religion gives them strength. The experience is a very powerful thing. Because experience saves us from the bad experiences that we have faced. And also, if we have confidence, we can do everything that we want. Because it powers us from the bottom of our hearts. If we do have no money today, we can achieve better things through education. Maybe someone's power will be money or political power.

    Some people use their money and political power to do the worst things. But we should use all the power behind us for good things, for others to smile. Then our lives will be much better.

    Thank you!

  19. 209083
    H.M.H.L Jayarathna

    I believe in the power of honesty in being and truthful. And also, I believe saying what you mean and meaning what you say being honest and truthful helps me to achieve my goals successfully. Many people are truthful about everything but some are not. If I work with honesty, in my exams I wrote answers honestly because of it I had passed my exams greatly. So, I believe in power honest, and being truthful behind me.

  20. 209077 - zahirul

    in this life, we will face a lot of problems, failures, betrayal, Hostility and Challenges. but We should not be afraid to look at it. Nothing can be achieved in our lives from being cowardly for fear of problems and challenges. You have to face those challenges and make the necessary efforts to succeed in life.

  21. YHGPN Bandara

    We can define power with a lot of positive things in our life. Our knowledge, our talents, our dreams, Good friends, etc. are our powers. We have to face some difficulties in our life journey. But we don't fear it. Because we can use our powers to solve our problems correctly. Then we can succeed in our life journey.

  22. Name :- W.M ..Ayodya Gimhan Weerasekara
    Reg no :- 209224
    Group :-B

    this song gives a very unique idea to our life. that is when a challenge or difficult situation become in our life, we should not give up it. we want to face that challenge in the right way. we should not fear them. we want to brave and identify what we can do, what is my inner powers or ability etc. in our life we do some mistakes Unknowingly. then do not hide that one. we want to identify and correct it. always try to be a truthful person in your entire life. then people respect you and then we can easy to defeat the challenges

  23. 209162
    M.S.P.P.R. Priyadarshana

    Life is a journey that starts from birth and ends up with death. During these two incident, people have to face many challenges. Every incident that people meet in their life is a challenge. Therefore, people have to face them bravely and powerfully without laziness. People have to learn from their mistakes and be careful not to repeat those mistakes. To do this people has to motivate by them self. People have that strength with their. They have to find it and apply it to the life to be a success people.

  24. 209052
    DS Ekanayake

    Believe in yourself. it is to believe that the body is simply preparing you to meet the challenge! The key message here is believe in yourself. Learning how to recognize when your self-talk takes a turn for the worse is crucial. Self belief is the point at which everything begins and without it, it is difficult to succeed. To do better for yourself, you must believe in yourself that you can succeed at what you are planning to do and that you are worthy for that success.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. 209048
    Dissanayake DMHSJ
    I always belive myself. I trust myself more than anyone else. But I trust others too. We can learn life from the people and problems we encounter on a daily basis. Sometimes it can be mentally as well as physically distressing. But it is easier to face those problems based on the confidence I have in myself.

  27. 209167

    Power can be seen in two ways, metal power or physical power. Either way power can make someone do anything they desire. To live our life the way we want, we have to do things that are not easily be done. We have to get it done by ourselves so we can march toward the path of living a happy life. But doing things are not always easy. We need power, courage to do them. Fear is something that gets in the way of our hard work. Fear can make us weak, discourage and lazy. But we have to remember this, ‘where there is fear, there is power.’ Power comes within the fear. Its fine to be afraid but we have to overcome our fear by the power of it. When that happen you can even move a mountain. Being fearless is the best tool someone can achieve.

  28. 209066
    Janitha Gimhara

    We spend our life span with various kinds of experiences. We have to face challenges, make decisions, work on targets like that. We are learning from them. To work with them, we should have power. Otherwise, we may not be a success. To me, my power is believing in myself. We all must develop good confidence. We are still aging our young life. We may have failed on some things, or taken wrong decisions. That’s because still we are young. Sometimes, I also facing to them. I am learning from them. Then I’m developing my confidence. If we are believing in ourselves, we can do anything with a good plan. I don’t live the way that others want. I have the power to think about what should I do or not.

  29. Name: WMLB Weerasekara
    Registration No: 209225

    Everyone has power behind themselves. But many do not recognize their power. Many of them also recognize their power. Sometimes this power will help us to face the problems that come in life as well. If we correctly identify the hidden power behind us, we will be able to do things easily. But finding the power within us is also a challenge. Sometimes people will have to face a lot of trouble due to misuse of the power within them. Sometimes we are reluctant to do difficult things, but the power within us will motivate us to do it. At the height of wealth and social acceptance, some people think that is power. In fact, I see that says our blindness. Because if we believe in such that as power, we will miss a lot of things. Everyone has different powers. What we really need to find is the true power within ourselves. Then we will be able to move towards success in life.

  30. 209119

    The power behind me is my family and friends. But they don't define me...
    What I believe in is myself.
    I would love to differ, and not be boisterous about myself, but that is what it is. But it there aren't many things within me. Actually there is only one thing I'm really proud of, one thing I believe in, one thing I know my real power is. It is my flexibility. I'm so flexible I can adapt to any situation. I'm so flexible that I know my mistakes when I make them. I'm so flexible that I know how to forgive my mistakes. And that is what I believe in.

  31. 209230 - SMKV Wijerathne

    Everyone has the power behind them to succeed in their lives. But most of them didn't understand their power. when we understand the power that is behind us, we can use it for our success. As I feel the power behind me is trust. I always trust myself. When I feel I can do it, I always try to do it Because when I have trust in myself I definitely know I can be sucsses. So I believe, when everyone trusts themselves everyone can be successful.


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