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Believe in Your Time Zone

 People have different timings. Never underestimate timing in your own life

Watch the video below and tell us how much you trust your own time zone. 

Do you always compare your time zone with someone else's? 


  1. 209097
    HSU Karunarathna
    We always compare our time zone with someone else. We often compare what we have or have received and what someone else has received by our age. But before comparing, "What makes him poorer than me at my age?" If you can be happy with what you think, you are a winner. And if we were to be born poor and die poor, it is your fault. Therefore, achieving your goal depends on your desire and determination.

  2. 209131 Chanusha Ashen

    Do not give up. Don`t think it`s too late. If you are alive, you still got time to fight your story. Trust your instincts. your destiny will lead you to peak of your mission.
    ("People linked by destiny will always find each other." - The Witcher Netflix )

  3. 209055

    We are all different people. we have unique fingerprints, voices, talents and appearances. Also, we have a unique time zone. We never compare our fingerprints with others, but we most of the time compare our time zone with others. If we are all different people in the world, how is the time zone be same? we are all on time, no one late or earlier. Get ready to face your time zone and do not compare it with others. One day we will achieve our success in our time zone.

  4. 209061(Fernando P.W.S.V)
    Time is something we can not control. But we can manage without wasting time. That's exactly what needs to be done. Some people take a long time to do something and others finish the job very quickly. If a person meets the needs of others in their life. It does not matter how much time he spends on it. The best example is that I got selected for my higher education by facing my first exams. But others are in the second and third rounds. In my opinion, he is a winner even in a situation like this. The important thing is not to give up the effort and commit to victory. And we can not compare the time zone it takes for someone else to complete a task and the time it takes to complete it. Because it's the best time for him to finish, depending on his time zone.

  5. 209052
    DS Ekanayake

    Someone graduated at the age of 22, yet waited 5 years before securing a good job; and there is another who graduated at 27 and secured employment immediately !

    Someone became CEO at 25 and died at 50 while another became a CEO at 50 and lived to 90 years.

    Everyone works based on their 'Time Zone', People can have things worked out only according to their pace. Work in your “time zone”.

    Your Colleagues, friends, younger ones might "seem" to go ahead of you. May be some might "seem" behind you.
    Everyone is in this world running their own race on their own lane in their own time. Don't envy them or mock them, it's their 'Time Zone.' You are in yours!

    You’re not late … You are not early ... you’re very much On time!

  6. 209076 Dhanushka

    Sometimes I feel like I'm being pushed. Compared to others in my life sometimes I feel like I'm behind. That causes me to rush things in my life up abit. Sometimes it is good and sometimes not. You have to do your life events or take life decisions at the correct time of your life. Otherwise you will find yourself working and working without seeing any freedom of life.
    In other way around, you cannot spend your by skipping all the work stuff saying I still have the time to do those in the future. You have to be precise. Take the right decision at a right time in your life is the best. Compare your life with some other one's and do the things that he or she does just because he or she is doing it is not the way. You have to make a timeline for yourself and act according to it.
    Then you can be satisfied with your life that you did the right things at right times.
    You won't be regretted by thinking I could have waited or I could have done it earlier.

  7. 209038
    Sithara Embuldeniya.

    Time is relevant to one another and it changes one to another. it's okay to start at any point in your life. founder of KFC started his business when he was 65 and it doesn't matter because starting was important. if the founder of KFC thought "I'm too old to start something" we might not eat fried chicken today. likewise, we are worrying about age so much. but I think age is just a number. you can start your life, make changes, live the best of your life in your own time zone.

  8. We are accustomed to comparing our time zone with others. But the goals we have vary from person to person. We must work to work in a time zone that suits us, rather than in someone else's time zone.

  9. 209213-Shanuka
    Everyone in this world work based on their time zone. That's different from each other. There is the best time to do everything. So, don't compare other's time zone with yours. I satisfied my own time zone and I trust it. Don't be upset by comparing your time zone with others. Everything happens at the right time. So, be patient until your time comes. Age is not a matter. In your time zone destiny is set up for you.

  10. It all boils down to your personal values. What do you value most and that should be your heading. Work towards it and that is the only thing a one can do.

  11. Malinga Sandaruwan
    A true story. Everyone has their own time zone. When someone starts their journey of life early, someone does it in the end part of the life. It does not matter, you are in 15 or you are in 70. The importance is the purpose behind the man. According to their purposes, skills, commitment, attitudes, and their own view of life, the time zone will be changed. It does not say that someone was late or this person is behind your status, he or she is a failure. This person may go over your status someday. Therefore do not unintimate a person from their time zone.

