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Inspiring Songs

Song Review

Listen to the following song about 'Your Dreams' and share with us how big your dreams are 💖 


  1. Every one has dream or dreams. Every one has a dream how do they like to spent their future. I also have dreams. One of those dream is complete my degree program successfully within 4years. Then I have to work hard to my dream for archive it. Some times you have dream about your future vehicle , about your soulmate ,about your mobile phone and about various kind of things.

  2. P. Sandaru Imesh

    We face obstacles on the way to a goal but we have to face all those challenges and move forward without fear of those challenges. If we are afraid of challenges we cannot reach our goal. Many successes can be achieved through it.

    Every human being wants to live happily with them dream.Some dreams can come true but some dreams cannot come true.When you go to make some dreams come true there are obvious problems and disasters. we want to face that reason successfully.

  4. People have many dreams for achieving And I have big dreams . I achieved my few dreams .those are o/l ,a/l exams and select the University .i worked hard to achieved them. I have more dreams for achievie. Those are complete my graduation. and buy a luxury car and build a luxury house. I hope begin my business nes. I help my parents very well. If my dreams achieving i want work hard and try to best.

    1. I is always capital at any place of a sentence and remove select the university but you may say achieving the university grant

  5. R.M.K.G.Aminda Sandaruwan

    I have a big dream. My all dreams are under that big dream. I will achieve that dream anyway. I never give up. Always I live for achieve my dream. I don't know will I live or not to achieve it. But I try. One day I'll feel the happiness of my dream. I don't know how I achieve it and I don't know when can I achieve it. Fortunately, I have the ability to believe me myself. Always believe your self, and that is the key of your dream. Don't give up. Try and try one day you can fly...

    1. than a big dream you may use core dream putha

  6. I have a dream, and it is a pretty big one too. I think it is bit bigger than a Tyrannosaurus rex.

  7. R.M.Naveen Dilshan
    Dreams are very important for our life. All people have dreams. If we live the world, we must have dreams. Some dream of my life I have already achieved. Among them the university life is a one of my dream. I have aready achieved it. And I think my life is based on this thing. Most of people like to make a big house, buy a car. But I want to live with enjoying the freedom .We need money ,but we should not depend on it. One of my dream is invent a new product to the world. I like to go tour of Canada with my family . I like spend with them most of time of my life. That's are my dreams . I love it. One day I achieved all of this things.

  8. 209243 Ravindu

    Everyone has dreams. I have dreams for the future just like everyone else. Dreams of the good life with lots of money ,with happiness . I will do my best whatever it takes to achieve it. Currently I am an undergraduate student . So I do my best to keep my grades up. Then all my dreams will come true. As you can see, I have big plans for my future.

  9. 209247 Nethmini
    If you have a dream, you need to follow it. And not just follow it, but chase after it, sprint towards it. Go towards it with passion, with a fighting spirit, with the courage to do whatever it takes to make it happen. Too many people are walking around with silenced dreams because they shoved them aside too many times. They told their dreams that they were too big, too unrealistic, too impossible. Don't let that be you Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us. You do have the strength, you are capable, you do have what it takes. You can accomplish even your wildest dreams. Your only question is "Do you have a few tiny moments of courage to say, yes?"

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. 209097
    HSU Karunaratne
    All living beings in this world have their own dreams for the future. I also have a lot of dreams that I have built for my future. Successfully completing my degree in 4 years is my first and foremost dream. Finding a good job, building a home I like, finding a good life partner, having a good family life, traveling to other countries, helping people with cancer are some of my dreams. I have to work hard to make my dreams come true. No matter how much hope we have in our hearts about certain dreams, sometimes there are times when they do not come true. I have a dream that could happen too. But never give up. Maybe that dream will come true someday. You have dreams about your future vehicle, your best friend, your cell phone and much more. You too can pursue your dreams.

  12. Ruwanthi HGM (209183)

    All we have lot of dreams. Always we are imagining those. At the free time we go far to future and live with dreams in mind. Dreams help us to success our future, Somedays we can see our dreams when sleeping at the night, I have many experience for it.

  13. 209246 - Udara Ayomal

    We all have a dream about our future. They are our desires to win in the future and to own them. I have a similar dream. There are various obstacles in trying to make those dreams come true. We can make our dreams come true by overcoming those obstacles and moving forward without being afraid of them.

  14. Name: S A K T Prabath
    Reg no: 209156

    Everyone has a dream. When we make those dreams come true, we face various obstacles. From a young age, we face many obstacles. We must overcome those obstacles and move towards success.

  15. I believe we as humans should have dreams or big goals but beign obsessed on those or trying to achieve them through questionable ways is harmful for us and people around us. We should try to look at this life as a fun and a beautiful journey/vacation .When reaching our destinations we should be on alert and cautious to not lost our way but we also should not forget to have fun and enjoy it ourselves and with people who are joining us in this journey, helping each other out and enjoy this journey known as life.

  16. 209144
    Nimalsiri OCC

    Dream, I also have the dreams to successful person in future. Now a days are continuing the one of my big dreams I was achieved. That is going to be a graduate one day. These days I am working hard that dream.

  17. Name : A.M.A.Shanuka
    Reg. No: 209207

    Dreams make their people live. I have a big dream. Everyone has their own dreams. I work hard for my dream. I think that dream will come true. I don't know if that dream will come true or not but I will do my best for that dream. I have to work hard for the limited time I have to make dreams come true.

  18. 209131 chanusha Ashen

    First of all we have to trust in ourselves that we can do anything , we dream. Then only we can step forward to what we are dreaming for. These days I`m trying to survive from this plague. To achieve other dreams I have to survive first. If I survive, I will complete my degree within 4 years. And after that I will find a job , earn money and spend rest of my life happily .

  19. Dakshina Srinath
    Group A

    Everyone has a dream. or dreams. And so on I have a dream. I'm currently learning for it. And one day I will make the dream come true. It's my future dream. I like a freedom life. I have to work hard for that. There will be many challenges on this journey. And this challenges make me a perfect human being. I like it and I love my dream life.

  20. 209143
    Everyone have dreams. They all wanna achieve their dreams. Dream big ,because their is no limitations for you. You can dream about whatever you wanted yo dream. In the life, we need a dream, without any ambition or a dream you don't have anything to achieve, their is no thrill. Don't let others to smash your dreams. Fullfill your dreams and never give up.

  21. In my opinion, if you want to be a successful person, you must have a dream. A dream may be an impossible one or not a realistic but we mustn’t put that away. You can build a vision from it. Then you can make a mission for your life. After that you can make life goals to achieve your dream. You can make your dream realistic via making goals. Therefore, dream is the foundation of the success person.
    I have long term dreams and short-term dreams. If I express about my long-term dreams. I want to be a scientist. As well as I want to be best MMA player in the world. Even though so those are very big dreams, I never give up my dreams. I am working on that.
    I have planed my next 3 years. I want to be a computer programmer within 3 years. I am working on that with a great plan. I am satisfy of my life. Here this is my vision for next 3 years.
    “My vison is to be a spiritually strong truth seeker, be a responsible dear son and brother, be a Learner who can learn anything quickly and a learner who has a great memory, be a best MMA player and be a computer programmer.”

  22. 209169 N.V. Rajarathne
    All people have many dreams. They are always trying to achieve their dreams. Sometimes people fail in achieving their dreams. But don't stop following your dreams. You try always for achieve your dreams. I believe one day you can achieve your dreams.

  23. Many times dreaming on just few things. These few dreams are not few cost. These are so much valuable in financial and personal both sides because relax mind and create independent life style very needs theses. Making house, getting for a vehicle and marriage are common human needs.
    I want to reach all these in just few years because if we have or when if we reached to these dreams then definitely we have relax-mind. It very important to enjoy life. If I reached these in few time, then I have more than enough time to enjoy my life and feel freedom. For that I have to getting a good job. Be more expert in the job and while doing job should start a business, take it to achieving goals as quickly.

