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Life is fading...... but do not let the enthusiasm fail until the end.

How do you feel about the story? 

How can we give energy to the senior citizens who also once had their moment of glory?

How can we help them to live happily and with pride? 

Please leave your message below..



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 209052
    DS Ekanayake

    What is the best way get more energy for seniors?
    Plus, walking is an easy and low impact exercise that virtually any senior can do. if your elderly loved one is looking for an additional boost they can try swimming. aerobics or even dancing. A strong, fast - acting metabolism means more energy and there is no better way to boost the metabolism than through exercise.

    7 ways them to live happily and with pride
    1. Prioritize Family And Friends
    2. Keep Smiling
    3. Discover New Interests
    4. Stay Healthy
    5. Maintain A Sense Of Humor
    6. Go Outside Every Day
    7. Give Back To The Community

  3. 209169
    N.V. Rajarathne
    Elephant in this story was very powerful , very obedient, and very skilful. This elephant was gave many helps to the king. The king do not forget Gratitude to the elephant.
    Therefore this king and elephant are great attituded persons. we are always want trying to be a good attituded persons. some time some people help to us. our responsibility is always help to those people. It is great human attitude.

  4. 209123
    wmp madushan
    Our senior citizens have done a great service in their youth but as they get older they cannot do so.Some people have made great sacrifices for future generations in the past,
    He did not think of them but of future generations.Therefore, it is our duty to give them due respect

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 209134

    This video sets a valuable example for us adults as well. Everything we do helps our mental strength and attitude. If we have good attitudes and mental strength, there is nothing we cannot do. As the elephant got older, it was not as strong as it had been in its youth, but due to the old strength it felt due to the war drumming, it was able to get out of the mud alone. The older generation can also be helped by stimulating those memories, even if they are overwhelmed by the fading mentality of youth. It is my opinion that it will change their mindset and help them to live happily.

  7. At fails getting shocked is mainly affect to the making worry and make angrier. But until the finish, there can be a chance to change the situation. It makes an unexpected and so interesting cheerful end. But many people lose confidence and accept loss before the end. To avoid this feeling and this behavior should keep a strong vision and target.
    At reaching the end don’t fail the enthusiasm till the end. Because there are many examples to confirm that there are many chances to change the whole situation and make it successful as a legend. Your confidence is mainly caused to this situation.

  8. 209102 Hashan

    After watching this video, I realized we have to feel the love, joy, happiness until the end of life. We should keep the enthusiasm until the end. We shouldn’t let despair dominate our mindset. Also, we can give energy to senior citizens who also once had their moment of glory by infusing enthusiasm within themselves, admiring their service, by letting them feel they still can do something. We can let them know that life still doesn’t over, they can still enjoy the life and feel the happiness. We should let them that they are not forgotten or not alone. We should let them know that we are with them.

  9. 209122 – PPK Madusha
    Life is a short. We cannot prevent aging. As people get older, they have to move away from a lot of things. People think that these old people can do nothing. What we need to see is not rotten bodies but a person with a lot of experience. People can do more with mental strength than physical strength. His mental strength increases with age so they can do anything but we have to know how to motivation them.

  10. 209037 - D.Dinuka Sanjana Madhumal Group A

    The time is going . Everybody, everything is going to old. But some people in the world already have proofed that age is only a number . So some people are thinking negatively with that is going to age . So in that video that elephant hadn't given his full performance to come out of the mud . In this case completely understood about elephant by king's advisor . He tried to motivate elephant .The he used a very intelligent technique for that. He tried to to remind his power of the war to elephant .Then he played war drums to listen to elephant . Drum sound was listened by elephant , after he use his fully performance to come out of the mud . Finally he came out . We have many things to take to our life . Everybody powerful in their young time . After they coming to old they lost that . If we can remind them about who are them , they will thing like that elephant in the story . Never Give Up .

  11. There are three stages in our lives: childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. At a young age, we live freely at the behest of our parents and teachers and tend to grow rapidly. At a young age, one's physical strength increases and this is a time when one can work very hard. But no one in old age You have no order, no physical strength, no freedom. This saying is the same for all human beings in the world. Our parents teach their children the right way in life. This is common to you and me. It is our duty and responsibility as young people to respect and help our parents, teachers and all adults in this society. Because as we get older we also get that mental level.

  12. 209034-Chathuranga GDJ

    I think around the world have lots of senior citizens. I mean like our grandmothers, grandfathers. They have very big knowledge about persons also many other things. The old retired man of the above video clip shows that very clearly. Therefore I think we should respect them. Sometimes, they haven't a memory of their youngest lifestyle and that time how they spend their time and how many powerful. Therefore I think that time we should motivate them and remind their previous. Then they feel that they are strong and that what they can do is not the same as before but to some extent. It is shown by the elephant trapped in the mud in this video. As well, another important part shows that video. That is, we should keep our mind, about after completing our works using them that we must work to take care of those who have helped us.

  13. Name: A.M.A.Shanuka
    Reg. No: 209207

    By increasing the strength of his heart more than the strength of his body, the elephant gained maximum strength and saved his life by trying. As a person gets older, his physical strength decreases. But no one loses the strength of heart. As a person gets older, that endurance will increase. By further encouraging these people, they can increase their contribution to the society and the country with their energy. The knowledge of the elderly can create new things for the society by contributing to the society. Therefore, they should not be weakened by old age but should be motivated that they can do it.

