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No one should be alone at Christmas !!

Watch the following short movie and write down the story by using your own words




  1. 209167 malsha

    Christmas is an annual festival that held to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. Christmas is a celebration that gathers people together. We celebrate our time with our loved once. Even they are our family, friends or the loved once we share our affection, friendship and faith with each others. Author of ‘The Grinch’ Dr. Seuss once said “Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand to hand.” As long as we stay together we can be happy and the Christmas is one of the major events that everyone wants to be loved by others. If someone get feel lonely, it’ll hurt their feelings by seeing that no one wants to be with them. No one deserves to be along in such a special day. So don’t forget to be with your close once in the Christmas day. That way you won’t be alone and so are the people who want to be loved.

  2. W.A.D.S.Malani.
    Reg-No-: 209132

    Christmas is a one of the most important festivals of the Christian year. The meaning of Christmas is simple, it means peace, and it means Hope. It means love and celebration of almighty lord's blessings. Christmas celebrates the incarnation, when god came to earth in human form. No-one actually knows exactly when juices were born. And it is actually more likely to have been spring than winter. Christmas brings family and friends together. It helps us to appreciate the love in our lives that we often take for granted. I think as we grow older our Christmas list gets shorter, because the things we want can't be brought. Also Christmas is awesome time, sweet like the sound of chime, Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

  3. 209052
    DS Ekanayake

    Christmas is all about choosing the best Christmas tree and decorating it, baking cookies, singing carols and opening presents are all so much fun! So kids, hang your Christmas stockings by your bedposts so that Santa Claus can fill it. Have a good night and enjoy listening to the most amazing Christmas Stories For Kids at bedtime!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The lonely old lady shared her Christmas muffin with the crow and the crow repaid her back with a decorated Christmas tree.

    1. Clint-209058
      Once upon a time, an old lady lived alone in a house in a non-crowded place. Her husband is dead and her children are gone to the town. When time passes Christmas has come. As usual, her children arent coming for Christmas. They sent a postcard saying"Merry Christmas ". Then she made a cupcake with a nice star for herself. Night has arrived. She doesn't have any hopes. But suddenly she heard a sound of a crow. She cut the piece of cake into two and gave half to the crow. She was happy and she went to sleep. When she is in her sleep, heard the crow's sound again. She opened her door. She cannot believe it. Crow has brought all-stars and decorated the Christmas tree in front of the house. The crow made her day. After a long time, she became very satisfied. The crow may be the soul of her loving husband.
      Not only this old lady millions of our older generation lives alone. Spent Christmas alone. So we should help them to live their lives happily.

  6. Christmas is celebrated every year on December 25 by the Christian people. The birth of Christ was commemorated and celebrated. On that day, all Christians celebrate Christmas with their families. Many people around the world celebrate Christmas alone. Because they have no one. The old woman in this story is not so happy because her husband has died. But she makes a small meal and shares it with a crow who has no food outside the house. The crow brings Christmas joy to her. She is very happy. The most important thing is to love the person closest to you. This story shows that love everyone and then you too will have happiness and love.
    209213-WAS Tharinda

  7. Name: A.M.A.Shanuka
    Reg. No: 209207

    There is an old woman living alone in a house. She leaves the house and watches the snow fall at Christmas. She lives alone because she lives alone. Furthermore, she then makes a cupcake to eat. When she looked out the window of the house. She looked at a crow looking for food alone. It is very cold, and it is difficult for that crow to find food. So this old lady gives half of the piece of cake she made to the crow. If we use this Christmas to help someone else, it will be a happy Christmas. Share the happiness of Christmas with others, That is the true meaning of Christmas.

  8. There is an old lady who lives alone at her home. One of Christmas days she made a little cake, but there were not anyone to share it. She looked at window, and than she saw there is a crow. She decided to give a piece of a cake to the crow. She gave a piece of a cake to the crow, and the crow ate it. At the night the crow thanks her by creating a big X-mas tree, and it was decorated by lot of stars.

  9. 209209

    One granny is living in a cool climate area because this is Christmas time. She is living in alone. He made cake for herself. After she is going to eat cake, she saw a crow. She feel that, crow is in hungry. Then he give cake to crow, but crow is fly when granny is come near to it. After granny back to house, crow is came back and eat cake. Crow is understanding granny situation. Christmas tree is decorated for Christmas, at the same time one ring is put down. Crow is take it the ring and put in to the tree. Then granny and crow are living very happily.


  10. 209123 WMP MADUSHAN
    Christmas is a world celebration festival.It is celebrated to mark the birth of Jesus.Christian friends are very much ready to celebrate Christmas. not only that other religions celebrate the time when families get together and cook delicious food for each other. The Christmas tree is a big attraction point of Christmas. People install Christmas trees at their homes and decorate it with bells, balls, glitter, and stars. It is all about baking sweet cakes and sharing them with your loved ones.

    christmax cant celebrate along.Christmas cannot be celebrated alone. It requires the participation of others to celebrate it happily.I wish, all are can celebrate Christmas

  11. 209163 Sandaru imesh

    Once upon a time, in a lovely village, there lived an elderly woman. She was a single woman living alone in her own house. Winter is approaching her home in the countryside. Winter is the coldest season of the year. Many individuals are content with their families, but this elderly lady, who lives alone, will be spending the spring alone. A bird perched on a tree in the house's backyard. She cooks a meal on her own and shares it with the bird that drew the old lady's attention. The old woman was not left alone with her food by the bird. He put up the Christmas tree, made the old lady happy, and correctly enjoyed the spring with her. This is exactly what is required. This is how it should be.

  12. 209113

    One day there was a lonely old lady in the house on a cold Christmas. She prepared a pudding to eat. As she was getting ready to eat it, she heard a sound outside the house. She looked out the window to see who it was. She saw a raven hungry in the cold snow. The woman with the sensitive heart gave half of the pudding to this crow and she ate the rest.Soon the day was over. The next morning the woman heard a noise outside again. When she looked outside curiously, she saw a beautiful Christmas tree created by the crow. Let's all celebrate Christmas by helping them.

  13. 209038
    Sithara Embuldeniya
    Once there was an old lady in a house alone. it was Christmas time and snow was falling all the way. she was very upset because her children didn't come to see her. her children only sent a postcard to her. the old lady was so alone and upset about it. she made herself a muffin and sat down to eat it in a very upset and sad mood. then she saw a crow outside the house. old lady got excited and cut the muffin into half and gave half of the muffin to that crow. she was very happy about it because she was already very alone. even a crow is big relief and company for her. crow lighted up a Christmas tree while the old lady was sleeping. then the other day when she woke up. she gave a muffin to the crow and saw the Christmas tree. she felt very happy about it. it was a happy Christmas after all because of a simple wild bird; a crow.

    moral of the story: don't leave your parents alone on such special occasions. they expect you to be there and they always pray for you.

