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Imaginations fuel everything. Thought, imagination and daydreaming can take you a long way. 

Watch the following video and let us know how big you want to dream?

Is your mind open for imaginations? 


  1. I am dreaming lot. Some times those dreams, converted to plans. Some dreams motivated me to change my way. Always my mind is open for imaginations. Most of my free times spent on daydreaming. Some times I plan how achieve those. My dreams guide me.

  2. 209052
    DS Ekanayake

    Albert Einstein said,”Logic will take you from A to B, imagination will take you anywhere.” Imagination is the gateway to critical thinking. In the current world we live in, imagination will play a huge role in our lives, it is up to us to imagine a world where things are better. Where people are better. Always my mind open for imaginations and I'm dreaming to infinity.

  3. 209113

    Daydreaming is something that most of us love. It can be described as the best weapon to eradicate loneliness. Daydreaming while watching a sexy shower on a beautiful evening is one of my favorite parts. What we see as daydreams are often our future goals and things that we like the most. I wish them all the best in their daydreams.

  4. In today's video there was a couple and they seem to be arguing about something.
    Girl "Who is Chathumi?"
    Boy "We are friends from high school."
    Girl "and why is she texting you in the 2:15AM?"
    Boy "We are writing a play and were just discussing something in the plot opening"
    Girl " oh really! what kind of story is it?"
    Boy "You don't have to worry too much you have a part in it too .... as the villain "

  5. Name: A.M.A.Shanuka
    Reg. No: 209207

    Imagination can change people and the world. Everything that is currently being created may be someone's dream. Dreams of today will come true one day. So dream and work for those dreams and one day they will come true.

  6. 209102 Hashan

    “Imagination is the engine of life”. Imagination drove humankind to the modern age from the stone age. Peoples’ imagination has changed the world. Also, there isn’t a boundary for the imagination. I imagine great things that I want to do in my lifetime. That imagination drives me to accomplish those things.

  7. 209101

    Imagination is the ability to mentally represent something.Here one's thoughts and dreams are very important.Because a person's success depends on his thinking. One must have big dreams for success.Imagination and thinking are important in many activities. It stimulates those activities.Because of this, big dreams and imagination are extremely important for one's success.

  8. Ihalavithana I.V.H.M

    Imagination changes lives. Creates strong people through good thoughts and dreams. Everyone has dreams in life.Dreams are a part of our lives.The success of a person depends on his thinking. Success must have big dreams. Dreams and imagination are very important for one's success. It leads to success in life.


  9. In my opinion, people should dream about their future. And these dreams must be logical. Because then it is easy for people to pursue these dreams. These dreams must be dreams of their own imagination. I have to imagine the logical dreams I mentioned above, then it will be easier to pursue those dreams. Today the dreams of young children are framed by parents and this learning method. They think Dunn will direct his child to the highest possible job. But does not recognize the child’s will, talents and abilities. What will happen then is that the future of this country and the world will be devoid of new creations and new ideas.

  10. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    I think we can't live without imagination. Imagination always give strength for build a complete life. Actually, daydreams supply an aim to us. If we work to fulfill our imagination, we can fulfill our life. I also have so many daydreams. Actually, I spend my life to reach them. I am dreaming to complete my degree with good class. After that I like to have a good job in foreign country. After some years, I will start my own company. Many people will work in my company. I will be expanding branches of my company over the world. Like that I, I have many imaginations. I always work to succeed that dreams. I sure that, my imagination will take I in a long way.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. imagine is very important to go our dreams. always we should look daydreams because it is decide our future and also when we look daydreams we in very happy. when we did imagine we live in there. then we can do anything. I also see daydream about in my future. but it has not now I do things. we imagine always about anything. many times i imagine my wife but now I have not a girl friend. but I can imagine. the imagine and daydreams make alive many peoples.

  13. Most of the time I daydream, but the problem is those imaginations are about very unwanted, impractical things. Even the destination is not clear those imaginations take me far away. When my imagination disrupt by some thing and I Came to real world, lot of time was wasted. There fore Imagination is not very helpful to me every time.