  14. 209167 Malsha

    Every one of us likes to do everything that make us happy and excite even if we are at very young age or the last period of our life. People do what they want when they are young. In their young age everyone is physically and mentally strong, ambitious and brave. But when the time passes and become old they will lack physical ability and body will get weak. Even though their body gets weak their soul is same as ever. Only thing is they can’t do what they did when they were young. Despite their weak body they would to anything if they get it to heart. Only thing they need is courage. As the young generation we have to support them, courage them so they can live their life with full of joy.

  15. Malinga Sandaruwan.

    Enthusiasm is some kind of motivation in our life and which can change our mindset and the way that we are going. the elder citizens have done great service to society who always think that their last days of life are very difficult. It doesn’t have to be that way. If we can make an enthusiasm in their mind, it’s due to clear their mind from this kind of bad thoughts.
    Speaking with the lovely, doing some activities, utilization their experience, Pointing out other dimensions of life are some functions that we can do for exciting them.
    Happiness is one of the priceless things in our life and that is essential in our life too. happiness is born by enthusiasm too.

  16. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    The enthusiasm is one of the powerful weapons we have. If we had enthusiasm, we can face for any challenge. Young people always full with enthusiasm. Therefore, they see any task simply. Time isn't stop for anyone. Life also go forward with the time. Anyone can't stop it.
    Over time, energetic youth become old. At the same time, society ignore senior citizen's glory. Society forget that youthful enthusiasm is always hidden in senior citizens. If we appreciate their value, we can keep them happily and with pride. Also, I think, their hidden enthusiasm will help to young generation for build a powerful future. As the story, get old isn't a reason to underestimate anyone. Old people have always more experience than young people.
    In this time, we face for a dangerous enemy called as covid-19. If we get young and old enthusiasm together for this war, that enemy will be an easy target to win.

  17. 209150

    It is a very meaningful story. Many people gain respect for their energy and enthusiasm at young age.
    But as they get older , that enthusiasm in their hearts fades. They should not be allowed to lose
    their enthusiasm as they grow older. Because they should be honored for their services as long as they live.
    We can organize some activities for them that remind them of their past. They may also be excited
    about meeting their old friends. Remembering their youth makes them happy and pride. Senior citizens
    can spend their old age productively by developing enthusiasm.

  18. 209076 Dhanushka

    In these days people are having tough time with this pandemic situation and with the workload and the stress make the people go angry. They are like that elephant who stuck in the mud. Like that elephant with a small appreciation or consideration or with love people can be happy with their life's even in these days.
    I agree sometimes we won't agree with our parents or elders decision in some cases. We question there decisions and we simply ignore them. But there talking with the experience they had and with a vision. Most of the time they are correct because there so wise. But people don't appreciate them enough. They live their life and experience so mush things therefore it's our duty to appreciate them, listening to them and treat them honorably.

  19. The story actually is telling us how the elephant gets his strength to pull out from the mud, In fact it is the enthusiasm and motivation that he had before on the battlefield then the minister only got out the motivation of the elephant and the elephant came out involuntarily . How ever the point is we can do the same to our senior citizen. How do we do it ?. in fact like the minister did we can motivate our senior citizens and encourage them by what they did early. how they did it and get the enthusiasm which has hidden inside them because they had the courage and all.
    Apart from that how we help them live happily and pride of course we can keep search about them and their health. Further we can live them very freely without forcing them or assigning them works and also make community that discuss their own things share desire things with their own age addition keep their face smiley. consequently we have to take care of them as good as we can.

  20. It is a well-known fact that we all will become old with time but Even our body is fade and failing to do things as usual as our younger age, we should keep in our mind to not let the enthusiasm fail until the end. If not we will lose ​everything.

  21. As a result of this story, I think we can get the most valuable facts for our lives. As I mentioned that because enthusiasm is one of the important parts of our day-to-day life. We all know we have to face challenging times inflowing of our life circle. In those cases, we should have to influence enthusiasm in ourselves. We maintain enthusiasm in our life, the human must maintain. When we can approach enthusiasm in our lives, it gives purposeful thinking and mindset as the advantages. We don't let despair dominate in challenging opportunities. So we always should be able to infuse enthusiasm in every challenging time. Then we can achieve our goals & reach our targets. Finally, there is a lot of good happening guys we should have to see in society and we keep in mind let's be grateful for all that.

  22. 209203

    I think nursing homes in our world today are made because they do not respect the elderly. But animals in the animal kingdom help us when they can and become helpless as they age. The video shows the elephant being physically weak, but his mind is strong despite his aging body due to his self-confidence.
    Humans as well as animals should be given the respect they deserve as they get older and their service should be appreciated.

  23. 209188

    In that story . This video tell to us the senior man is very tallented person .Because He has various experiences in life . seniors mans can solove the problem very quickly and fastly .in that story senior minister spoke about process of retrieving the elephant .after heared drum sound.the elephant was started get up.The elephant hasn't strength but he have Maturity and self confidence therefore he got up . The story most valuable for us. . If we do the any things ,we should get advise from our adults. Then we can do it very well.

  24. I think it is talking about pleasure of life. The poor people think about they do not have pleasure
    because they do not have money.The reach mans think they do not have pleasure because they
    are money. All people in the world will be older.The some of older people are thinking about they
    are moment of glory in past. we will give energy them via we are talking them and play some games.