  14. W.Chathura Lakshan
    Christmas is an annual festival that held to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world.It is celebrated on the 25th of December every year by the Christian community.In the western world, Christmas marks the end of the winter solstice. People celebrate the end of cold harsh winter and the beginning of warm and sunny days. Christmas is celebrated with the spirit of unity and also helping the poor and needy people.Gift distribution is an important Christmas tradition followed throughout the world. Gifts and food are distributed among the children, friends, relatives and the poor. People help those who don’t have enough money or resources to celebrate the festival. So don’t forget to be with your close once in the Christmas day.

  15. HSU Karunarathna
    Christmas is one of the most important holidays of the Christian year. Christmas means simplicity, peace, and hope. Christmas is a time of love and celebration of the blessings of the Almighty Lord. Christmas is the celebration of God's coming to earth in human form. Also, this short film shows how this woman makes muffins and keeps them outside. They are then eaten by a raven that came. That raven goes away and comes back with a star. He hangs that star at the top of the Christmas tree. So we know that no one should be left alone this Christmas. Especially our older generation.

  16. 209129 Ishan

    Once apon a time there was an old lady. She spent her time alone and sad. That is because she had no one alone. As the video shows, her husband had died. Christmas was coming. So she got ready for Christmas alone. She made cup cakes for Christmas. While she was eating, she heard a bird screaming outside the house. Then she opened the window and saw a bird. She thought he was screaming for food. So she gave half of her cupcake to the bird. One day the old woman heard the bird screaming again. When she opened the door, the bird placed a star on top of her Christmas tree and decorated it. The old lady was very happy.

  17. 209076 Dhanushka

    There was a little house and in that house thre was a old woman who was living lonely. At the Christmas day she was expecting someone to came to her house and celebrated the Christmas. She made a cupcake incase someone come,but no one came. She got so sad and she took the cupcake and put it outside and then she cut it.
    Then a crow flew by and started to eat it. It saw that the old lady is in a sad and it flew back to the forest to do something about this.
    That old lady opened her door after a while and saw that crow in her doorstep holding a star. Then it flew to the Christmas tree near to the house which had been almost already decorated and put the star in top of the tree. The old lady was surprised and existed. The the old lady and that crow celebrated the Christmas together happily.

  18. 209134

    There was an old lady named Stella. She was waiting for his son or daughter to come to visit her for Christmas. But he or she sends a postcard to the old lady that they cannot come. She was alone. Then she began to make a cupcake. When she was going to eat the cupcake then she heard A crow crows. Then she looked outside the window. Then she saw a hungry crow. Then she cut half of the cupcake and put it outside for the crow. Then the crow ate it and the crow saw she is alone and sad. Then crow bought glowing stars and made a Christmas tree for that old lady

  19. 209203


    Christmas is the day on which the message of peace came and Jesus Christ was born. He came with the message of God's peace. His vision was to do good to all without distinction between rich and poor.Also Christmas is awesome time, sweet like the sound of chime, Merry Christmas and a happy new year

  20. The year-end of December is the most valuable month of the catholic people. they celebrate Christmas. but in this world has a lot of people can not celebrate Christmas. they haven't money, not a home. this video shows one of the old women. she lives alone. Christmas day she make a small cake and after she finished she cut two pieces. one piece gave a bird. day tomorrow the bird give her a beautiful Christmas tree.

  21. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    The old lady of the house lived alone. She learned that her children were not coming for Christmas. But the woman was making cupcakes for Christmas on her own. As she was about to eat the cupcake, she heard the sound of a bird outside. The woman then gave the bird some of the cupcakes she had prepared. On Christmas day the bird came back and saw the woman sad. Then the bird decorated the Christmas tree in the yard and called out to the woman. The old lady was glad to see it. The old lady and the bird then happily ate the cupcake.

  22. Once there was a old lady who lived alone in her house. Even in the Christmas day she did not have any one to celebrate. She have a son but, he sent a post card instead of come home and celebrate Christmas with his mother. Therefore she was alone and sad . In the Christmas day she made a Christmas cake as usual. But, when she realize there no one to share the cake she was sad and looked out side the window. Then she saw a raven in the out side of her garden. The bird was alone too. Then she gave a piece of cake to the bird . After that the bird realized the old woman was alone just like him. So the bird help her with the Christmas decorations. From then on the old lady never have been alone, and so was the bird.

  23. once upon a time had an old lady who did not have any relatives or children Because of that she had very sad. One Christmas season she decided to make Special food for Christmas. She made biscuitspooding for that.
    After, she would hope that someone would come and share information with her. As soon as after this thinking she mind came that I have not any relatives. When she was thinking that she saw one bird was eating those biscuits
    footings After this incident she was happier and spent her Christmas season happy more than another Christmas season.

  24. 209253

    Christmas is a festival celebrated by Christian Friends to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. December month is called Christmas month. The meaning of Christmas is simple, it means peace, and it means Hope. On Christmas day all the friends are celebrating this festival together. Everyone celebrates this peacefully by ending the old wrath. This video shows an old woman called Stella who celebrates Christmas alone. Her son sent a postcard that wished her a Merry Christmas and said sorry for he can’t come and celebrate Christmas with his mom. She made a cupcake to celebrate Christmas. one bird on the outside screamed loudly. She heard that sound, and give the bird one half of the cupcake that she made. Early in the morning again the bird screamed loudly. The lady thought that the bird is screaming because it is hungry. The woman gets outside and sees her do the special thing that the bird is done. The bird creates a big Christmas tree for that old lady. Stella is smiling and she can’t believe it. She gave another half of the cupcake to the birds. She was so happy and thanked the bird for making her happy and spends Christmas day with the bird. More than 500,000 older people will spend Christmas alone this year. For that reason, we hope to find them and help them to celebrate Christmas happily.

