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 "Time is an Illusion": Albert Einstein

Time is relative. How would you manage 'time' in your life... 

Watch the following video and see how time is corresponding with different situations in life. Please share your experiences; how you have experienced 'time' in different scenarios in life.. 


  1. 209052
    DS Ekanayake

    The term time management is misnomer. you can not manage time. you manage the events in your life in relation to time. you may often wish for more time, but you only get 24 hours, 1440 minutes, or 86400 seconds each day. How you use that time depends on skills learned through self-analysis, planning, evaluation, and self control. Much like money, time is both valuable and limited. It must be protected, used wisely, and budgeted.

  2. Name – Rathnamali KKMEA
    Register Number - 209174

    I have lots of experience of spending time. When I waiting for a bus or waiting to meet someone time is slow. When I am late for a bus or I am late to go to school time is flying in speedily. Usually, I use 15 minutes to enter the main road when I am late I take 20 or 25 to enter the main road. When I am at a sad time like death, time doesn’t go. If I spend time with my friend happily that time is short. When I am in a pain situation time is endless and not going. My hand was broken one day. That time period spends very slowly. When I am at a boring lesson in the classroom, time is long. Not spending. The matter is this feeling, not a clock, only our thought.

  3. Name : Nadeesha Vithanage
    Index no :209221

    "Time is an Illusion": Albert Einstein

    We can measure time by using seconds, minutes, or hours. 60 seconds is equal to one minute and 60 minutes is equal to one hour. Second by second, time has passed. And days, months, and years have passed. So we have lots of experience with time.

    "Time is slow when we wait". When we have to wait, we get impatient. We can't wait, but time doesn't move as fast as we want. At that time, we feel that time is very slow. "Time is fast when you are late". As an example, we miss something because we are late. At that time, we feel time is moving very fast. But we can't go back to the past again, and we can't get past time again. “Time is deadly when you are sad”. When you are sad, time goes slowly, and we can't skip that time. We have to cross that time definitely. And during that time, the reason that causes the sad grief hurts us a lot. "Time is short, when you are happy". If we are happy, that time is very short. And I also heard about "if we are happy, sadness is coming soon". Because the happy time is very short. "Time is endless when you are in pain". If we are in pain, we don't feel time passing. Because we are stuck in pain. So both time and pain are endless for a long time. "Time is long when we are bored". If we are bored, we feel that time is passing second by second. And we feel that seconds are very long. Though if only we work, we don't feel the time is long.

    We measured time by using a clock and seconds, minutes, and hours. But every time, time is determined by your feelings and physiological conditions and not by clocks. So our feelings and physiological conditions can control the time.

    Time is like gold, and we cannot get time back. And we should manage our limited time before it's too late.

    Thank you!

  4. 209150
    Ravindu Dilshan

    Time is most valuable thing in the world. As the goes on we have face defferent situations. I also faced different situations
    and different problems .Some unanswered questions should be allowed to resolve in time. The elapsed time we cannot get back. We must make sure that we spend our time productively. Time must be managed in order to spend time productively. We must do the essential work first. Working on a schedule can help you manage time.

  5. Dhanushka 209076

    I think time management is everything because there are two things in your life that you should not waste. Those are time and money. You cannot take back the time once spent and neither stop it from flowing. You must do what you should do on time or otherwise your workload will get bigger and you will regret afterwards.
    You can manage your work according to time. work according to a time table or plan your daily works and do them on time. Even if you are in sad you can make yourself busy with works so that you can get by from that feeling and the time.

  6. Nalinda

    Time is like gold. Everyday life in the world is determined by time. That is, we must adapt to the pace of time. Every second we spend in life is shortened by our lifespan. Time management is our responsibility. Time never adapts to us.

  7. People spend times with some tasks. But sometime people feel at the sometime time runs slowly and at the sometime time runs very quickly. At sometime we don’t feel how many time we have spent on it. But always time runs with same speed.
    I have many experience as example for the previous things. While I studying then the time runs very slowly and that time I felt boring but when I doing some practical something or playing games or watching a movie than I don’t feel how many time I spent on it.