  25. There comes that moment in all of our lives when we feel like completely giving up when nothing seems to go the way we planned, and the future looks bleak at best. In times like these, we cannot help but feel that there can no reason to keep on trying; after all, what is the point in working on something when you know it is going to be futile in the end? But to be fair, it is never a good idea to just give up, not until you have given your best into the situation.
    If you give up after your first failure, you will know what you did wrong, but you will never learn the right way to do things. There will be multiple setbacks on the way, and if you give up every time you encounter a roadblock, it will be impossible to ever achieve anything. So, you must keep trying in order to make it in the end, and the taste of success will be even sweeter. We live in a fairly competitive world, which means that every time we let go of our dreams, someone else makes them their own. A million people are chasing the same dream all their lives, and if you don’t keep trying, somebody else will be living your dream, and you will spend the rest of your life mired in regret and jealousy. Giving up is not an option if you have to stay ahead in the race.

    7 reasons why it is important to never give up
    • Success might take longer-
    • You are satisfied
    • Learn from your mistakes
    • The end of the line
    • It’s a competitive world
    • Self-improvement
    • More self-reliant

  26. Name -Madusha pramod
    Reg .No-209157

    We all know that even when a person is old, his experience, memory and skills are not going to old. All we have to do is give the right person the right place at the right time.The people who is powerful a creature in the past, as they get older, they face physical and mentalproblems.Not only people but also all animal also same. It is well understood when watching this video. So in my opinion, even if you are old, do not think that you are weak and do not think that you are weak even when the young community has mental problems.

  27. 209186 Banuka
    Enthusiasm is made from our minds. If we feel we are old, and we feel that we can't do anything and now we have to retire that is a big mistake what we will have done. Enthusiasm hasn't limit. I have seen that so many old men riding bicycles like kids. If there will be any public work most of the time old men come first. That is the enthusiasm. They are satisfied with that works. It makes them happy. Enthusiasm is part of the key to succeeding in our lives.

  28. Student Number:- 209089
    Name:- Jayasuriya NJLN

    There is no certainty about our lives. Can live in the moment. But by the next moment, this life may be lost. Over time, we are getting older.

    We must do all we can when we are young. Also, the relevant work should be done according to the relevant age. Youth work should be done in youth and relevant work in old age. But at any age, all work should be done with joy.

    As young people, we must make the most of our youth. The work that is done must be done with energy and attention. And as young people, we need to help others. We must retain the energy we have brought with us even when life has faded.

    Senior citizens should be respected. Because one day we too will be senior citizens. We can live young lives by listening to and respecting senior citizens, empowering them and making them happy.

  29. janidu r mahawedage

    past citizens have done a great service in their youth but as they get older they cannot do so. Some people have made great sacrifices for future generations in the past,
    He did not think of them but of future generations. Therefore, it is our duty to give them due respect, protect all thing for our future.

  30. 209209
    S. Sharavanapavan

    This story is very important in our life. Everyone is facing the difficult situation. But we think about how we solve the problem? We don’t stand the problem. Everyone has good skill. When they face difficult situation we do our best skill, it is help to solve the problem. We always think about our situation in our brain, don’t follow mindset.

    Thank you.

  31. 209246
    Udara Ayomal

    Our lifespan is very short. We add a lot to our lives during the time we live. As a person gets older, his or her experience increases. But young people think they are weak. They are weak in body, but they are strong in mind and experience. We have a lot to learn from them. So we have to listen to what they have to say. We must never abandon them. Therefore, we must take care of these resources.

  32. Every body have their moments of glory in their life time. Usually the glories moments of some one happens in their younger age. But when the time passes by humans become older and get weak. Then they cannot do things energetically as they done before. There for some times our elders lost their enthusiasm little bit. This will lead them to situations like the old elephant stuck in the lake. They will seek help from others instead of doing some thing by them selves . But if we give some little motivation to them or pull the trigger little bit ,then they will work like they done before in their glories moments. They will unable do it physically but they will be strong in mentally .We can also learn by them when we give the elder citizens some energy.

  33. 209147-Kaweesha

    We can understand something by watching this video. That is, everyone is going to old someday. But love does not old. King is a good example when it comes to love. Many seek help when they need it and give it up in old age. But this king did not forget that the elephant that helped him the war was old. Even though the elephant was getting old, elephant was able to get out of the mud because of the strength of it's heart. As well as nowadays everyone is getting old. But getting old, there is nothing impossible if you have the strength of heart.

  34. R.D.M.L Aberathna
    Usually we do our day today work even we are very tired of doing things. Some give up their work because their always negative minded. I think If we stay in positive minded we can do things even they were hard. If we have got enthusiasm we can easily get positive minded.
    We can motivate our senior citizens who have got tired by this hard times by telling them about how did they work in the past and work with them to walk to future. We can remind them what they had done to our country and be happy with that. Staying healthy is a main reason to be happy.

  35. 209032 Sudesh

    They may be old today, but in the past they may have been men of the age. that is the nature of the time. we can not stop it. but they will do the best they can for us, for the future. they may have sacrificed what they have for the success for others. it is our duty and responsibility to help them live with dignity as they grow older and to give them the respect they deserve.

  36. 209101

    As a person gets older, he or she loses the ability and energy that they had when they were young.But thoughts are not like that. If thoughts are strong, sometimes it is more important than physical strength.Someone who was a great strength to us in his youth becomes weak in old age.His energy decreases.Then we should not isolate him .We can not give him physical strength but we can increase his mental strength.we can motivate him and remind him of his past abilities and strengthen him.