  25. 209241 Althaff

    Crismas is an important festival of Christians and the world is celebrated on the 25th of december . What this story has come to tell is that even though we celebrate some festival, some people get it and some people don't have a Money relationship to celebrate the festival and that day is a normal day for some people. In this story, a bird tells that the world must celebrate as joyful as all of the people . "Islam is urging us to celebrate with neighbours during the festival celebration"

  26. Everyone celebrates Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Jesus. But there are older people who celebrate Christmas alone. They always feel their family. They feel their loss. So they make cakes and taste them with their memories. When he sees a hungry animal, he happily offers a cake and looks at it. They do not do it in the hope of getting help again. Animals as well as the elderly celebrate Christmas on their own. The elderly help as much as they can, the animals help as much as they can. Maybe it could be a little help. But for the elderly, it feels like a big help. This story is like that. The bird made a beautiful Christmas tree with beautiful lights as a gift to help the old lady. Now they do not celebrate Christmas alone. No one celebrates Christmas alone.

  27. The Christmas is the most important festival that held by once in year to celebrate birth of Jesus. Beside the decorations, there is a deep meaning for this festival. That we should celebrate with others peacefully. Ont only by ourselves. We should share our thoughts, memories, love with every living being. In this story the lonely old lady decides not to celebrate Christmas by her self. Even she doesn't have anybody to share, she shared with a crow the cookies that she had. In return the crow gave her beautiful Xmas tree. The idea that we can get is ,nobody is alone. If you do anything good, you will get such a good thing right back.

    Chanusha Ashen (209131)

  28. 209147 Kaweesha

    There is an old lady in some cold area. She is making a cupcake on Christmas day. So she wants to share that cake with someone. But she lives alone. She is sad about it and hears the sound of a crow. Then she opens the window and looks at the light. She sees a crow that has come looking for food. She gives the crow half a piece of cake. Then the crow eats the piece of cake happily. On the same day, the crow creates a Christmas tree and makes the old lady happy. Which is made of very beautiful stars. I think it's the happiest day of her life.

  29. Christmas is something that no one can be alone with. But in the story I tell, this old mother is alone. She, like other mothers, waits for her children to return home. Sadly, a letter arrives from her loved ones saying she is not ready to go home this Christmas. She did not cry, but there was an indescribable loneliness on her face. However, she thinks she should celebrate Christmas as best she can. This is why she makes cupcakes for Christmas. This elderly mother is waiting until 12 midnight to celebrate Christmas. At about 12 o'clock my mother hears a raven crowing outside the house. She wipes the frozen window and looks at the crow. The mother gives part of her cupcake to the crow. The crow also enjoys it and the mother goes to bed. When she woke up the next morning and opened the door, she saw something unbelievable. That was a tall pine tree in front of the house decorated with Christmas decorations. This was adorned with those crows. When she saw this, she was overjoyed. Then she went to celebrate her Christmas with that crow.

  30. 209102 Hashan

    It is was the Christmas day morning. Stella hanged the received post card from her daughter on the wall with the others. Its like she is alone for this Christmas too. Stella went to the kitchen cooked a muffin. She sat on a chair and waited for someone to come even though she knew no one is coming. She heard a sound from outside. She got up and moved to the window. She wiped the snow of the window and saw a little bird. She went back and cut her muffin in to two. She took a half of muffin and placed on a tree wreck. She went back out side and watched the bird eating the muffin. Next day morning again she heard a sound. Stella opened the door and look who was it. It was the bird. It came with a star. There was a missing star in the top of Christmas tree and the bird came up with a one. The bird flew with the star and placed it in the Christmas tree. In the end stella had a someone to share her muffin and she received a gift too.

  31. 209034 janith

    Christmas is one of the most popular festival days. by is celebrated the born of Jesus Christus. that date is the 25th of December. I am not a Christian religion. but also I like Christmas. because it is a very fantastic festival day. Most Cristina people will be made Christmas tree. They also make cow cave models. The houses are beautifully decorated and they celebrate the festival with great joy. In addition, we have a lot to hear and see. That is, they feed many poor people with clothes, food, and so on. It is a very important feature that I see at this festival. Looking at these, it is clear that Christmas is not a celebration in itself.

  32. 209258 Jeewan Sanjula

    Before I get into the story I would like to say what Christmas is all about. Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. Now, I'll get to the story.
    Once apon a time, there was an old lady by herself. She loves very much at Christmas but she cannot celebrate Christmas with her family members, because she lives in here by herself. She was making to celebrate Christmas as well as make a some sweets, while she heard a crow's voice near the her garden. Then, she went to the window and looked at crow. She cut a piece of the cake which had made by herself and left it where the crow had been. After that the crow began to eat the piece of cake. Then the night passed and in the middle of the night, the crow who had eaten the piece of cake given to him by the old woman came back and started shouting. As I my option that, it was a miracle of God and the crow had brought a Christmas tree to her yard. After that she was very happy and the crow and she became friends.

  33. Christmas is a very important day for the Christian people. It is celebrated every year on the 25th of December. Not only the Christian people but everyone in the world loves Christmas. According to this video, the old lady celebrates Christmas alone. She has decorated her house beautifully and prepared food and drink. She gives a piece of food she made to a raven outside her house. The next day, the old lady was overjoyed to see that the raven had brought her a Christmas present. This video shows the importance of helping others and living in harmony.That is the reality of Christmas.

  34. 209257
    Christmas is celebrated every year across the world on 25th December to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is festival of Christian. It is one of the most celebrated festivals in the world. People buy Christmas tree' lamp' gift' lighting and flowers to celebrate the festival . There are more poor people and adults living alone in the world. Sometime they cannot celebrate the Christmas happily. Christmas is a symbol of peace we can put a smile on their face and exchange gift. That will make them very happy. Helping others in any way we can will make them happier that day. It will enable all Christians around the world to be happy during Christmas Day.

  35. There was an old woman whose name was Stella. She lived alone. So as the Christmas season approached, she prepared herself for it. In the meantime she met a new bird friend and was able to celebrate Christmas happily with her bird friend as she prepared to celebrate Christmas alone.

  36. Name – KKMEA Rathnamali
    Register Number - 209174
    It was a Christmas day. Stella had received a postcard from her daughter. They didn’t come home in this Christmas. She was experiencing with along and sad. Anyway, she made one only cupcake from her. After a few seconds, she had seen a bird who founding food. She cut her cupcake into two parts and gave one part to the bird. It ate it and Stella felt happy. After that bird waiting till Stella sleep and fly. After a few minutes, Stella heard the sound of a bird. She comes out with part of the cupcake. Then she had seen the Christmas tree that was decorated by bird. She was feeling happy. That story tells no one should celebrate Christmas alone.


