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 Watch the following video and comment on ' who would you want to become in your life' 

A poor man with rich attitudes or a rich man with poor attitudes. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Share your attitudes about how you see the status of 'poor' and 'rich' 


  1. : 209208
    Rich and poor are two states we can divide humen all over the word.but according to my opinion happy doesn’t depend on this two depends on thniking patterns,attitudes,satisfaction and understanding others.consider a man who is poor in money but rich in attitudes.and another man who is rich in money and poor in attitudes.i think the first man described first will be the winner.

  2. 209122-PPK Madhusha
    A large number of living things live on this earth that have a variety of attitudes. Attitudes come from our society and our genes. attitude make personality. we can get idea about some person by considering attitudes. A person's present attitudes determine what his future holds. It means that a person's attitudes can make him a rich person and a poor person. So always work to have a positive attitude.

  3. 209212 - Malinda

    In today's society both the poor and the rich live. It is common for the rich to live a very comfortable life, but it is a common misconception that the rich live happily. That’s because the rich are often busy. In today's world, it is common for people to ignore their loved ones because they are out of money. Sometimes he even unknowingly has to move away from his family.
    Sometimes many poor people, no matter how poor they are, live happily ever after. I think it's because of their simplicity. We know from experience that often the rich think only of themselves and the poor do not. That's because they have no competition. My point is that there should be no difference between rich and poor in the world because we are all human beings. We all live as one.


  4. 209146-Sanoj

    Happiness in life is an essential thing for a human being. Many people today rely on money for happiness. But it is a temporary pleasure. The most valuable and true happiness a person can have is not in money but in his attitude, mental freedom and his love. A person who depends on money may not be rich in attitudes. Happiness in life does not depend on poverty or wealth but on the above factors.

  5. 209113

    Poor and rich are the main factors that separate social classes. It is a genuine belief in society to accept that the rich man is in the upper class and the poor man is in the lower class. Often the upper classes are more foolish than the lower classes. Sri Lankan politicians are a good example of this. What needs to happen is to help each other and live as one without distinction between rich and poor. Then everyone's life will be beautiful.

  6. 209052
    Dakshina srinath
    Group A

    Between the rich and the poor. How are they so different from each other?

    A lot of it comes down to whether you have a rich or poor mindset. The difference between a rich and poor mindset can change how you think about the world and how you interact with your money. A wealth mindset not only helps you make more money, but you learn how to better manage and take care of your money.

    The good news is, having a poor or wealthy mindset isn’t dependent on your bank account balance. Rich people can have a poor mindset and set themselves up for future failures. It’s also possible for a person in poverty to have a wealth mindset which will help pave their path to success.

  7. 209243 Ravindu

    Everything depend on how you choose and how you do. The poor man is a humble man. he is happy with what he has. Richness is expressing and experiencing gratitude. It would never be enough for a man whose greed is more than his need. That is where he dug his own grave. So we also develop good attitudes. Then our country will be able to reach the maximum of development.

  8. Rich is not a countable thing. if we though now enough then you feel you are rich. But you feel this is not enough then you don’t care about the things that you have only you thin about things you don’t have. Some time you don’t like to feel they have than me, but real you have many things than most of others. But the situation of simple person’s is definitely different because they want things for needs not for shows.

  9. Reg No : 209013

    According to world population, there are two types of people living here. that is rich people and poor people. most of us thinks if we have money, we can live happy. but reality is most of the rich peoples are not happy because of the poor attitude. at the same time poor people with good attitude are living happily. if poor people work hard, they will also change rich. whatever money isn't matter. the matter is attitude. if you have good attitude, you will get others attention and getting success also.

  10. 209097
    HSU Karunarathna
    In today's world, people have created class divisions. People everywhere who categorized themselves as bourgeois, proletarian, religious, racist. I think we all belong to the same religion, and that is to live life with good attitudes. When we are wounded somewhere in our body, does not red blood come out of it? And anyone born into this world would say, "Oh, he belongs to this religion. He belongs to this nation." It is not mentioned in anyone's body. Likewise, it is not your fault that you were born poor. But if you die poor, it is your fault. No one on earth is ever immortal. But the name of some has become immortal. In the same way, their names resonate because of their good attitude and good living. No matter how rich you are, I don't care if you don't have good attitudes .....

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. 209166
    Pasindu Rajapakse

    There are a lot of poor people in the world more than rich people. Every one of them always trying to feed their kids and take care of each other’s. they don’t have big dreams. They want to live day today life without hungry. But rich people have lot of dreams they are still collect money for their unstoppable goals. Those are growing every day. They don’t have kindness their only want to what they dream. But there are some rich people in the world who help to others and with kindly hearts. In my opinion Attitudes of these people depend on their characters. There are rich people those who have good attitudes and also there can be poor people those who have bad things. I think it depend on nature of their growing and the human.

  13. Name: S A K T Prabath
    Name: 209156

    The world is inhabited by different people and those people have different attitudes. Many of them have positive attitudes. But some do not. Here one man is economically poor but emotionally rich. But the other man is rich but poor in attitude. He became rich because of the positive attitudes of the first man and the other man was destroyed by the negative attitudes. It means that a person's attitudes can make him a rich man or a poor man. So always have a positive attitude and work to be rich.

  14. pramuditha 209123
    poor people and rich person all are living our world.Some people are born rich and some are not.its not a our flute, our flute is Dying of poverty.i am not rich person but i become rich person.after help other poor people.Money is not always with us.they lost any time.but we did good thinks We always have.all are same people not good to divide rich and poor.

  15. 209061 - Fernando P.W.S.V
    If someone gets something from another person, enjoy it. Don't just think that what you get is not enough. All you have to do is use what you get and improve it. And about what another person owns, "That person has things like that, I don't have." He cannot be rich without doing anything thinking, and if he is rich, he should not be too proud of what he has because everything is impermanent. By working hard and being honest a poor person can become rich and a rich person can stay in his own position. What matters is whether they do what is honest.

  16. Name: A.M.A.Shanuka
    Reg. No: 209207

    Poverty and getting rich depends on people. The poor man tries to get rich only with money. Not from attitudes. Rich people have less good attitudes. Even if they have enough money, they always try to make money. But many poor people have good attitudes. Wealth cannot be measured by money, it can be measured by good attitudes. So always work to be rich in attitudes. Respect people based on their attitudes and not on their money and power. So we need to develop positive attitudes. Then the society will respect you.

  17. Sithara Embuldeniya
    there's a comparison between richness when you talk about money. you compare bill gates with Elon Musk, Dammika Perera with some other guy, Yourself with some other person.
    likewise, there's always a comparison. but if you have a rich heart: you're always rich. once Bob Marley answered an interviewer's question "how rich are you? Money and Possession? " Bob answered back "Does Money and possession make you rich? his answer was " life, forever" that's the richness that he wanted to have. people have to understand that being honest and simple as much as possible is the richest way you could ever live.
    money cannot buy happiness, but a simple act of kindness can make you very happy. yes, people need money in life; in order to live. but we should live under the fact that we're going to die someday. because we're not going to take anything with us. if you want to live a happy life, you don't need millions of money.