  12. Comparing own timing with others is not effective, because people’s timings are different from each other. First, Everybody have unique timing individually. It is depend on their own personality. Second, people time zones is created by themselves. Its’ depend on their own personality. own background, capacity, selections, abilities, and skills are the materials of creating people’s time zones. Third, persons lifetimes, and styles are different. Peoples are end their lives in different time periods, some get injured unfortunately, getting marriage, time of starting a job, job salary, and other life events are not same for whole world. Own time zone is the best timing for individuals. Peoples are not much early or not much late for get their lives forward. It affect peoples individually. then comparing it with others is not fair.

  13. 209106 Isuru
    When we do something, even if it's too late, it's a loss for us, so time is of the essence. But we should not allow time to do everything. Then we can fail. Our lives should not be allowed to be determined by time. Our lives are decided by ourselves.
    People today allow time to decide everything. It is a wise act. For example, my life ends at the age of 50. So some people commit their lives on time like that. Finally time should not be allowed to determine life.

  14. Udara Ayomal

    We should not hesitate to start some activity in life. Do not wait for the right time to do that. Now is the time to start a successful career in life. So we are not late yet and all so we are not early. It is not appropriate for us to measure the initial period of success in another person's life. Because it was the most successful phase of his life. So we do not need to compare the time zone with others. So now is the beginning of our success in life.

  15. My opinion is our best time is just now. If you can put attempt and commitment to what you want. so if you want something, you can afford to do that. then your time zone is coming up.

  16. 209054 Ekanayaka GGND

    We always make decisions by comparing ourselves to someone else. Instead of setting an example in the life of any person, we tend to make decisions by comparing others with those people. But we should always think not about their time zone but about their efforts to achieve it.

  17. S.N.C.O Akalanka

    Time is very important to everyone. But the importance of the time is depend with one person to another. We all have our own time zone. There for it has no any barriers. We can start our life journeys what ever we want. And that will be very awesome and useful for our life and further more it will be very interesting to our life. Actually that is the real truth of our own life.

  18. 209102 Hashan

    I believe in my time zone. I believe that nothing is too early or nothing is too late and things will come to my life at the right moment. Sometimes things don’t go as planned. It doesn’t mean you have to give up. You have to keep trying to achieve your goal and they will come into your life when the time is right.

  19. 209116 Supun
    If you have a goal to achieve in your life , don't think about too much about time zone . You are in your time zone. Don't think about comparing others and start to achieve your goals .

  20. 209253

    Time zone difference with each other. I believe in my time zone. When I missed something in past, in the future, I will get good things greater than it. I have experience with this. In 2017 and 2018, I had a bad experience with my Advanced Level exams. But in 2019, I was able to apply to the University for my higher education. Someone get it in his first time. But I achieved it in my third time. The age doesn’t matter for it. Therefore, I think this is my time zone. I never compare any others time zone with my time zone. Because it's always different.

  21. Name: A.M.A.Shanuka
    Reg.No: 209207

    Each person has a unique zone time. Elon Musk's fixed assets of $297 billion by the time he's 50 will take him 22 years, but Eric Yuan's fixed income of $10.5 billion by the time he's 51 will take 10 years. It does not earn income for its age. Believe that the harder you work, the closer you can achieve your success one day. Assets do not change with their age. So wait until your time zone comes.

  22. The time zone depends on your own thinking. If someone has a clear target, the time zone is just a word. For example, you want to be a graduate, but you are 30 years old. You shouldn't think about age or anything else. Starting something is far more important than wishing you hadn't started anything. 

  23. 209209

    Everyone has own time zone to achieve their goals. We always try to achieve our goal. In any age, we will achieve our goal. Age is doesn’t matter to our success. Everyone has one life we don’t lose our goal. When we are trying to attempt our goal. One day it will happens in our own zone. We doesn’t considered our age to achieve goal.

    Thank you.

  24. I’m a person who believes in destiny. If something is ment to happen it will happen even we try to resist it. and we all have our own time zone. We only have to do is let it happen. Imagine we plan our life from the beginning to the end, what happens if our time zone doesn't go according to the plan, then the only thing that is left is regret. Thus, the best thing is to do is let things happen according to our time zone.


