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Disruptive Technology


Have you forgotten to read, think, walk to the lap of nature or to enjoy life?

just because your parent provide everything the way they could and just because you were born into  a much better part of the world, have you taken things for granted? 

Tell us for we would like to know 😶


  1. 209122 – PPK Madhusha
    These days most of people use technical device. We can’t find a person without use technical device. These days lot of people spend their time behind the computer or phone so they miss lot of things. Adolescents and young children are addicted to technology so they lost their health and their creativity lots of things like. I have seen some children become depressed because of technology. We need to know how to use technology with self-control.

  2. 209186 Banuka
    Yes, that's true. Just because after 22-century children have so many facilities than their parents also me. In the present environment, people have no time to spend their time very freedom with their family or friends, because money is important than others.
    Our life is not simple. In this century children can't think and live simply and freely. Their parents can not spend with them and sometimes they can not see their's parents for a period of time. But their parents and they try to spend luxurious life. They try to take every facility and that the way of providing facilities are modernized.
    Vehicles are designed to make walking easier, Television is made to knowing daily information easier, Mobile phones are designed to receiving information and making relationships easier, as like everything modernization to easier everything.
    But man modernization keeps us away from good things, hindering us from enjoying life like our parents.

  3. Technology is most changing in this world many things. Now very important to us technology. Because of the covid pandemic. Technology has many different ways, good or bad, but it depends in user.
    Sometimes we addict technology .with the time we have some mental problems, healthy problems and many problems. We are very lazy reading and writing because we can doing that via computer. Sometime I think easy to do my all work through internet. We can less the time using technology .we can look our world in the home through computer therefore we no need to walk. We can make relations via facebook, whatsapp and other social media.

  4. Name: A.M.A.Shanuka
    Reg. No: 209207
    Technology has destroyed its world today. Environment, Animals Kids don't have time to look at any of this. Kids don't have time to play with other friends. They have lost time to enjoy the wonders of nature. They are stuck in a technological world. They are stuck with the computer and the cell phone. They are addicted to technological tools. Some children do not have time to talk to their parents. Parents also lose responsibility for their children due to technology. Technology is a necessary factor for the world, but it has also harmed society as well as families. Improper use of these technological devices can cause physical and mental impairment in people. Although this technology is essential in the current situation of the world, it is being destroyed by the society today due to its misuse. If technology is used correctly, it can be minimized to some extent.

  5. wmp madushan
    Now world is moving to technology stream. Lot of tech items lunching every time. Humans are converting like robots. technology we can’t say it’s a bad thinks now we doing lot of work using technology, example, university all lectures are conducting through internet because this pandemic situation. Not only that technology some thinks we can say bad thinks. Some children are addicted computer game its is not good for his heath. Someone has not time to travelling and doing other thinks. The inability to keep up with the environment has been caused to some extent by technology. In the past children play on playground but now children play in online game. It’s a not good lot of size effect having this behavioral. We decide to how to use technology correct way.

  6. 209246
    JMS Udara

    With this situation in the country, people have to work using technology. So most people spend time with technological devices. The use of this technology has reduced the time it takes for humans to interact with the environment. Spending time with parents is also limited in this technology. The benefits of technology are many, but we should not underestimate our relationship with the environment and our parents. So we should try to improve these bonds.

  7. 209076 Dhanushka

    In these days I got so match study stuff to do as completing my lecture notes and complete assignments before the given date etc. Therefore, sometimes I missed to spent time with my family. Now that I’m thinking about it in that way, I think I have been taking everything that my parents have done for me for granted. Sometimes they even bring my foods and drinks whenever I need because I am so busy. They don’t disturb me or ask me to do other works in home because I have to study. In so many times I missed to talk to them, ask about their day or help them in some ways because of with this workload. From now on I won’t repeat the same mistake again and I will try to spare some time to spend with my family as well.

  8. 209220 - Deesara
    Yes I'm totally agree with this, because nowadays we are fully packed with assignment, tutorial, and also online exams. In the perveance situation all works doing with technical device in online. So we have to adapt with this. Earlier we spend time with family members, but nowadays we haven't much time. Now we used this methods always. Since morning to night we sitting chair and watch the screen. It's effects to our health also. Now I don't like play games, walk in outside and so many things. I feel, I became lazy.
    So I think we going wrong way with this pandemic situation. Because these thing effect for our future. I think that we want some free time and we have to change this system.

  9. No.I haven’t.Because i got lot of things by my parents.but i also working on a job for a certain time and know the value of my affort.therefore i know how to satisfy from it.we must give a value for everything that we have.And we must avoid neglecting our past.we must go forward with technology and memorizing our past.Then it makes a good future according to my opinion.

  10. 209102 Hashan

    I think technology isn’t the problem. The problem is the endless desires of people. We have not forgotten to read, think or walk but we don’t have time for them because of endless pursuit of desires. Video games are designed for fun and not to addict them, vehicles are produced to move faster and not to forget to walk, smartphones are produced to enhance the communication and not to forget talking or thinking. Addicted to them is not a fault of technology. Desires are the ones that separate us from reading, walking and thinking. Nowadays we don’t talk much or walk. It isn’t because we have forgotten how to do them or taken things for granted, it is because we don’t have time for them. Because we have workload as much as we can’t stand.

  11. Yes we have an easy life compare to our parents but we as future generation we have to solve different types of problems than they did. Yes we have been disconnected from nature with this modern way of living but we haven't forgotten what it feels like to enjoy the nature. To sit on the shade and to feel the breeze from a near lake away from the constant hustle and bustle of the city yes it is lovely and I haven't forgotten it.

  12. Forgetting previous things is a common habit of humans. But there are some things that should not forget. Time and other external elements always making changers on lives. Changing according to external elements is better to having a good life but if we forget our important and valuable things from lives is not perfect.
    We can provide paroral habit or change some behaviors to solve these problems. Else we are updated but not efficient and not perfectly healthy. Otherwise, the persons who loved by us will be in trouble and there not really relationship between we and others.

  13. 209203

    Working in today's globalized world with machinery and new technologies, we chase after money. Forgetting Mother Nature was destroying it. But if we live in harmony with nature, the environment will be as safe as we are. We have a good world and it is our duty to protect it.

  14. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    People always say that technology is the most essential and valuable part of the world. Now, we actually addicted for these technical worlds. 60 years ago, we used telephones only for get calls. But now we can't do anything without mobile phone. We think that our life depends on it. In past, children spent their free time with friends. They played together. As well as they enjoy nature very well. But today children haven't friends. Video games stole their healthy childhood. Today, our lives framed in televisions, mobiles, computers, luxury cars etc. It's because we grew up in a better place, with better parents. But some people haven't these anything. But they didn't die without A/C or car. I think, technological development is a good thing. But we must use it with control. If not, they will control us. If we walk to nearby shop or friend's house without car, it will release us from go to gym. If we put the mobile aside, we can enjoy nature. we must not addict for anything. I say again that we don't die without mobile or WhatsApp.