    "Love the life you live, Live the life you love" - Bob Marley

  18. 209086

    Richness is coming with self-satisfaction. If you are satisfied with what you have, then you are a real rich person and if you don't satisfy with what you have, even you are rich with money you always will be a poor person.

  19. 209203

    We all meet people with different ideas and different levels and they live different lives. But there are a handful of people with good qualities. Some have the power of wealth but not good qualities. Others have no wealth and have good qualities and we should be rich not with power but with good qualities.

  20. In this modern world people are more focusing for the money. Most of them are money minded. Some people respect others for their money and society status. But I think, we should give respect and love for all the human being equally without considering money and social status. I like to practice this thing in my realistic life. We can't divide people poor and rich . that is the way of thinking and trying to see the world. If people don't have vehicles, money , huge buildings and social status. according to these things some people measure people and say 'they are rich or poor people. This is not the way we look at society .According to people's good qualities we must divide as rich and poor people.

  21. Rashmin ridma
    Rich and poor is a criterion that humans use to measure people according to their wealth. Rich people have money and resources and live happy life. Poor people don't have money and they live sad life. But I think being poor or rich is not truly measured by wealth. It measures by their attitude. If someone has a poor attitude even if he has a lot of money he cants satisfied. If a poor man has a good attitude even if he does not have money he is the poor one. Our attitude can drive us to both a poor and rich state. We must keep in our attitudes in the rich side. Because of that one day, we can become rich in both wealth and attitudes.

  22. S.N.C.O Akalanka
    Reg NO - 209184

    Today money is the main topic in our world. Because everything must depending on the money. According to that we can divide people rich and poor. You can see all are doing various things to earn money, Actually people are try to achieve the goal of rich and they waste their full life for that. some times it has badly affects to their attitudes. and they don't think about another one and they lost their all good qualities and good things .But one day we will have understand money is not everything and we can live happily without big amount of money. there for poor man with rich attitudes is a good concept for us to curry a good life

  23. 209246- Udara Ayomal

    Money cannot measure whether people are rich or poor. It depends on the attitude of the people. A person may be rich in money, but if he is poor in attitude he will not be a useful person to society. Other people are not rich in money, but if they are rich in attitude, the happiness of that person's life will depend. But the happiness of the man who claims to be rich is temporary. I love to spend my life as a person full of rich attitudes.

  24. 209054 Nethmi

    These two words rich and poor are something that people classify using their wealth. But they are all human. The poor are happy with even the smallest thing, but the rich are not the same, no matter how much money they have, they are not satisfied. They want to make money and get rich somehow. There are some good people and some people depend on money. You can see in this video that greed causes degeneration.

  25. 209048
    Dissanayake DMHSJ
    Our attitudes determine our joys and sorrows as well as our ups and downs. When our thoughts and wishes are sincere, good happens to us. But there is no good that happens to us because of cunning. Honesty and positive attitudes can slow us down or reach the goals we want to achieve. Always be honest and have a positive attitude.

  26. 209186 Banuka
    No matter how you become rich, don't be greedy for the money. Because if you become rich day by day, you forgetting that who helped me to succeed and how I lived past. Everything has a limit. Don't try to over that limitation because that may affect to lose you everything.

  27. 209102

    We can’t say a man is poor or rich by his wealth. There is maybe a man rich with money but poor with attitude, happiness. And there is maybe a man poor with money but rich with attitude, happiness.
    Some people think the only thing that brings happiness is money. But that’s not entirely true. There are a lot of things that bring happiness that can’t buy with money. There is maybe a beggar that offers his only meal to another and his attitude is rich than a billionaire who doesn’t care about others. I think the factor that decide a man rich or poor is the way he thinks.

  28. We should work with having limitations in our life. Otherwise it becomes a big problem. This video is a very good example for that. Of course, we must have big dreams, goals and wide thinking pattern. However, everything its limit. A man with a good thinking pattern, well behave, decency can be defined as a rich person. Happiness is always in with him. That person is the real rich man. Money is only one thing. We definitely need money for spend a comfortable life. But it is not everything. We have to do more things in our life.

  29. Name = G.S.Saubhagya Rathnayake.
    Register no. = 209179

    Most people are depend that reasons. Many people are rich but their attitudes are poor. Some people are poor but their attitudes are rich. I think describe a poor person but my attitudes are rich. Because that people are win one day. Poor man is very simple person. He doesn’t have many thing but he happy by his thing. Rich person aren’t. Because although they have many thing they don’t enough. I think every people don’t think about they rich or poor it is very good. If every people help another people. It will be valuble.

  30. 209034-Chathuranga GDJ

    There are different kinds of people in the world we live in. Some are very rich from a monetary background. But they are also committed to making more money and not helping each other. Eventually, the money lives on and they die. Another part has no money, but another part is rich in mind. They are willing to help others as much as they can. So I think nature will look at them and help one day. In addition to these two types, not only the rich part of the money but also the rich part of human emotions live in the society. So we must all learn to be happy with what we have and to help others as much as possible.

  31. 209263 pradeep kumara

    People who have everything are happily living their lives. We call them rich. People who live without wealth but live are called poor. But who uses these names? Things marked at birth? It is not so. The rich are virtually everywhere because of their wealth and they identify themselves as rich as a proud people. So, do the poor call him poor? No, it is done by the rich. We can clearly distinguish between poor people and rich people. When a person who has nothing gets something, no matter how much it is, they satisfy it. But a person who has everything will never be satisfied even if he gets something to some extent. This is something we often see in society. I was born poor. But my attitudes are sensitive and rich. We should be happy with how much we get.

  32. 209257
    There are many rich and poor people in the world. But their Idea attitudes are different. Some rich people have good characteristic. And also every poor people have good characteristic every time. They can understand others feeling correctly. Poor people are not jealous for other people and also they can try to reach and they are like to help others to reach. But rich people don't like help to others and they don't like poor people rich than them. They becomes bad people in society. And they have weak attitudes. We can take for example this video. We can see the difference between poor people and rich people. We must live with good qualities regardless of our economic status.

  33. 209043

    If we are poor, we can be good and generous person not like rich people. But we are rich in life is sometimes greedily spend life.It is not enough like people are poor.

  34. Name: Jayasiri LWUC
    Reg Number: 209088
    I think anyone can get rich. But it depends on what they are doing or did to the world. Some may work hard and improve. Then they can get rich. Also, some steal from others and thrive. Then they can get rich. But, that is a very wrong method. Not only that some people are rich by birth. But because of their excessive greed, they become poor. But as I see it, a good lesson for the whole world. That is, even if we are rich, we should not be overly arrogant. As I see it, the rich should help the poor. Then this world will be beautiful.