  8. Sithara Embuldeniya

    Time is something we don't have. I'm saying this because we might die tomorrow or today or else in 50 years. we don't know when we're going to die. we can't predict our future. if we consider the time we have to be happy and make everyone happy every time. because people are going to remember what you did for them. not what you have collected. when we have time; we should be happy and make everyone happy.

  9. 209119 - Punari

    Time, indeed, is an illusion. It is relative. It is not a definite concept determined by clocks. Time is not absolute. Even though time has being measured throughout the history, and accurate, precise methods are available today to measure time, so much so that the 13th General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1967 adopted a standard second based on the cesium clock: One second is the time taken by 9 192 631 770 oscillations of the light (of a specified wavelength) emitted by a cesium-133 atom, time, still is relative, because time is measured by the standard of any phenomenon that repeat itself. Thus, the rotation of the Earth, which is a phenomenon that repeats, is the most common and well known standard of time.

    However, these may be as it is. Science and technology may seem absolute. But everything is relative. Once we remove the standard and let everything to be roamed freely, we might understand that everything is an illusion; including time. Time may be read by clocks, and clocks might work endlessly seemingly absolutely, but truly, time depends on abstract metaphysical factors, which vary from individual to individual. Think about it. Isn’t it true, time passes slowly when we wait? How long does a boring lecture, which we keep waiting to end last? But, doesn’t the few ours we get together in the weekends for some fun fly away in just a matter of minutes? What an illusion this is, yet we’ve framed and coerced it into represent something absolute. We have schedules, time tables, calendars, weekly plans, etc. followed by all, and yet time passes differently to everyone. To two students of the same batch, one enjoying and interested in the lecture and the other bored as heck feels time in two different ways. What an illusion this!

  10. 209117
    Sohan lahiru

    Time is an invaluable resource, so time management is essential. If we can effectively manage the time between waking up in the morning and going to bed at night, we can get many benefits.

  11. 209113

    The importance of time management is something we have all added to our lives well.Short distance runners are well aware of the value of seconds. The person who has had an accident knows the value of a second. The person answering a short question paper knows the value of the minute.So every unit of time has value. That value varies depending on the individual and the actions taken. Life is easier to win if you manage your time properly. It is always advisable to have a good understanding of the value of time.

  12. 209122 – PPK Madhusha
    If you ask people what the most valuable thing in the world is, a lot of people will say money but it but it is wrong, most expensive things is time because We can't get a second to pass. so we spend our time for every second valuable things.

  13. 209078
    Ihalavithana I.V.H.M

    Time is a precious resource .Payment time cannot be reused .Must make the most of the time available.Or we will have to repent due to the elapsed time. Every moment that pays should be devoted to any card.
    Time management is always needed to save time .We need to get used to it
    For this we can use a schedule. It allows you to do scheduled tasks on time.
    Sometimes they feel that time is running out when they do something they like best.
    He feels that time passes slowly when he does something he does not like.
    Time is of the essence, and it is our responsibility to make the most of it, as time is of the essence.

  14. Name: A.M.A.Shanuka
    Reg. No: 209207

    Time is worth more than diamonds. Time always passes us by. Never put time back or slow down. We can never stop or slow down. Otherwise, this time will be wasted. Therefore, we must work hard to adapt to the times without wasting time. People today are waiting for time to solve problems. But all we have to do is work on time, not wait. The richest people in the world are those who have adapted and worked over time. Elon Reeve Musk, the richest man in the world, has said that the holidays are causing losses. If you want to succeed one day, you have to work hard and give maximum value to time.

  15. 209054 Ekanayaka GGND

    "Time is relative" this statement is very true. There are many times when we have wasted our time in vain. We can never take that time again. Life goes by second by second, minute by minute, sometimes we don't even think time is running out. This can be minimize through time management. Also we have to do something at a moment's notice or if we postpone it until later we have nothing to gain and only time is wasted. Always make the most of the time you have because the lost time will not come back.