  24. Our dreams cannot come true as long as we are afraid of challenges. Therefore, we must overcome any challenge in life and go to our dreams. Basically all of this is because our mind feels everything and we have to control the mind and face the challenges

  25. 209258 Sanjula
    Faculty of Technology

    What's a dream? In my opinion that it is a series of thoughts as well beautiful memories. We also have dreams. It might be good or bad dream and it depends on human thoughts but it helps to encourage our aims as well goals. If you have a dream but you have to work for it for achieving aims.

  26. 209208-Gimhan
    As a humen being we all have dreams which can be success or fail.when we working on our dreams we have to face many challenges.we must face those challenges patiently and courageously.

  27. S.N.C.O Akalanka
    Reg No - 209184

    Dreams are common for everyone and it is the most important thing in every ones life. Some people are lost their dreams because dreams are not easy to achieve. if it is easy it will not be a dream. There for we have to work hard and give good attention to our dreams therefor it will automatically creat the parth for our dream.

  28. 209186-Banuka
    Everyone has dreams. But few people could be achieved their dreams. Because some dreams are doing nothing is not true. we should work to achieve that. accomplish that. Even your parents believe you or not, Your friends believe you or not, your love believes you or not it's not important. you must believe you. Every day is not pain or grief. Often think that One day I will become a successful person. If you have a big dream then just go ahead.

  29. 290257
    Our dreams are very important to achieve our specific goal. If we have specific goals we can hard work every time thinking of it. That song is mention about our goal. Our goals are help to put success our future life as well we can get the best identify ourselves. We know everyone has more dreams but some people are not work hard to achieve the goals are using all method who achieved their goals. There for we must see dream and try to success our dream.when we win the our life after we can stay happily.

  30. Rashmin Ridma

    Everyone has a dream. When we are on the road to that dream we will face many obstacles. People will laugh at us. But we need to keep going until we reach our dream. We have to believe in ourselves and stand up every time we fall. We have to reach the top of our dream and be what we have always aimed to be.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. PPK Madhusha

      Every people have their own dream and also I have it like that. Dreams as well as challenges exist in our lives today. Can't find a person without a dream and can’t do anything without dream. if also someone make his/her dreams come true. It is not easily obtained because behind that success lies in overcoming challenges. So what should know. we can't get our dream easily. We have to work hard for that.

  32. 209109
    K.A.S.K. Kumarasinghe

    Anyone who lives in this world has hope. When we try our best to reach those hope it will become a dream. Everyone has a future dream but if anyone doesn't have the dream, he or she stupid miserable man. He or she will become a rascal person. I think everyone must have some aim, hope, or dream. Also, I have an aim, I reach it one day definitely. I think you get your one also.

  33. T.R.S.P.N.P. Rajapaksha
    As we move forward we will face various challenges. We need not fear them. The journey through the challenges is beautiful. "The harder the journey, the stronger our strength." Whatever the obstacle, we must reach our goal.

  34. Every person has a dream ..... some may make their dream come true but some may not ..... I think if our dream is a good one we can make it come true someday...If we want to enjoy life, we must have dreams..I also have a lot of of them is to travel all over the world before I die

  35. 209263 Pradeep

    Dreams keep us alive, keep us active.
    With time came we go to school. with time came we go to school. I think I could not be matching or identify and write until I was grade 7 or 8. Them my only dream was to be a talented student. I learned hard. I was finally able to get back normal.
    I had a lot of dreams. Be a good driver, take part in a car race, become a pilot, and be a lecturer on a university.
    I have already made a lot of dreams come true. I have more dreams to come true. I will do my best for that.
    If we want to move forward in life , we must have dreams in future.

  36. 209119 Punari

    Everyone has dreams. As ordinary human beings our minds are rarely at the present moment. We tend to think about the past or about what is about to happen. When our minds turn towards the future situations, we could call it dreaming. Most of the time, people dream unrealistic things which we call fantasies. They are enjoyable and fun and full of other emotions but, misleading. Then we have the realistic stuff. When our dreams are realistic, there is a high chance we could achieve our dreams. With stubborn effort and endless determination we could live our dream. One of my realistic dreams is to be free of responsibility.

    Most youngsters my age, especially women, has a common dream to make a family. However, my dreams rarely take this turn. (I’m not saying that I never do, but I tend not to, most of the time.) My only dream is to take care of my parents in the best way I could and serve the universe as a whole, without limiting to just a small family. I know, it will be a lonely life, there won’t be anyone to take care of me when I grow old and this whole Sri Lankan society will be against my dream, but I believe it is my right, and everyone else's, to bare opinions and dreams. I believe I respect everyone's so I hope everyone reciprocates. And as long as living my dream doesn’t affect anyone (fauna, flora, or human) negatively, I shall keep on going.

  37. PIU Perera

    We all have some dreams. Sometimes we can feel like we cannot achieve our dreams because of some situations. That is the weak point of us. Because of that feeling, another day we will definitely worry.
    So, we should work hard to achieve our dreams. Some times we will fail. But we can learn lot of things through our failures. If we don't lose our courage, we can definitely achieve our dreams.
    So, if you want to live happily, you must work hard and stay courageous for achieving your dreams.

  38. Pasindu Rajapakse

    Everyone has dreams in their lives. We always like to try to make our dreams true in future. We should become strong to never give up our dreams. I have a lot of dreams in my life. When I’m dreaming about my future life, it always makes me happy. Dreaming is not enough. I’m trying to make it happen in future. In life, sometimes we fall. In those times, we have to make our minds strong and get up quickly. Then it will help to make them real. Dreams can make people alive.

  39. 209045 Nipun
    The dream has no limits. We can dream about anything. All dreams shouldn’t come real in our life. But still, we have some productive goals and aims that are highly important to achieve. I like to write about my dream. My dream is to become a good person. It is not a hard thing for me but when we live with society some people lie to each other. Sometimes we are fed up with bad things. I like to live simple and I had this aim from my childhood. My parents are supportive and I hope I am going to make it. Few people succeed to become good people. I know it will be challenging for me. But I will try my best.

  40. S.Sharavanpavan
    Dream is a one of the important thing what we will do. Whose is not have been dreaming, he/she is not like perfect people. Dream is one-day will happens. We will wait the moment but we will try to it happened. My dream is I become a zonal director. I made that idea because my sister is passed in SLEAS exam. She is in good possision. I had faced lot of problem. I have been learning to pass the exam still my Adavanced level studies. One-day I become a Z. D I will help poor people children studies. That's my dream . I have been waiting for that moment. Dr. Abdul Kalam said " Dream is not what you see in sleep, is the thing which doesn't let you sleep".
    Dream is one day happened when we trying to get it.

    Thank you.

  41. Nalinda
    Group -B

    We must not give up hope and always work to make it come true. As I think It is essential that we have a plan for the future.

  42. 209015 Aslam

    We all are bunch of addicts to our dreams. My dreams are also like people's mindset, yes it changes time to time but the intentions is clear. Lot of us we sacrificed some dreams because of what others will say, but we don't do it again like this because of they will never live your life. The people we meet have the power to change our life.

  43. Dhimantha Theekshana

    Everyone has dreams. Dreams can make people live. Because people live with hopes and dreams.Dreams help us to succeed in life. Different people have different dreams. They can be big or small depending on how they think.
    There is nothing wrong with having big dreams, because even if we can't reach those dreams, we can achieve some success along the way to those dreams.I also have a big dream. I always try to move in the right direction to achieve it. I always work for those goals. I work hard every moment, every day, every month, every year for my dreams.

  44. 209055

    People have dreams and goals. All people have dreams but some people have goals. the goal is a dream with a path. when we try to achieve we have to face a lot of interference. we must have enough courage to undermine them. sometimes we will fail but we should not give up our dreams. I have few dreams and goals. I work to achieve them as possible I can.