  35. Name -Madusha Pramod
    Reg.No - 209157

    We know that no matter how much money people have, their attitudes are very poor .So I want to be an advanced, and honest man with attitudes even without money.
    If our attitudes are ngood and rich, one day we will be able to achieve our goal .We know that is the nature of the world
    There were better and more virtuous people among the poor people than those who had no money . So i want be able to be
    A poor man with rich attitudes.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. 209083

    Poverty and affluence are coming from our birth. It is changing according to different cultures and religions. A man is born poor, that is not a problem. But that man will die poor, that is a problem in his life. You can think. All people are not born wealthy. If someone gets rich, he has a very long life story. In today's society has very cunning and hypocritical people. They always think only of them. Therefore, we should know who is kind and honest. We always try to help them. And one day they will support our life absolutely.

  38. 209070
    Gunawardana RMHD

    Some people are rich only money. They haven’t kindly heart. Some people are not rich only in money, but they have kindly heart. The rich man is accepted in society. Because people still measure human by their appearance. Poor man definitely getting rich one day, but they always have their kind heart and they always teach someone how to get rich. When man realizes that kindness is more important than money, they will inevitably win.

  39. 209076 Dhanushka

    Being a rich person doesn't mean if he is a person with good attitudes and the other hand every poor person is not a person with bad attitudes.
    If you don't have good attitudes within you could face some trouble or you could get hurt someday.
    People say "what goes around, comes around." That means if you do some good things to other people, the good things happen for you too eventually. If you do bad things to other people, only the things you will get is bad. It doesn't matter whether you are poor or rich with power and money the true value is being a good person having a good attitudes and helping to people for their needs.

  40. Malsha jayathri

    Attitude is an expression that can show how someone behaves. It characterizes a person. Attitude can be gain by time and experience. Attitudes are not all ways shown your good side, but the bad side too. It won’t show other how rich or poor your and how much of money of property you have. Your attitude shows how much of a good man or woman you are. Environment / society that you are live in measure you with your attitude. Even thought you do not care about them your attitude will decide how your life will be spent, in a bad way or good way. Even if you have everything you could have but your attitude is no good you won’t be able to satisfied with what you and live a happy life. Even if you are poor with other things and have good attitude you will be able to live a life with satisfaction.

  41. REG NO: 209046

    The world's poorest and richest people are divided into two groups. We can be born poor. But the death of the poor is our weakness. The richness of a human being cannot be measured by money or possessions. The richness of a human being cannot be measured, but a person can be said to be rich if he is a person with virtues.
    We should be enlightened not by money but by the mind. Honesty, virtue, we must have. So I want to be a rich person.

  42. We know that no matter how much money people have, their attitudes are very poor .So I want to be an advanced, and honest man with attitudes even without money.
    If our attitudes are ngood and rich, one day we will be able to achieve our goal .We know that is the nature of the world
    There were better and more virtuous people among the poor people than those who had no money . So i want be able to be
    A poor man with rich attitudes

  43. 209213-Shanuka Tharinda

    There are numbers of different people in society. They are different from each other. In society, people have been made a statue of society some people are rich and some people are poor. People think every rich people are spending a happy life and every poor people are spending sad life. I don't agree with this idea. Because money is not life. Everyones have problems. The important thing is you should have good attitudes instead of money. Then you become a valuable person. My opinion is the person who doesn't have good attitudes they are poor people the person who have good attitudes they are rich people.

  44. 209037 - D.Dinuka Sanjana Madhumal

    Rich man or poor man we can not group looking at their physical life . Rich or poor situation depend on your mond . Because some people have money but they are not happy . But some people are poor from money but they are happy anytime . Because some kind of things about rich and poor . Think, if you do not have money but you are happy anytime , then you are lucky and rich man more than physically rich man . Some people have money but them not enough that , they are collecting anytime , that is sadly .But they are not happy . Because they are misunderstanding about life . If you have money but you can not be a poor people Try to be happy in your life . Think that is enough to me .

  45. 209150
    Ravindu Dilshan

    Society divides people into rich and poor. I don't agree with it. Because people should be
    rich in own qualities , not money. No matter how much money he has ,if he does not have
    good qualities, he is a poor person. No matter how poor he is, he is a rich man with good qualities.
    Some people are not satisfied with how much wealth they have and accumulate more wealth.
    We should be content with having enough wealth to live on. Buddhism also says to be happy with what you have.

  46. 209188 Harshan
    Group B

    The people are two types .those are rich and poor people . poor man is very innocent ane honest . Poor man likes give something for other people.they are trying become rich man . they aren't greedy people . But rich man is a very greedy man because they want earn more money in all the time. Rich man no honest and innocent .When poor man become rich man , rich man is jealous. The poor hasn't money but he has good attitudes. The rich man has money but he hasn't good attitudes . .

  47. 209078
    Ihalavithana I.V.H.M

    Today, it is common to see people living in different walks of life. Respect for others and equality is lost in the world. Instead, a selfish society appears in the world. Others have become accustomed to discrimination for personal gain. Every citizen is free to practice the religion of his choice.

    Such divisions arise because good attitudes in society are destroyed. We can change society by developing attitudes. Everyone should understand that money is not happiness in life. By realizing that and living with a positive attitude, one can achieve success.

  48. 209161
    Tharaka Nirmal

    which are really very good to push the poor people status forward. In Economics term poor is the person who has less purchasing power and the rich is one who has more purchasing power. A person with less purchasing power is deeply affected because he cannot afford goods and services which the rich can afford and it's safe to say without that he cannot change his lifestyle and standard of living. The poor rich gap can be in different forms some of the fields where the gap exist are Educational, Income, Lifestyle, Housing requirements, food needs are the name of few.

  49. 209055

    There are rich people and poor people in our society. we think when we rich we can enjoy our life. But always it does not true. It depends on our attitudes. Although we are poor we can spend happily life due to our attitudes. we should realize happiness of present. sometimes we have enough money to live happily but we are trying to earn lot of money and we are ruining our happiness of life. we do not need much money to be happy. If our attitudes are rich we always will be happy. If our attitudes poor though we rich we can not be happy.

  50. 209077- Zahirul

    A human living in the earth in two types of attitudes. First one poor attitudes namely he is poor or rich but his attitudes are very poor. and second type rich attitudes namely he is poor or rich but his attitudes are very rich. Such as people are living in the earth.Their attitudes grows as they grow and develop.