  16. 209102 Hashan

    Time is the most valuable thing to humans. It is a one of the things that can’t buy and it’s the most precious thing to offer to someone. As humans we have limited time to live. In that limited time, we have to everything that we are supposed to do. So, we must try spend every minute carefully. It doesn’t mean we should spend our life like machines instead of that we should spend time with our loved ones. We should spend time fill our spirit with joy, happiness and everything and most importantly we should spend time to do our duties. While doing all these things we should try to feel and live in every second of life.

  17. 209077 ZAHIRUL HUTHA A.N.A

    Time is most significant thing on the planet. As the goes on we have face defferent circumstances. I additionally confronted various circumstances

    what's more, various issues .Some unanswered inquiries ought to be permitted to determine on schedule. The slipped by time we can't get back. We should ensure that we invest our energy beneficially. Time should be overseen to invest energy gainfully. We should accomplish the fundamental work first. Dealing with a timetable can assist you with overseeing time.

  18. In some situations, we feel the time is against our will. When we are having fun unknowingly time is past very fast. And if we are bored or sad or situation that we want to past as soon as possible time past is very slow. It's like time trying to take revenge on us. Actually, time is not the problem. The problem is that how we are facing the situation at the moment. thus, if we can face the situation in a positive manner we won't again feel that we are losing time.

  19. Name: S A K T Prabath
    Reg no:209156

    Time is of the essence. We cannot stop or change time. We must constantly move with the times. Here it is important that we manage our time properly. That way we can get more successful results. Sometimes it feels like time is moving fast when you are happy, or it feels like time is moving too slowly when you are lazy. It’s just a feeling. Therefore, we must act with understanding over time. Then we can achieve success.

  20. 209120 Umesh

    Not only the time i think this whole world is a illusion and time is a one of the factors of it. So on the other hand time is a task manager for our lives and it can be included various type of occasions such like the parts what is in this video.
    This video emphasizes us that time is relative from one event to another because it's that how we feel that conditions so we actually can't stop the time as it's not a physical element then what we are able to do is the proper time management according to our day-to-day works.
    If someone postpones his total works with unconscious considerations, then it would be the greatest damage that he is generated.
    So let's be punctual and then it would be blessing for our lives. All needs a explicit goals those with a obvious time period so how should we manage this? I suppose that we should have a well planned strategy to spend each seconds. Then we all will be able to succeed in advance.

  21. Most say the most valuable thing in our lifetime is TIME. But the most important thing is how and for what we spend it. That reason is the thing that makes time valuable or not. As per the video, I also have experienced the every different flow of time. I want to make this life time I got a better useful one, not only for me but also for others who I value. I spend and will spend this precious treasure with and for whom I value most in this world, for my goals and ambitions which will make them proud.

  22. Student Number:- 209089
    Name:- Jayasuriya NJLN

    Every time, we are connected to something or a part of our life. Every one of our actions is managed over time. So if we wait, it feels like time is slow. But if we are late, time seems to pass quickly. And if we are sad then time is deadly. And when we are happy, time feels short. Thus our time depends on the work we do or the mentality we are in. But we should not always allow time to determine our emotional and mental state. Accordingly, we must control time. We need to manage our time well according to our needs. We must not allow time to control us.

  23. The best thing about time is that we cannot get back the time that we spent. There for we cannot go back to past. Which is some times good but some times bad, Because if we made mistake in the past we cannot go back and fix it. There fore we have to spent our time happily as much we can. Because we do not know how much time we have, when its going end. so don not consider about the time just forget it don't even think about it just do what you want to do and take the time as much you want.

  24. Student number - 209263
    Name- pradeep kumara

    Time is our thought. It depends on our thoughts. Some say time is money. But in my opinion time is our future. Our future is determined by the way we spend time in the moment. Sometimes we have moments when we often regret something. But even at that moment, we miss a lot. So time is not time. Time is the moment when we are ready.