  25. 209029

    we can't stop time. Time is always moving forward so make the most of it. Some people take a long time to do works and others finish the job very quickly. Work to the best of your ability, without wasting time. Some people success in old another success in young age. Believe in Your Time Zone and work to your target.

  26. 209166 Pasindu Rajapakse

    We have to keep our life cycles in good condition. When we are living in the world, we met a lot of people who successful in their lives and who failed in their lives. We can’t compare our lives with others. As the video everyone in their own time zones. People who failed in the future they will be successful. And also, successful people can fail in the future. As a idea we don’t have to think a bout our life comparing to others. We can make our own life different. It is the spirit. Its make you great place in the world. Don’t depend on others. Be your own.

  27. Name: UGDT.Sandaruwan
    REG NO: 209192

    Of course I do not always compare my time zone with anyone else.The best example of this is that I sat for the A / L exam three times. I devoted every opportunity and time to my goals without comparing it to someone else’s time zone.Sometimes not everything we do is successful.For some, it succeeds at first. But I think we have to dedicate time to achieving our goals.We did not compare it to someone else's time zone.There is no set age for success.Sometimes a person can be successful just moments before he dies.

  28. I trust my time. I got things I needed at the right time in the my life time. so further I trust my time and me. It is the life some time we in sad some time in happy so that thing is received by time. we should face to that things the same way. I don't compare my time zone with someone because it is bad thing to life. When we compare our time zone with someone, we feel sad. And it destroy your mind and your time and your feeling. so I don't compare my time zone with someone.

  29. Zahirul -209077

    People are different types in the world. Further, their life is different. everyone becomes a good position different time zone, and different age someone become a good position at a young age, and someone becomes a good position older age. some guys start life easy but some guys start life very hard but must try to start their life. some people think I am old how come, successful men, don't think that type think world most successful people become successful men they retire age. Don't worry age is just a number. Everyone become in a good position one day sure.

  30. YHGPN Bandara

    All people have their own time zone. Some people manage their time zone perfectly and someone is too late. But we can't tell anything about that because people have their own targets and ambitions. Some are achieving their targets getting early. I think that is better than late. I think if those who late for achieving their targets he late their all life events. We need to manage our time zone since our childhood. We need to work hard and go to our targets. For example, pass well our exams, get a degree with first-class, Find a good job, Get married, etc. Then we could achieve our goals early and spend our life journey happily.

  31. 209167 Malsha

    In your life, you have lists of things that you want to achieve like everyone else. Graduating collage, university, a marriage or building up your own name, some of these even might be in your life more or less. Some people believe every type of life goals have to be achieve in a planned time zone that are same with everyone else. But as we all can see someone might not be able keep up the time zone of someone else. Take your own experiences as an example you and your friend, have you two ever had to go through the same thing in same time and achieve the results in exactly in same time period. That question may not get the answer as yes at most of the time. Someone can achieve their goals so early in their life that another one trying really hard for a long time. It does not mean that you’re too late to achieve that goal or you are not capable of doing it. Everybody have their own time zone. It is not our duty to judge, be envy or mock them but to root them and yourself as well. Even if some of people are ahead of you or behind you, it is fine because everybody run in their own path and time zone. Age is just a number when it comes to the passion in your heart. Do the things that you think you want to do. You are never late.

  32. 209033
    K.D.P.S Chandrathilaka

    We have hopes in our lives. It will take a lot of time to achieve those expectations. Others take a short time. We must reach that hope within that time. We can manage without wasting time. No matter how long it takes, they have to move towards their hope. For that you need to manage your time and create a life schedule

  33. 209163
    P.Sandaru Imesh

    Time is a valuable commodity. We can never go back in time. We will never be able to undo what we have done in the past. We value time as we move through numerous life milestones. We can't change the past, but we can change the future by manipulating time. Some people marry when they are young, while others marry when they are in their 40s or 50s. For students to excel in their schooling, time is equally crucial. The color is similar to gold.

  34. 209078
    Ihalavithana I.V.H.M
    Time is of the essence in life. We can never control time. Time will pass even if you stop us, but time can still manage the time we can't stop. Do not compare your success with another. Success varies. But do not repent. we must build confidence in himself and then life will be successful.