  51. Humanity is not depending on money or anything. It is inside our soul. In addition we can see it is as a collection of kindness, honest, and more things. we can't measure a person with his outside appearance even a person rich he could have bad habits even the person poor he could have good habits. In a society, we have to honest each other and should be kindness. So then we can make a better world and a better society

  52. Name - Erandi Ayesha Rathnamali
    register number - 209174
    People are living in this world as two teams. There are poor and rich. Most people are rich from money but haven't good qualities. There are poor with good habits. some people are poor with money but they are rich with good habits. The man doesn’t like to be poor which rich man. They made more money get richer. Without limit and without and without rules. They want to earn money only. Their good habits were lost. But poor people know the grief of others. That is why they help others and they have good habits well. So not good divide people as rich or poor which they have money, it should be measured only good habits.

  53. 209099 Ishan
    The money has changed as poor human and rich human. So it can't understand to peoples. they think different things. Actually rich peoples are very bad also the have bad attitude, they don't like improve to other peoples. During that time money force and posts change people's attitudes. it is bad things to social. Due to management greed human have lost. poor peoples are very honest and very kind than rich peoples. Due to some things they have born as poor. however, they have better attitude than rich peoples. we should be happy with what we get. some peoples are not do it. they feel that no matter how much they get, it's not enough. however we should improve our better attitude. then we can go journey in life.

  54. 209003
    R.D.M.L Aberathna

    Greedy is the main reason for apart people for two status named rich and poor. Gems are very expensive because people thinks they are very valuable. The only reason for they think gems are valuable is greedy. If they does not think like that gem is a variety of stones. People got blind by money when they rich because of that they lost most important things in their life. Poor people knows what is important for life and how to live happily with anything they got. they help each others to live together and share everything. It is not good for us to apart because of some materials.

  55. 209084
    Attitudes are the main reason for becoming poor and rich. If you work with a good and right attitude, you will lead to your own progress. But if the actions or attitudes they do are not right, it is not for their own betterment but for the worse, otherwise, they will lose what they have. Therefore, he should make sure that everything he does is for the good of himself and other people in society and that those attitudes are positive. Then he can definitely make his own progress.

  56. 209101
    R.P.T.P Keerthirathna

    In society, people are divided into rich and poor.But that distribution is based on having money.But I think people should poor or rich on their attitudes .If people have money but their attitudes are poor he is a weak person.But poor people who have rich attitudes live in the society.They are happy with what they have.But people who poor attitudes suffer thinking about what they did not get and they are jealous of others.So I think to be rich people not only have to have money also should have rich attitudes.

  57. Attitudes do not depend on the poor, or rich. It depends on your society and your family background. It is called socialization. If you are in a humanity-based society, your attitudes are arranging very kindly. If you are in a rough society, your attitudes are arranging relative to it. Also, there is a weapon called education. It is one of the best ways to change attitudes. Because “ knowledge is the power. ”

  58. 209131 Chanusha Ashen

    If you want to be rich, simply serve more people. A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money. That`s the truth that I believe.

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  60. 209044 Nipun

    There are two types of people in our world, rich people and poor people. Some are honest some are liars. As I think these people are divided by their thoughts. Some people have a lot of money but their minds, attitudes are very poor. These people are always greedy about money, if how much they received, that is not enough for them, therefore, they can never live happily. And also there are some poor people do not have enough money but their mind and attitudes are very rich. These types of people are the people who live most happily in this world because they satisfy with what they have. No matter how little they have. As I think that is life. We should be like them. We have to learn, work, earn money but we have to satisfy with what we have otherwise we have to face the same problem as the greedy man who was in the story.
    This life is too short. Most people don't know that therefore they are dying for money during their whole life. At last, we leave this world at least without a single coin. Therefore we have to live in this short time period by helping others and happily till our time comes to leave this world.
    but we have to do something for this world before we leave. If you can't do anything at least plant a tree for this earth. My final message is to do something for the world and satisfy what you have. Live happily.

  61. 209144
    Nimalsiri OCC

    Poor people and rich people are also living our country. Because I had seen these people. There are lots of differences are having these two classes. Rich people are enjoying their rich life with a valuable vehicle, big houses.
    And also poor people are enjoying their poor life using they are having minimum resources managing. Rich people are helping for the poor people and poor people are taking their helps every times. Therefor rich people and poor people are living in our country in a good relationship. It is better to the Sri Lankan future. Therefor I think they all have good attitudes.

  62. 209032 Sudesh
    Group A

    when a man is born he can be rich or poor. that is because of his family environment. that is the external richness or poverty of man. for a man to be rich in intuition , he must be mentally rich. a man is inwardly rich by his qualities, demeanor, eloquence, and politeness. while there were many ways for a person to become physically rich, there are few ways to become rich internally. it is very important that human voices are also rich. I like to be a rich man internally and externally. thank you.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Name :- W.M ..Ayodya Gimhan Weerasekara
    Reg no :- 209224

    This story is very valuable to our life. Always try to be an honest, and generous person. We do not try to jealous other person. And do not be a liar always say truth. Hospitality is very good practice to add our life. Do not be a greedy person. If you are greedy you will never have enough. By the way you are poor but generous, honest, and a good person then your life is rich very soon.

  65. K.D.P.S Chandrathilaka

    There are no two types of people in this world, the rich and poor. Poverty and richness are something that people imagine. Wealth and power abound in the rich. Even the power man is financially poor, he can be rich in attitude. I think the life of a poor man is simple. But the poor man must go on to his success. An old saying goes you can be both poor but you should not die poor.

  66. 209237 Ravindu

    According to this video I like to be a poor man with good attitudes. But every time every person not like that. There are so many good rich peoples with good attitudes but they didn't show their kindness and richness to the society because they didn't want to become a famous persons like actresses and actors but they have very good attitudes.

    However, there are some greedy people, like that in the video. they are always thinking about themselves only. they don't like to someone who is become too richer than them so they always thinking about themselves and collecting money like a crazy person. no matter how much money they have but they don’t help others because of their greedy. they want to become more richer than whole society but that desire never fulfill. they haven't any good attitudes they always looking up how to subdue other people and make them prosper.

  67. Student number : 209171
    Name : Ramanayaka GJSRPBNST

    In my opinion, the rich and the poor should not be measured by money or power.We can find plenty of people who have the power of money.But many of them do not have good qualities.No matter how many people there are, this society is useless.But we have to be someone who lives a good life helping others no matter what situation we are in.One day we will need the help of another person.Therefore, no matter what our circumstances, we should be rich in good qualities from the heart.

  68. 209129 Ishan

    We are living in a very large world. So there are many kinds of people live in there. Everyone is different to each other by everything. From ancient times the people in the world have been divided into rich and poor. People who have more money are called rich people. And also people who haven't more money are called poor people. Money is the main factor for this classification. Today everything depends on money. But we should be rich in our attitudes. A poor man with rich attitudes is everytime happy and a rich man with poor attitudes is always very busy. They do not have time to enjoy their lives. They always spending time to make money. So money is temporary. But it is important to be rich in attitudes.