  25. 209024
    Kavindu Deshan

    I totally agree with that video. There are so many factors in that video, such as when we are in happy time is going quickly when we are in sad time is going slowly, etc. I have so many experiences in that kind of situation. Recently day I participated math quiz. It has to 30 minutes to do. It was the fastest half-hour of my life. it was then that I realized how valuable time is. Every time, time is determined by your feelings and physiological condition and not by the clock. We need to know how to manage time. Therefore we can manage our works. Time is like gold. Therefore don't waste time, and use the valuable time for valuable work.

  26. 209134

    We feel the time spent at a different level in different moods. If we wait for something we feel the time move is very slow. If we want to move time slowly it moves fast. I think we can't find out how we feel when time moves normally. Because we are in a different mood always.

  27. 209101 Tharindu

    Time is of the essence for everyone. No one can control the passage of time. I have felt that time behaves differently at different times. Sometimes time passes fast, but sometimes time passes very slowly. But that's how we feel .Time always counts at the same pace, but the way we feel in different situations is different. However, it is important for everyone to manage their time well.Because We cannot take back the time that has passed so we must make the most of it. Or you may have to regret the time spent

  28. Name -Madusha pramod

    Time is of the essence, but it must be used sparingly. Every second, one stage of our life goes on over time, it can happen with sadness, happiness, pain
    But with all that, we have something to learn. Unfortunately time can not stop us so we have to live with it.

  29. 209162 Priyadarshana

    Time is an illusion that brings an end. Before that dawn, people have a lot of fond memories. Therefore, everyone should manage their time and use it correctly. We can't get past the time. All we can do is take examples from the past and plan for the future. So we must become a fruitful mango tree before time inherits a tragic end. Because no one looks at the mango trees that do not bear fruit.

  30. 209237 Ravindu Tharuka

    Time is really valuable thing. Time is gold. Time in this world is finite so it is better manage our time to do things what we want as quickly as possible because we do not know about when is our end. Therefore it is better to spend valuable time and effort on things that get the results we are looking for.
    Everything in this world changes with time. There is nothing permanent in this world. Everything is impermanent. So we must understand it ourselves and then we can spend time and we can manage our time more effectively because we know everything is impermanent so that we deal with that with maximum commitment.
    I have had so many experiences in my life to explain the magic of time. When I was a child I have a delicate limbs and delicate skin but now it is not like that, now I am well built and extremely different than in childhood. When I compare my childhood photo and younger age photo I can understand very well about time changing magic. We can not do things like when we did in our child age. It shows us the value of time. Finally I can say time is like gold. if you do not manage your time effectively you have to worry about it in one day. If you manage your time effectively you can live happily in present.

  31. Time is one of the important parts of our lives because we cannot stop time. But we can manage the time. Time management helps us to achieve our goals efficiently and effectively. We should not waste the time because We cannot take advantage of the past time. We can do our daily works perfectly by managing our time. I am used to working on the timetable.
    And I am used to planning and organize my daily works. Then I can do my daily works efficiently. So I can reduce wasting time.
    Everyone should understand the value of time.

  32. Kaweesha 209147

    Time is eternal and time has no beginning or end. Time can be measured in years, months, days, hours, minutes. We cannot stop or change time. So, we must use our time sparingly. So, we have to learn to manage time. The video above has a very true story. When we are happy, time goes by very fast. But when we are sad , time goes by very slowly.

    I think time is more important than money. Because money can be earned again but the elapsed time will never be regained. What we need to do today must be done today. It should not be postponed to tomorrow. Therefore, we must do everything we can to make our future successful without wasting time.

  33. T.G.S.D.Senarathna
    Time is an illusion. That is true. After the A/L I worked as an electrician at Micro Contraction. I got out the job with university registration. Therefore I received three month vacation. This time was very boring. I felt day was too long. These three months have felt like three years to me. But university time duration is very short. Days, weeks, months go by, I just don’t feel it. I think, if we haven’t work time duration is very long. Exam time period is very short. The time pays off like a jet. When we consider the boring time period and exam time period, the sapped of time is same. But exam time period has lot of work. Therefore we feel time is go quickly. Time is not changes, only changes our feelings and psychological conditions.