  37. 209129 Ishan

    This story is very motivational story. Because enthusiasm can change our attitudes and feelings. Also it motivates the people. We spend different stages in our lives. At a young age we are physically strong. We have the strength to do anything. But everything in this world is changing. So we are getting old too. The physical strength we had when we were young is decreasing little by little. So we cannot do many things alone. We need the help of others. Therefore we need to help and respect the elderly because we know this is the real.

  38. 209166
    Pasindu Rajapakse

    After watching this story, I got some nice abilities to my life. We can perform very well sometimes but at the one point we can get fail. We can get old our energy level is going down. After happening all these things our metal health can also going down. In these situations, we have to motivate ourselves, we should help those who fail, help them to motivate their own life to felt their not weak and their still strong enough to do what ever they want.

  39. 209146 - Sanoj

    Age is not a factor that affects our actions. If you have the courage, you will understand that age is just a number. When you fail to do something, it is foolish to set it aside as if it were due to age. No matter how old you are, if you have the courage of your heart, nothing is impossible.

  40. 209199-Dinitha

    As the story enthusiasm is a very powerful and effective feeling for our mind. Before this elephant couldn’t come out from the mud but when people enthusiasm him he could succeed in his goal. All the war battle, in a cricket match, trough out the marathon we can all the people enthusiasm for other or itself. We need the enthusiasm to get our morals and the power of the body. So that we can achieve our goals with other's enthusiasm easily.

  41. Time is running out. And we are getting older. We can't stop it. Senior citizens are those over 60 years of age. What you do when you are young is hard to do as you get older. But some senior citizen are still doing what they did when they were young. The reason is that they have the courage and enthusiasm to do that. But many senior citizens find it difficult to do what they want. As young people we need to motivate them. we need to create excitement in their minds. we need to make up their minds. we need to give them love and kindness. Then they can do anything and they can get their happiness. we need to help them as we can to reach their happiness.

  42. chathura (209261)
    Every person goes through three stages in their lifetime. There are childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. At childhood and young age, our physical strength increases. But in old age, they have no physical strength. Aging is something we all have in common. It is our duty and responsibility as young people to respect and help all adults in this society.

  43. 209237 Ravindu

    This is a very enthusiastic and wonderful story. That elephant was very powerful and strong but the king was thinking that elephant couldn't be go to the battlefield anymore because that elephant getting old. But that elephant still remain his fighting skills and enthusiasm. That elephant only wanted a motivation to get rid of that mud. Because of the battle drum’s sound that elephant got enthusiasm.
    As human beings we can get a good motivation idea about that story. There have already senior citizens like that elephant they only want a good motivation to live happily and with pride. All of them must have a situation like this. We can identify or we can ask what did you do in your younger age and after that we can give them them to an enthusiasm. So that they can think about what they did in their younger age and that could be a very good things to the whole world. Therefore they can think about like that and they can live happily.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. 209083

    The story gives valuable things to all. It says we all need to infuse enthusiasm in ourselves and the people around us. With it, we can do anything easily. By cheering for him, then he can get happiness and joy. By treating them in good manners, always be happy with them, give love and caring for them, always said we Are proud of you. Sometimes we have to face the unfortunate situations. We will not try to get rid of it. The people around us grow our mental strength. Therefore, we can face and win our journey.

  46. 209081 Himanshi

    This life can be described as one of the stays of our life journey. We know that day by day life is fading. But you have to be enthusiastic until the last minute. Degeneration of physical strength should not be without mental strength. Life should be built with good attitudes and set an example for others. No matter how many obstacles come, they must be faced with enthusiasm and perseverance. It is our responsibility to create a successful future with a vision of success. The elephant that leads the front in a war will not back down no matter how bitter the challenges. Let us strive to win life by following health and safety measures in the face of epidemics. Let us work so diligently and diligently until the last moment of life and successfully lead a happy life. It gives us a happy and exciting life and a successful ending.


  47. UGDT.Sandaruwan

    Many seniors live with us who have brought fame to the village, the city, the country and the whole society.Of course, there are many lessons to be learned from them .They have gained a great deal of experience. We must not allow them to lose their mental strength even as they grow older and lose their physical strength.Mental strength is a very important part of life for everyone.Of course there are many things we can do about it. We should always listen to their opinions and advice. You need to talk to them and evaluate what they have done in the past.At that time, senior citizens can be proud and happy about themselves. Mental satisfaction is more important than anything else.They need to be reminded of what they did in the past and understand that they are still strong people.It is our responsibility to help them in this way and to keep them always excited and caring for them.

  48. Name - KKMEA Rathnamali
    Register Number - 209174
    That elephant is the most powerful in that kingdom, but some moment had to face big trouble although more powerful, luckier. Because of being old, strength comes lower, ability to do everything felt down. But it defeated the challenge and won with other's motivation. Most of the people felt down with a problem, they always think ‘now I can’t do this. Most of the people were thinking negatively. We can help seniors who are in a problem, with talk with them. We can motivate them and we can help them to raise their confidence again. Although we despite aging have a strength in our internal. We must raise it again. So we can help old peoples to increase their strength in the mind.

  49. Ihalavithana I.V.H.M

    I think the video gives us valuable examples. We spend time according to certain stages of life. The work we can do also changes from time to time. The little ones work with the help of someone for a little while. At a young age, they are able to live as they please.
    That period is characterized by a physical and very strong mental state. But in old age, everything changes . Energy is weak. But now they feel sad because they are not able to do what they did. But we must always encourage them. We should encourage them by reminding them of good things. Actions are taken during the powerful season.
    It is our duty and responsibility as a youth to respect and help the senior citizens in society.