  69. Chathura Lakshan [209261]

    According to world population, there are two types of people living here. that is rich people and poor people.People measure themselves by what they have today. It's a very wrong dimension.Most of the people thinks if we have money, we can live happily. But reality is the most of rich people are not happily.The reality is the poor people are happy even whe they have not money.They work hard.If they work hard ,One day They will be able to rich.Correct attitudes and right actions can one day make any poor man a rich.

  70. 209217 Dasun Thilina

    As a person, we have to earn money to live in the present society. Sometimes you earn money as a beggar or manager in the company or an owner of a company, But it doesn’t matter how to earn or position you in society. An important thing is your attitude and honesty for your job. If you are happy about earning some essential things or the money and you earn those things in an honest way you can enjoy your life. You are earned lots of things or money you are always jealous of others you cannot live a happy life and you cannot enjoy your life. So we always want to try to make a good attitude about our position and be honest to our job.

  71. UGDT.Sandaruwan
    Group B

    Everyone tries to get rich with money and vehicles.Some people think that happiness means living a comfortable life with money.I think people should not be divided into rich and poor. Because I think a man is rich or poor based on his or her honesty, respect, the qualities of humanity and the skills he or she possesses.If someone is honest and helps everyone, he has human qualities and if he or she is full of great skills, I think he or she is a rich person.Expensive vehicles and money do not always exist, but the qualities of humanity are immortal in the world.

  72. 209221Nadeesha

    Society has two words that are "poor" and "rich". It is measured by using the things that people have, such as money and vehicles. However, people should be filled with rich attitudes, with no rich or poor divisions.

    In society, rich men don't have rich attitudes. Their minds are full of anger and jealousy. They don't like to see other people succeed. And they also don't like to see poor men be rich or anyone succeed more than they. And they never donate anything to anyone. They are never satisfied with the things that they have. 

    But poor people have rich attitudes and they help others. They don't have jealousy or anger. But they don't have a path to success. Though they don't have much money, they always donate food, clothes, and other things. They are always satisfied with the things that they have.

    Though people may be rich or poor, society only needs people with rich attitudes. We can also see rich people with rich attitudes. But very rare.

    So always try to be a person with a rich attitude, whether you are rich or poor.

    thank you!

  73. 209253
    In the present society, People are divided into two races called the rich and the poor. In my opinion, people don't need to divide into two races because we all are live in the same world. But in our society has poor and rich people. The poor people are very kind and help each other’s all ways. Most rich people never respect others. They think they are the richest people in the world. But in my way, I think they are the poor people in terms of their actions. The poor people always respect others. And they send a message for our society. On the one side, they are very talented and intelligent people in the world. They can win the hearts of people anytime. I think the most humane people living in today's society are the poor people.

  74. 209116-Supun
    There are many different type of people in our society .some of them are rich and other people are poor . Actually ,the rich people try to divide the society to these types. Some of the rich people don't like to see ,a poor become a rich. some rich people helps others . but I think most of the poor people are generous . If you are poor , it is not a problem . You will be a rich in future .but you should helps other as much as you can. It will give you a pleasure and be a rich person

  75. 209074
    there are two main classes in our society.they are the rich and the poor. no matter how rich aman is it does not matter if he is not good attitude. some people use it to show off their wealthy power.their hearts are filled with geed and hatred. but some people no matter how poor have good qualities. there is no anger or hatred in their hearts. there is happiness in their hearts so even though we are rich and poor we should live happily ever after.

  76. Malinga Sandaruwan

    A person who has much money we call rich as well someone who does not has money we call as poor. However, nobody measures a person by her or his attitudes, kindness, opinions, humanity, happiness and respect for others. Even if a rich person does not has these features poor person may have.

    Before we call as poor or rich, think of her or his inside firstly than the money.

  77. In today's world all privileges are determined by the rich and the poor. Whether or not to expect any help from someone is a question that is emerging today. The poor, who are looked down upon in society as a whole, have richer traits than the rich. Sadly, no matter how good they are or how much they serve the community, it is always the rich, not the poor, who stand out in society.

  78. 209047
    D.M Sachin Dilshan Dissanayaka

    I think these are part of the people in the world. but many people 's attitude change by poor and rich. poor people know any all grief have in people. so many time they are honest. but some are very bad. many rich man help to anyone. but some one only think about their. therefore I think every people have part two. one is good another one is bad. and it not connect with poor and bad. however I think poor people and rich people do their attitude.


  79. 209029
    Kalana Lakjith

    People classify someone as rich and poor based on money. But a person with a good attitudes is mentally rich. He can easily improve. No matter how much money there is, if his attitude is bad, his money will be destroyed. If there are good people among rich people, that attitudes are good and honest people. A poor man with rich attitudes or a rich man with poor attitudes.

  80. 209199-Dinitha

    Attitudes are always affected our lives. There are main two attitudes such as positive attitudes and negative attitudes. As the human, we all have more or less both attitudes in our lives. But we have to realize more important one is positive attitudes and we should reach that kind of attitude for our lives. Good attitudes always have good benefits. People like others who have good habits and attitudes. So that we can have more friends if we have good attitudes. Anyone doesn't like to make relationships with people who have bad attitudes. And also bad attitudes must affect our finances. If have a bad and poor attitude we must be poor in few times. And we have face some stress because of problems that are made by attitudes. So we should improve our good attitudes and stay with them.

  81. 209017 Priyamal

    Every one live life with their own thoughts. some of thoughts are bad some are good. Selections are also one side of thoughts. Directly or indirectly those thoughts make our social level and also the financial level. for an example, there are people work hard for all the day. basically 9-5 jobs. some are work few hours per day or may be few hours per week. most of 9-5 workers have same financial state for all their whole life time and there is a common pattern in their life. they work, earn some, pay lot of bills, and pretending that their life is awsome. After all, they say " Im happy, be happy with what you got". then other group- the less work- earn more - they are totally different. first they work hard, earn, spent some and focusing for another investment or something. how they differ from 9-5 people is, they step out side their comfort zone, take risks and they try to climb up. they don't care about things that loose to them and work smartly. in those both of groups there are people waste their time, money for meaningless things. It could be women, gambling or drugs. they lose them selves because of those things. they dont care the limits; they lose their reputation also. So if you can invest when people spend on shitty things, that's the attitude. it doesnt matter your social state or financial state...

    People are different and we cant make all of them happy in the end of the day. EVEN if we did the best they say you are fail and because of that some people stop what they do. but If you can carryout your things regardless of others, thats the attitude.

    there are young lovers. if they break up they do silly things, they beg another one to stay and it makes others to underestimate them.
    if there is a man or woman who can maintain any situation with no issues, that's the best gift they have; the attitude.

    with those few examples which are more common incidents in the society I wanted to explain what is the attitude. Attitude will make your life easy, happy - no matter you are rich or poor :)

  82. 209242 Dewaka
    Not everyone who lives is the same. Some people have money and luxury life. but no matter how much money they have, they can still be unhappy. there are some people who do not have money and luxury life. but they live happily ever after. one of the questions that often comes to my mind is whether we need money to be happy.
    although we are all human beings, society is devided into rich and poor.
    i think we should be rich not because of money but because of our humanity. we can determine what happiness means in life by the way we think.