  34. U.G.D.T.Sandaruwan

    Time is relative. But it is easy to achieve our successes through the proper management of our time. The importance of time cannot be overstated.From birth to death we are bound by time. I too have been a waste of time at times. At times I have taken advantage of the time and achieved success.The time we spend with life is sometimes extraordinary. The school time we spent happily ever after passed quickly .When we are happy, time goes by fast .We have had a very difficult time in the last two years due to the covid epidemic. In those days there were many times when it was thought that time would pass quickly.I think we have time behind all the successes and failures in life. Second by second time makes us mature human beings.We must not allow time to control us. We must control our time .I think the most important thing is that we should spend every moment of this time happily.

  35. K.D.P.S Chandrathilaka

    Time is hard to define. Time is hard to speed up or stop. Sometimes I wonder if I can stop time or go through time. But that is not possible. Sometimes time travels slowly when I am at rest. Sometimes the times when I face an exam go by a time pretty quickly. I do not know why that is. I think time is magic there. We need to manage time very well. Otherwise, we will have to live with regrets about the past. Time is gold and precious.

  36. 209129 Ishan

    Time is most valuable thing in the world. We can not control time. But we can manage time. Time management is very essential part of our lives. We can not stop time. But we can manage time effectively.

  37. 209196 winuli
    Time refers to the uncertain continuum of existence and events. Furthermore, these events take place from the past to the present and into the future. This explanation of time tells us one important truth. The truth is that time is a limited and valuable resource. Every second, minute or hour that passes is lost forever. Most notably, these seconds, minutes or hours will never return to our lives. This clearly shows the great importance of the value of time.
    we can use time table for time management.we all have small time to live.I love spend my time with my family,my friends and my puppy.

  38. Name – Kumarasinghe K.A.S.K
    Rg No - 209109

    Our elders said, "Time is equal to gold". Now my age is 21 years old. But last 10 years, like today yesterday to me. Like the video said to us, when we are sad, in pain, and boring, time is going very slowly. But, we are in happy mode and we are in a hurry for work when time is going very quickly. But, we are in happy mode and we are in a hurry for work when time is going very quickly. When we have time, we want to make everyone happy, and also, we want to live happily. Because we don't know tomorrow what happens to us.

  39. Dasun Thilina

    Time is an Illusion. We cannot touch it or we cannot handle it or we cannot stop it or we cannot return the passed time. As I mentioned earlier we cannot handle it, but we can manage our time. When we manage our time we can use time effectively. Sometimes we all feel the time spent is related to our feeling. In some cases it is true. Sometimes we spend the boring or ambiguous period we feel the time is not going or why time is not going fast. As an example when we listening to a boring or ambiguous lesson we check the time or feel the time has stuck. Sometimes we need to do work in a hurry or essential work we feel the time is going too fast or we have not much more time for the work. As an example when we do an assignment and it has a due date of 2 or 3 days but we feel we do have not much more time to do the assignment. Time is like a bird. That bird always flying over the head fast or slow. When we manage the time we can decide bird flying fast or slow.

  40. 209081 Himanshi

    I think time is the most valuable resource in our life. Most of the things in our life determine by time. We never get our past time how much we tried. Therefore, we should care about our time and we must manage our time properly. If we face sad or bad moments we think it's our bad time. But it isn't true. We have the ability to change our time in the best way. In a happy moment, time goes quickly and in a sad moment time goes very slowly. So in the sad moment, we feel the time is bad and its punish to us. If we had a pre-plan and have the knowledge to manage time usefully we can remove time waste and turn new perfect way to win our life within time.