  15. 209134 Ridma

    I think that's a bit true. Technology has had a huge impact on the way we lived our lives in the past. But it is still under our control. Stay away from technological tools if you like. Life experiences vary from person to person. Some prefer to live life freely without the tools of technology. Others see living with technological tools as enjoying life. But while technology can make our day-to-day work easier, we do not need to do the hard work the old-fashioned way. But because of technological tools, we are gradually moving away from nature. Because we spend a lot of time with technological tools. It is also under its control and can live with nature if it wishes. All these things happen at the discretion of ourselves. It is our responsibility to keep a limit to everything.

  16. When we looked from the past to the present, our world has become a busy society. Even some people haven't time to eat, and have a bath. As the result, People are always produced various things to ease their work and to entertain. In the past, people used to write letters when they had to talk to someone far away. In the present, a lot of children don't know how to start write a letter. At present, parents provide everything the way they could for their children. So every house has a TV, computer, mobile phones and a lot of electronic devices. As the result, a lot of children are trapped in their rooms. They forget how to play, have fun, and even they do not know how to talk with elders and respect them. Today's a lot of people have turned away from things that feel soothing to the mind. It's a really bad thing.

    Isuru Lakshan

  17. Sithara Embuldeniya
    now I'm using the keyboard more than my pen,
    now I'm using chat more than calls,
    now I'm using emojis more than anything,
    now I'm using stickers to express my feelings,
    now I'm eating while lectures without any hesitation,
    now I'm having the freedom, Am I having the freedom?
    now I'm having space, Am I having the space?
    now my legs hurt. no, not by walking. my legs hurt because they are in between a table all day long.
    now I'm using WhatsApp more than anything...
    I don't have credit on my phone... yet I have data more than enough...

    Am I okay? I'm asking myself...
    "are you okay?" that's just a text message that never gonna come...
    still, I'm using things that made me a bum...


  18. I have never forgotten enjoy the nature because I played with them before we had mobile phones television. I always knew that nature will pretty and good than those. My little brother is different. He is busy in a another world with those facilities. Our day today works are easy with that facilities but they made us sick very quickly. I am sure about that because some people does not get out of their home even an hour. Parents always thinks to give better to the children. Nowadays most of children have mobile phones. We have balance the both sides

  19. 209257

    In the present our work are very easy to do because of Technology. Facilities are improved because Technology. Technology is a important thing now. There are more advantages and disadvantages in technology. We must be know achieved the advantages for us. Then we can success our dream.

    Some people have to forget everything because technology and TV, smartphone, laptops are reason for this. It is a bad reason our world. If we are overuse the technology we can't enjoy our life correctly. We can't take knowledge by reading books , playing, thinking, and also we can't see the beauty of the nature. As we can at our family, our friends because Technology. Then we can't spend better life we can't enjoy our life.

    I would like to say as a technological student I have knowledge about technology and I have been studying Technology father therefore I know benefit of Technology. There I know how to use technology for our work. Dare for me don't underestimate everything we receive. then we can enjoy our life successfully.

  20. Name: S A K T Prabath
    Reg no: 209156

    Disruptive technologies are, by definition, those that can transform our lives, businesses, and even the global economy. Commentators have remarked that we seem to be in an era where they are becoming increasingly ubiquitous and hence there is potential for technological breakthroughs to impact society and the economy at an unprecedented pace. Therefore, we must ensure that technology is used only in our vital functions and accurately.

  21. 209003
    R.D.M.L Aberathna
    I have never forgotten enjoy the nature because I played with them before we had mobile phones television. I always knew that nature will pretty and good than those. My little brother is different. He is busy in a another world with those facilities. Our day today works are easy with that facilities but they made us sick very quickly. I am sure about that because some people does not get out of their home even an hour. Parents always thinks to give better to the children. Nowadays most of children have mobile phones. We have balance the both sides

  22. Name -Madusha Pramod

    The world is developing a lot. In the face of that development, we have to enjoy the pros as well as the cons.
    With the advancement of technology some people have forgotten about real life,
    But all we have to use technology to enjoy life but some have become enslaved to that technology.
    As we look at the world today, we can see that people are heavily addicted to technological devices such as phones, computers, etc.
    They take things in stride and don't try focus too much on the problem.
    I think I'm not like that. I'm still enjoying my life no matter how advanced the technology is.


  23. Yes, that’s true. As a 21st centuriest, I know that we have lot more facilities than our parents had. I can remember that one day my parents have told me in their childhood there wasn’t anything called mobile phones. So, in that time they communicate through letters or if the news was important they physically visit the place. My parents strongly believe that because they didn’t had mobile phones they enjoy the nature more than us and also it was the reason for their strong bond with their relatives. I know that's true because in our time we missed all the things that they had in their time.

  24. In today's world, every field is technologically advanced. Not only adults but also children are prone to this. There are pros and cons here as well. But many people have forgotten the etiquette, values ​​and customs of our culture. There are many people who do not even have an understanding of their daily lifestyle. They also have little understanding of how society behaves. They act like robots in society. Only oxygen get naturally to them. All other resources are believed to come from electronic media and there is not much understanding of nature. The school-age child today uses the phone and is accustomed to playing mobile games. So they have no creative abilities and ideas. Some even experience mental health problems.. If technology is used correctly, it can be minimized to some extent. I think that we want some free time and we have to change this system. Therefor we should use correct way on the technology.

  25. 209034
    Chathuranga GDJ

    It's easier for those of us born in the 21st century than for those born in the 19/20 s. There are pros and cons as well as disadvantages. Advances in technology also have a direct bearing on this. Today some people use the TV for information only to watch the mega drama. Designed to reduce personal distance, the phone has become a time-consuming device. We do not have the present as we did with our friends in the past. So with the advancement of technology, I feel that even family members are out of touch with society. So we need to know, how our parents enjoyed their freedom during their time, and how we should be free to use technology correctly.

  26. Name – Erandi Ayesha Rathnamali
    Register Number - 209174
    Technology is easy everything. Because of that we missed most of important thing. Specially our freedom. Usually these days we spend hole of time with technology. We were lazy person and we haven’t time spent with nature and family. As well as our parent provide us all of our needs. They spent money from us, so we don’t know difficulty of it. They keep us always; we don’t know about fear. why, they stay with us always. For everything. They gave foods. So we don’t know about hungry. We don’t know to live in alone, why, parents always support us. They easy our every difficult situation. Like technology. Development of Technology gave bad results for us but not gave.