  50. Ekanayaka GGND

    Elephants are very big animals, obviously powerful, very skillful and the best fighting skills.This elephant was gave lot of helps to the king in the battlefield.As well as, the king loves to this elephant. One day, the elephant went to the lake for a drink.after that, the elephant got stucked in the mud field.After that, only the old retired minister could recover the elephant.Adults are much more experienced than we are. We also have a lot to learn from them.We must give them due respect because they care about future generations. Their experience will be of great benefit to future generations.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. 209241

    This video tells a great lesson to the community. Most of us are growing older and increasing their disability, portraying them as impossible. No, as they age, their experience and their courage increase. Similarly, when the elephant in this story is buried in the mud, it is not able to get out of the mud. This is a great idea made by the king's adviser. He plays the music that is played during times of war, when the elephant receives all the energy it has and comes out of the mud on its own. People there are amazed at this. Not surprisingly, age is not one of the reasons why one achieves "age is just a number"

  53. 209155

    This story is very important in our life and very motivational story. Because enthusiasm can change our attitudes and feelings. Also it motivates the people. We spend different stages in our lives. At a young age we are physically strong. We have the strength to do anything. But everything in this world is changing. So we are getting old too. The physical strength we had when we were young is decreasing little by little. So we cannot do many things alone. In these situations, we have to motivate ourselves, we should help those who fail, help them to motivate their own life to felt their not weak and their still strong enough to do what ever they want.

  54. 209120 Umesh

    We all are able to have a golden era of life because of our self qualifications towards the world so someone can be stars with their all kind of glory.
    But it's a general fact that we all are as animated figures becoming less powerful. So once who had a good name in their lives would be privileged forever but a general person would not have this kind of facility So it's so humorous but it's the reality So then we all should try to aquire the success in our lives.
    Having whatever aspect of respect once , it may be a vast courage for our future life.
    Even though we are in a disability condition, we should not give the priority to that and always we must base with our mind power then it would pave the way for the well being in our life as much as possible mentally, socially as well as physically.
    There is a buddhist sermon that " sabbe saththa bhvanthu sukithaththa".
    It means that may all the beings live happily. So the happiness may restrain among your personal behavior...

  55. 209253 Maheesh

    We all love to do everything that makes us happy and excited, whether we are very young or in the last days of life. In young age, everyone was physically and mentally strong, ambitious and courageous. But as time goes on, they lose their physical ability and their body becomes weaker. Although their bodies are weak, their souls are the same as before. Despite their weak body, they like anything if it feels to the heart. As the younger generation, we need to support and encourage them so that they can live a happy life. If they could remind us who they are, they would be like the elephant in the story.

  56. 209024
    WMKD Bandara

    This video gives a very deep idea. Every people going to old. We must live right. We want to be quickly adults in our childhood time, but everybody doesn't like to get old. This is life. As we children, We should seek advice from adults whenever possible. We can get more experiences into our lives by them and they enjoy it too. We should not degrade older people and we want to motivate them. Then they can live happily. We must take good care and motivate our parents and elders just as the king did not abandon the old elephant.

  57. 209047
    D.M Sachin Dilshan Dissanayaka

    this is a very useful massage to the this period. always we should do many things to senior citizen. if we don't do things we miss them. so we should do many things for them. they did many things for us and they dedicated time for us and they life. they have done many things to make our life. however someone forgot them. but it is not good. Especially we should protect them in this period because this is the very dangerous situation. we should do their every things and we should help to them.

  58. Lakshika Jayarathna

    I can remember my father. He is 50 years old. He is a healthy strong man when I was a child. He has done more thing for children in my village how he can. I've heard people who helped father say that he's here because of my father's help. He is older now. It's hard for working like before, but if anyone gets in trouble, he goes first. I thought Dad knew nothing when I was little. But I understood that I don't know anything. One day I pushed my dad before five years. He had been suffering from back pain for several weeks. At that time I thought that my father could not fight with me, but one day I caught my mistake by him. I realized then that no matter how old they are, they are strong at the right moment.

  59. 209217
    Dasun Thilina

    This story tells a great message to adults. Everyone likes to enjoy their life as adults. But people are aging they become workless and they are alone in the society. Bit they want enthusiasm to their life. As an adult, we have to make the enthusiasm for them. In society senior citizens and adults both need the enthusiasm to keep the mindset and keep the mental well-being. In this tough time, everyone has to keep enthusiasm to our-self. We need to make happiness, love, and enthusiasm who has alive around us in this tough time to keep their mindset.

  60. 209113

    A person who lives in the society as a hero, winning the hearts of the people in the present, may grow old and weaken one day in the future. Thus, although many people grow old, strong-minded people do not show signs of aging. The elephant in this story is like that, even though he is old, he was strong again when reminded of his heroism in the past. All we have to do is make the weak strong.

  61. 209055

    we are all getting old. when people got old, society typically considers they cannot do anything. But they have built the present world. That energy remains inside them. we should help them to take out that energy. we can motivate and be proud of them.

  62. K.D.P.S Chandrathilaka

    Every question has an answer. According to the video, the king’s intelligence was used to take the elephant out of the mud. It this also affected by the age of the elephant. Also, as a person matures, he gains a wealth of experiences. Then when he encounters any obstacles in his life, he can answer it through his life experiences. As a person goes older, his physical strength decreases. But his thoughts do not age. If the mind is strong, perhaps it is more important than physical strength.