  41. 209166 Pasindu Rajapakse

    Time is one of most important thing on our lives. If try to manage it correctly we can do anything what we want to do in a specific time period. If we in not calm situation time is never be slow, we have to calm down and make that situation to better one. It can helps us time keep our life cycle stable with time period. I have lot of experience with time in my exams. Most of the times I haven't time to complete my papers. At the last 30 mins in the exam I'm really stressed. Finally I realized I have to give attention to the time at beginning to the end. If we always manage our time in happens automatically at the right moment. We have small time in our lives. Because of that try to enjoy every moment. Don't worry about the mistakes you have done in the past. Live in the moment.

  42. 209246
    Udara Ayomal

    Time is a precious commodity. If we miss the time we have to work, we will never be able to get that time back. And we realize that time passes very quickly when we do some pleasant work. But when we do study, it feels like time is not running out. This is because we do not like the car very much. So when we study, we should consider it as a very pleasant thing. This allows us to get the most out of our time.

  43. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    I think time is one of the hardest things we can understand in the world. We can't judge it value. I think, this miraculous thing sometimes plays with us. Let's imagine a moment like an exam. Time will run like the fastest thing in the world. But think about a moment like when you in a pain, time will go as a snail. So, am I wrong? Time is playing with us. We think, time always go with same speed. But actually, it didn't feel like that. When I in a happy moment like a party, as well as when I got late for bus, time ran without think about me. In such a moment, feels an hour like a second. But when I am in pain, I think that time was stop. I have only one thing to tell. Like the opinion of mr.Albert einstein ,time is an illusion.

  44. 209032 Sudesh

    The time is amazing. because some times we feel very slow, sometimes it feels fast. we have felt time in both of these ways during the stages of our lives. we feel that way because of the value we place on time. when we are happy we do not feel time passing because we do not care about time. when we are sad we are always focused on the time to spend it off quickly and then feel that the time is passing slowly. of the various time ranges I have spent in life, the time I now spend is one of them. I have a lot of work to do but time goes by fast without letting me do it.

  45. 209188 Harshan
    Group B

    Time is very important and valuable things for our life . Time is determined our feelings and psychological conditions and not clocks. I accept with this point. If we need to be a graduate ,we must do time management . When we write exams time management is very important. We can manage our day today works accroding to time.In our happy moments time go very fastly. There have been many instances in my life where I have realized the value of time.for examples it when i write o/l and a/l exams.time is relative thing. We should manage it for our daily activities.

  46. 209199 Dinitha

    When we talk about the races, exams, scientific-practical, mathematic eruptions and all the daily works, time is the important part. When birthing a baby, he unknowingly started his time circle trough looking at his birth time. However, in my opinion, time is handling all the things and it is the handler in the world. People wake up, sleep, eat, got to the job, became young or older, which memories are want to remember and all the lifeless thing’ longevity like all the things depend on the time in this world. Some grown people passing their time unhappily and without any target. Some women go older from their minds without physically. They had already given up their lives because of the time. So we must get control of our lives to our hands and then we can control the time too.

  47. Key takeaway is enjoy the moment that is all there it is. Good luck

  48. 209144
    Nimalsiri OCC

    Time is the very important thing because our life everything decides on the time. However, our life time will limit. Anyone don’t know when we will dead. But we were coming in the world specific thing. It is my opinion. Then our life time we will do that and we will go. This limit time we were doing something and we will have to doing something else. Then our every time will spend doing that. At this moment our main job is working hard for getting our degree. We are going to do it great way. Then our life will come success this very limit time

  49. 209055

    What are we mean by time? It is a real illusion. Time sometimes fast other times slow sometimes dead. We all have 24 hours per day. some people have enough time for their works and some do not. If we have priority for some work we have enough time for that. Our emotions are combined with time. Some people trying to time travel seeking their past happiness. some are weeping thinking about the past. But if we live in the present we do not have any regret we are always happy.

  50. Name : T.W.S.Nimesh
    Reg No : 209145

    Time is a wonderful thing. when we are waiting for something, time goes by very slowly. Feeling restless throughout that time. Wherever we are late, time passes unexpectedly. Then we unknowingly passed the time. We feel that a minute travels at the speed of a second. That is the mystery of the time. Time is deadly when you are sad. And when you are happy, time does not seem to pass. That is the strange mystery of the time. The important thing to remember is that sadness flows in line with happiness. Although time has given unlimited space in the face of pain, it flows unknowingly in the face of happiness. It seems that time has changed and flowed according to the nature of these different moments. But the reality is that time has always been the same. What changed was the nature of the feeling we were experiencing at the time, depending on the situation. So spending time meaningfully without delay is not a cause for regret.