  37. 209029

    Christmas is important festival to christian people. They celebrate Christ's birthday December 25 every year. The old lady In this story she has no one. She is thinking of celebrating Christmas alone. But one day while preparing food, he saw a bird screaming. She give part of her food to the bird. Then the bird help her place the star of the Christmas tree. She celebrate christmas with bird.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 209048
      Dissanayake DMHSJ
      A small village was covered in snow in the cold December. There lived a woman named Stella. She hadn't friends to celebrate Christmas. Her children kept a note for her and they have left. But she meets a friend. She gives him a piece of Christmas cake which one she made. He decorates the Christmas tree near her house in gratitude for it. He is a bird. So stella celebrated Christmas with her new bird friend.

  39. An old woman lived alone there in the village. she doesn't have any relatives so she had alone at home. At that time, Christmas came unknowingly. she loved Christmas so much but she had tiny sad to be alone. She decided to get busy to erase her loneliness.


  40. 209106 Isuru

    Christmas is another festival that promotes unity in the world. Christmas is the most important festival for Christians. Christmas day is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. People decorate their houses with lights and stars. Christmas tree is placed at home and Church. The Christmas tree is decorated with lights, Santa sticks, balloons, other decorative materials, and a big star on the top of the tree. People hide gifts for their loved ones in the Christmas tree, especially in socks and gifts are placed under the Christmas tree. But most people do not know what Christmas is. Many people think that Christmas is just another holiday.
    We must know that Christmas is not just about decorations but about unity .In other words, Christmas is a holiday that we all need to celebrate together, not alone

  41. 209054 Nethmi

    Once upon a time there was an old woman. She lived in a house. Her mother is dead. It's winter. An old woman was making a cupcake for breakfast. Before making a cupcake, she heard the sound of a bird. She wiped the mist from the window and looked at it. Because of the winter, all the trees were covered with snow. She saw the bird tap on the snow-covered trunk with its beak to find food. After then, she cut her cupcake in half and went to give the bird one piece. An old girl watching a bird eating out of the window. The bird stood by the window until the old woman went to sleep. The next morning she heard the sound of a bird. She suddenly opened the door and looked outside. She saw the bird snatch a star from its beak and howl. Then the bird picks it up and hangs it on top of the pine tree. The old lady is extremely happy to see it. After that both of them live happily. Happiness in life must be found within oneself.

  42. One cold Christmas, snow was falling very strongly and there was an old lady, who lived in a small house. She received a postcard from her daughter. It was mentioned that "I wouldn't have to come home this Christmas." So she was sad about that because she has to celebrate this Christmas alone. After finishing read that postcard, she started to make a beautiful muffin. After finished making that muffin, she sat on the chair and started to eat it. She heard a raven crows. When she looked out the window, she saw a raven looking for food. She cut her muffin in half and gave one piece to the raven. She was happy about that because she hadn't had anyone to share anything with. She fell asleep. Suddenly she heard again a raven crows. As she went out, she saw a large Christmas tree near the house was decorated by this raven. She was very happy.

    Christmas is about sharing and caring for each other.

  43. 209220 - IBD Vilan

    This video shows the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas is not for only humans. It should happening for all living things. And also mostly this video shows that animals also have a lot of superior qualities though. It will motivate for all guys. Christmas shouldn't only for the month of December. It should be all days. One day we will be left with only what we were given. So that is the gist of the above video.

  44. Reg No :209013

    According to this short video, Most of the old parents are celebrating the festivals in alone (Not only Christmas, all the festival). But their children are celebrating the festival with their new friends and their new family. But they were completely forgetting their parents who were teach how to live this world. Their children will sent money every start of month. But they don't visit them. Finally they will come to see their parents death. This is the sad truth. But it should be changed in coming years. I hope this situation will be changed in this Christmas.

  45. 209078
    Ihalavithana I.V.H.M
    Christmas is one of the most celebrated festivals in the world. It is a religious as well as a cultural festival. It is celebrated annually to commemorate the birth of Jesus. Friends and relatives gather for the Christmas season. Everyone gets together and celebrates Christmas with a great. a woman living alone in a house. She has no one to celebrate Christmas with, but she makes a small cupcake for herself. She sees a raven outside and decides to share the cupcake with the raven. The food she gave was very valuable to the crow, as the weather outside made it difficult for the crow to find food.
    As we can see from this video. That you do not need big things to celebrate something. . Sharing can be done with anyone. It always gives us satisfaction to help someone. Christmas is also about sharing open meanings. Love the people closest to you..then you will be loved in the same way then we will never be alone.. Merry Christmas

  46. Once upon a time, there lived an old woman named Stella. She lived alone because her husband was not alive. Christmas Day has dawned. She makes a cake to celebrate Christmas alone. Then she can see the crow outside the window. She went out to give the crow some of the piece of cake she had made. She was friends with crow. crow spent time with her. She did not feel lonely because the raven was with her. crow befriended her. The time she had spent alone was very sad but now there was a look of joy on this old lady's face Because she is not lonely now. Christmas has dawned.
    crow hung a Christmas tree from the top of the tree to make it shine brightly in the yard. The old lady was very happy to see it. From then on, crow and this old lady lived happily ever after.

    1. 209046 dilmini

      Once upon a time, there lived an old woman named Stella. She lived alone because her husband was not alive. Christmas Day has dawned. She makes a cake to celebrate Christmas alone. Then she can see the crow outside the window. She went out to give the crow some of the piece of cake she had made. She was friends with crow. crow spent time with her. She did not feel lonely because the raven was with her. crow befriended her. The time she had spent alone was very sad but now there was a look of joy on this old lady's face Because she is not lonely now. Christmas has dawned.
      crow hung a Christmas tree from the top of the tree to make it shine brightly in the yard. The old lady was very happy to see it. From then on, crow and this old lady lived happily ever after.

  47. Christmas is want to people. Because is bring a smile to any human's face. But someone in alone at Christmas. But they can celebrate with anyone, it are human or animal. When we can share our happy any one, they share their happy with us. So no one should be alone at Christmas.


  48. U.G.D.T.Sandaruwan

    An old woman lived .She lived alone because her husband had died .She spent her time in great sorrow.Christmas is a holiday that everyone celebrates with joy.But she was not able to have a good time. But she was getting ready to celebrate Christmas as much as she could.She added the ingredients and made a delicious cake. Christmas day dawned.She took part of the cake and presented the rest to a bird she had seen outside. The bird gladly accepted.
    She celebrated Christmas as best she could.When she woke up the next day, she was surprised to see that the bird that had accepted the cake the day before was in front of her house.That bird helped her decorate the colorful Christmas tree like a member of her family. Eventually she was not alone and she met a good friend.
    In fact, every Christmas, many people in the world celebrate Christmas alone.
    Of course the best gift we should give them is the friendship we build with them.