  45. Oshada A Jayarathna

    Every day I like to take some time aside from my responsibilities to think about my dreams and all the goals that I want to achieve someday. My dream is to become a rich man who has enough money to travel and live a relax life at the age of 40. Being a traveler is something that has always intrigued me. I know only having a dream won’t help, I also need to work hard to achieve my dream. I think being a businessman is the easiest way to get close to my dream. As doing business is not as easy as it seems, first I need to take a good degree to ensure that even if my business collapse one day that I won’t fail my dream. This will be the first step towards my dream. Now I’m an undergraduate in the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. So, now I have a good feeling that I’m one step closer to my dream.

  46. Kaweesha

    That is a beautiful and inspiring song. I think all humans is still stay on their dreams. It may be different but yes, everyone wants something. Those people do different things to move towards their dreams. So, they work hard to reach their goal. Also, listening to this song gives a lot of people confidence that they have to go to their dreams somehow.

  47. More than more dreams which were different with each ones have planed by me since my childhood. Some dreams became true and others was only a dream. Actually dreams always give a hope for people to live. When I think from my side, I have dreams same as others too. Although I didn't decide my future carrier I have a target to go aboard. After the studies I will marry another without a wedding because I have a plan to build a house for a poor family from that money. That is my pleasure. Before my death,one time or I want to attend to the " Tommorowland" with my husband. As a daughter my dream is to be a useful citizen for my country and keep my parents totally happy until their end of life. I will never give up till my dreams be success.

  48. We all have dreams.when i was a kid i'm dreaming about a fairy world then i was growup i knew that is a fiction .so sometimes we think our life dreams never come true but if you work hard your all dreams can come true.i think dreams add new hope to people's lifes. They live in thier dreams .if you need to archive something ,
    Dream it
    Wish it
    Do it

  49. Hutha A.N.A.Z

    Dream is a common thing. Everybody have a dreams. Similarly i have a biggest dream. Now my dream is become a class first degree holder. Then i will go abroad earn lot of money and come back my country. After that i will start a construction company in my village. The reason I choose my village is because my village is a developing village. I will build lot of apartments and sale. So i will become good entrepreneur. After that I will take good care of my family and enjoying my life. This is my biggest dream.


  50. Name : T.W.S.Nimesh
    Reg No : 209145

    We all have different kinds of dreams. Maybe it's a joke to other people. It does not matter what people think of you and your dreams. You are a different person than others and believe in yourself. Work for your goals, do not listen to the nonsense of others. That confidence will one day lead us to victory.

  51. I had lots of dreams in my childhood. In grades five, six I thought, I will be an engineer. But I couldn't go for that goal. However, I enter the university to study higher education. It became another dream of mine. these days I study to complete my degree. After completing my degree program, I think, I can get a good job. Then I have one of the most important dreams, which is to build my own house. After that I think, I can get the Car. That is my dreams.

  52. Name: Jayasiri LWUC
    Reg Number: 209088

    When I was a kid I thought I was going to be a pilot. I always wanted to walk into my dream. But I failed to go for that dream. But I could not challenge that dream. but I always try to succeed in my dream. I identified my flaws. I have a new dream. I do my best to make this dream come true. I face all the challenges in my life successfully. Then I can achieve my goals.

  53. 209218

    More than more dreams which were different with each ones have planed by me since my childhood. Some dreams became true and others was only a dream. Actually dreams always give a hope for people to live. When I think from my side, I have dreams same as others too. Although I didn't decide my future carrier I have a target to go aboard. After the studies I will marry another without a wedding because I have a plan to build a house for a poor family from that money. That is my pleasure. Before my death,one time or I want to attend to the " Tommorowland" with my husband. As a daughter my dream is to be a useful citizen for my country and keep my parents totally happy until their end of life. I will never giveup till my dreams be success.

  54. Stu no:209217
    Stu name: Dasun Thilina

    The dreams are lived us. But dreams are never succeeded automatically. We want courage for succeeded to our dream. We will have to face the obstacles to going way of the success to our dream. If you scared to this trouble, you cannot to success your life. Get courage and go ahead to achieve your dreams.

  55. A dream is a wish our heart makes. We all have so many dreams to achieve in our life. Some dreams are changing with the time. But some are always being with us and we always trying to reach them step by step. Sometimes we are afraid to do changes because we think about what others think. Don't think about others and never give up your dreams until they achieve.

  56. 209146-Sanoj

    People smile when we look at the wrong places. But let us be stronger from where we have gone wrong and continue to chase it until one day we find victory. In each case, they have seized it, despite obstacles we can scarcely imagine. Always keep your goals in mind and continue to face obstacles successfully.

  57. 209127 M.Y.U.Madushanka
    A dream is like a picture of a person's future. If someone has achieved something, it must have been a dream some time ago. There is hardly anyone in the world without a dream. Every human being lives by dreams. We must all work to make a good dream come true.

  58. Sachethana Kusal 209165

    As humans we have to face lot of problems from our birth and till our death. we all are living in short time in this world. so in that time duration, then we all aren't stay like a baby in all our life. we are becoming adults step by step. so we have to do more things in this world as a humans. but we also have a freedom to do our own things. then, we have some wants, beautiful dreams like that. not only that but also some people try more to follow their dreams as lunatics. there are lots of dreams and impressions are behaving in people's minds. also we try to reach our lovely dream to our life. but we cant reach it to our life without challenges. any beautiful dream has difficult dedication. there are lots of problems come to our life. that problem measure our mind and our confidence. that's the reason we all are seeing dreams to avoid that problems. if we neglect or if we fear that problems we cant reach our beautiful dream. so if we want to reach and give a value to our dream, we must have to do many dedications. there is a sad story behind every success. also I have lots of dream. learn well and get a better degree, find my girl friend, buy a luxury vehicle, buy a land and build a pretty house, married, go abroad and living with my family members with pleasure full. and so not only that, but also there are lots of dreams i have. some hopes and dreams are suddenly comings. I don't change it and I fixed it as more dream also and work hard to fulfill it also. then finally I have to say that, if you want to reach your dream success work hard, don't give up your works, don't underestimate yourselves and try try try.

  59. 209150
    Ravindu Dilshan

    People have lot of dreams. They work hard to making dream come true. I also have many dreams.
    I always trying to win my dreams. When it comes to making dreams come true, we face many problems.
    We must overcome those obstacles. we have to identify our weeknesess from those obstacles and
    overcome them and go for our dreams. We will be very happy after our dreams come true.

  60. Name - Erandi Ayesha Rathnamali
    Register number - 209174

    Dreams is our everything. We done most of thing from our dreams. Sometime, someone will be try to stop you. But they don't know about your thinking. They will tell you, we may lost good things because of that dreams, but never lost your dream. Try and try to achieve your target. One day you will be achieve your dream successfuly. If you take another good path without your dream one day you will repentance. Your another choice may be better but you can't achieve pleasure with that another parth, because you missed your dream and your dream is your pleasure. So never give up your dream, if you love it you should achieve your dream.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. 209084
    Jayarathna K.G.D.C

    A dream is a very important thing for all of us. As well as we all have dreams. We are thinking always about our future. we can win our future with these dreams. I have a big dream and I work hard to get my future dream. A dream cannot come true and you have to work hard to make those dreams come true easily.

  63. E.M.S.I.Prasanga

    Every human being can have one dream or several dreams.Those dreams vary from person to person.The majority are trying to make their dreams come true, while some are just dreaming about those dreams.There are people in today's society who have worked hard to make their dreams a reality.They have sacrificed so much for their dream.Today, people who have made those dreams a reality are living as billionaires in today's society.The harder it is to make a dream come true, the higher the value of that dream.

    So I have one dream too.I want to complete my university degree successfully.This is my primary purpose in life. So I am doing my best to make that goal a reality.

  64. 209071
    Srimal Hapuarachchi.
    We all have some sort of ambition or dream. My dream is to become a civil engineer. Dreams play a very important role in molding our future. There is a saying that “if you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it”. This saying implies that if you can work hard and put in your best to achieve your dream, it is very possible to live your dream. Working hard to achieve one's dream is easier said than done but if you put in your best effort and never give up, dreams are achievable.