  83. 209220
    IBD Vilan

    Lot of peoples measure the rich and poor as their property and money. But i think that we should measure that as their humanity and behavior. All around the world has levels of humans. Specially third world countries divide the humans as rich and poor. But it's not the thing we should divide. We often try to help each others because, one day we all should end our life journey, So we should to do help each other. Then we can measure the rich and poor as their humanity.

  84. Name : T.W.S.Nimesh
    Reg No : 209145

    Poverty or richness is determined by the way they deal with society. No matter how rich a person is, if he cannot be satisfied with what he has, he becomes mentally poor. Even if he is physically poor, if he can be happy with what he has, he will live a more satisfying life than a person who is physically rich. So whether a person is rich or poor depends on their attitude. This is because satisfaction is not based on material things but on the richness and growth of attitudes. As soon as one realizes it, he leads a contented life rich in good attitudes.

  85. 209120 Umesh

    What a story and what a motivation it is....๐Ÿ™‚
    In fact you know the ali baba and 40 thieves is also a story like this. The greediness as well as the selfishness is
    very pessimistic nature those someone have in their real lives. The world is controlled under so many invisible hands such as nature power so these powers prevent the men from worse norms.
    So we have to be generous and lavish as we don't think about our life but we give our priority to money or to the fantacy world. So we may miss our whole goals and achievements in our life.
    Let's be so generous and lavish and so we will be able to get more value in this society for our vision and missions.

  86. Name-:T G S D Senarathna
    We can be poor or rich person. Maybe we can have lot of things. Like cloths, vehicle, phone etc. some person has few things. But he is satisfied with those things. But we do not satisfy about those things. If we do not satisfy about our things, we will try to achieve something. It is good behavior, then you can give the lot of things. You should achieve dreams, but do not be greedy. If you are greedy you will have enough. Always try to be happy with that you have. Be generous. Think of others. Then you will always be rich….

  87. Kavindu Deshan

    There are poor and rich people in the earth but I can't think how to measure it.It is relative to each others .Some people have more money but they do not live happy. Some people live happily but they haven't more money. If we do not have more money we can work hard and earn money. Then, Money can get rich by the hand.Actually, we should enrich our attitudes then we will always be rich.

  88. 209092
    HAC Jayawardhana

    Rich people have a very high social class compared to the poor . Rich people have money, nice houses, and cars but poor people have not lot of money, nice houses, and cars . Rich people live a life of luxury and opulence and they also have a high income. Poor people live a life of needy and poverty. Poor people need rich people, because rich people are their motivation to work hard to be rich. so poor work hard to achieve their goals and get out the life of poverty. And rich people need poor people to dream higher, and never become poor.

  89. 209031 Viduranga

    There is a social gap the rich and the poor in how people earn their wealth and income. The wealth may differ from one another according to one's will and desire. But most importantly, the wealth who earns does not ruin his life.

  90. Sachinthaka Ariyarathna

    The people living in the society have divided themselves into two parts as rich and poor. Everything in the world today is based on money. Rich people may have more money but less happiness. It is only after a long time that they realize that they are chasing money for the rest of their lives and that there is nothing left.
    Poor people are often seen living happily. They live a simple life using what they get sparingly. People should not be divided into rich and poor. We are all equal. The only thing that matters is to live happily.


  91. In today's society, we meet the poor and rich people. But poor people have more fun than rich people. They say, we are always more busy and haven't leisure time. Poor people spend their money and save what's left, But rich people save their money and spend what's left.
    When we're rich we never want to lose what we have yet. when we are poor, we have nothing to lose but we have everything to share. To be rich is not what we have in our bank account, but what we have in our heart. So always have a positive attitude and work to be rich people.

  92. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    People divide society in to parts as rich and poor. As a measure, they always get money for it. But it is not the correct way to divide society as rich and poor. I think, rich and poor always depend on the attitudes. A man rich in attitudes always lives contentedly even if he has no money. But, a man who rich in money and poor in attitudes will never have satisfied. If we are greedy, we can't enjoy our life. Then, we will always be poor in life. If we are generous, we can become rich in attitudes. I think that rich attitudes always better than money. I think, a man who rich in attitudes always go for the success easily. His name will keep in the world forever.

  93. 209256
    R.M.P.K Rathnayaka

    The two groups of persons live in world today that poor persons and rich persons. We measure persons rich or poor based on the they have money, vehicles and lands. I think it is not right. we should measure that based on the attitude of them. Rich person are want build their income every time. so Them good attitude are decreasing. But we all should try to build our good attitudes and become rich persons.

  94. 209104

    BGSN Kularathna

    Poor people are always ready to help someone else as much as they can, but sometimes poor people blame the people who helped them. Moreover, because poor people do not have the money to spend like rich people, they learn better because they learn the only way out of that bitterness. But rich people do not have the same problems as poor people because they have no shortage of money and other necessities like poor people. But no matter how much money and other things they have, they are not satisfied with them. Because they are somehow tempted to take possession of all the people who are a little more than they are, because they have too much desire. But sometimes positive attitudes can be seen even in rich people. For example, in some high-ranking positions, people below TSMA do not expect the help of employees to do their petty work. Because everyone is human and does not want to be treated as inferior by all. And in such rich people, humility, virtue, etc. can be seen

  95. 209169
    N.V. Rajarathne

    People need to be rich in attitudes not money. All people's love rich attituded persons. We dont judge a person is rich or poor, from the money. Are you think, "i haven't good attitudes". don't worry, all persons can earn good attitudes. It's want only change your vision to good vision. I think, as much as you rich in attitudes. you can rich in money. It is always true theory.

  96. T.A Supun sadeepa

    Good attitude is very important thing in our society. But unfortunately it is going to lower percentage now situation. So our society has people. Also there are two type. There are poor people and rich people. However have many different think between that types of people. Anyway some rich people haven’t good attitudes. Sometime there are very greedy, insidious and have many bad behavior. Actually he isn’t rich man. He is really poor man in the above video has very clear example for it. Anyway our society has poor people. Actually he hasn’t money and lot of resource. But he has good attitudes. There are honest , kindly and many good behavior. Then actually he is a reach man form his attitudes. So if we have good qualities in our life we will real reach people. . But money is only one thing form reach man. Therefore we can't measure the rich people from money. So I understood it well from that motivation video.