  27. 209161
    Even a startup with limited resources can aim at technology disruption by inventing an entirely new way of getting something done. Established companies tend to focus on what they do best and pursue incremental improvements rather than revolutionary changes. They cater to their largest and most demanding children

  28. The article says how technology devices influence daily routines in our lives. It is true because we are in the 21st century this century. We know that technology is the powerful business in the world. As a result of this human lifespan is reduced. Also, human physical strength is reduced. If we can manage our lifestyle with this technological era` we may have enjoyed our self.

  29. 209078
    Ihalavithana I.V.H.M
    The world has come a long way in terms of technology. Much has changed with the advancement of technology. Everyone is living a competitive life using new technology. Because of the incident. All human relationships are broken. Children do not have the opportunity to talk to their parents. Some children are addicted to these. Students are drawn to other activities and they are alone in a separate world with mobile phones and computers. We will face many obstacles in the future due to misuse of these. The power of thinking will be weakened. Aesthetic thoughts do not come instead. Artificial thoughts come. Family relationships should be a priority. Relationships with society should be maintained. A good mental level should be maintained whenever possible.

  30. 209109

    These days all activity is done by using mobile phone or computer and also, children and adults both can not go out because of this pandemic situation. When all are in the house they forget how they spend time in the old days. This has had the greatest impact on the brains of young children. Young children do not know use technology properly. For this reason, parents must be present when young children use mobile phones. We ourselves have misused this technology. So, we have to control this.

  31. 209131 Chanusha Ashen

    The attachment to our devices can also leave us feeling isolated. A significant lack of human contact can even cause depression. When the majority of our interactions with others take place online we may even feel disconnected from humanity. Sometimes our online friends are not really friends at all.

    In the end, electronic communication is a long way from true human companionship and it may even hurt your personal relationships. This is how technology affect our lives in bad way. I think that we have to manage this situation some how. Because we can get rid from the technology now.

  32. 209083

    I never in my life have not taken things for granted. I do not, what time the problems will become in my life. And I do not what the reasons for that problem. Sometimes, current technological components and the evolution of technology would be reasons for my problems. I would not be ideas about how to face that question. Really, I think, missing a part of our life. What, people of the past used to their mind and physical strength to solve their day-to-day life problems. And they have had a system inherent in them. Therefore, they could take making the most of environmental resources paid for their lives without destroying the environment. These days we are working according to a methodology invented for us by someone else. Therefore, sometimes we do not think about how to face some problems, therefore I think, if we will try to solve the problems, according to our own methodology we will be able to solve our problems in easily.

  33. 209129 Ishan

    Today the world had changed more than the past. Everything is changing including the people. Technology is the main reason for these changes. In the past, people worked very hard to achieve their needs. They spent a lot of effort for it. But today it is completely different. Because technology makes our works easier. We have been able to achieve our needs very easily by technology. But evolution of technology has badly influenced on our lives. Technology has decreased our thinking and logical ability. We use the mobile phone or the computer to find solutions to the problems instead of thinking. It can be badly effect on our mental health. We also use vehicles even for very short journeys. It is very harmful to our physical health. Also, our relationships have been broken because of the mobile phones. Therefore, we should pay attention to the correct use of technology.

  34. REG NO: 209046
    That is true because most people use technical devices. Computer, smartphone, thatch pad, laptop, smart house, auto control vehicle, exercise machine are some examples. People work with technical equipment. so people have forgotten a lot of things. Now people work according to technological devices. They have no time to spend time with children, to be with parents, to deal with the environment, to be in love with each other. Humans are like machines and therefore people themselves should minimize the use of technical equipment.

  35. 209213-Shanuka Tharinda

    Yes I totally agree with this statement , because these days we are spending time with mobile phones, laptops. We can’t meet each other physically. Nowadays people are doing most of the things by using online platforms. We don’t have time to walking, playing, writing etc. Since morning to night we are sitting on chair and watching the screen. Therefore most children become a sicker. So I think we are going wrong path. This should be changed.

  36. 209113

    Today's new technology has made many tasks easier and faster. Technology has advanced steadily from the past to the present. This has many positive aspects for people as well as adverse effects. There are a number of adverse effects, such as young children becoming addicted to the wrong ways, social media addictions, and physical and mental disabilities caused by prolonged use of technological tools.
    The special thing is that the use of these technological tools allows you to avoid the most beautiful moments in life and to be away from family.

  37. Every one that born in to this world born with nothing in their hands. But our parent had ready every single thing for us .
    Since then I have been using the things that my parents provides to me. They provide as they can. There for I have been using them because they were granted for me. I had tried to get several things for my self with money that earn by my self. But I could not do that. By trying that I realised I am not capable yet, to get the things for my self like my parents granted for me all these years.

  38. 209055

    With the technical devices we try to easy our life and enjoy. But due to technical devices we have forgotten the real happiness of life.
    especially some people addict to these technical devices and ruin their own life.
    with this covid pandemic situation students have to participate online lectures. They have to sit in front of the screen the whole day also doing homework until midnight. this situation effect students in a bad way. they do not have enough time even spend with their family members.

  39. 209018
    Dissanayake DMHSJ

    Yes, I agree. But not 100%. Technology is good. It makes our work easier. But we don't addict for technology. Some peoples addict for technology devices. Its bad for our health. But these days we can't work without technology. Due to the current corona epidemic, children are being educated as well as on duty using technological devices.
    We need to know how to control technology without letting technology control us.Glad to say we are at home less addicted to technological devices. We spent joyful life.
    Some times i and my father make different dishes for our lunch or dinner.
    Even if we use technological tools in our work, we must make sure that we do not become addicted to it.

  40. 209243 Ravindu

    These days lot of people spend their time behind the computer or phone , so they miss lot of things. In the present environment we have no time to spend our time freedom with our family and friends. I don't remember time when I met my friends. I don't remember a time when I was free with my parents. we can look world in the home through the computer. We do not know what disease we will get if it goes like this.

  41. 209032 Sudesh
    Group A

    Maybe. but I think this is not true. should we become addicted to technology just because we have it? no matter how busy we are. if we can set aside some time to get away from technology, that is what we really need to do. because today the world is not as developed as it was then. therefore , the technology and facilities we use must be well managed. I think it would be more effective if you put your technical equipment aside and get closer to the environment and nature in the little time you get to get rid of the current hustle and bustle. I suggest this method is practical because I too am accustomed to this method. I also use a lot of facilities in my daily life but I never forget to spend my free time with the environment, with people, and enjoy any art. it is part of my daily routine.