  65. Name – Anjula – 209008
    Everyone can have a dream or a number of dreams. It varies according to the moments we live in life. A dream is a drawing in each other's mind about the present or the future. Dreams are something that everyone needs to live. It is almost impossible to find someone who lives without a dream. Dreams can be varied. We must have the desire to make dreams come true. Just having a dream does not make it come true. We have to work for it. If you have a dream, you must first find a way to make it come true. Then you have to create a good motivation for yourself to go for it. Then you can achieve the success of your dream. There are many obstacles in the way of making your dream come true, but do not give up on your dream. You must not fall mentally at any moment. There is nothing a mentally strong man cannot do. In order to make a dream come true, we have to set goals that we have to achieve at different times.

  66. We all have dreams. Those will happen or sometimes will not happen. But the thing is you should understand how much work hard to achieve those dreams. You should never give up until achieving your dream. If your dreams are big, don't care about them. Always try to lives with dreams and trying to achieve those.

  67. 209048
    Dissanayake DMHSJ
    We must havr a dream.I think everyone has a dream. Some of dreams how spent their future, what kind of house to build,what kinds of vehicle to build ant etc.. I like say my dream, a goal rather than a dream. First I want to complete my degree successfully. Then I want to finding a good job and earn money for my dream. Then I want start my own bussines. I wish everyone success in their dreams.

  68. Malsha (209167)
    Everybody has a dream; Dreams that make you passionate about something you like. You can dream about anything. You can dream about a person, vehicle, position, popularity or unicorn and rainbows. It’s totally up to you. Sometimes dreams are the reasons you live. May be a dream will help you to move on a bad situation. People will laugh at you, they will criticize you. But they don’t know what you’re following what you are doing. Therefore never lose your faith about yourself, love your dream; love yourself. You will fall but endure the pain; your strong soul will help you to stand up every time you fall. Tell yourself that you will never retreat. Believe in the fact that you can reach to the best place you always dream about. You can give the best of you for your dreams. Imagine you are reaching your aims with proudly held face. Your victory will lighten you up. So dream big, work hard and never lose your faith.

  69. 209078
    Ihalavithana I.V.H.M
    Everyone should have a purpose in life. To succeed in life, we must face challenges. We must dream to achieve our goals. Dreaming is the key to success in the future. But it must not end in our dreams. We must stand strong again. My biggest dream is to complete my university education. I will work hard for that. The day begins with the hope of victory. Life can be made successful by dreaming. Always try

  70. IBD Vilan

    We all have lots of dreams. we all are work hart to achieve them. In that journey we have to face many more obstacles and troubles. but we can't achieve our goals immediately. We should work hard and wait for it. Dreams give us some target. we shouldn't crash down in this journey.

  71. Sithara Embuldeniya
    dreams are something we see when we're sleeping. those are sweet and beautiful ones. but for me, dreams are something that wakes me up until I reach it. that's what a dream should be. something that makes you work hard even you forgot to sleep. but a dream is something very complex. it can be changed to one another. someone's dream can be to get a bicycle while some other person's dream is to buy a plane. there's a gap between the dream of people. if people help each other to achieve their dream, it will be something great. for me; my dream is to live the life I love and love the life I live.

  72. 209237 Ravindu

    We all have a hope to be a success person in our life. We all have dreams but we all are not same. We have different kind of dreams. If you have a dream you want to work hard to fulfill your dream. When you work hard to success your dream some people laugh at you and they say you are a useless. But you must have a good personality and good heart to endure all the pains and grief. if you have a good personality and having the hope to see the extreme success that you can be achieve, I think certainly you can be a success person.

  73. 209232 - Theekshana Malshan

    Dreams are our life. We are living in our dream every time. I have many dreams. I like for these dreams which help to go to my dreams. Successfully completing my 4 year degree program is my biggest dream. Other than that I want to buy a car, phone and I like to build a new and beautiful house. But, I before that complete my degree.

  74. When I was listening to this song, I feel and reminds some of my old memorial memories. We all know everyone has dreams. But few people could be achieved their dreams. However, I think that is a very nice song to be heard when we have free time or every time. This is one of the motivational songs, I suppose. My parents always told me that they would wait for my graduation. So in that situation, I thought I will never forget this song. So, I would like to listen to this song because this is heart touching and very encouraging song.

  75. I have many dreams in my life. so my aim is go to those dreams. people say many stories to stop us. But we face to the all trouble in happy because we will be strong that times. So we came to university so also this is our a one dream we also success it. When we success this dream we feel all is right. But now we should work hard to success our other dreams. Every time we should think about our dream. so then we can work hard to success our dream.

  76. 209234
    We have to face to most negative things like woes and disappointments as well it is common for all who lives in this world.But we must move to forward without being shaken by negative things.We have many dreams of our own and we strive day and to make them come true.Those dreams strengthen us.

  77. Malinga Sandaruwan

    keep a dream and work on the dream everywhere every time.
    Failures, Difficulties, hurts will arise but keep the dream and never give up as well as stand up stronger than past at that time. Always believe in yourself and try to do your best.

  78. NAME:H.W.S Dewaka
    REG NO:209242
    We all have dreams in our lives. They can be large or small dreams. I also have dreams in my life. some of the dreams I had when I was a kid have now come true but some of them were just a dream. One of my dream was to get a chance at university. The first time I could not get that opportunity. But i did not stop pursuing my dream. The second time I got a chance at university. I learned from it that dreaming is not something we want to see with our eyes closed, But something we really need to achieve. and if we want to make a dream come true, we have to make a lot of sacrifices and try to achieve it. And we must have faith that we can do it.

  79. K.D.P.S Chandrathilaka
    We All have a dream. Everyone dreams of living a good life. I have a dream. One of them is to successfully complete my degree program. I have successfully completed thirteen years of school life and laid the foundation for it. All I have to do is succeed in the future. On that journey I can come across various obstacles.

  80. 209129 Ishan

    Life is very short. So we have to do lots of works in our lifetime. Everyone are dreaming. Every person in the world has a dream. I also have so many dreams too. I work hard everyday to achieve my dreams. My main dream is getting a first class degree within next four years. It's my main target. The other dream is to be a construction technician and getting a higher salary. I have many other different dreams instead of above dreams. First I want to travell everywhere in my country. I climb the mountains, swim in the waterfalls, camp in top of a mountain, wach birds. Also I have an another dream to fly to Swisterland. So I always work hard to achieve my dreams. I am planning my future everytime. So oneday I will make my dreams come true.

  81. I have dream .Not a single dream, I have different kind of dreams .But the problem is the number of dreams is too much .It is like I am never going to fulfil most of them in my life time .So this what going happen , I will die without fulfilling my dreams. May be one or two dreams become true like marriage.

    209062 Chamath

  82. Pasindu Lakshika Jayarathna

    My main target is retirement till 35 years old. Some are thinking it is a very simple target. But I say it is a very hard target. After the retirement I will be a free man as a sound producer. It is my lovely dream job. I will start my business with my brother. He has a dream like me, but we are going in different ways. My planes started as well as start a university. I take a first step as a DJ men where my music life. As well as finished my degree programme, I will start my business. Somehow I build up to my income where I could retire till 35 years old.

  83. Fernando P.W.S.V (209061)
    Like everyone else, I have my own dream. I want to buy a Royce Royce car someday. I do not know the reason for such a dream. Maybe it's because I loved going in cars when I was little. I believe that people live on dreams and people work on dreams to make their dreams come true. So I too am a young man who has made my dreams my life. I will study my degree and get a good job in a higher institution and make my dream come true. I remember everything that helped me along the way and I hope to do the best I can for it.

  84. 209113 Tharuksha Lakshan

    Dreams, dreams are our future hopes Or the goals we hope to achieve in the future. We have had dreams since childhood. Our dreams are also changing over time. Today we are living fore some dream. After came true this dream, we are living for a new dream. From a young age, I had hoped to pass A/L and get a chance at university. now that dream is came true. now my hope is to be a graduate and I want to be a construction engineer. The only hope is to moving to another country for a job. after that I want to live happily helping everyone i can, including my family.