  14. As I think this video is most important to our youngsters. Because they are dreaming a lot. Many dreams are helping to achieve and approach some plans and goals. Those dreams move to the right ways and pave to us. We must take a time to think about dreams and it should help to open our minds to the imagination. Once you achieve your goal, you have to be grateful to yourself for your achievement.

  15. U.G.D.T.Sandaruwan

    Imaginations change all our things. Dreams and imagination really give us new hope.We strive to live up to those expectations. And through our imaginations we become trying people.Imaginations really fuel our lives.Of course my mind is always open to imagination .I always try to make the daydreams I see come true.
    I use different strategies for that. Sometimes a small imagination in my mind has led to my great success.In fact, people's imaginations have changed the world.Imagination and dreams are an important part of our lives.

  16. Name : Nadeesha Vithanage.
    Index no: 209221

    We dream at night. It happens automatically. And we dream in the daytime. But it is our imagination of our own. In daydreaming, we think about the things that we most like, the people we like, and the future that we would like to live in. I also daydream. 

    My opinion is that if we want to achieve something, we should dream about it hugely. But some people say don't dream hugely,  then you can't achieve them and it damages your mental health. When we have to complete a task, we first consider how we will complete it. Then we have a plan to achieve things. The only thing we need is, we should make reality what we imagine. In childhood, we can think that one day I will be a doctor or engineer. But at a young age, we think I can't. Why we can't. If we can live and love our dreams, we can achieve them. Daydreaming gives us huge support for achieving our dreams.

    Thank you!


  17. 209029
    Kalana Lakjith

    Anyone who dreams can imagination them to succeed. Imagining before doing any action, That action contributes to success. So imaginations fuel everything. Because a person's success is determined by his ability to think. To be successful, one must have huge dreams. Many occupations require creativity and critical thought. Dreams become a reality through imagination.

  18. 209253 Maheesh

    Everything that is currently being created maybe someone's dream. Imagination can change people and the world. I think we can't live without imagination. If we work to fulfill our imagination, we can fulfill our life. I also have so many daydreams. I always work to succeed in that dreams. I am sure that, my imagination will take me in a long way. I imagine great things that I want to do in my lifetime. That imagination drives me to accomplish those things.

  19. 209166 Pasindu Rajapakse

    I'm also a daydreamer. Imagination is really helpful motivation to our selves. Those dreams keeps people alive. If I have a goal. First of all I try to imagine what happens when I successful in that goal. It's really helpful for me move forward. But, too imagination is dangerous. It's waste our time. Imagination gives us motivation but we have try to be success.

  20. 209081

    Some people are being imaging and daydreaming about their dreams or plans. However, it gives the motivation to go long way. Because when we imagine our dreams every time they are saved in our mind and it gives encouragement to run towards our dream. Like this, imagination makes your goals and dreams come to life. Within that, you can improve your life and attract to you success, health and prosperity.

  21. One's Albert Einstein has told that” Logic will take you from A to B, imagination will take you anywhere.” Likewise, every new invention has been created because of someone’s imagination. Dreams of today will come true one day. So dream and work hard for those dreams to come true and then one day they will become true.

  22. Name -Madusha Pramod
    Reg.No - 209157

    Imagination can change people and the world. Everything that is currently being created can be one’s dream. Today's dreams will come true
    Also, there is no limit to the imagination
    Everything that is currently being created can be one's dream. Today's dreams will come true. So if you dream and work for those dreams, one day those dreams will come true.

  23. 209188 Harshan
    Imagination can change everything. We all have lot of dreams . we all are trying success our dreams .our future depends on imagination.we always see day dreaming then if we need those dreams success ,we should think from imagination.

  24. 209144
    Nimalsiri OCC

    We are always imagining new thing. It is better for success life. Because imagination gives us to a new hope and renew life. Definitely imagination is our life target. When I will a day become an engineer, it was my past imagination. Therefore, imagination is very good for our life

  25. Student Number:- 209089
    Name:- Jayasuriya NJLN

    Imagination is really good for all people. Dream, awaken thoughts, imagine and daydream. That way we can go a long way. There are times when even new discoveries are made through imagination. Even our lives can be changed by our thoughts and imagination. “Imagination is the engine of our life and it can get us into trouble”. There are people who have won the world by writing books with thoughts. And there are people who have lost their lives because of such thoughts. The reason for everything is our mind. But some argue that the imagination of young children is brainstorming. But I think thoughts and imagination can change our lives. I often have daydreams. When alone I travel to certain days in the past and future.