  42. 209261- Chathura

    Yes, I'm totally agree with this. These days most of people use technical device and live with these technology devices. These days we can’t find a person without use technical device. Lots of people spend their time near the electronic devices. Like that computer, phone, and tablets etc....So, they miss lot of things and life events. Many children are addicted to mobile device. So, they deteriorate their health, creativity, and behavior with society etc... Some children suffer from depression because they are strongly addicted to this mobile device. It is very dangerous situation. All these things happen at the discretion of ourselves. It is our responsibility to keep a limit to everything.

  43. Student name : 209171
    Name : Ramanayaka GJSRPBNST

    The current generation today is very much inclined towards technology. There are pros and cons to technology. It changes our lifestyle. This reduces our conflict with the natural environment. We forget to walk, have fun and enjoy freedom because of this technology. As a result, people soon become ill. Therefore, we must focus on everything and live our lives healthily and properly using technology.

  44. 209047
    DM Sachin Dilshan Dissanayaka

    This is true. because I know it. I live in a village. when I in a little time I do write letter, walk, read books, go to the paddy field, play with my friends and also do many things. but we went to old so we missed some things. we stuck in the technology. when I in little time I and my friends enjoy time together but now they enjoy time with phone in Facebook or Whatsapp or Tiktok. This is the truth in many places. many times I find friends to play cricket but they with technology. I really don't like use technology in my free time. many time I like spend my free time in near the our lake. I think people was not improve. because their freedom forget they technology. this is my think.

  45. 209116 SUPUN
    We are living in a technological age now.Everyone like to choose easy way to do their day to day works. Therefore most of people use technology for their works . If you watch TV a lot of time per day , you can't give a time for reading books. If you are use mobile phone, you miss to spend time with your family or friends. If you have a car , you never like to walk. I think some of them miss in my life like this.we should use the technology with a limit.
    You can read books ,if you limit time to using mobile phone you can spend
    time with your friends or your family.
    You can enjoy the coolness under a tree. It will give a change in your restless life.

  46. 209024
    WMKD Bandra

    Technology is a very famous topic these days. Every people use technology during this pandemic period. Technology has many advantages and disadvantages. As advantages are online learning, online pay, chat with others, etc. There are also disadvantages. There are away from family, not active, getting sick quickly. Some children are addict to mobile or computers to play video games. Therefore they don't have time to get their food no time to chat with family members. It is very harmful. If we use the technology correctly we can get more advantages.

  47. 209101

    People are now working closely with technology.Technological devices make their day-to-day activities easier.Therefore people have motivated to do everything through technology.Because of this they have forgotten some things and they try to deal only with technology.I also work closely with technology.Sometimes my daily work is done through technology.Sometimes because of this some things are missed.But I try not to get bogged down in technology.So I minimize the use of technology whenever possible.I think we use technology so we should not limit our other things.

  48. Karunarathna HDVA
    Yes,I think it is true Because Technology do busy our life. Therefore, we haven't time to read, think,walk to the lap of nature and to enjoy our life. But technology has a good side. Technology do fast our work and do easy to our work. However, technology will be appointed us don't morals and into dump people. Therefore, technology should use to correctly.

  49. 209166
    Pasindu Rajapakse

    We have experience of both generations. In our childhood we are really close to nature. But when we getting grown also the technology has develop. Because of that we have getting more familiar with these technology items. In my opinion this technology development is good thing. But we have to take care of our relationship with the nature and our old habits. We should meet each other, have fun, read books walk around the world. Never try to lose your old things and habits.

  50. K.D.P.S Chandrathilaka

    The world our parents enjoyed is hard for us to enjoy in today’s world. As the world becomes more competitive today, people’s lives have also changed. People do everything in this age in the hope of making money. The world of children has also become very competitive. They see the world today through technology. Now they do not go to clash with nature. They have a mobile phone and computer.

  51. 209031 Viduranga

    Today, technology and technological tools have became a part of our lives. Technology tools are absolutely needed today. Nowadays it ads a lot more disadvantages to our lives than its advantages. Most of the things we do every day are done by the technology we have and we miss those most of things. But if we use technological tools with understanding, these problems can be minimize by a certain percentage.

  52. Malsha

    In the present technology has become the most necessary thing in the globe. We make food, treat illnesses, build the buildings and even go to space thanks to these technological developments. With using the technology we can do almost everything. Therefore technology can be very useful thing or can be the most disruptive thing when considering how people use technology. Most of people in 21st century can’t really do their day today work without technology. Everything has become efficient because we use technology but with that we have forgotten to interact with the nature as we do before. We use machines do to almost anything and everything we have forgotten how we do our work by human force. No more natural exercise to human body; so we have become less healthy. Our beautiful cultures have faded. When did you feel the smell of the soil last time? That kind of sweet things and ethical things cannot see / feel in the present as our elders did. And our next generation will have the even less chance than what we have now. People have become more artificial and lack human emotional behaviors. So don’t be like that and let’s change that fact together.

  53. Sometimes I have forgotten those things however I never missed very high needed requirments
    For examples to clean my room ,watering for the trees in garden
    No I never think that way because each and every situations things are important for the human being
    however present “COVID 19” pandemic situation is increased values of things because I can understand
    value of things more than another days

  54. T.G.S.D.Senarathna

    The evaluation of technology has created a big gap between people and the environment. The early people had a better relationship with the environment. They loved to environment and protected it. We have been forgetting the environment. Not over yet. Early people read many books. But our reading has reduced. The human life is complexed . Our life is changing according to the technology. But it is not bad. Sometime our efficiency and effectiveness are increased. New technology is essential. But don’t work as a Robot. Don’t forget good habits. Don’t forget your environment, society and animals. Regularly try to do the better things

  55. With the evolution of technology, humans are growing apart from nature. However, our ancient ancestors were attached to nature and they learn from nature and live with nature. so as I said earlier with technology we separate from nature. Those good habits that we had earlier have been vanishing. Actually, we can't only blame technology because technology is created by humans so the reason that how you use it. As our ancestors did, we can live with nature and also reduce the time we spent with technological devices. Like if you don't have work to do just don't sit in front of the TV go outside feel nature, walk in the garden feel the fragrance of fresh flowers or gather your family and talk or play a game so this is how we can change our behavior anything or anyone can't change your habit it is you the only one who can do that. Don't run just stop and take what you have.

  56. 209188
    Group B
    I definitely agree with this article . When ever today the all work are doing Because corona virus . The new future generation use internet ,mobile phones,laptops for their education , working ,banking and to all activities. In through activity they forget their physical habits and daily activities. Those are we don't know society ,people ,Customs .There for The internet is a good and bad thing. At there we must get it's good things . All over the world has this problem. My opinion is the government should do limit the internet and other online things .but we can't do anything without new technology and technological equipments. I think this is a global problems. Then if this problem slove ,people will should blance internet and physical things. After that people can correctly and completely doing their all works. My parents are providing all things to me .but i don't use those things for bad works.