  85. R.D.M.L Aberathna
    Everybody has dreams. We like to live with dreams and achieve them. I had dreams but they were changed. When I was a child I had a dream to buy a high capacity bike but when I grew up I realized that to achieve our dreams we have to earn money and the only way to earn money people like us is education. Dreams are changing with the time. I had to change my dreams. Now my dream is to complete my graduation with in the four years and get a suitable job and buy a vehicle and live a simple life. It may be change after my graduation sometimes. The main reason to change my dream is money. Education will carry you to your dreams.

  86. Chathura Lakshan

    Everyone has a dream about they hope to do in the future. Like anyone else, I have dreams. My first dream among, that is to complete my degree within four years successfully. These days I am working hard for my dream. Then I will be able to make my dream.


  87. H.M.H.L Jayarathna

    Someone asks a question from you, what is that? He asks, do you have a dream? Most of the time you will answer as “yes, I have a dream”. Then you and I, we all have a dream. We all are trying to get that. For that we are engaged in various jobs, some are engaged in the study to achieve our own dream. From person to person have changed their dreams. Our dream can be a vehicle, a house, a business, a job with a higher salary or beautiful family life, etc... We all are trying to get it. Let’s think, we achieve our dreams one day. That day will be able to best of the day in our life. Therefore do not back down in the face of obstacles. Try and try one day you can fly.

  88. G. K. N. Madhushani
    From childhood I will been dream about different things and I wished it was a dream come true. As I got older, I worked hard to make my dreams come true. Now I have a different dream than when I was a child. My dream is changing day by day. Today I have a different dream than yesterday. And I know that tomorrow I will have a different dream than today. Although my dream has always been different, I know that the dream I see today is bigger than it was yesterday.

  89. we all have a dream that we believe one day will become true. To become that dream true someday, we must have the courage and also we must stand with the dream and need to get rid of fear and grow courage The path to reach your dream will be hard. but someday when you reach the dream then you will be surprise and proud of

  90. Student Number:- 209089
    Name:- Jayasuriya NJLN

    I have a lot of dreams. My first dream and challenge are to be able to speak and write English well. After that, I get my degree somehow. My next dream after graduation is to do a job socially acceptable. Next, my dream is to find a boyfriend. I like to travel with him all over the country and around the world as much as possible. I also like to travel by car or bicycle. I also like to go to the top of the job and travel around abroad. And I have a lot of dreams.

  91. 209037 - D.Dinuka Sanjana Madhumal
    Group A

    Everyone have a dream in the world . All peoples are trying to success their dreams . I have a dream . I work hard to true that . But a my long dream was before three years . I had a dream to be a software engineer . I should study maths stream for advanced level for that . But my school did not give chance to me . Because they have finished their time tables for AL . After that I worried thinking about that . After One week I met a friend he took me to technology stream . After that I studied technology stream . After three years now , I'm a university student . I have another dream now . That is very big . My university is very helpful for my dream . I have a strong way . Again I am working hard . I have to say , never worry about anything . Try to do best , Work hard . Definitely can be success . Dream will not be a dream .

  92. 209102 Hashan

    A Dream is a curious thing. It can drove a man to a unimaginable place. Its like a hope but it’s something more than it. There are no small dreams or bigger dreams. Because a dream depends on the person who sees them. Whether it can be achieved or not, everyone has a dream. A dream can be a social status, a physical achievement or an emotional achievement. A single person’s dream can change the entire world and we have lots of examples about it. So, every dream worth fighting for.
    Even I have a dream. I want to go to all the places that a man should visit before die. Maybe it’s a small dream or unachievable dream but its my dream and its worth working for.

  93. 209240 Thevindu

    I had a dream. Also nowadays, I have another dream. Who knows in future I may have whole different dream according to my present dream. Not only dream about things, I have to achieve them. In my childhood I had a dream to be a cricketer. Because I loved cricket. But I hadn't get any chance to achieve it. So when time passes my dream has changed. Then next I want be a software engineer. Because I loved to that field of works. How come I didn’t able to achieve it because, I had decided to do my advance levels in different stream. At now have another different dream to achieve. So I am giving my best to fulfill my dream. If I will able to do it, I will be happy about it and make an another dream to achieve. Or otherwise I will not able to fulfill my dream. I will change my dream, what I think I will able to achieve. As I said I have no time to regret, I try to do my best until I succeed.

  94. Name :- W.M ..Ayodya Gimhan Weerasekara
    Reg no :- 209224

    People laugh us but we must believe and follow dream and every feat. And always try to do our best. And courage will strong our self. Then we never fall down. If you fall down you must stand up on your own. We must always have fix aimed.

  95. We all have dreams. Dreams keep us alive. Dreams may be the backbone of our life. Sometimes, only the hard works may not be enough. So, keeping a dream is a necessary thing. I am working on my dream. I’m pretty sure however I will achieve my dream. Maybe it can be so hard. But your dream will lead you there. Always we should determine and it will be a spirit for the life.

  96. Bandara YHGPN

    We have been most kinds of dreams since our childhood. We say about very high-level dreams in childhood. Nowadays we have good knowledge about society and jobs. Now we can see about real dreams. In our AL and OL periods, our big dream is to enter the university. It makes the dream come true with our hard work. Now our next important dream is to find a good job and build life perfectly.

  97. Dangalla DMS
    Group A

    We all have dreams. Those are different from each other. Dreams are very important for building our future. But all the dreams we can't make it real. I have lot of dreams. My first dream is to complete my degree in another four years. Now I work hard for it. If we work hard, we can make our dreams come true. Another dream of mine is to travel around the world. I like to enjoy my life.

  98. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)
    Everyone in the world live with dreams. They spend their whole life for complete that dreams. My life fulfills with dreams like other’s. I already completed some dreams in my life. But I have lot of dreams for reach out. Among them, I always expect for a luxury life. After get my degree, I am dreaming to do a better job. It will support for achieve my dream. I dream of becoming a socially accepted person. As well as I have a dream to start my own company. I expect to create more job opportunities for the society. I try in my best for make it a success. I always think that my education will create the right way for achieve my dream.

  99. Name - I.W.D.S.N.Weerasinghe
    Reg no - 209226

    We have been chasing dreams since childhood. We look forward to making our dreams come true and also we work hard to make those dreams come true. On the way to realizing our dreams, we may encounter many obstacles. But at those times we have to face them well and win dreams. We have to be very strong for that. We can miss a lot of things but we should not be sad. Because we have a good aim. We are working to achieve those aims. We have beautiful dreams and those dreams cannot be easily achieved. You know. Even a river is beautiful when it flows down and hits the rock. Life is like that. We must be strong in the face of obstacles and move towards our aims.

  100. Reg No 209013

    Every humans are keep running to achieve their dream. some of them are achieve their dream and most of them are failed to achieve their dream. But the common thing is, humans have huge interest in earning money. They don't give respect to humanity. I am little bit different from them. I want be a good human.
    Oneday I will make people like me for better peaceful world.

  101. 209065
    Gemini K.G.G.P.M.

    Everyone has their own dreams and they think it will come true someday. Dreams are a hope that can wake people up without sleep. I also have many drams. But I don't know whether those dreams will come true or not. However, I work hard to make my dreams come true and I will make them come true.

  102. 209070- Gunawardana RMHD

    I have dream but it is not large dream. I want to live my life freely. I always planed it. For that I choose a business because I can take more time to enjoy my life. I work very hard for my dream. I want to spend simple life but I known, we all want money for our lives. I think, I will succeed in future.

  103. Everyone who lives in this world has many kind of dreams to achieve. Some dreams can be reached easily and some dreams can't be reached easily. Everyone has a main dream among those dreams. All of us have to bear others' contempts on the way to success. We must work however. Then oneday we will be success absolutely.

  104. 209023

    We all have a dream of a home. Dreams vary from person to person. That is, building their own dream home, buying a dream car and traveling abroad. In order to make our dream come true, we have to work hard in the present. On the way to that dream you have to give in to the sea for jewelry. Much success can be achieved by persevering in the face of such challenges.