  26. Name - KKMEA Rathnamali
    Register number - 209174

    Imagination lives people. Imagination is the fual for out life. When we have imagination or if we ride according our imagination to achieve our dream we have clear goal and target. Then easy to achieve targets. Why we have a path and plan for our dream, path is imagination. We can make dream with imagination without limit. No limitations. Imagination is a one tool make our dream.
    My mind open for imagination. I have imagination for my dream. I try to achieve my dream as imagination. Imagination lives my dream.

  27. 209209
    S. Sharavanapavan

    Everyone has dreaming in their life. My motivation is Dr. Abdul Kalam. He is said, " Everyone is dreaming but it's only think we try to success our dream. My dream is I become a I will pass the SLEAS exam and I want to be a D. S in our area. I am build my dream for step by step. First of all I need one degree and I am doing question about related exam. It is not one day process. We learn it lot of year and face lot of problem. We try to solve all problem and go to next level. Our dream is one day happened. Imagination is also support to our dream in every moment what we do in process.

    Thank you.

  28. K.D.P.S Chandrathilaka

    We all have a dream. My point is that if we want to achieve something, we have to dream big about it. There are some successful dreams to be had during the day. Those dreams take us to a world of our choice. I see successful people behind successful daydreams. It has also influenced the vast creations that have been created in this world. Daydreaming can be a great help in making our dreams come true.

  29. Imagination is the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present. It is a powerful force which has the ability to generate great ideas. The imagination and daydreaming help to make positive vibes in our mind about our future goals and the desires. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it. I believe in my imaginary powers because they pull me to reach my goals in order to have the success in my life.

    H.G.S.L. Ariyarathna

  30. Imagination and daydreaming kinda living potions to a human being. These things help to achieve our goals. It motivates our life. Daydream helps to relax our mind, it helps to maintain a relationship and so many benefits. Imagination helps to invent new things. These are powerful strategies in everyone's life. In imagination through we can see things beyond our limits. and we can work through that to succeed our works. Every man daydreams and imagines things. Man cannot succeed by dreaming and imagination. We have to work through it to be a successful men.


  31. T.A.S Sadeepa

    As I think imagination have differing meaning. We can compare it with various path. Sometime people looking the dreams. Then they are compared them dreams with future. However people have many future plans. So that plans every time run their mind. Then their mind having imagination about their dreams. Such as a example: assume I have a dream about future car and luxury house. So I am imagination every time about my future things. So it will be a motivation for one day archive that plan. Therefore imagination is a good motivation from people.

  32. 209155
    I believe that a person cannot live without illusions. Imagination always gives you the power to live a full life. In fact, dreams are our goals. If we strive to make our imaginations come true, we can fill our lives. I have too many dreams. In fact, I spend my whole life reaching out to them. My dream is to get a diploma at a good level. After that, I like to work well abroad. In a few years I will open my own company. Many people will work for our company. We will expand our offices all over the world. You have a lot of fantasies like me. I always try to make my dreams come true. I'm sure my imagination will go a long way.

  33. Name: WMLB Weerasekara
    Registration No: 209225

    Imagination gives a motivation for our life and avoids someone's loneliness. Normally imagination gives a new life plan to us. My mind is also open to imagination. Sometimes when I’m free I imagine more and more I am planning about my vision and etc. when we imagine we can get straight to do our future plans. Imagination takes us a different way and also it takes out our hidden talents and creates them with different creative ideas. So then we can change our life in a successful way from imagination.

  34. YHGPN Bandara
    Always, We see different dreams. Because our life builds on dreams. Most people learn well because they think before achieving our dreams we need a good education. but this opinion is eligible for some dreams only. Our skills, knowledge, attempt, commitment are support achieving our dreams. We must try and try anytime for achieving our dreams. Then we can win our life successfully.


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