  57. 209150

    Yes of course, sometimes I forgot to enjoy life with nature. It is very important thing to every human.
    People have lot of works to do , because of that they are looking for ways to make that works easier.
    Often they are technical solutions. There are many technological devices and softwares available today.
    Because of these we can miss out on a lot of valuable things in life. Some technical things can be also
    harmful to the humans and environment. Due to the competition in the society we inevitably have to use
    technical solutions but we must not forget our day today life. Whatever parents give us, we need to know
    how to use it sparingly.

  58. 209037
    D.Dinuka Sanjana Madhumal

    I am in my childhood I make many of things in freetimes . After I received a laptop , after that I did not make many of things , and I slept less time . But my thinking was changed . I learned some technologies , some softwares and many skills . Then I have some knowledge ,but I have missed many of things because of that . In present , some children are using smart phone or laptop but they do not have a limit a control . That's harmful . In children's childhood developing their neurons , they are looking many thing , like solving problems , founding problems . So important thing is that happening in only childhood . In that time if they are staying in smart phone they will have less neurons connections other neurons will die . After they ware young he can not thing differently , that is so sadly . So we should not live in digital devices . Feel your life .

    Thank You !

  59. 209052
    DS Ekanayake

    Yes, above article is true. Because today, almost all activity takes place on electronic devices. As a result, people are less likely to interact with people. Dealing with electronic devices has also greatly reduced people's activism. Technology has become an integral part of the current epidemic, no matter how adverse the consequences. However, moving forward with technology and living in a way that does not interfere with nature without being a slave to technology will be a victory for all human being.

  60. Chalana Dissanayake (209049)

    We are in the 21st century. Technology is a very important thing to current lifestyle. But when technology comes close to us tradition and nature go far from us. Technology makes our lifestyle easy. But with that, we lost our happiness and humanity. Our parents, grandparents didn't have this technology. Their lives are very rough. But they lived happily and they have beautiful childhood memories. We don't have that kind of sweet memories. Majority of the current young generation suffering from depression or other mental illnesses. But their lives are luxurious than their parent's lives. So they don't have strong bodies to endure any situation. After seeing all of these things what I understood is where we come journey with technology, we make a huge mistake somewhere.


  61. UGDT.Sandaruwan

    advent of technology, many tasks have become easier. Everyday work we do is subject to technology. There are many advantages and disadvantages to this. In fact, many people today are completely addicted to technology tools.In today's world people do not have time to read and interact with nature .Do not like. The majority do other things like being on social media or playing video games.Because people in the past were reading and interacting with nature, people in the past seemed to have a high level of taste.Books written in the past and works of the past bear high testinony to that.But in today's world where people are discarding them and becoming addicted to technology, there is a good chance that the next generation will become a generation without tasteful and beautiful hearts.
    I think I'm addicted to technological tools in the face of the current epidemic, but I'm not excluding reading and thinking .My effort is to do both equally. Because in today's world we cannot completely eliminate technological tools.Of course, we should not underestimate the above. There are many lessons we can learn from the past, even if we live in the present.

  62. 209237 Ravindu

    Now a days every people extremely using at least one or more technological device in almost everywhere in whole world. As an example, every time we have our mobile phone in our hand because nowadays, we can’t live without using mobile phone and without any technology. So, we have to use some technologies and technological devices because everything is based on technology. Under this Covid 19 pandemic situation we all have to use some technology devices to learn, School works and communication, Online Businesses.
    We can use technology to do good things. However there have very bad effects on using technology without any knowledge because there have some harmful apps and software and websites Some people are addicted to these apps like WhatsApp and Facebook. So that it directly affected to people like that because of their addiction they cannot get rid easily from this addiction. Therefore, they are using these apps in whole day so that their thinking ability and work efficiency decreasing. As a result, from that they are become to artificial human they have no any thinking ability or humanity they whole are like robot. But I also using some technological devices and some apps. But I have already planned my time to use these apps and spend my time with the nature. I am always thinking about this nature and I always try to feel this natural aspiration. We must live with this nature without destroying because we can’t live without nature and we can’t live with only technology.

  63. Dasun Thilina

    No, I didn’t grant these things, because man needs the fresh air and it's important to mind relaxing. Unfortunately, everyone has practiced framing to the room or an office. Further like this pandemic situation everyone automatically prisoner to the home. Present world most people haven’t the humanity or emotions about others. Every one accustomed to passing each other. I was seen as the reason people are meeting virtually but they are not connecting physically. Present people are not thinking. As an example, since man received the calculator people have stopped the think about mathematics. Because every mathematics operation can do easily using the calculator. If we are not received the calculator we wonts to think, to think we need the knowledge about these operators. To get this knowledge we have to read books and studied. Technology is making the lazy and less thinker person. But we need the technology to connect with the world, so we can use the technology with limitations. So I think these things need to build a person who is fulfilled with humanity and emotions.

  64. 209144
    Nimalsiri OCC

    Yes, I’m totally agree with this. but the technology is important these days for the everyone. Because of the corona virus pandemic situation. Online learning and teaching methods one of the examples for popular technology these days. Around the world specially Sri Lanka student are using online learning and teachers are using to teach student for online teaching method. Therefor all students, teachers were taking new laptops, mobile phones, tablet for they are working. Therefore, the technology has become popular among hemorrhoids regardless of age. Therefor we will be wanting technology for future.

  65. 209169
    Niroshan Viduranga Rajarathne

    Society today is very busy. People are on a strict schedule. Now the world is more developed. With this improvement all work is easier than ever. People have developed many tools to make everyday work easier. All people use this device to make their work easier. With this development, people have become lazy and people have become lazy to think. At the same time, human health is deteriorating. This is a very dangerous thing. People want to be practically and creative. Please don't be a robot. The decision is yours.

  66. Current society is deal with technology more than our parent's era, especially children.
    Today, television is a common household good and almost every house has at least one television. All the family members are spending their free time or evening in front of the television then they leave to sleep or engage with other work. There is no time to talk with others or sharing own opinions. However, in our parent era, there was no technical device at the house. Therefore they talked to each one, shared their memories, laughed together .these are the better ways to experience what is happiness.
    Another thing is the telephone. undoubtedly it is essential equipment to do our day-to-day work. However, the relationship between children and the telephone is not a good one but not at all. when they are using the phone they may miss some memories that can only experience in childhood. not only that, they may go away from their closers and relatives and may miss their education as well.
    Technology is an essential thing for our life but it must have a limitation in your life otherwise your life go away for you Unknowingly.