  35. 209134

    The first thing is we should not compare others' time zones with our timezone. Because different people have different goals and the time required to achieve that goal is different. By comparing we only get demotivated. Over time, everyone comes to their own goals. But the age at which those goals are achieved varies

  36. 209032 Sudesh

    when we are living as a human we are going to compare our life with others. do not do it because in this life we can not win better than others. because we are not in the same game. they are trying to win their own game, not our game. so think carefully do not be late to start things. do0 something. be someone. try to spend life better than yesterday. try to start good something. try to continue it. be kind to people and innocent. try to win your game in success way. you are not late because life is not ended. because in this time you are alive.

  37. In my childhood many times, my parents said to me to be like him. But I always think about that why I want to be like him, and why my parent always said to be like him. I know that many parents say to their children to like that. And one day I asked why I want to be like him and I said I'm never gonna be like him I wanna be me. and after that, my parents never told me to be like him. That success of him, he achieved in his time and his commitment. So, I can achieve that success in less time or more than he spends. That depends on you. Be like you and do things according to your time not others and don't compare your success with others. So, works according to your timeline. It's not late to achieve things that you want because you are working according to your time zone. Trust your time zone and work hard.

  38. 209123
    people have different timings. Never underestimate timing in your own life. all people have thier own time zone.its depend on thire Commitment.some one work hard From a young age he can be succussfull person.some one work hard From middle age he can be succussfull person. Effort, commitment and enthusiasm Affects every success

  39. 209104 Shanuka

    I never compare my time zone with someone else’s. Because every time I have problems different to others. And also my targets. For a example after A/L results came , My A/L results is on the fence. Also my friends results came in the same .Because We had curiosity for, If we select university or not. And then my friends selected, to do again A/L examination. And that time I chose go to a job. In time period of selection to the university’s . Because I thought , I had lot of paths go to my targets. In job period I applied lot of degrees and now level diplomas. finally university selected name list is came, and me and some friends selected to the university. And that time I earned lot of money for by the job. that money more helpful to my university life. And I earned big experiences by that job. Finally, I can’t get that chance ,If I joined with my friends and did again A/L examination. therefore never compare your time zone with someone else’s. Always try work in your thinking and your time zone.

  40. 209011

    It is useless to grieve thinking about the past. We need to think about the present and work towards our goals. A person can achieve their goals in less time. Another person spends a long time achieving his goals. It varies from person to person. In the end, the person who achieves his goals before he dies will win his life.

  41. Every person has been given a particular time for their targets. If persons had more issues they will be able to be archive their goals by trying.
    When someone is working Engineer in his 30. Another 30-year-old person is learning to become an Engineer. But everyone will be met the appropriate time to reach their unique goal.

  42. It is clear from the examples in this video that time zone and age do not affect one's goals.

  43. 209074 samantha

    Time is of the essence for all of us. We need to manage our time well and work to win our lives. Failure to use the correct ones at the right time may lead to future failures. The key to success in life is to make the right decisions at the right time.

  44. Name -Madusha pramod
    Reg.No- 209157

    As a metter of fact we know thear are a lot of people live in the word in dispirit of a lot of people live the do not know how to become success full person .one person is going to end some work his ending can be become another person's starting and also when we are living in the world rd we have to face a lot of problems at that time maybe we make some point wich is not good ,
    at that time If a person thinks it is the end and leaves the task with failure, he can never be successful.
    And if another person thinks this is not the end and I try again, he will be able to become success full person.
    Finally, people need to remember that the end is the first step in a new era.

  45. 209013

    Most of the people comparing their time zone with others time zone. Actually, it won't work for everyone. We don't need to compare the time zone. Everyone has a unique talent and unique time zone. So we can't expect your Time zone will be same. But keep try . Ever tried, ever failed, no matter, try again, fail again, fail better, because this world is yours....

  46. Student Number: - 209089
    Name: - Jayasuriya NJLN

    Different people have different times. But they take advantage of those times very little. About 60% of the average lifespan of the average person is wasted. Only the remaining 40% is used. Only a limited number of them carry out activities that are beneficial to their lives.

    “Time is money, money is gold” “Time is like gold” Both of these phrases mean that time should not be wasted and that time has value. Accordingly, it is a characteristic of a successful person to do his work in the time allotted to him without comparing himself with others at any time. We are never late, and we are never too early. Things will happen to them at the right time.

  47. 209127
    Everyone in this world has something unique. They work within that framework. But you should not look at the identities of those you trust outside of your own frame and compare yourself with them. Thus, all those who have identified their inherent talents and developed their abilities without comparing themselves with others have become successful people.