  51. R.M.P.K Rathnayaka

    Time is moving faster than we can imagine. But if we can managing this faster moving time, we can be a success person. I think time is a more valuable thing in a person life. We have 24 hours a day, but If we sleep at least 6/7 hours of those 24 hours a day, we will have about 17 hours left. Of those 17 hours, when we set aside time for our other daily activities (eating, bathing..), very little time is left. If only we could manage that little time we can challenge the time. If we give most value for time, we too can achieve success in life.


  52. 209029
    Kalana Lakjith

    Time is really Illusion. It can be short or long depending on how we feel. The time available should be properly managed and utilized without wastage. Which is sometimes good and sometimes awful, because we can't go back and rectify mistakes we've made in the past. As a result, we must use our time as cheerfully as possible. We don't know how much time we have or when it will end since we don't know how much time we have. The elapsed time cannot be brought even by elephants, So spend it productively without wasting time.

  53. Time is most valuable thing in our life. That is why there is a saying in society that time is like gold. But we felt time is different with our feelings. When we do something wait, we feel that time is slow. When I late to the bus, I feel that time is running fast. When we feel bored to study, we feel that time is long. That is the nature. But it is a problem in our mind. We should manage our life and we need to think wisely. We often wish for more time, but you only get 24 hours, 1440 minutes, or 86400 seconds each day. How we use the time depends on skills learned through self-analysis, planning, evaluation, and self control. Our success depends on those factors and we must manage our time but time is limited we should work fast our life.

  54. As Einstein said in fact time is an illusion because time is a criteria that we can not control but it is attached with our life. As humans we have short period of time to live and to do work. in our child hood, time is limit then in our youth time is very limit but when you get older you have plenty of time. so it is what it is we can not understand what time is but we can mange our time to a certain extent. it is the only way that we can use our time usefully and meaningfully.

  55. Isuru Lakshan

    If everyone in the world is considering something, one item is time. Because time is an invaluable thing in our lives. We cannot be pricing for time. Parent and teachers...They teach children to work on time in childhood. When we begin to do some work first thing we look at is time. Because everything that works is related to time. Sometimes time plays with people. When we live in happy and sad moments, we feel that the same time works as differently. We don't have much time to live. We do not know when our time will end. Everything depends on the time. So we need to set aside valuable time to do good.

  56. T.A.S .Sadeepa

    Time is very wonderful thing because anyone can't stop the time. Then now we have been fighting with time...But we can to do Something for time...So we can manage our how to manage our time? Someone easy to manage his time also someone difficult to manage their time...therefore time depends peoples activities and their life. Anyway I don't like fight with time. Because it is very hard to me. When I am sleeping, time goes by very quickly. That is bad for my sleeping. Also when I am playing game and watching movies time goes by very quickly. That is not good for me. But I am doing some boring work, such as studying and lecture time., then time goes by very slowly. Anyway time is matter for successful life. Because the time can change anything. Then we should fight with time. Then we can want to be successful person.

  57. S. Sharavanapavan

    Time is very important in every moment. I am middle class family boy. I always feel important of time. I don’t know how many years I live. So when we get a opportunity ,we use it. Because that time is not come again. I missed some opportunities. I share of my one moment. I got my University in 2nd time in 4th rank in our district. This is my good achievement in my life. My family members not get this chance. I cried about my 1st results in A/L examination.

    Everyone face lot of opportunities. But we use time in correct time.

    Thank you.

  58. Dissanayake DMHSJ
    The amount of time we spend varies according to the shape of our mind. It does not happen by stopping the clock or moving fast. It is a mental sensation, not a physical one. Time passes very slowly when you are sad, lonely, or waiting. I think time has stopped. But when you are happy, time passes quickly. The passage of time changes according to our mental state at that time.