  67. 209066 Janitha

    That’s true. Because nowadays we are leading a technology-based lifestyle. Technology is changing day by day. We all have interacted with that lifestyle and we are using technological things very seriously.
    But, when thinking about the past, I mean the childhood, we have experienced lots of things with the environment. I think we are the last generation who experienced that wonderful past. We had that chance because, in those days, we have not interacted with so many technological things like today. But with the time, we had to deal with those things. We have forgotten to read, think and so many things because of these things. However, we have experienced that wonderful past at least in our childhood. But in the present, babies getting their birth with hugging the technology.
    Nowadays, it has become more than last years because of this pandemic situation. We have completely lost social activities. I think it will be a big problem for personal confidence in the future.
    Technology is very important. Now we can’t even imagine a world without technology. So, we definitely need to use the technology in under control. Otherwise, it will be a big problem.

  68. Name : T.W.S.Nimesh
    Reg No : 209145

    We are now in a world developed by technological tools and knowledge. Technological tools with a fresh look have been able to attract people well. Based on these facts, man is in the habit of spending his time using modern technology instead of enjoying nature. This is because every technological tool is designed to attract people. However, modern technology cannot match the inspiration and lightness that comes from spending time with nature.
    The reason for this is that modern technology has failed to artificially create things like the coolness under a tree, the aesthetic mood created by a book, and the physical fitness due to walking. So spending time as close to nature as possible is the key to living a physically and mentally healthy life.

  69. 209081 Himanshi

    Day to day life we use technology to ease our work. Everything has advantages as well as disadvantages. According to technology, we can say it gives us benefits but we have missed some important things in our life due to technology. we have become lazy people. We always try to be alone with an electronic device. Therefore our relationship with our parents and the environment around us is distant. We have no time to talk to our friends, to see the environment, to creative thinking. We have become as computerized. As a result of this technology, we have got as a gift many diseases. But we can handle this situation effectually. Because today we can't refuse technology fully. we should create our life according to technology. But that way must change proper matching our life. Be creative, think about others and the environment, think about your health. After that use the technology effectively and efficiently. It is very helpful to create a better life without the disadvantages of technology.

  70. 209114 Lakshan MI

    Yes.It has has already happened .Being busy the people beings has reduced the ability to be with family and environment .we are online even in our free time.
    It is probably because of advances in technology .
    But in the this situation, we can live with the environment .It brings mental relief .we should use the technology with a limit.It is very advantageous .we can spend time with our family .Then our life will be better .

  71. 209147 - Kaweesha

    There are so many advantages in technology. But there are downsides. so I totally agree with this statement. Nowadays every child has a smart phone and laptop. Many are addicted to them. like game addicts, social media addicts. That is why many people have to face various ailments. Like eye disorders, disorders caused by misalignment , mental disorders and etc. Due to the this pandemic situation these days, everyone is tempted to do their work online.

    I think this is an easy way out. But we must not become addicted to them. Because these are wasting our precious time.

  72. Lakshika Jayarathna

    Reading books had become my hobby. There were days when it was forbidden to read books. There were days when I would play with friends until night. All was forgotten with the coming mobile phones. How hard it was to make song books in the past. So I remember singing for hours. Today I do a Google search for the lyrics. Can't remember more than a few songs. The friends you used to have are now only online. More than a thousand friends on social media, but no friend when in trouble. We who muddy the river for hours do not even remember the river today. Technology gave us some things, but it took a lot more from us. I learn a lot using the phone, but it is a big hassle for me.

  73. Malitha

    Our generation is addicted to new technological devices. There is also a lot of knowledge about new technological devices. But as the article states, although we are rich in technology and comfort, we have missed everything else. This is a very serious situation. Therefore we have to face various non-communicable diseases and mental illnesses. We must use them without letting technology control us.

  74. 209104
    BGSN Kularathna

    I lived as a child as a playful child. I climbed trees, swam in the rivers of the village and played a lot of sports at the village playground. I lived a fun life. But as I grew older, I lost that happy life. But now I feel like I're addicted to my cell phone. I studied hard at the O / L and A / L exams. I lost the fun childhood life I had during that time as well. Now I am in university. But I did not get the university life I dreamed of. I am now a 24-hour prisoner of online education. I hate it, but I can do nothing, because my dream is to live the day like a rich man.

  75. 209156 - Sanoj

    Technology and technology equipment is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world today. Today, even those who do not have the technical knowledge have a tendency to be excluded from society. At the same time, various advantages and disadvantages are emerging enormously. Addiction to the use of technological devices, reduced range of thought. The mechanization of human life as well as technology has led people today to commit suicide. But with the current epidemic, no matter how unfavorable, everyone has to adapt to the new technology. Despite the disadvantages, mankind needs to focus on the correct use of technology.


  76. 209209

    In that 22 centaury, all of the activities moderate by Technology. Whenever all of the people are using the technological devices their own work. Technology is quickly do the work but it doesn’t like any time. Because all the people spend their time with technological devices. They can’t practice yoga to their health. They can’t talk others not well. They can’t like the environmental. Now time children’s also don’t sit with technological devices. We use the technological devices to our work. We don’t sit with technological devices. All the thing makes difficult so we use technological devices only work.

    Thank you.

  77. 209199-Dinitha

    At present, we have vast technology and we have so many innovations to do our daily work easier. People are accustomed to work efficiently and easier. Children like to enjoy their lives with video games and movies staying indoors. They always communicate with others through mobile phones and over the internet. These days most people like to eat fast food and some pocketed food. But when we live in this busy world, we need some rest and wants to relax our mind. Because of that, we haven’t any calm places in the town. So however we have to step back and make nature parks in the town. Children like to visit natural places and they like to camp and enjoy nature. Today we have so many diseases than our old days. Early people lived over 100 years but present man has the life span about 70-75 years. We lost our valuable thing with this evolution of technology and so now we have to talk about the disrupting technology.

  78. Technology It is very important thing in future generation. Because of the covid 19 pandemic situation. This days everybody wants technology to do there works like online education & online business. But sometimes it is very disruptive. Lot of students are addicted to smart devices, they play video games, browsing social medias as they wish. Then they face to any problems and sometimes they can be suicide. Nowadays there are many peoples do online jobs with new technology. Lot of people cheat others, and kidnap others. Some people plan illegal works with technology. There are drug business, robberies. It is harmful for the society. When the technology evaluated there are lot of social spread problems in around the country. If technology is used correctly, we can be minimized to some extent.