  48. 209063

    It is relative. Sometimes it can be. But success is not determined by time zone alone. One succeeds at a young age. His commitment is due to his tireless pursuit of success. We can not deliver anything on time. We have to go on our journey.

  49. Name – KKMEA Rathnamali
    Register Number - 209174
    Time zone will deferent from man to man. I believe in my time zone because something will happen around me according to my current situation and when I am ok. When I am ready to be graduated I will be graduated. When I am ready to marry I will be marring. When I am ready to be done a job I will be doing a job. Everything happens with a person’s thinker, desire and ability. Someone achieves some goals early someone achieves the same goal lately. It will depend on their trying. Whatever is not important about the period and important only about your achieving target.

  50. Name: S A K T Prabath
    Reg no: 209156

    We are all different people. We have different fingerprints, voices, talents and looks. And we are in a time zone that is unique to each other. It should never be compared with others. Because each of us achieves our success at a time that is unique to us. There we will never have time before or after time. So you control your time frame. There is no influence of external parties.

  51. 209188
    The all people have their own time zone .someone's time zone is very short but someone else's time zone is very long.Our time zone depends on our density then we ahould achive our goals in time zone. I strongly believe my time zone.i always try to achive my goals quickly .if we born poor ,we try to die rich. We all are can do it.


  52. 209257
    From childhood to school in my life soon everything happened the way I thought it would. Now I am a undergraduate of the university. I have to study my course for 4 years. Then I will be 26 years old. Sometime I think it would be nice if we could graduate at young age. But I am not trust time zone. I think the time it takes for us to achieve things will relevant to our journey will change depending the decision we make and our efforts. Some paper share their life in some places. But they will success in future. Other people success everything if it efficiently and accurately. But maybe they will fail in the future. Therefore I think not a time soon our life. It will change on the decisions we make and on our to ideas. And also I am not going to compare my time zone with other people time zone. This is because everything changes depending the decisions we make.

  53. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    The challenges that affect my life at different times are different. The future has the potential to change because of so much that has happened in the past. I have had a very bitter experience. I had a lot of bad experience in my A / L exams in 2017 and 2018. Therefore, I was able to change the curriculum and successfully sit for the GCE Advanced Level Examination in 2019 and get a chance at a university. If he had regretted the time, he would not have been able to face the exam a third time and succeed. I think I will get everything I need at the right time in my life.

  54. I cannot completely agree to, what lady saying in the video. I always think that, I am late for every thing . I am trying to compare my work with others. It is a way to measure that you are successful at your work. For example, if we considered a race, the winner is decide by comparing time periods of them. But it is not a good thing to compare you with others in all the moments of your life.

  55. 209081 Himanshi

    Time goes by fast. We cannot regain the time that has passed. Therefore, we must have a pre-plan for our lifetime zone. No special time to do anything, I think the best work is to work on time. If someone postpones their work, giving many reasons to late. That is not the best way. We do not need to think further about age like things. Anyway, not good if we depend on other's time zone. We must have a time zone for ourselves and we must run our lives according to that zone. We are not too late or too early to do anything yet. Never be lazy. Start work on time and continue work on the correct time zone. It will way to your success. Never think he got that achievement at this age and don't down your encouragement due to that reason. You start work by thinking this time is the best. According to that, you will be able to achieve your aims and enjoy your life happily.

  56. People are not the same. Because they are different from different types of things. As I think, we don't need to compare our lives with others. When someone is trying to compare her/him self with the other one, then they are disappointed about her/him self. Absolutely everyone in the world works based on their time zone. As well, people around you might seem to get ahead of you and to be behind you. While you are working, you think you are soo late or you are soo early in your time zone. Actually, this is not real. Because everyone is running their own race, in their own time. In fact, don't envy them or mock them. Always remind, they are in their time zone and you are in your own time zone. Furthermore, everyone has a turning point in their life circle. Life is about waiting for the right moment to act. So, we should be able to wait for it. Finally, I would like to remind, you are staying very much on time, and in your time zone destiny is set up for you. Moreover, never underestimate timing in your life.

  57. 209150
    Ravindu Dilshan

    Time is very important to everyone. Everything happens over the time. Everyone has a time zone.
    But many people do grieve over what others receive. It does not have to be this way. What we gain and
    what we lose is determind by our time zone. We can't stop it. All we have to do is wait for the right time.