  105. Dreams are what keep people alive. Everybody has dreams. These are different each others. But Both of people have a big dream called a successful life. Someone chase behind education , some one chase behind business, Dreams are different like that. Both of people like to buy new car, make a luxury house, get a first class degree, Make own business & make happy life. Some dreams come true but some dreams didn't come true. However people chasing behind dreams. If we have Determination and commitment we can catch our dreams. I also chasing behind dreams. I think I will achieve my dreams in future. Then I want to work hard and try to best.

  106. Name : SHUD Silva
    Reg Number : 209210

    This song helps to keep focus on your dreams. Everyone faces difficulties when they achieving their dreams. That's the nature. But, if you can keep your focus through the difficulties you face in your progress, you can definitely achieve your dreams in one day. You don't have to worry about others, only thing you want is keep your focus on the work, courage yourself and believe in yourself.

  107. 209032 Sudesh
    Group A

    These days dreams are very important for us to live as human beings. because dreams and hopes are what keep us alive. because considering the current situation in our country. we wonder if our dreams will only be dreams. but we must be courageous. we must make our dreams come true. but we are so trapped that we can not even leave the house. except for the time we set aside to eat and sleep, we sit in front of a digital screen and search for our dreams. but in these difficult times we have no choice. let this be a blessing to plan our future, and add new ideas to our dreams and spend time with loved ones.

  108. Chalana Dissanayake

    Dream. That is a hope. That is a wish. Everyone wish their dreams come true. Our dreams tell to us what we really need. Everyone has dreams. But all dreams not become true. If you want your dream become true, you must work hard. Sometimes you have to give up your dream. Most of times this is common for men. If you are eldest son of your family, sometimes you have given up your dreams for your younger siblings. Lots of fathers give up their personal dreams for family. It is painful. But that is life. However life is not unfair. It always give to you last chance. Therefore my personal advice is “Don’t give up your dreams. Wait for last chance.”
    If I talk about my personal dreams, I don’t have big dreams. I want to live in a country which has winter season, nice beaches, fast internet, tasty foods, politicians who honestly work for civilians and where good people live. Because of I hope to abroad.

  109. 209205 Praveen

    All of us have dreams. Sometimes they are only imagined, hopes or dreams, but we can succeed in our effort and determination. You can work hard. It's time to stop thinking otherwise and start believing in yourself because no one else has the dreams that you have. It's time to start believing in the power of your dreams. Not next year, not next month, not tomorrow, but now. You want to try to fly your dream, follow your dreams yourself

  110. Udayangana

    We all know we have dreams at least one. Therefore, we hope to reach it but we all fail many times. Then. many people give up the goal. Why is that?. Why is happening that? Because many people believe that if we fail, we can't achieve our goal, or they believe we have no ability to achieve that.

    But, as I know, when we fail to do something, it is very helpful to reach our dream. Because, when we fail, we have to go to learn about that a lot of things. Then, we learn a lot of things about that. Therefore, how can't reach to achieve our dreams? Keep in mind when we fail, it doesn't mean we can't achieve our dreams.

  111. We have all had dreams since childhood. Dreams are very important for our life. All people have dreams.We must work hard to make our dreams come true. some dream of my life I have already achieved. I am a undergraduate student in university of wayamba, faculty of technology. People are stare at us impatiently until our succeed in life."where did I go wrong, how should I move on Inspite of what i see," Therefor we need to build up our confidence.

  112. 209196 winuli
    Every one has future dreams are to be a lawyer,business woman and also technician.I love to live in town and buy dream vehicle,house,mobile,laptop and also dog.I always invest my time and money for my dream.I want to be a lovely future I like to listen damma in my every free time.I take the way to succed in life in any form.I protect my perents wery well and I give best life to them in my future.I love to travel with my friends and my family and drive.I make beautiful garden in my future.I take whatever my brothers ask for.I would love to live a religious life. I work hard to achieve my dreams.i love my all dreams.

  113. 209116 Supun
    Everyone has dreams .some of them can achieve their dreams someday. If we want to achieve our dreams we must follow those and we should work hard. I have s big dream . I think , l will achieve my dream someday . Now l am a University student and it is big step of my dream. I already achieved this.
    So l do my best to achieve my dream

  114. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. People are always full of their dreams while people who achieve their dreams are the real dreamers( I`m not talking about the day-dreamers). All of us follow dreams since childhood. Sometimes it could achieve or not but it depends on the courage that we have to pursue them. Always follow your dreams. If we have no dreams or anything like that, Who we are? We couldn`t be human beings. Not only that, If we give up our dreams, What is left?

  115. Until now I did not know that the size of a dream could be measured. Tonight I sleep next to a ruler and measure my dream until morning.

    Gayan Sampath

  116. 209046 EPHP DILMI
    To many people , our dream may be a joke. Their joke should be the dream of our lives. We may have many shortcomings, but we must not give up. Never think we can't. We can always think about our dream. We have to think we can.Must rise in the face of obstacles. We have to fight for the dream until it goes to our dream. So we must not give up our determination and pursue it then we will be able to reach our dream.

  117. avishka fonseka
    we all have different dreams and we are always tried to reach those dreams. sometimes we can be lose. Sometimes people laugh at us. they say we can't do anything. but don't give up. we have to follow our dreams whatever happens next. As well as we must have the courage.

  118. T.G.S.D.Senarathna

    All the people have one dream or more dream. Dream is a Keyport of successful person. If we have dreams, we will try to achieve it. If we aim to sun, we will go to moon. We should have one or more dream. Like buying a comfortable vehicle, building a beautiful house, getting a 1st class degree. These all are successful dreams. Dreams are not enough though. Definitely we should achieve if. Follow your dream the courage found within your soul is keeping you so strong that you could rise each time you fall.

  119. 209058
    Clint Enos
    How big my dreams are; Every human being in the world should have a dream. The person with big dreams is more powerful than a person that have all things he need. I also have a big dream. It's not about money. My biggest dream is to be a simple man that can able to take care of my parents, because my parents did everything they could to giving me a good life. I just wanna be then happy and healthy.

  120. 209076 Dhanushka

    From my childhood I wanted to be a guy who likes to being social. Always spend the time with friends and enjoy the life.
    Now I take a look at my life, I have somewhat became that guy. As we all know our dreams get  bit change when we grow old and starting to take responsibilities.
    I always wanted to pass the O/L exam and A/L because of my parents were working so hard for get me educated.
    After passing A/L I didn't even want to go for a university but when time passes I wanted to get select to a university and sharp my future.
    Now I am happy to say I have achieved that gole in my life.
    Now I have some few dreams incuding get my degree with a class and do a white collar job. I don't want to be the best of the best but I want to live a life that I won't hesitate to buy what I want. I want to live my life with my solemate and share our emotions, love and support to each other in my dream house one day.

  121. 209082 Dheerasha

    Being born as a human being, you, me or anyone who read this can’t live without any target, aim, dream or purpose. Go and talk to a suicider, you will find the reason as not having any essence for living; he or she is on a situation of more than disappoint. See, you can’t live without any purpose. Think about yourself, go back to your past; you could be able to remember, all the time in your mind thoughts were working on a process of ‘what’s next?’. Huh… really it’s a big deal than seems outside. All the time you are surrounded with many obstacles. Sometimes you may feel like only there are obstacles around you as they come from different forms like money, time, education, government, relatives, family background or even as your girlfriend or boyfriend. But, do you have had any powers, lucky or extra ordinary helps.. no! You are the shade for yourself, you are your own god, the ultimate powerhouse for yourself. Think big, dream big, fight big, the achievement will be bigger even than you think.

  122. Name : H.M. Isuru Sandun Reg Number: 209105

    we all have dream is to become an engineer. I think it is a big dream. we must work hard to make our dreams come true. I hope to help other people once I achieve my goals. Actually, we face many problems in our journey towards dream. I think we have to be determined until the dream comes true. I think we have to love dreams. I really love my day our dreams will come true.