  49. 209237 Ravindu

    Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. The true meaning of Christmas is peace. It has the noble meaning of treating everyone in the world as one, regardless of race, creed or religion.

    But today, when we celebrate Christmas, we forget the older people. A large number of older people celebrate Christmas alone. They have no neighbors or anyone to celebrate Christmas together, they are the only ones. So we can avoid them. We can make them happy by giving them Christmas presents. Then they feel that they are not alone. They do not feel lonely. They can live their lives happily.

  50. Today , Everyone is spending a very busy life. Many people can't spend time with their family .christmas day is a special day which christians celebrate in december .
    Everyone hope to celebrate christmas with family members .
    The old lady has to celebrate christmas alone .
    But, she saw a crow in her garden . She shered a piece if a cake with crow and after crow reply it by decorating a tree in her garden . I think the old lady celebrated christmas happily with crow.

  51. 209246 Udara

    Christmas is a peaceful holiday that enhances human relationships and brings people together. Christmas is a time of growing relationships between humans as well as animals. Here this old lady in solitude is getting ready for Christmas. While she is getting ready for Christmas, and outside raven is looking for something to eat. She gives the crow a piece of cake to eat. As a token of gratitude, the raven decorates a Christmas tree for her. The woman then befriends the raven. This shows that Christmas is a time of growing friendship between humans and animals.

  52. 209081 Himanshi

    Once upon a time, an old lady lived in along small house. Her name was Stella. She celebrates Christmas in her home with her daughter. Especially, she is waiting come Christmas to see her daughter. The Christmas all of the people meet together and celebrate Jesus christ's birthday. Like this, Stella also waiting for her daughter to come home to celebrate Christmas. Unfortunately, she received a mail from her daughter. She has written as "so sorry we aren't there" in that mail. An old lady became so sad after reading that letter. With a sad face, she went to the kitchen and start to make a cupcake. For her, Stella made a cupcake and after baking the cake she went to the living room and sit on the chair. She heard bird crows outside of the window. She opens the door and looked at the bird. After she cut half from the cupcake and, gave that part to that bird. The lady went home again, she asleeps on the chair. In the morning she woke up with a bird's sound. She open the door and looked at that bird and she could see a beautiful Christmas tree prepared by that bird. She became so happy and she made other cupcakes and ate with bird. No one should be alone at Christmas and we can celebrate that Christmas with anyone who loves us. It may be people, animals or an environment like that. Importance is happy other than other reasons.

  53. 209043
    Chamika Ashan

    There was a winter season, an old lady was getting ready to celebrate Christmas. But this season, she has to celebrate without her family members. As usual, she was preparing a Christmas cake for Christmas. Then suddenly she heard the noise of a bird. Then, she went towards the window and sweep it. She has seen a hungry crow outside her home. After this, an old lady has shared her Christmas cake with this bird and the bird had eaten it. In the night bird was helped to decorate a Christmas tree in front of her house. Finally, both of them enjoyed this Christmas period very happily.

  54. YHGPN Bandara

    There was an old woman at a home alone. She received some Christmas wishes from her children but they were haven't been at her home. She was made cupcakes. She sits on a chair near to the window and she heard a croak. She was looking outside by the window and she saw a hungry crow. Then she divided her cupcake into two pieces and was given a piece for the crow. Crow was eaten that and flew away. The next day morning old women hear again croak sound. Then she went outside from home and she was surprised by what she saw. That the crow was made Christmas tree very beautifully. She was very happy about that and they spent Christmas very happily.

  55. 209055

    Christmas is the most popular festival in the world. It celebrates almost the whole world. Christmas means peace and sharing things with others. There is an old lady. She lives lonely without her husband, children and friends. Though Christmas has come anyone did not come to see her. Then, she decided to celebrate Christmas alonely, but she wanted to share meals with someone. Then, she saw a crow which seeking food. She shared food with the crow, both were happy. Also, crow made a beautiful Christmas tree.

  56. 209199-Dinitha

    Christmas is one of the important days for the Cristian people. One old woman wokeup very happily early in the morning on Christmas day. She hoped her daughter would come to see her on that day. So she made a Christmas muffin to share with her daughter. But when she opened the door suddenly she saw a letter in front of the door. She brought it in her hand and saw what that is. It was a Christmas wishing card from old women’s daughter, Merry. She has informed her she was unable to come to see her. The old woman was so sad and she felt great loneliness. Suddenly she heard a sound from outside. She saw a crow through the window. So she planned to share her muffin with the crow. She cut half of the muffin and give it to crow. Crow also ate the muffin happily. Then old Women went to sleep. After a few movements, she heard aging that crow screaming. She looked at the window. The crow had decorated the Christmas tree for the old woman. It was very beautiful. She was very happy and so surprised. Then old women and crow became good friends and old women didn’t feel lonely again.

  57. 209046 - EPHP DILMINI

    Once upon a time, there lived an old woman named Stella. She lived alone because her husband was not alive. Christmas Day has dawned. She makes a cake to celebrate Christmas alone. Then she can see the crow outside the window. She went out to give the crow some of the piece of cake she had made. She was friends with crow. crow spent time with her. She did not feel lonely because the raven was with her. crow befriended her. The time she had spent alone was very sad but now there was a look of joy on this old lady's face Because she is not lonely now. Christmas has dawned.
    crow hung a Christmas tree from the top of the tree to make it shine brightly in the yard. The old lady was very happy to see it. From then on, crow and this old lady lived happily ever after.

  58. 209101

    Once upon a time there was an old woman. She lived alone in a small house. She was sad because no one was alone with her. This lady made cupcakes to celebrate Christmas. Her house was adorned with a small Christmas tree. As she was getting ready to enjoy her cupcake, she heard a bird screaming outside the house. Then she opened the window and saw a lone bird around. The woman gave the bird half of her cupcake. The bird ate it and came back to the woman's house the next day and shouted. One day when the old lady opened the door, the bird placed a star on top of her Christmas tree and decorated it. The old lady was very happy.

  59. 209127 - Yoshitha
    An elderly mother lives alone. She is living a lonely life separated from her loved ones, telling the beginning of the Christmas season at dawn. So this old lady was all set to celebrate Christmas as best she could. She was ready to make a cupcake on her own. When we made it and went to eat, something wonderful happened. A raven approached and began to howl. The old woman took a piece from her cake and gave it to the raven. The next day the raven came and yelled at her and showed her something. Surprisingly she brought a star and filled in the gaps at the top of the Christmas tree. Eventually the elderly lady was able to celebrate Christmas with a friend.