  58. 209256
    R.M.P.K Rathnayaka

    We have different different time period to achieve our goals in our life but those goals do not have to be achieved at that time. That time period will different person to person. Society has many different opinions. as like when you become a person you have to finish your education at the age of 24-26 and get the job. This can vary from person to person. And also, Learning is not something that can be limited to a certain period of life, a person should learn throughout his life. If you are not able to achieve a goal in a certain period of time, do not stop there and move on. Then you can achieve it.

  59. 209083
    H.M.H.L. Jayarathna

    We have more time. We were born with nothing but we die with a lot of things, because of what we say we do we should not think it is too late. It’s better for us to think that it is too late. If we are born poor and die due to poverty, it is our fault. We have time and destiny. They take us to the right place at the right time. We must not allow that to happen and we must continue to move forward with our time and purpose without stopping with our intentions. It all leads us to success.

  60. 209144
    Nimalsiri OCC

    Our every works has perfect time. I believe that. Our culture believes that. When I am going to start new thing, I always check the perfect time I will be start that. Always the time decide time to get what we deserve. Some people don’t believe about time zone but the most of people believe. I was failed grade 5 school exam but I was passed Advance level exam highly mark. I think the reason for all this my time zone. One day I will become success full person. It also decide my time zone.

  61. 209155

    A true story. Each has its own time zone. Someone starts life early, someone does it at the end of life. It doesn't matter if you are 15 or 70. Importance is the goal behind a man. Time zones change according to their goals, skills, dedication, attitudes, and their views on life. This does not mean that someone is late or that this person is behind your position, he or she is a loser. One day, this person might talk to you about your condition. So, don't remove people from your time zone.

  62. 209048
    Dissanayake D.M.H.S.J.
    Every human being has the opportunity for his rights. But it is not the same as each other. I should be happy about my opportunity. But do not compare yourself with each other. You should make the most of the opportunity you gets. I don’t think age has an effect on that. Age is only a number

  63. We are all of different ages. Not everyone does the same thing at the same age. Some may be rich by the age of 30, while others may be poor. It's because of the way the person reacts. Some are lazy while others work hard.For such a reason, while one person is enjoying one age level, another is sadly passing away at that age level. With this in mind we are enjoying life using our time in the most valuable way

  64. 209221
    Nadeesha Vithanage

    We always compare our time zone with someone else. May be with person in our country or with another country.
    In our country lots of people finish their school education at 19 years old. Among those people

    someone starts to doing jobs. From here till their retirement age they do their jobs. And some one started study at universities and they finish their higher studies within 4/5 years. After that someone doing jobs and someone doing their masters. But some one stop their education at age of 16.They do their job till they retire.
    some one start their higher studies after few years. because of their laziness for study, because of family problems like .By that time their ages other people have finish their studies and do jobs in high positions in big companies. In that time can occur this time zone compare.
    In addition to that other countries people start their highest studies at 15/16age. After that they start their jobs at 19/20age . So they have time to spend their lives. So Sri Lankans can compare the time zone between us and them. The things now we going to do, they had do before 4/5 years.

    So, from person to person, country to country time zone can be change. But we should not going to criticism others.

    Thank you.

  65. 209230 - SMKV Wijerathne

    Time zone is different for one another. Everyone has successful time zones and failure time zones. we should never give up our effort in our difficult time zones. we should try to reach our success time zone. It can be taken one or two years some time it may be 15 or 20 years. It depends on the person. So as a human we should not compare our time zone with someone's time zone. we should wait until our time zone. we should work to achieve our success time zone.

  66. Name: WMLB Weerasekara
    Registration No: 209225

    Time is something that we cannot control or change. So we have to manage and use that time correctly. Each of us will move within our own time frame. Within that time frame, people will do different things. Some use their precious time for the most meaningful things while others do not. But many of them will regret it a lot when they look back at the end of the day. So some people take a long time to do something and others finish the job very quickly with management. Then he will have time left to live his life. People deal with time in different ways. That is, some will devote their entire time to their own discovery. Eventually, he will be able to succeed in it in the long run. Then he will not grieve even if he spends all his time on it alone. Some will spend time meaninglessly until the end. Speaking of which, an incident in a movie comes to my mind. That is, the "In Time" movie is based on time. That is, in order to live there, one has to make time instead of money. He also has to pay for the time he has to live to buy the goods he needs. So they have to work to find that lost time. So they do their work without wasting their time. Would we really waste our time if we really had to face such a situation?


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