  123. 209091

    Life will be built on dreams. Also, our determination helps it. Everyone has dreams and everyone works hard to become true their dreams. So I work hard too. I will think, one day I can achieve my goals. Problems, it is the main interruption for our dreams but we can't skip it. If we can solve problems properly, we will make a better future with our dreams. Life is a ball of thread on our hands, if we use it well, we will be able to make our life successful.

  124. R.M.P.K Rathnayaka

    Everyone in this world has dreams. They all live with those dreams. Dreams vary from person to person. Dreams affect a person's success. If a person wants to be successful, he has to dream and then pursue those dreams. I have a lot of dreams and I always work on achieve those dreams.

  125. 209020

    Everyone has dreams. But few people could be achieved their dreams. Our dreams are very important to achieve our specific goal.When we try our best to reach those hope it will become a dream. 

    if you want to live happily, you must work hard and stay courageous for achieving your dreams.

  126. Dreams have a profound effect on everyone's life. Because dreams can people live. Also, I have a dream. One day I want to be a happy person and die as a happy person. I know it is a difficult achievement but, Happiness is the most valuable and important thing more than other things in human life.

  127. 209101- Tharindu

    A man must have a dream for success and he must work to make that dream come true. The dream can difference from person to person. My dream is complete my degree successfully. I should work hard to make my dream come true. It may not be an easy task. We have to make various sacrifices to make the dream come true. If we do nothing ,we can't make dream come true . But if we can work hard to make our dreams come true, one-day we will be successful.

  128. Lakmal Nawarathna (209141)

    Dream is not just a word it can gives motivation to peoples. Some peoples have tons of dreams but some peoples have less amour of dreams. I think it's good to live with small amount of dreams because our life is too short. We always need to dream with limitation but work hard on it.


  129. 209029
    Kalana Lakjith

    We have a list of dreams. Some dreams come true while some dreams do not come true. To make dreams come true, you have to work hard and with dedication. Dreams help us to complete our targets. We have to overcome many challenges in the journey of fulfilling dreams. So see dreams, complete those as best you can.

  130. Name : Nadeesha Vithanage.
    Reg No: 209221

    Every person has a dream by own. They work hard for achieving that dream. Such as to be a doctor, an engineer, teacher...etc. It is a long way. We have to pass lots of barriers. Sometimes we have to fall, but we have to get up because we have a dream to fulfill. When we fall, it helps us as an experience. We should think and keep in mind that "yes I can". That thought empowers our soul and helps us to achieve our dreams. We should be confident in ourselves. Then the thought "can't" will never come between us and our dream.

    Our parents have dreams for us. We should fulfill them too. Then we can make them happy. I have a dream. To be a navy officer and to do service for my country. But my parents' dream is to give me a good education and make me a graduate. So I decided to enter university, be a graduate and, after that, join the Navy. I have come a long way, but I have to go so far more. The way that I came, I had to face lots of barriers. And I had to face victories as well as defeats. Because I balanced both sports and education. In the future, I will have to face more barriers and challenges. I am ready to face those things. Because I have to fulfill not only my dream, but also my parents' dream.

    Thank You!

  131. Karunarathna HDVA

    We all have a dream. We all dream don't the same. We all dream are different. I have a dream. It is to be Engineer. We all are do chase back to the dream. We should chase back to the dream. We chase to the back that dream,that dreams make come true. I think,that dreams make come true is very important because it is very important to our life.

  132. 209136-Nimasha
    Everyone has a dream. Always, they work o accomplish their goals. When human tired, dreams help to continue their works very well. Today we are living with dreams and one day, dreams are become true. After that, we find out another dream. Therefore, people want dream for living.

  133. Name: WMLB Weerasekara
    Registration No: 209225

    We all have different dreams. They will vary from person to person. I also have a lot of snow. That is to say, I have studied my education well and become a successful person. That dream is the dream of many like me. Really one is my dream and I will dream the other way. That is, we played all day in the paddy fields, in the small stream, in our childhood. We had a good childhood having fun with friends. But today it is not seen. Instead, technological devices today have become friends with young children. So, my dream is to bring back to children a beautiful childhood like ours childhood. Although my dream can’t come true but I love my dream.

  134. Himanshi (209081)

    Everyone has a variety of dreams and they are dreaming for their life. Although someone follows their dreams, someone does not follow their dreams and they are waiting for dreams to come to near to them themselves. However, it isn't the right way. we should try to win our dream. I think a dream is a tool we use today to build the future. In childhood, I have dreams such as pass o/l, A/L and go to university. But after I achieve my past dream again I create another dream to enjoying my future journey. Then I have a dream to succeed in my higher education and do a good job and live happily considering my parents. In our life journey, we would have faced many difficulties but we must try to rise each time we fall. If we can do that we can find our place and we follow our dream freely we can measure our strong.

  135. 209040 Dasanayaka DHL
    Dreams are something we hope for in our future life. We must dream for our future life, and we must always strive to make those dreams come true. Creating a successful family background is a dream come thru for all of us. I always trying for that.
    Now, my big dream is pass this degrees well. There, I look forward to learning more about my field while on the job. By then I hope to build a house and buy a private vehicle. And I hope to start a personal business and help people. From then on, my only dream is to live happily.

  136. BGSN Kularathna
    209104 FOT Group A

    I was born into a middle class family and when I was little, I had a lot of dreams. They are new from time to time. I always dreamed of them not as dreams but as my goals and objectives. As a child, my dream was to pass the O / L and A / L exams and go to university. Now I dream of becoming a lecturer. To teach us lecturers .. To build a good house. To have a good wife and to have children .. I have another small dream .. Not small, it is a dream that will cost a lot of money .. In the future I will buy all the latest Apple products when I get rich .. There is another mountain of dreams. More new dreams are being created .. 😁

  137. Name: Dhanushika Dulmini
    Reg No:209250

    A dream is a thought, vision or feeling. In real life, many people say that when you have a dream come true, it is often a coincidence. But all our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.

  138. everyone has dreams. I have many dreams in my mind.I always think about how to succeed in my dreams. now I am an undergraduate student .i always think how i will get my degree. i should so hard work to the succeed my degree.

  139. Every person in this world has dreams or ambitions which one wants to fulfill in their life. Dreams make us live in difficult times of our life. It doesn't matter if you have dreams if you don't try to make them come true. we have to face a lot of obstacles when we pursue our dreams. We have to move forward overcoming those obstacles. never give up on your dreams. work hard for achieving dreams. dreams never come true automatically.

  140. Student num :- 209201

    A dream is a thought in the mind. We all dream .Many people think of a dream only as an idea, but other people make a great effort to make it come true .The person who has confidence in himself and the courageous person makes his dream come true .If he wants to make his dream come true, he has to believe in himself first. Should do.

  141. sadeepa miniruwan
    In order to win life, one must first have a dream. One must love oneself. A dream is a thought in the mind. We all dream .Many people think of a dream only as a thought, but other people make a great effort to make it come true .The person who has confidence in himself and the courageous person makes his dream come true .If he wants to make his dream come true, he must first believe in himself. .Their dreams will one day take you to the right place

  142. Name:- H.D. Chamuditha Ekanayake
    Red No:- 209056

    I have many dreams in my life. When I come to grade 1, My dream was to be a doctor and win my game to do O/L levels I want to be an engineer however when I come to A/L class, I want to be a software engineer. Now I have come to University, really what kind of man do I want to be? I said before, I had many dreams. These are change time by time in my life but only one thing was not changed.
    It is, I want to explore the universe. Find different planets, aliens, and what's behind a black hole, etc. But this dream was missed with time. However, I work hard to achieve even parts of this dream. Never give up your dreams like Elon Musk.

  143. SNM.Aathil

    Dreams just show us what our path is. Dreaming more and more helps us to achieve our goal. Even if the goal is not achieved, dreaming of it is a delicious pleasure.