  60. 209077 Zahirul

    One Christmas celebration day, One old lady was alone at home. That old lady was making a cake for dinner. Before when the lady ate that cake, she sees one bird outside of her home. She realizes that the bird is hungry. She gives the cake that the bird. That bird ate the cake and flew the sky. after that lady slept on the chair. after some hours that night very was lighting. when she wakes up and sees outside of the home, The tree that was the nut for her Christmas festivities Was shining. She looked around to see what was happening and by that time the bird had picked up the stars in the sky and was decorating on her's trees. then she realised I didn't give food to the bird, she thinks it is a God. on that Festival day she was very happy.

  61. 209074 _ samantha Christmas is a message of peace and happiness to people all over the world. All people want to live together happily and peacefully. In short, Christmas is a holiday that brings peace and happiness to the world. So this video shows a special feature of Christmas. One day during the Christmas season, a woman celebrates her Christmas alone. One day when she was there she saw a crow looking at her hungry. So the woman felt sorry for the crow and shared her piece of cake with the crow. So what we are being taught here is that giving something to an animal happily is a very good quality.We all need to live happily together in harmony with the times in which we all live.If we behave in a way that makes a person or an animal feel happy, it will be a very charitable deed.

  62. Name : Ramanayaka GJSRPBNST
    Student number : 209171

    This is the beginning of a beautiful Christmas season.It is snowing everywhere and this is the beginning of a very cold season.There was a small house somewhere in this snow-covered forest.There was an old woman living alone.She began to live alone in that house with loneliness.In the meantime she began to make sweets.Meanwhile, she met a little friend.He was a little bird.Later she spent happy Christmas time with him.

  63. Name : T.W.S.Nimesh
    Reg No : 209145

    It was another snowy Christmas day. The protagonist of this story, an old woman, had to spend Christmas alone. Because no one came to celebrate Christmas with her. But she decides to create a small Christmas cake and celebrate Christmas alone. In time she would finish making the little cake. She puts the designed cake on a plate and sits on the couch by the window. Suddenly she hears a noise. When she wipes the window, she sees a bird attacking a tree stump in search of food. When she saw it, she hurriedly cut a piece of her cake and gave it to the bird. then She enters the house and looks out the window at a bird enjoying a piece of cake. Midnight comes. When the bird comes to the window, the bird sees that she is alone. The bird flies away and comes back. With that shining star. She wakes up to the sound of a bird. She sees the light star on the bird's beak. She is overjoyed. At the same time the bird mounts the lantern on top of the Christmas tree. That is the blessing of God. If you are with God, you will never be alone. The bird was her friend, erasing her loneliness as the Christmas tree lit up. She is happy now.Let’s make sure our loved ones are never left alone. Because they always expect love from us.

  64. Name :- W.M ..Ayodya Gimhan Weerasekara
    Reg no :- 209224
    Group :-B

    ones upon a time there was an old lady who lives with along. then she hopes her children and grandsons to celibate on Christmas day. but unfortunately, they didn't come. then old lady felt strong sad Loneliness. but she made Christmas cookies. then she sows one Crow outside of the house. then she decided to Share Christmas with him. and also, the Crow make a Christmas tree for that lady.

  65. Once upon a time,
    Robin and Frances lived happily ever after. One bad day Robin was separated from Frances forever, and then Frances spent a sad time, and Christmas came, and Frances made her Christmas cake as usual. But Robin was not as happy to eat cake as he used to be ,While Francis was in distress, Frances heard a bird singing outside, and Francis gave Robin part of it. Frances was as happy with the bird as ever.
    209172 -Yasiru

  66. 209144
    Nimalsiri OCC

    Christmas is a festival. It will be held on December. It will celebrate mostly Christian people and some other people. Christmas festival icon is the Santy. Christmas people are celebrating birth of Jesus into the Christmas festival. The world most of people are celebrating Christmas. Christmas is every time-build relationship one to other. It is the important habit of the Christmas. Brotherhood, cooperation with one another. These are the very important facts of the Christmas. Therefore, no one should be alone at Christmas! Everyone is enjoying Christmas happily.

  67. R.M.P.K Rathnayaka

    Christmas is a festival celebrated by Christians around the world in December to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. This is observed on the 25th of December as a cultural and religious celebration among a lot of Christians all over the world. Christmas is the most celebrated festival in the world. Christians have been preparing for this festival for some time. To celebrate Christmas, people buy beautiful items such as Christmas trees, bulbs, gifts, flowers, and many other items. And also They create beautiful Christmas trees and make a variety of dishes such as cookies, cakes. On Christmas day, Christians spend time with family, friends, and neighbors in happiness.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Nirantha
    Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, which is a religious and cultural celebration for billions of people around the world. It is celebrated on December 25 every year by the Christian community. In the Western world, Christmas marks the end of the winter solstice. People celebrate the end of the harsh and cold winter and the beginning of hot days. Christmas is celebrated in a spirit of unity and helping the poor and needy. The distribution of gifts is an important Christmas tradition followed around the world. Gifts and food are distributed to children, friends, relatives and the poor. People help people who don't have enough money or resources to organize a festival. So don`t forget to be with your close once in the Christmas day.

  70. 209183 Ruwanthi HGM

    Christmas is a religious holiday celebrated by many. Many people celebrate it with family or friends, but some work alone in Christmas. This is often the case for adults. We should be with them at Christmas. The video above is like the bird that helped the woman and we should be with them. Then they will never be alone at Christmas.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. T.A.S Sadeepa

    Christmas is very important festival for catholic devotees. So that above the video has small Christmas story. So there has some old lady. According to the story that lady’s husband no with her. Sometime he is not alive. However she readied to celebrate the Christmas festival. Therefore she made a small and sweet cake for Christmas. So she has small the table Christmas tree of bulb decorated. so she switch-on bulbs of that tree. Also when she ready for cut the cake, heard some noise for her. Such as bird's noise. Then she looked for the yard through the window. Then she saw a some crow. So that time she give the part of cake for that crow. Then she was very happy. After the few time she heard again bird’s noise. Then she looked for the again yard. So that time she very surprised when see something. That crow decorated the big tree of yard from stars. Then that tree has very beautiful look. So that lady give again the cake for that crow in lovely. So that is a nice story about Christmas.

  73. K.D.P.S Chandrathilaka

    Christmas is a religious festival celebrated by many people in this world. Christmas symbolizes Jesus' birthday. This festival is celebrated by many people all over the world irrespective of race. This is celebrated every year on the twenty-fifth day of December. Christmas is a celebration that gathers people together. People spend time with their families that day. Attending religious ceremonies, they gather at the homes of friends, exchange gifts, and develop friendships. Everyone loves to spend time with their loved ones. If someone feels lonely, it will hurt their feelings to see that no one wants to be with them. So don’t forget to be with your loved one on Christmas day.