  97. 209258
    Jeewan Sanjula

    Poor and rich are the one of a main discussion in the society. How to divide a person by poor or rich. It depends on capital as well assets. Therefore people have become accustomed to choice who is the poor one or rich one. Because of that the society has divided but some people don't believe who becomes the poor person or rich person by capital.
    According to what I think for that opinion that it depends on person's ability as well ability to achieve successful goals and aims. If you achieve or succeed your goals, you can become the rich person otherwise if you are very lazy to achieve your goals as well aims, you can become the poor person.

  98. Himanshi 209081

    Attitude is defined as ones' feelings or mood toward things, circumstances or people. Attitudes vary from person to person. There are people with different attitudes in society. Attitudes are depended on one's behaviour. Attitude change does not depend on younger, older, poor or rich. we can see good attitudes in poor people. sometimes poor people have better qualities than rich. someone has been negative attitude or positive attitude. But we have the responsibility to turn our negative attitude into a positive attitude. If we have good attitude it will help us to build good relationships with society. come up with the good attitude became good person. It will be valuable than becoming rich.

  99. Sathusa 209200

    Everyone has an attitude in their life it may be good or bad. Commonly poor people always have a positive attitude so that they able to live a happy life. If you have a negative attitude it will lead you in a wrong way. If you have a positive attitude it will lead you in a good way. When you go in a wrong way you may have to make some mistakes it can put you in a critical situation as well as causing death. If you have a positive attitude this society will respect you always and it will keep you alive a happy life and make others the same way. In our impermanent life we too will live happily and let others live happily.

  100. Avishka Fonseka

    There are two kinds of people in this world. One type is poor and the other is rich. Out of these, rich people who have worked hard and worked hard since they were poor have become rich. And there are those who have been poor without any effort. Sometimes the poor man is better than the rich man Sometimes the rich man is better than the poor man. But we are all human. Therefore, we must help each other. The rich must be able to help those who cannot afford to live without poverty. The rich should be able to live happily ever after. Money is not always happiness. Some poor people are happier than rich people.

  101. The story is very similar to logger and the axe. If a man is greed and doesn't matter his social status or any other thing, his greed will hunt him down. Rich and Poor are words and words can be pretty confusing. Mainly because their meaning can be changed according to the context. As for deciding who I want to be , I would be a rich man with rich attitudes.

  102. Karunarathna HDVA

    There are two types of people in today's society. Those are poor and rich people. You are poor or rich be happy with what you get. You are how rich you become not important because you are not generous and good person. But you are not generous and a good person again you poor. Therefore, we be happy with what you get.

  103. YHGPN Bandara

    There are two kinds of people in our society. One type is poor and the other is rich. Out of these, rich people who have worked hard and worked hard since they were poor have become rich. And there are those who have been poor without any effort. Sometimes the poor man is better than the rich man Sometimes the rich man is better than the poor man. But we are all human. Therefore, we must help each other. The rich must be able to help those who cannot afford to live without poverty. The rich should be able to live happily ever after. Money is not always happiness. Some poor people are happier than rich people.

  104. You have to be happy with what you have or what you going to have in your future. That is a one way to live a success life in this world . Normally humans aren't satisfied easily about any thing. There for we are trying collect more and more things every time , but we we do not know what point to stop. And at some point we will ruin our unsatisfied life .So we have try to be satisfied with any thing .

    209062 Chamath

  105. 209181 Rimsha
    The worst deference among the people of today's world is Based on the amount of money they have, peoples are classified into 2 group as poor rich. but this not good thing because. Based on this worldview, the poor are rich by mind and character, the rich people are poor by mind and character. poor people's attitude is better than rich people. if you be rich but have a good habits and be good attitude it will help your improve. if you have good attitude and enough of mind you are the real rich live with good attitude and good habits.

  106. Student Number:- 209089
    Name:- Jayasuriya NJLN

    There is publication in the society that there is no need for money to live. On the one hand, that publication is correct. Because some poor people in the world are happier than rich people. And some people have no limbs, no eyes, no ears, and some people are happier than people who have everything. On the other hand, it seems that poor people are happier than rich people. But all that aside, money has come to the fore. He is happy when he gives money to any poor man. He suffers when he has no money. That is the reality. So I want to be a rich man. Because the rich man is happy.


  107. Student Number:- 209254
    Name:- E.S.I Prasanga

    If someone in our society is said to be poor, I think the person must be an attitudinally and intellectually poor person. If someone in our society is said to be rich , I think the person must be an attitudinally and intellectually rich person. Because our attitudes and intellect can determine what our social status is. Under the influence of these two factors, it is possible to make a rich person poor and a poor person rich. There are four attitudinally important groups in our society. These are,

    They are people who are attitudinally good but socially poor and rich. The other two groups are bad in attitudinally but socially poor and rich. These 4 social groups, according to their good and bad attitudes, emerge at different times in the society. Although we classify as socially poor and rich, attitudinally we do not know how poor or rich those two groups are.
    I want to say here is that if you are poor in attitude you are the poorest person in that society.if you are rich in attitude you are the richest person in that society.

  108. In this world have many rich persons and many poor peoples, but poor peoples have good attitudes .this video provides that difference. A rich person hasn’t good attitudes, poor people’s not money, not property and not anything but they have many good attitudes. The poor man is always satisfied with his has things. rich peoples not satisfied with their have things. poor people are helping others they can , they are not considering this person is rich or poor.

  109. 209009
    Everyone have attitude in the life because is the most important part . our society have 2 type people its poor and rich .
    This world have a Lot of Rich people but most people are poor . because that people not have Money and own property extra. but poor people have a good attitude . that is a most important in poor people life . Money is Decide to the Man poor or Rich but who has a good attitude in the life he is a real Rich man . if you have good attitude one day you will make a rich .

  110. Poor and rich are just two words. Poor people can have both rich and poor attitudes. And also rich people can have poor and rich attitudes. Everything has to do with the qualities of a man. Person with good qualities have very rich attitudes. Person with bad qualities have very poor attitudes. So I want be a person full of good qualities.

  111. Clint Enos
    Poor vs Reach....In now days money is the unit that measure a human.People respect to people who has lots of money and don't respect to people who earn less money. They classifies Reach and poor by that. But we should know Money cant buy happiness ,Money cant buy love ,Care... People who has happiness,love,care are richer than people who has lots of money,running in a competition to earn money, with a stressed mind..

  112. 209197
    Sadeepa miniruwan

    Today, people are divided into two groups according to the nature of the world .It's based on poverty and richness .Man's mentality in the modern world is that money is the measure used to measure poverty and richness .But the minister sees the world .There are many poor people. They only have money .Some People live to make money .Some people earn money to live .We have to decide which part we belong to .No man in this world is rich by birth .Many man wins life by money as well as attitude.We have to face the most difficult times in life from a young age .The person who successfully copes with those times and faces the problems of life is introduced to the new world as rich people. We can make our lives richer as well.