    REG.NO : 209241

    Man is on the path to success in order to achieve a better goal for human beings to live in this world and to live a better life. Some of the rough incidents and problems along those paths have to face many challenges. Those who overcome those challenges and take the next step are the best winners.

  145. Reg no:- 209262
    H.N.S Weerasinghe

    We all have a dream about our lives. I work hard for my dream. Find a good job and live a good life. We can make our dreams come true by overcoming obstacles and moving forward without fear.

  146. 209212 - Malinda
    We all have dreams, but we know that not all of those dreams can come true. But we work to make that dream come true without thinking so. However, some of our dreams never come true. will be.

  147. Kavindu Deshan

    Every people have different dreams or goals. Everyone like to live happily. If we want to living happy, we need to make our dreams come true. Therefore we require to work hard.

  148. How big your dreams are?
    Your dreams aren't that big if they don't scare you. Most of all, do you have any dreams or have you just adapted to your dull, normal present life which is dreamless? During our childhood, we used to have vivid dreams, they were amusing and unrealistic but we tended to lose them as we grew up. We should dream, it is the only place that can help us imagine our future, experience the fantasies, break the barriers and witness the extreme. When we dream big, we become terrified and excited, trying to achieve the unrealistic success in life, making it a possibility. If we can dream it, we simply could achieve it. What we think, we become!

  149. Sachinthaka Ariyarathna
    Everyone living in the world has dreams. Many people live with the goal of making their dreams come true. Dreams make our lives beautiful and create new hope. Sometimes we have to sacrifice a lot of things in life to make our dreams come true. We face many challenges to make our dreams come true. We have to face those challenges successfully. We should work hard to make them come true, and then our life will be successful.

  150. 209009 U.Anojkanth
    Everyone have a dream in our life . The good dream build a good future. Some one already archived their dreams and some one try to archive their dreams . Every person have a different dream . Example some one like to be a Doctor, Engineer and Extraa.. but I have a different dream that is one day I will Around the world . Because I like to travelling . That's is a one of my dream. One day I will archive . You have to dream before your dream come for true .......

  151. Name=G.S.Saubhagya Rathnayake
    Register no= 209179

    Everyone has different dreams. Every people try to achieve that dreams. But everyone can’t achieve thire dream . Because it is hard work. This song say about dream. Dreams are very beautiful . If we try to achieve our dreams . we can achieve our dreams. I have a dream. My dream is a teacher one day. I work hard for become a teacher. Many people has a dream . They are about vehicles , house , job , and many things . Some people lost a dream . they live very sad . Dreams we accompany to our success.

  152. 209022 Lakshan.

    Every human being has dreams in their life. There is hardly anyone in the world without dreams. Many people live in these dreams. I also have many dreams in my life. My only dream was to get a chance at university.
    I have fulfilled that dream so far. Now my next dream is to complete my four year degree. In this way our dreams are constantly evolving. Our dreams end the day our lives end.

  153. Sathusan - 209200

    Everyone has a dream in life it can be a small dream or a big dream Everyone works to make dreams come true but not everyone is able to achieve their goal because they do not involve themselves much for it. Someone who works hard for his dream will definitely make his dream come true It doesn’t matter if the dream is small or big but it depends on how we work hard for it. There are no barriers to dreams in this world so dream big and work hard for it until it comes true

  154. 209153

    Everyone has their own dream. They want it to succeed. I also have big dream. Time to time I try for it. We will face many challenges and trouble on this journey and some succeed and some fail. That is normal. All that is needed to try again, until succeed.

  155. 209031 Viduranga

    We create some kind of dream for our future since our childhood. Those dreams and goals are beautiful and we strive to make those dreams come true. Some of these dreams come true and some dreams remain the same.

  156. 209120 Umesh

    We all should work according to a proper plan so then definitely dreams will come true. In this poem the author says to be with our own conscience and to do right things always though whatever society says for you.
    The dreams are born the way we become accustomed to this world from our birth. Then we are starting to follow that path but we have to face so many challenges while we are on the way to our goals.
    So that it's true problems emerge and we have to find solutions to overcome those then sometimes it may be difficult to be accomplished but it's a must untill we are on this earth..

  157. 209223 Ranith

    We all have dreams. We have dreams about our future. I also have a big dream. Dreams lead us for a good future. When we have a dream we try to achieve them. Sometime we face to obstacles while achieving our dreams.Some dreams come true some don't. We can't achieve our goals only by dreaming. We have to work hard to achieve them.

  158. 209112

    Everyone has dreams.people live on that.dreams are very important by us.I have a big dream too.there is so much in that my main goal is to successfully graduate in four years.I will do my best for will get me to my dream.once my main dream is fulfilled.I will make sure to fulfill and fulfill my other dreams. i try to go to my dreams somehow.I sincerely wish everyone the best of luck in their dreams.


  159. Kunarathinam Vithurshan
    Reg.No - 209260

    Everyone has their own dream. They want it to succeed.Someone who works hard for his dream will definitely make his dream come true It doesn’t matter if the dream is small or big but it depends on how we work hard for it. We have to face those challenges successfully.and then our life will be successful.

  160. 209230- Wijerathne SMKV

    Everyone has dreams sometimes it may be a small one, sometimes it may be a bigger one. As I feel, dreams are very important to success our future, because when we have a dream about our future we always try to achieve it, therefore, we should dream to succeed our future but it should be a good one, otherwise, it will destroy our future. But just having a dream is not enough, we have to work hard to make it come true otherwise it will just be a dream.

  161. 209162 Priyadarshana
    Every person in the world has many dreams. If someone said no, it is a lie. Dreams have very big power. It is the power about the hope of living. Dreams and hopes keep us alive. Every broken person believes that their dreams will come true and hold out hope for it. Dream about it. But the world is not fair. Some people think, this is the truth and this is fair. But some other people think this opposite of it is fair. So we must work hard as much as possible us to make our dreams come true

  162. KMM. Bazith
    Reg No- 209027

    Everyone has an ambition in his life, some of us want to become doctor, engineer etc and some want to get good marks in exams. If our goals appear in our mind which doesn’t let us sleep is known as dream. What we think about achieving the goal is reflected in our dream. It is our dream which drives us to convert it into a reality. As we know it was the dream of our freedom fighters to make our Sri lanka independent, hence by regular efforts they turned their dream into reality by getting independence.For me any man will start to achieve his goal in his favorite field without harming the other man I think that is the biggest success

  163. Nirantha
    Dreams are very important by us.I have a big dream too.There is so much in it.In that my main goal is to successfully graduate in four years.I will do my best for that.It will get me to my dream.Once my main dream is fulfilled.I will make sure to fulfill and fulfill my other dreams. I try to go to my dreams somehow.I sincerely wish everyone the best of luck in their dreams.

  164. 209058
    Clint Enos
    We all know when the time passes our physical strength can fade away but we can keep our self-strong by mentally, but when the persons get older they might lose their strength physically as well as mentally, because they might think they cannot do anything possible, because of that they even not try to do something as previous which was they used to do. The people who judge themselves by considering they they physically weak and the please others to do things is a mental issue, mentally strong people avoid please others, they increases self-confident and mental strength stronger.

    The people who mentally strong think that they can be self-demanding. the people who are mentally strong do not expect anything from the others, they simply believe on their efforts and knowledge which is personally gained.

    When the people who are not strong physically can attain success from the strong heart, therefore the people that are mentally strong we cannot underestimate their personal worth by looking at the physical strength.

    In conclusion we can help the people who weak physically to increase their life better and success while increasing their mental strength.

  165. Sashini - 209211

    We all have dreams in our lives. And we all work hard to achieve them. Because any human being needs a purpose in life. As a result, everyone fantasizes about their own life.Everyone is committed to achieving them, and there are various obstacles to overcome. People who overcome all those challenges become rich to achieve their dreams.

  166. 209146-Sanoj

    Every human being in the world is a dreamer. From a young child to an old man, they create different dreams in their lifetime. They are trying to make those dreams come true. It is their dreams that make a man live.


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