  74. 209166 Pasindu Rajapakse

    An old lady who spending time alone at her house had new she should celebrate this Christmas without anyone. She really sad about it and she made one charismas muffin herself. She's looking really sad. When she tried to eat it, she saw a bird who on her garden alone. She decided to share her muffin with that bird. At the night when she wakes up, she saw a big charismas tree in her garden with beautifully decorated. Bird done that for her. Finally, she had a friend to spend Christmas together. She looks really happy about it. in this story, no one should celebrate Christmas alone. Take care of your loving ones in this Christmas and don’t let them feel alone.

  75. 209188
    Christmas is the most important festival for christan people. this is christmas season.According to this movie A woman lives in a home along. At a night she makes a christmas cake.After that when she is eating cake .she saw a hungry bird. After that she divides cake to two parts .She gives a peace of cake to the bird. Then the bird become happy and it eats quickly.the christmas mean is helps and loves to others. We should love and help to people as well as animals .The bird created a christmas tree for her . It has included stars,bells,bulbs and various christmas goods. After she woke up morning she saw the christmas tree.then she felt happy.after that they are living happly .

  76. Winter has arrived, and there is snow everywhere. The Christmas season has begun. An old lady lives alone near the forest. She won't be able to enjoy it because she will be alone during the festival. She made a cupcake and cut it into two pieces when Christmas Day arrived. She noticed a small bird looking for food as she was cutting it. It's snowing everywhere these days, and there's only so much natural food to go around. She decides to give this little bird the rest of the cupcake. It will be enjoyable for her. She is no longer alone now that she has made a friend.

  77. 209037 - Madhumal D.D.S.

    At one time the couple has been living together happily. But in present one of them has been lost. That alive women is very lovely she is trusting her husband. So she make a cake for him in Christmas. There was a crow in area, that crow has a friendship that woman. The cake she make gave to the crow a half. She trust she is not alone, she has a partner to celebrate the Christmas. All of they are happy.

  78. One day was a old woman in a house. This day was Christmas day but she was single because her husband was died and her children not near. Unfortunately, her children did not come this Christmas day because she had post a postcard. However, she decided to celebrate the Christmas only me with sad mood. She prepared a one cup cake to eat the Christmas night. After she saw a crow was screaming outside the house. Then she give a half of cupcake to crow. He saw and understood this old women was can't celebrate Christmas and didn't anyone celebrate Christmas. So, crow decorate the Christmas tree in front of the house while she sleeping. After sleeping she saw beautiful Christmas tree and she was very happy.

    Accordingly, we all are should not be isolated our parents specially festival.

  79. Student Number: - 209089
    Name: - Jayasuriya NJLN

    Once upon a time, an old woman lived alone in a snow-covered area near a mountain. She lived in loneliness and loneliness. Because she has no relatives or friends. That Christmas she remembered her parents and relatives very much. She had them in mind and started making small cupcakes to celebrate Christmas on her own. She made a small cupcake and finally sat down in the chair to eat it. She heard a crow screaming outside the window. She saw that crow looking for food. She placed a piece of cupcake she had made near crow. Then the raven ate it. The crow felt her loneliness. The next night the crow made a big Christmas tree and showed it to her. In the end, she and crow were happy too.

  80. 209024

    There is an old woman living alone in the house. That session was the Christmas session. It's snowing outside and very cold. No one joins with her celebrating Christmas day. Someone send her a postcard "so sorry we are not there". She was very sad and she thinks of celebrating Christmas alone. She makes cupcakes and she heard a bird is screaming then she gives a piece of the cupcake to a bird. after day the bird has placed a star on top of the Christmas tree. She was very happy. Like that, more than 500000 older people celebrate Christmas alone. Everyone likes to live together with family, friends, neighbors.

  81. 209032 Sudesh

    Apparently, the old woman is living alone. after losing her husband. She is a very kind and innocent woman. She is making a cake to celebrate Christmas on Christmas day. but with whom does she share it. she sees a raven perched on a tree trunk. she gives the raven a piece of cake. Half is not a piece is correct. raven sees that his women spending time alone in grief. the raven wants to please her hand decorates a Christmas tree for her. share that happiness even when the whole world is happy. learn to explore the world's happiest clouds and the loneliness around us.

  82. 209036

    Once a time, there was an old lady in a small house alone. One day during Christmas month, her children had sent her a letter saying that they would not come to see her this Christmas because of the heavy snowfall. She was very sad. She had hoped for them until the day before Christmas, but she realized they were not coming. She made herself a cupcake for dinner and sat down thinking. Then she heard a hawk scream. When she saw the crow, she remembered that it was alone. Also, remember that they had no food this winter. She gave a piece of cake to a lone bird-like herself. She was relieved. That night the bird spent the day around it. When Christmas came it decorated the Christmas tree near the old lady's house for the gift she had given. She came out because of the sound of the bird and saw a beautiful Christmas tree, she was very happy. She had a merry Christmas with the crow.

  83. NAME : Thilina
    INDEX: 209216

    Christmas is all about helping each other and spreading kindness and mercy to all creatures on the earth and beyond At Christmas time, people are gathering and celebrating Christmas and enjoying with their families, friends and also neighbours. But the thing is every year there are people who could not celebrate Christmas as they wish. Mainly, old people get to this category because so far they are all alone at home. Therefore, they don't have the chance to celebrate Christmas with their children or families. But it is not what we expect from Christmas time, the true meaning of Christmas is helping each other. As in the clip, granny is living alone and on Christmas day, one bird is showing his gratitude for giving him a piece of cake to the grandma by making a huge Christmas tree. Like that understanding the true purpose of Christmas we should gather everyone and no one should be alone in this Christmas.

  84. Through this video shows, once upon a time, an old lady has lived alone in a village. Indeed, her Christmas was utterly alone except for her lovers with her loyalty and unconditional love. As well, her husband has died, and her children lived far away. All the years she celebrated, decorated, and shopped for those she loved, she felt somewhat lost now. Furthermore, the lonely old lady shared her Christmas muffin with the crow, and the crow repaid her back with a decorated Christmas tree. So, Merry Christmas 2021 to all, and especially those who are alone. In your religion, God is really with you. So never think you are alone at Christmas.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. 209109
    K.A.S.K. Kumarasinghe.