  79. I know what people say properly. They say technology is a bad thing. Because many people have addicted to that to do something like playing games, watching movies or telegram taking more time and using Facebook, YouTube for un useful things. But, I know how many this is a good thing. If I say why I believe this is a good thing, this is the reason. we have no facilities to learn what I like to learn. I like to study mainly programming language and robotic and other CAD software. we know to learn these, we want a lot of money and facilities. however, I have already learned many things about those. How could I do that? I have learned those using Internet. Therefore, how can we say technology is bad? But I know a lot of people have gone towards the wrong side. Therefore, As I believe it depends on how you use it. and also, before you are going to blame or remove from you or another one, learn how we use for good things.

  80. 209136
    Technology is very important today. In these days, specially pandemic situation, we can’t meet our friends, cousins, neighbors, ...etc. so, we use mobile phones, laptops for communicating with others. But some time, we are addicted to mobile phones, laptops, tv, …etc. Then, we forget beauty of nature, importance of walking and associating others. We often get away from these. Due to addiction, children may expose to psychological diseases. Also, sickness may be developed due to less exercises. So, we must know, what a limit when using technology.

  81. Yes, that's true. That point is very important for all humans, I suppose. So, we must be better consider these statements. When we talking about technology, In the modern it is one of the compulsory things among people. Because as I think now a day people cannot live without technology. Unfortunately, we all are addicted to technical devices. It will be a big trouble to in our future life. Before found the technology, people had creative thoughts, unity among others, good healthy, excellent memory of all the things. But today society people missed these things due to technology. So in this situation, as I think we have forgotten to read the materials, think out of the box, enjoy life with our families and relatives. Moreover, I think we are taken these things for granted. So we have to keep responsibility for these things. Finally, I would like to show when we use technology in our day-today-life, we have to keep limited to use with technical items. Then, It will be better for our lives.


    Our world has convert to new technological world. So came many things with technology. Communication, transport, foods and many platforms have developed from the technology. Therefore people more like to that technology and new items. Then they have forgotten many their old things and life style. So it is not good. As I think technology is not good stream for world. Because that technology has bad benefits more that good benefits. Actually sometime I addict to my technological devices. However I know it is not good thing. There fore society having many problems for technology. But our old situation different more than technology. It had made nature with life style. Firstly I thought new technology is good for collect our life. But now I am think old life good for our life style. Old life give many things for us. There are nutrition food, new air ,fresh sunlight , healthful life and many things.. so I am trying to get that behavior for my life. I never forgot nature life.

  83. YHGPN Bandara

    Nowadays technology needs all people in the world. Children use technology to do their studies online. Most children have attracted to technology anytime with this pandemic situation. We could do many things using technology but sometimes we can't do some works using technology. Nowadays technology has caught our freedom. In the past children did play and enjoy their childhood socially but nowadays children are addicted to technical devices. They haven't good social life and playful life in their childhood.

  84. In today's world technology is essential because of the high demand for it along with the busyness of the people. Technology makes it possible to instantly learn and study about anything in the universe. There are also those who misuse technology and the disadvantages of technology. Because of technology, young people today face many problems in society. Many young people are heavily addicted to phones. One of the invisible aspects of this technology is that it can lead to murder or suicide


  85. 209029
    Kalana lakjith

    Technology is good, if it is limit and used for the right thing. When technology is available, it is bad for people to forget about nature and good habits and stay on digital devices. These days more people spend their time with computer and mobile phones. There are plenty of activities to do in your free time that are good for the mind and health. That are running, reading a book, playing a sport and etc. We need to know how to use technology with self-control. We should take advantage of technology and protect nature.

  86. Name= G.S.Saubhagya Rathnayake.
    Register no= 209179

    Every one has this problem . Technical devises help people work . But many people addict this devises . So They can’t work with out technical devises. It is very bad thing . Many people became lazy. Most family haven’t happy because this technical devisees. Every members lives without technical devise in family . Child to old people have happened work with technical devise . They can’t work without technical devise. So some people hunt difference diseases. They are eye problems, mental problem and ear problem etc. We can save our time with technical devise but many people waste the time because they have addicted the technical devise. I think If people use technical devise for only necessary things. We can live happy and healthy

  87. 209074
    yes it it is true. in the past the concept of village , temple , tank and dagoba. now we come few technologies. now people are smart the past small children played in the fields. but now children have been accustomed to computers , mobile phones and television since childhood.. people are used to modernization.they are not able to work hard. now people are physically and mentally weaker than before....


    Technology is seen as a very important issue in the present scenario. Due to the extraordinary situation prevailing in the country now, more and more people are moving forward in terms of technology. Has created a new modern generation to learn new subject and create new evolution. Despite the great benefits to the people, some unforeseen events and destructions are taking place in this modern generation. While avoiding the threats and harms caused by this modern technology, this technology will be seen as a subject that will be of great benefit to all.

  89. 209221
    Nadeesha Vithanage

    With this modern technology, we have received lots of things that are very useful for our day-to-day life. such as TV, mobile phones, and vehicles. We can think these things are gifts from technology, but they are truly disruptive. They help us do our work easily. Technology makes people into robots, and people lose their thinking ability. People who work with technology do not like to do their own work by themselves. They use technology for even their small jobs.

    We need technology, but not for everything. In the future, we can't breathe without technology. We have a beautiful environment to see. Because of technology, people do not value these things. We can listen through technology, so we forget to read. We can type, so we forget to write. We can do calculations by using technology, so we forget to think. We have vehicles, so we forget to walk. In the future, those things will be removed from the whole world. We were born into a much better part of the world, and our parents provided everything that we needed.
    But we should think more and we should use technology carefully.

    Thank you!

  90. Kaumina IMV

    Technology continues to change the world in many ways, and it’s also changing the way you live. Some are obvious like how smartphones have taken over everyone’s lives, but some aren’t so obvious. One reason smartphones have changed lives is because it’s given folks the ability to communicate with others in many ways. People can email each other or text. Sure, you can still call, but now you have the added option of video chat. You can see each other when you’re talking. This has helped people stay connected to others, and that’s a good thing for everyone though you need to connect to the internet for this. There’s no doubt home entertainment has changed. You don’t need a DVD player or a BluRay player to enjoy movies or shows nowadays. Today, you can stream all of your entertainment on a smart TV. Of course, you could also stream on a device. Streaming technology has gotten so good that you can stream movies that are in theaters at home, so you don’t have to spend extra money to watch the movie at a nearby theater.
    but we don’t addicted the this technology. so we want to meet our friends for holiday. we want to walk . we want to travel many places. we want to live without technology some time . today we can see this covid pandemic situation. so we want to stay safe with home. we can’t to our education without technology. technology help to do our education. i think technology is very important things and we should manage it.

  91. Yes, that is true every person spends their life with electronic devices these days. Without these devices in this society, we can't do our daily works. we trapped in a room and stuck with these electronic devices.
    But I always try to free myself with these devices when my free time. In my free time, I always walk around my garden, Help my parents. But most people spend their even leisure time with these electronic devices. But I didn't forget to spend time with my parents and nature. We need self-control with these devices. If not we lose.