  59. 209155

    Time is most valuable thing in our life. So on the other hand time could be a errand supervisor for our lives and it can be included various sort of events such just like the parts what is in this video. This video emphasizes us that time is relative from one occasion to another since it's that how we feel that conditions so we actually can't halt the time as it's not a physical component at that point what we are ready to do is the correct time administration agreeing to our day-to-day works. If somebody puts off his add up to works with unconscious considerations, at that point it would be the most noteworthy harm that he is generated. So let's be reliable and after that it would be favoring for our lives. All needs a unequivocal objectives those with a self-evident time period so how ought to we oversee this? I assume that we ought to have a well arranged technique to spend each seconds. At that point we all will be able to succeed in development.

  60. 209197

    Time is so precious that there is nothing in this world that gives value to time. There is not enough time for a person to succeed in life, and more time for a person to fail in life. There is no time left for any man who has succeeded in his life in this world.The reason for this is that he makes the most of the time he has, because he controls his time.We all need to make the most of the time we have in our lives to make our lives beautiful, because time is never going backwards. Maybe now is your precious time.

  61. 209258 SANJULA

    Time is an essential thing for people as well every living beings. We can clarify that time is defined as the duration in which all things happen. We could not reverse time, therefore we have to manage our time as useful ways. When I was my childhood, I thought time wasn't use for me. But I had to understand that time is very important thing. If you waste your time, you will be looser. if you want to manage your time, you will be winner.

  62. We only have twenty-four hours in a day in our daily lives. As a result, we won't be able to do everything in one day. As a result, we have limits in our day-to-day work. Manage your time according to work priority. Live every moment happily. Then you can do everything without any effort.

  63. M.A.MOHAMED ALTHAFF 209241

    Time is seen as an important thing because every second we lose every minute we miss the opportunity to reach our goal when we make the best use of time so we can make the best use of every second we get

  64. Student num : 209201
    Name : BMHR savindi

    Time is so precious that there is nothing in this world that gives value to time. There is not enough time for a person to succeed in life, and more time for a person to fail in life. There is no time left for any man who has succeeded in his life in this world.The reason for this is that he makes the most of the time he has, because he controls his time.We all need to make the most of the time we have in our lives to make our lives beautiful, because time is never going backwards. Maybe now is your precious time

  65. 209220 - IBD Vilan

    I also have that kind of experience, Because that if i am in happy moment, we couldn't feel spend time. Because we totally focus in that happy moment.
    But if i am in lazy or boring time i think time is not spent. It's running low, i think. But it's not the truth. It's depend with our mind.
    However we always try to manage time and get it as very usefull.

  66. Name: WMLB Weerasekara
    Registration No: 209225

    Time is valuable. Really, who does something worth the time? That is us. It depends on how we use it. We all want to have a nice time all the time. But do we spend time beautifully or do we always find time and chase after it? Always find the time and manage it instead of running after it. Then we will have that beautiful precious time. If we are busy with some work, we will not feel that time is running out. But, if we are reluctant to do something, we feel that time is passing slowly. But time will pay off. Time will flow like a flowing waterfall. And we cannot go back in time. So during this time, we are sailing our lifeboats doing a lot of work. So you have to manage the time to make a beautiful journey in the river if those flows.

  67. 209230- S.M.K.V.Wijerathne

    Is Time an Illusion? Sometimes we can say yes because, when we are spending time with the thing that we like time is very fast but when we are doing some boring or dislike things, time is very slow. But in reality, time is not fast or slow from time to time. Actually, time is constant but we feel it in a different manner. Actually, it depends on our feelings. That is why I said time is an Illusion. Another special thing is we can't stop the time. So the only thing can we do is manage the time. Therefore time management is very important for our life. Because we only have a limited time. Without managing the time we are difficult to complete our day-to-day work. Therefore as humans, we should have a good time management plan and we should invest our time.


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