    Once upon a time, in a small village far away, lived an elderly woman. She was living alone in her own house, hoping her children came home for Christmas to see her. But, her children and grandson never showed up at once lest in the Christmas. It was the same for this Christmas. She prepared a Christmas cupcake in a sad mood, but she did not have the heart to eat it. Meanwhile, her attention was drawn to a bird perched on a tree in the backyard, and an older woman happily shared a cupcake with the bird. The bird was very happy about it and it's lighted up a Christmas tree while the old lady was sleeping. The bird woke her up the next morning and showed her the tree. she felt very happy about it. The message of this story is given to us, "more than 500,000 oldest people will spend Christmas alone this year, give the gift of friendship to them."

  87. 209039 Malitha Sahara

    With the dawn of Christmas, the snow began to fall. In one village an elderly woman lives alone. She is sad that her children are not able to come with her and celebrate Christmas. Because her husband is dead by now. She made a muffin to eat and sat in a chair by the window. Then she heard a noise. She eagerly wiped the frozen window and looked out the window. She saw a crow screaming. She gave him half of the muffins she made. She felt great. The night fell. Crow watched as the old woman stood alone. Crow alone decorated the Christmas tree. Then the crow shouted and woke her up. The old lady was very happy to see the Christmas tree. No one should be alone at Christmas !!

  88. Isuru Lakshan
    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful house surrounded by trees where an old woman lived alone. It was a difficult time for her because her husband had passed away some time ago. As the Christmas season approached, she hoped her grandchildren and daughter would come to celebrate Christmas. Like last Christmas, her kids mailed a Christmas greeting card. She made cupcakes and waited for her children to arrive. But she was sad because her children did not come to see her. She heard a noise outside the house and saw a raven looking for food. She came outside and put half of the cupcake on the ground and came back to her home. She watched the raven eat food by a window and which made a happy her. As night fell, she turned off the lights and went to bed. Awakened by raven's voice, she came out with half a cupcake. She was surprised by what she saw, the tree was beautifully adorned in front of her house by the crow. She was very happy.
    Christmas is not a festival celebrated alone, so we should help those who live alone to celebrate Christmas, as well as live their lives happily.

  89. 209150
    Ravindu Dilshan

    Once upon a time, an old lady lived alone. She had no neighbors. When the cold December came, she felt
    lonely. May be she remembers, how she celebrated Christmas with her family in past. She made a cupcake for her.
    When she go to eat a cupcake, she saw a crow outside, alone like her. She gave the crow half of the cupcake.
    The crow ate it. And the crow sees that she is alone. Then crow befriended with her. Both of them were happily
    celebrating Christmas. The meaning of Christmas is to be united by helping each other. No one should be alone.

  90. 209104 Shanuka

    Christmas is the most of people in the world celebrate festival. And also Christmas is the biggest festival produced love, care and help to each other’s. this Christmas winter everyone have holidays, for go their homes and enjoy Christmas with family members. No one alone at Christmas. but some homeless people , elders , beggars alone in Christmas . We can say,Every animal in the world comes into the world alone and leaves the world alone . But we can not stay alone in our life period . Every-time, we need each others. We need others helps, love, care like lot of things. We can give helps ,love, care some one in alone at Christmas. That the actual definition of Christmas. Then we can, not isolate anyone at Christmas .

  91. Avishka fonseka

    Christmas is a beautiful holiday. Everyone is looking forward to Christmas. Christmas is also a celebration that brings us together and the day Jesus' birth took place. That is why Christmas is a holy day for Christians. In this story, stella is an old woman who waits for the children to arrive at Christmas, but they do not come. She had lost hope of celebrating Christmas with the children. She has to celebrate Christmas alone. She celebrates Christmas with a bird. But she is alone. But she should not be alone. Children should always spend time with their parents. It should be so on a special occasion like Christmas.

  92. 209066
    Janitha Gimhara

    All Christians wish is being with their family on Christmas day. In this video, the granny was waiting to see her family with lots of hopes. But unfortunately, she was unable to make it. So, she made a Christmas cupcake with a star for her to celebrate Christmas day. At that time, she heard a sound of a bird outside the window. She cut a piece of cake and shared it with the bird happily. And then, she went to sleep. While she was sleeping, she heard the bird again. She saw something bright outside. After opening the door, she saw the bird has decorated the x-mas tree with colorful stars. Granny was so happy at that time. The bird made her day.
    Not only on Christmas day, but Lots of old parents are also waiting alone hoping to see their children and grandchildren. Maybe you are working with busy schedules or something like that. But, anyhow make time for them. They are your loved ones. They are your parents...!

  93. 209200
    M. Sathusan
    Christmas is a important festival for all Christians. this festival is celebrating as memories god JESUS birthday. in this video a old lady celebrated the Christmas day with made a piece of cake
    but she was feel alone because there was no one with her. that time she showed a crow out of the house and she thought to share the cake with that crow and she cut the cake into small pieces and placed them on the crow. after that the sky got dark, the moon and stars started sinning. the crow was come again and it was make a noise. grandma heard that noise and came out and looked, that crow took a star shape sinning thing and put it at the top of the tree. it was so beautiful to see, grandma was very happy to see it. finally grandma celebrated the Christmas happily with that crow.
    "No one should be alone at Christmas"

  94. 209083
    H.M.H.L. Jayarathna

    An old woman living alone in a beautiful little house in a snowy environment because it is a Christmas Season. Christmas is a time of peace and happiness but this old lady had to celebrate Christmas alone, she was sad. Even though she was alone, she was getting ready to celebrate Christmas. She was decorating the house. She made a Christmas cake, Christmas dawned. She looked out the window when she was alone. Then she saw a crow in a nearby tree. She also treated crow to cakes. On a moonlit Christmas night, she heard crows screaming. She opened the door and looked she saw a crow with a shining star. She was surprised. The star was hung on top of a crowned Christmas tree. Now the Christmas tree is bright and beautiful. She is very happy. She is no longer lonely because of the crow. She treated again, to crows and be happy.

  95. Christmas is a major Christian festival. Christmas has a straightforward meaning: it signifies peace and hope. It is a symbol of love and thanksgiving for the blessings of the Almighty Lord. Christmas commemorates God's incarnation, when he took on human form and walked among us. No one knows when juices first appeared on the scene. In fact, spring is more likely than winter. Christmas brings people together, whether they are family or friends. It teaches us to value the love we have in our lives, which we frequently take for granted. I believe that as we get older, our Christmas lists become shorter as we realize that some of the things we want are not possible to bring. Also, Christmas is a wonderful time, sweet as the sound of a chime, Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.


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