  92. Hapuarachchige HATS,
    Disruptive Technology is a technology that disrupts the way people currently do things. Parents think electronic devices can help their kids in the study. However, I think preschool children can learn well without any electronic devices. And it is too dangerous to children because there are risks to them. Moreover, children’s bodies and brains are still developing. It will affect more children than adults.
    Children addict easily when they like something. Nowadays electronic devices have a lot of functions, such as drawing, playing games, taking photos… When children start to use them, they think this is so much fun when they use it. Over time, children addicts to electronic devices easily because they can’t have self-control.

  93. Sachinthaka Ariyarathna

    Technology is one of the fastest-growing things in the world today. As the result of growing technology, The relationship between people is slowly moving away. There is hardly anyone who does not have the knowledge to handle technology. Technology has become so close to our lives. It has become an essential part of everyday life. I think the life we ​​lived before without these things is more beautiful. Technological devices are slowly eroding the connection between people. For example, people nowadays read newspapers less. People are accustomed to getting information using mobile phones. Although it is convenient, it reduces our reading ability. We must make sure that we use these devices with restraint. We must remember that life can be enjoyed without those technological tools.I think in the future we cannot be think without these devices.

  94. Student Number: - 209089
    Name: - Jayasuriya NJLN

    Yes, I cannot really experience the beauty of the environment these days. Because of this coronavirus, everyone has to stay home. And nowadays they use internet connections to keep in touch with each other. That is why it is not possible to interact with the environment because no one goes out of the house. This is why people today are moving away from nature. We forget to read, think, go to the lap of nature or enjoy life because of learning and housework. Because today man is very busy.

    Most people today live on the legacy of their parents. But we must come to a better place in the world with self-built success. We must not forget where we came from because we have achieved success and become good citizens of the world.

  95. 209212 - Malinda

    Of course, there is some truth in this statement. This is because with the advancement of technology and the current competition, children and adults alike have moved away from activities such as reading and enjoying the wonders of nature. I feel that with the advancement of technology, human thinking is weakening, because nowadays there is a smart phone among all people. Instead of finding a problem for themselves, they do it with the help of tools. Although I used to use the dictionary to understand English words about 10 years ago, I am still used to searching on my mobile phone today. In view of the above, it is my opinion that the above statements are true.

  96. Nirantha

    Technology is most changing in this world many things. Now very important to us technology. Because of the covid pandemic.With the technical devices we try to easy our life and enjoy. But due to technical devices we have forgotten the real happiness of life.
    especially some people addict to these technical devices and ruin their own life.
    with this covid pandemic situation students have to participate online lectures. They have to sit in front of the screen the whole day also doing homework until midnight. this situation effect students in a bad way. they do not have enough time even spend with their family members.

  97. 209120 Umesh

    In this sophisticated world we have invented most things to make our lives easy.So these equipments has entirely affected for our day to day lives.. Sometimes it can be as positive or negative. But the way which they are used has to decide by us because someone can utilize those technology to arise their lives and someone can use them to reckon their lives.
    We should not addict for these items. Then we will be able to entertain the freedom of our lives as well as the freedom of the nature.

  98. Name: WMLB Weerasekara
    Registration No: 209225

    Technology has come a long way today. With the advancement of technology, we have gained a lot, but we will also lose a lot. Technology also changed all this. No, it is the people who use technology that change these things. Technology has become an integral part of many people's lives today. “When I got a mobile in my hand, I forgot how to write a letter. When the computer come to my house, I forgot spellings.” These facts tell the truth. With the use of technology, we have forgotten a lot. With the use of technology, we have probably removed the good stuff. Instead, bad things will come to us. Technology will be used to make our work easier. But I see with the use of technology we will be even busier. Is this really because of advances in technology? No, they all change depending on how we use them. The fault lies with ourselves. That is, we have taken many things lightly.

  99. 209148
    K.P. Ravishka Dulanjana

    Yes, I completely agree with this statement, because we spend so much time these days on our phones and laptops. We won't be able to meet in person. The majority of activities that individuals do nowadays are done through internet platforms. We don't have time to go on walks, play games, or write. From morning to night, we sit on a chair and watch television. As a result, the majority of youngsters grow ill. As a result, I believe we are on the wrong track. This has to be changed.

  100. technology have both good and bad. more good, same the bad. Specially this pandemic situation, people don't deal with real word- means the physical world. everyone trapped in to their hoses and they have been implemented to new concepts like work from home, learn from home. Almost every kid have a smartphone, every employee or student have a laptop computer. even women have more collaboration with technology even more. but the problem is over usage. specially kids. online gaming has been a new trend, and the trend is grown up and growing up insanely. Mental and physical health, nutrition, social contact and communication, cooperation skills being getting into more critical scenarios. despite the positive trends, its making more troubles. these should be changed. responsibility is on all of us. specially adults and parents. solution isn't restriction, its having the technology under control.

  101. 209022 Lakshan

    Today the technology is at a very advanced level. People today have become accustomed to this. Technology has made it possible for us to do things quickly and easily. Technology has also been instrumental in curbing the corona epidemic in the world today. There is a good and a bad side to technology. Technology today is causing a lot of disruption. The reason is the misuse of technology. Cyber ​​attacks and hacker attacks are examples of this. What happens is that one person steals something from another. The use of technology in today's warfare is damaging to many human lives and property. These can be taken as disruptive technologies. We avoid doing things like this and try to get the most out of technology.

  102. 209112 / Sachin

    Technology must be advanced. But we who are advanced in mind must make proper use of technology. By not choosing it properly, the advancement of this technology has adversely affected society. Yes, hard working people today seek comfort through technology. Cars, televisions, computers, social networks,Mobile phones, etc. have disrupted human health.It is also a pity that people are advancing technology for many issues such as family disputes and various social problems. Let us improve what we get and make the most of it.

  103. 209230- Kavinda

    Today technology has applied to everything. Technology gives us the eases to do our day-to-day works. So today many people are using technology for their many of works. Because of that, most people have forgotten their previous life and they have intervened to the computers. They have forgotten to enjoy their lives. As I feel, the problem is not the technology, the problem is the human because people should have the ability to use the technology with control. So as humans we should use technology with control.

  104. Ruwanthi HGM

    Technology is an important thing . But it is misused by some. We need to know how to use it only for good things. Otherwise very had things are likely to happen. People loses exercise because of electronic devices that make homework easier. Many of them are sick. Frequent use of technical equipment can lead to eye diseases and back pain. Some have forgotten about other members of the household and are getting closer to technology.


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