  63. 209074 Samantha

    Everything changes overtime. It is common to all. Humans and animals are also agin. Althrough youthful vigor is good, it decreases with age energy and mood gradually decline. They give their service very well in. They do a great service to the whole society. In his youth he fought brilliantly. Not only humans but also animals do the same.
    The Elephant mentioned in the video is also a war animal. We should not discourage them as they age. We must respect their excellent service. We must stay them without leaving them alone.

  64. Name : T.W.S.Nimesh
    Reg No : 209145

    In the face of the problems that come over time, we are subject to some setbacks. Then, instead of trying, there is a tendency to give up everything and spend time lazily. The main reason for this is not working towards a specific goal. The motivation to work with enthusiasm, no matter what the obstacles, is done mentally. It is based on the boundless desire to achieve the goal. From the video above, I have learned that motivation and enthusiasm can help you to overcome obstacles with courage. It is a more effective way to spend time in love, happiness and fun with those around us than to regret thinking about the difficult time we are having. Acting enthusiastically in the face of problems yields effective results.

  65. 209096
    Karunarathna HDVA

    This video reflect that we should keep older people joy, happiness and love. Because, when they are happy and close to the people they love, they find security and strength that will give them peace of mind. Therefore, we should shows to them joy, happiness and love.

  66. 209046-EPHP DILMINI
    There are five major stages in a person's life: infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Our lives flow in these ways.
    One can be born poor, but one cannot die poor. It is his weakness. Effort should not be abandoned until the beginning and the end of life.
    It is up to us to identify and develop a person based on whatever ability he is born with us. During our childhood, we grew up under parents and teachers.
    As you grow older, you need to build your life around individual decisions, experiences, and conflicts with society. There is nothing that cannot be denied.
    All that is needed is effort and interest. So we must not allow our lives to pass away prematurely and let the excitement that begins at the beginning fail until the end.

  67. 209160

    Actually, if we want to do something, we want the energy. Yeah, it is true. but do you know even though we have energy more than we want to do something, sometimes we can't do it? why is that? As I believe, it depends on their mind or thinking. if we think we can't do that, actually we can't do it. if we think we can do that. actually, we can do that. therefore, do think we can't do it. think we can do. whatever your work. it will be work one day.

  68. 209066

    This video teaches us lots of things. Maybe they couldn’t be able to save the old elephant without getting the senior minister’s instruction. They followed that elder person’s suggestion. They were able to save the old elephant because of him. They motivated the old elephant and the elephant was able to come out of the mud on his own. The senior citizens have lots of experience. They have done a great service for the future. Even they have sacrificed their lives for protect us and give us a fortunate future.
    But in the present, the senior citizens are not getting good treatment from the present generation. We must add value to them. There are lots of elder homes around the world. It is not a necessary thing for them. We need to give energy to them. Maybe they can be in a fed-up mentality. But we can change their behavior and negative feelings as the video shows.
    There are lots of ways we can help them to live happily and with pride. We can get suggestions from them. Their suggestions are very powerful because those are coming from their experiences and their wide knowledge. We can set their mindset to a purposeful thinking pattern.

  69. This video give very useful story for society. In this days most people are selfish. They always think about there self. But, our future depends on what we say and do. When we good attitude and mental strength we can manage our life successful. Then we can do every thing. As the elephant got older, it was not as strong as when it was young, but it was able to recover from the mud alone due to the old strength it felt due to the war drumming. As long as we think about our age and status, everything is difficult for us. If we always think positively, We can face the problems clearly and we can live happily forever.

  70. 209234 Nayani
    The world we live in has always been a competitive world. With every second that passes, huge things happen in the world. They are done by people. They are just ordinary people like us. But they see the strength in them. They are used correctly. Make the most of time. I am optimistic about every issue that comes up in life. People like that are moving forward among these thousands of people. Because they know what they're going to do. Whether that journey is easy or difficult, you will endure it all and win life

  71. R.M.P.K Rathnayaka

    The very meaningful story has in this video. That is, Every person have different talents and abilities. at a young and childhood. But those talents and abilities diminish in the get older. The reason is that they lose their enthusiasm. All we should help develop of their enthusiasm. That is, we can remind old memories of their. And also we can thank them for their old different talents and abilities. It can enhance their enthusiasms. And also we should respect them.


  72. 209029
    Kalana Lakjith

    In this video elephant is bravely, powerful. Because of that elephant, the king has won many battles. The king did not forget to help the elephant and worked to save the that animal.
    Therefore this king is great persons. We should always try to be good people. Our responsibility is to help those who have helped us, to the best of our ability, no matter what their circumstances. It is great attitude.

  73. To feel alive and to feel the curiosity of a child, you need to find the purpose of your inner spark. The drive to challenge the world, the unshakeable focus will come to you when you found the thing you have been craving for. When you haven't found the "thing"; you will feel the void inside you and you will try to fill it with all the other things in the world; but it won't be enough. So what you have to do is find your passion, how you may ask, simple. try the things you haven't done till you find your passion. Be your own master and that's the best mastery of all.

    1. time of the server needs to be checked because it is running twelve hours behind!

  74. 209243 Ravindu

    This video is a very important video for adults and us. Animals have many more good qualities than man who is superior in mind. As the elephant got older , he didn't have as much strength as he did in his youth. But he may have remembered the heroism he displayed on the battlefield amidst the sound of war drums. That is why he had the courage to return in the mud. Our older generation is like this. They are very courageous . We still enjoy the results of their dedication. The older generation has no physical strength . But they have good mental strength . We must protect our older generation . We need to their mental healing works like excursions , linking to meditation programs etc. If we thought about the elder generation the elders homes in our country would not exist . We take care our elders. Because old is gold. We too will grow old one day. Then let us live with the strength of heart as adults do today.