  113. Student num:209201
    Today, people are divided into two groups according to the nature of the world .It's based on poverty and richness .Man's mentality in the modern world is that money is the measure used to measure poverty and richness .But the minister sees the world .There are many poor people. They only have money .Some People live to make money .Some people earn money to live .We have to decide which part we belong to .No man in this world is rich by birth .Many man wins life by money as well as attitude.We have to face the most difficult times in life from a young age .The person who successfully copes with those times and faces the problems of life is introduced to the new world as rich people. We can make our lives richer as well.

  114. Name: WMLB Weerasekara
    Registration No: 209225

    Attitudes really show who we are. Attitudes vary from person to person. It is something that is unique to each person. Sometimes those attitudes are very high and sometimes they are poor attitudes. He will change a person according to his attitude rather than his outward appearance. That is, while a worker is cleaning the garbage bins on the road, some people will not properly dispose of the garbage bins. When you think about it. The job of the worker there is to remove the garbage bins, but it would be a very high attitude. But people who do not dispose of garbage properly will be poor in attitude no matter how high they are there. But, anyone can become a poor man or a rich man. That is, when one's attitudes are enriched, the poor will also become rich.

  115. 209040 Dasanayaka DHL
    Although someone was a poor by assets, can be rich from thoughts. Rich is not limit by to only price money. Wealth based on possessions, however, is firmly entrenched in the rich thoughts of the heart. If someone is very greedy, can be rich, but it does not last forever. This story gives us such an idea.

  116. Srimal Hapuarachchi,

    Attitude refers to what a person thinks about his or her surroundings and the way in which he or she interacts with it. Every human being has a different perspective on life, the attitude also differs in each individual. The saying, “Attitude is everything”, draws from the idea that people who have the right attitude in life, are the ones who succeed. Having a positive attitude brings about a positive change in one’s life.

  117. 209073 Janith
    There are several examples we can take from this story.Whether they are rich or poor, they must be honset.And they should not expect retaliation when they help someone else.This means that they should not get anything more than they need. However a good example from this story is that a person's poverty or richness does not depend on his wealth or money and that if his heart is rich he is rich.

  118. The perspective of a rich man should change in the minds of people. Rich shouldn't limit to physical wealthiness but also mentally. One's soul should be rich and it the most important than monetizing. No matter how wealthy we are if we do not cultivate good virtues and attitudes. Without rich attitudes we would still be considered as poor indeed. Being poor with rich attitudes is much worthy

  119. Good Attitudes are the most important thing for a person. We can measure people good or bad by their attitude. People's morality is raised by good attitudes and people's morality goes down by bad attitudes. Mainly, the world uses the two basic types of attitudes. These are Positive Attitude and Negative Attitude. A roughly positive attitude is positive thinking and a negative attitude is negative thinking. If a poor person has positive attitudes, he can win his life and he can achieve his goals but if he hasn't been positive attitudes, who can't win his life. If a rich person has positive attitudes, his life improves further from where he is but if he hasn't been positive attitudes, who can't improve his life, he is deteriorating day by day. Often positive attitudes and positive attitudes are influenced by effort and enthusiasm. So don't be a lazy man, be a courageous man.

    H.D. Chamuditha Ekanayake (209056)

  120. 209230- kavinda

    Attitudes are also a reason for the successes and the failure of a person. Good attitudes make successful persons and bad attitudes make them a loser. so as I think the person who has a lot of money or a lot of power is not a successful person without having good attitudes. As I feel the person who hasn't a lot of money or power but having a rich attitude is more successful than the persons who rich than the financially but without having good attitudes. So I think If someone wants to be rich attitudes are the most important.

  121. 209022 Lskshan.

    Today society is divided into rich and poor. This division is based on money. People with comfortable cars, houses, and good food are considered rich in today's society. People who cannot even find a daily diet are considered poor in today's society. But the rich and the poor should not be measured by money. Poverty and richness should be measured by people's ideas. Many rich people have money but they are not happy. They are very busy. But many poor people have happiness. They live a simple life. Not busy. Poor people have many qualities that rich people do not have. That is why we should not classify people as rich or poor in terms of money.

  122. 209223 Ranith

    There are rich people and poor people in our society. People consider that ones with money and wealth are rich and people donot have money and wealth as poor. People are not rich or poor from birth. We bring nothing when we come to this world. We are the one who devided people based on money. Rich people do not satisfy about their money. They try to earn more and more. They do anything eagerly to find money. They donot hesitate to do wrong things. But poor people are very innocent and they have good attitudes. Poor people live happily without doing wrong tings. They satisfy on what they have. Poor people always try to help others. We all are humans; so we should not discriminate people.


    REG.NO - 209260

    Before 1800, just about everybody was poor. You had royalty, you had these huge landowners, but they were a tiny, tiny minority and just about everyone lived in poverty. And everyone lived very much wedded to their land.  This was the entire history of humanity. There were some huge changes, of course: agriculture.  What happened was that mostly people were hunters and gatherers before agriculture. And then, when agriculture started, food production was then brought to people rather than vice versa.  People didn't go out looking for food. There were places where they knew that a steady supply of food would be created. I  truly believe that every child deserves it. And unless we use the tools of finance to do it, we will not succeed.  But it is going to be your problem, because the thwarted ambitions of a young person in Africa and the Middle East is not going to be distant from you. That we know. The world is so interconnected that you're going to have to think about their prospects, as well as your own. rich people see opportunities. Poor people see obstacles. rich people see potential growth. Poor people see potential loss. rich people focus on rewards. Poor focus on the risks

  124. Malitha

    This video gives an important message to society. There are no rich or poor people in this world. People of that type cannot be classified. If he was a rich man but sad, he was a poor man. But if he is poor but happy, he is a rich man. It all depends on our attitude.


    The world has many divisions and many discriminations between human beings just as inequality between rich and poor is found among the society. Because of this inequality the poor in the community face some difficulties in doing their things. The rich are still working hard to achieve their dream and raising more and more money. The poor are raising money to live on their daily livelihood. This is the common difference between the rich and the poor. Despite this some rich people continue to help the poor and thus the society has made massive progress.

  126. Sachin

    Poor and rich are not based on money.because attitude, knowledge and qualities of a rich person and one will not be rich with money."It is not your fault you were bron poor.if you die is your fault " this is dialogue l heard in a tele_story.that is, we must change the rich and the poor ourselves.we can change ourselves.we have to decide for ourselves. how to live life in the rich and the poor.simply paly a living is part to the wealth I SEE.

  127. Sashini silva

    People's wealth is often determined by their appearance and wealth. But what we really need to do is measure whether we are rich or poor by thought. Because many people who are physically rich are mentally poor, and many people who are physically poor are mentally rich. One thing to always keep in mind is to always make sure to be mentally rich in thoughts and wishes.


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