  75. T.A .S. Sadeepa

    So we are all of people.. also we have energy and it is very important. So we do many works from our energy in life time. But our energy will have been low with the time. Now we have good energy but, our senior citizens haven’t big energy in there body. But actually it is not else. As I think there have a good energy more than us. But they think didn’t have their energy. Because this video is good example for that reason. So that elephant couldn’t to come from the mud lake. But that king had good idea for that case. Then he decided to war drum team use for it. Therefore that war drum players played their war drum around the lake.. then that elephant was motivated from that noise. Then that elephant come up the land from that mud lake after a lot of effort. Therefore we can do someone for our senior citizens. So we can cheer and motivate them. Then their will can do difficult works in them self. Therefor we should understand their energy and should motivate for it. Then we will have happy.


  76. Name: S A K T Prabath
    Reg no:209156

    This video sets an example for everyone. Because one day anyone will age. Everything we do affects our mental strength and attitude. Although the elephant did not have as much energy as it did when it was young, it was able to recover from the mud alone due to the mental strength caused by the war drums. Physical strength weakens with age, but mental strength does not. All that is needed is encouragement. It will enable them to live happily.

  77. 209144
    Nimalsiri OCC

    We are enjoying life day by day. But the day-by-day life is fading because we working hard for the achieving our target. Ever since we were born working for our target. Therefore, we can’t take some rest. Because we are taking some rest. Then we are going to behind from the competitive world. It is not good for our future and it is our fault. Therefore, we are going to working hard for we will become to a stable level. Then the we can get rest, and we can get responsible for employee to handling our business or anything. Then the that level we can enjoy our life without liability in any way.

  78. Elephant is very brave animal in the army was past. Elephant is very powerful, very obedient, and very skillful animal in the world, old kings was selected elephant their army for wars. Therefore king could be won the fight all wars. With the time elephant was old and he couldn’t fight. But elephant is very strong with attitude. This history had a elephant in the war, and now he is old, one day the elephant once went to the lake for a drink water and he stuck in the mud, that news heard the king. King was the meantime an old retired minister from the king’s court was passing by, after understanding the situation he spoke to the king& suggested, that the battle drums be played around the lake, however as soon as the drums of war started ringing and that time elephant pulled himself out of the mud on his own.

  79. 209040 Dasanayaka DHL

    This video focuses on developing positive attitudes in one's life. A person becomes an example to the society and, by living as a force to the people around him, gets their attention as well as respect. Therefore, when one day the life of that exemplary person is taken into risk for some reason, other people in the society will definitely help get rid of that risk. Because, of the immense service he renders to society while he is alive, he continues to be valuable person to society. The video tells us to help the people around us as much as possible and live.

  80. Avishka fonseka

    No matter how strong and good we are. If one day we fall, We must be strong then We must have the enthusiasm for that. According to the story, the elephant was a very talented and strong elephant in his youth. Now He was old and weak, but his enthusiasm was inside him. We should live like that. No matter how many breakdowns in life. We must rise again. Some people will help us. We should be happy. Freedom is important no matter what

  81. Name : Dhanushika Dulmini
    Reg no:209250
    Humans take different forms at different stages of the life cycle. Or we do not feel helpless in any other way. From this we should learn that physical strength or wealth or one's superior mental strength is more important than anything else one has ever learned. It is important to keep in mind that you are not weak in a situation or physically and mentally.

  82. 209127

    The story genuinely is telling us how the elephant receives his energy to pull out from the mud, In reality it is the enthusiasm and motivation that he had earlier than on the battlefield then the minister solely obtained out the motivation of the elephant and the elephant got here out involuntarily . How ever the factor is we can do the identical to our senior citizen. How do we do it ?. in reality like the minister did we can encourage our senior residents and inspire them through what they did early. how they did it and get the enthusiasm which has hidden inner them due to the fact they had the braveness and all.
    Apart from that how we assist them stay fortunately and delight of route we can maintain search about them and their health. Further we can stay them very freely barring forcing them or assigning them works and additionally make neighborhood that talk about their very own matters share want matters with their very own age addition hold their face smiley. subsequently we have to take care of them as suitable as we can.

  83. 209220 - IBD Vilan

    After watch this video i think that animals have knowledge and sensivity than humans.
    They are always try to be friends with humans. but due to some human activities, animals get angry with whole humans. Since the past, lot of animals help to human's day to day works.

    I think our generation can change the system and show to the elders.

  84. imran aslam

    Many human beings lose their mental strength early on in failure Thus they lose the future of their descendants and their future . On the contrary, there are some human beings . They have failed tens of thousands of times and achieved through her Vida effort Thus their fame is still pronounced today even though they are no longer alive . In this scene the elephant is overcome by perseverance despite his imminent death . This is a great example of how effort can overcome even death who does not try for anything is incapable of doing anything . He will be a burden to the world and to him This world has thus been modernized by effort

  85. Sandaru

    We will all grow old, but we will remember what we did when we were young. This video gives us an example of what can be done if we are encouraged. It takes determination as well as good motivation to succeed in life.

  86. 209048
    Dissanayake DMHSJ
    Elephant in this story was very powerful , very obedient. He is favorite elephant of the king. Some times a sound can change our mind. it can make good or bad mind. music can lost our stress.We have three strangerThis vedio realized we have to feel the love, joy, happiness until the end of life.

  87. Thisara

    This story sends a great message to people. Everyone wants to enjoy their life as adults. But as people get older, they become unemployed and they are left alone in society. They have a low self-esteem. Both senior citizens and seniors in the community should be interested in maintaining good mood and mental well-being. In these difficult times, everyone should take an interest in themselves. This video tells us that it is their ideas that influence the happiness, love and excitement that surround us during these difficult times. They may not be able to save the old elephant without the advice of the senior minister. They followed the older man's suggestion. Because of him they were able to save the old elephant. They motivated the old elephant and the elephant was able to get out of the mud alone. Senior citizens have a lot of experience. They have done a great service for the future. They even sacrificed their lives to protect us and give us a better future, but at present senior citizens are not well cared for by the present generation. We need to add value to them.

  88. 209230- Kavinda

    Everyone gets old when time passes. When they are old, they will be weak physically and mentally but inside of them have a hidden power that they get in their young time. If we can take their hidden power out, we can see their power. Only one thing we should do is motivate them. When we motivate them, they will be enthusiastic and put their hidden power out. So we shouldn't ignore those who are in their old age because they also have a power. We should motivate them until the end.

  89. Name: WMLB Weerasekara
    Registration No: 209225

    When a person becomes old he must be physically weak but sometimes his encouragement will be strong. By encouraging them we can increase their dedication to society. Then they will happy about their encouragement. This story implies us how enthusiasm is powerful. Only what they want is others support. At the young age all are appreciate what they did but, when there are old society forgot their glory. But if we appreciate about they will completely happy by remembering their respectful duty.

  90. 209221

    All animals and humans are strong in mentally and physically in their young age. They are very talented, creative, active and intelligent. They can think and do things by using their strength. When they become as an old they weak in mentally and physically. But some are weak in physically only, they are mentally strong. The people who weak with their strength, they cant do their work alone. So they need help from others. They try to do things alone because they have enthusiasm and self confident. Some times nature helps to people and animal. The people and animal who with enthusiasm and self confident, they only need small pushup only. It can be a word or money.

    Never think as you can't. If you have confident on you, if you have help from others, don't hesitate and don't be afraid , work foe your succeed.

    And this story is a great example for all people who mentally down because of their age. No matter how old you are, don't give-up and don't lose enthusiasm and self confident. Always try and be confident on your self.

    Thank You!

  91. Ruwanthi HGM

    Age is not a barrier to dreams. It is easy to overcome challenges if you always have self confidence. It is not good to think that nothing is impossible. Even though some people are getting older, the clever strategies they have are important to us. It can be clearly seen in the video above.

  92. Reg No 209013

    Seniors were slowing down after 60 years. Some of us are avoiding Seniors because they act like a child. But the real truth is they are our key to success. They face lots of trouble and getting lots of experiences. We can learn from them. So We need to respect our seniors. We need to talk care of them. if we respect them, we will live happily and with pride.

  93. 209196 winuli
    Even if we are extremely young or nearing the end of our lives, we all like doing things that make us happy and excited. When people are young, they do anything they want. Everyone is physically and psychologically powerful, ambitious, and fearless while they are young. However, as they grow older, they will lose physical aptitude and their bodies will become weak. Even though their bodies deteriorate, their spirits remain unchanged. The only problem is that they can no longer do what they could when they were younger. Despite their frail bodies, they would do anything if they truly believed it. All they require is guts. As members of the younger generation, we must encourage and support them so that they can live lives full of joy.

  94. Sithara Embuldeniya
    we as early adults, should respect and give the right place to the elders. elders spend their life to give a better life to us. in some cases that differ because people are not always the same. but to me; age is just a number. you can be whoever you want whenever you want. but when it comes to old people it's not very easy to fulfill what they need mainly because of the physicals conditions. but we must help them. not particularly them. we should help each other each and every time.

  95. Sathusan 209200

    This story tells us the importance of the senior citizens. Why the senior citizens are importance in a society? Senior citizens would have done more work in their lives so that they all have many experience. If we needed a help and we ask help from the elderly people they always ready to help us. But nowadays fail to respect the senior citizens, mostly elderly people. We take the elderly to a nursing home after an age limit. But that is not good the elderly are our guides we must always keep them carefully and happy. If we do not do so we will have to face many problems in our life. So we will keep the senior citizens safe, happy and respectively it will benefit us and our society "old is gold "

  96. 209022 Lakshan

    Most people are very strong physically and mentally when they are young. They are very strong in various abilities. But as they get older, they become weaker physically as well as mentally. But some are physically weak but mentally very strong. This is because of their strong self-confidence. They may find it difficult to do something physically, but they can encourage others with a word or two. But nowadays some people get depressed even before they get old. This is because of the uncertainty in them. But we should not be like that. We need to be mentally strong, no matter how weak we are. And this story is a great example for all people who mentally down because of their age. No matter how old you are, don't give-up and don't lose enthusiasm and self confident. Always try and be confident on your self.

  97. 209031 Viduranga

    The world is the most experienced group of all the adults there. Mental as well as physical debilitating illnesses that occur over time occur in all individuals as they age. The important thing is that their loved ones should always be there to encourage them. It really affects their mental health and happiness. Because the service that senior people have done for the world and the commitment they have made to loved ones is priceless.


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