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When are you going to stop fighting

" Sometimes we need to lose the small battles to win the war"

Watch the following video and think through the above statement. Leave your comment below. 




  1. The successful is depend on attempt of achieving targets. Then always should work on achieving target or should work on destination. So, don’t care about others. Because they don’t help to achieve target. It is wasting time activity. Then don’t waste time on others. Don’t waste resource on others.
    The haughtiness about your power of your possession, your economy or things that you have. Because one day those can be lost. Then nobody with you always be humble. Don’t spend time on the things that you have. Always try to earn things.

  2. 209122 – P.P.K. Madhusha
    We can't stop fighting because life has challenges so s we can't stop in front of challenges. if you want to win the life you must face challenges to succeed in your life so You need to fight to take your life to victory. Victory is a person who is useful to the society.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 209052
    DS Ekanayake

    It would be nice to win all the battles and the war but sometimes that just isn’t possible. When it comes down to it we need to focus on winning the war. That might mean losing a few battles along the way but we must think long-term.

    What am I talking about? about our life, of course! Each point we face is a mini problems. Then we’ve also got goals, dreams and seasons and our career to think about.

  5. In order to full fill our dreams we have get rid of all the distraction we have. Some times those distraction can be problem with our family members for small thing, problems with neighbours, relatives, friends etc. Or even problems with our selves. But it is little bit difficult get rid of these battles we have. That because we always trying win those battles an we forgot our destination or our war. If we ignore all the problems that we have around us, then we will have better chance to get the victory from the war.

  6. 209167 Malsha

    We meet every kind of people in our life. Humble people, envy people, stupid people and who are trying to reach their dreams and much more. Everyone has different view in everything. Therefore can be argument about those particular topics. Even thought those things are useful or not. However those kinds of small fights will never let you go forward and they’ll make you stuck at the same point. So without wasting your precious time to win those stupid arguments prepare yourself to win your real war; the real war that you must win and gain your dream successful. And on the way to that goal of yours, you must shed ego. One’s ego is the demon that pulls their leg and prevents to win your success. There is a saying that “A bad day for your ego is a great day for your soul.” So shedding your ego down won’t do any bad for you and your fight to get successful.

  7. 209203

    We must always work to reach our goal like a hawk that catches prey. Without it, there is no point in wasting time in vain. We must help others. But we should not waste time with them. Without it our success cannot be achieved.

  8. Name: S A K T Prabath
    Reg no: 209156

    Let us all have a goal of moving towards victory. In the meantime, it is normal for us to face various obstacles and criticisms. We do not need to worry about those barriers. But if we take the time to fight those obstacles, we will not be able to reach our goal. Therefore, we must not fight those obstacles and move towards our victory.

  9. Student Number : 209171
    Name : Ramanayaka GJSRPBNST

    However, war is not the right thing to do. It does us harm. War destroys human lives and has many negative consequences. It will cause great damage to the future generations of a country. Maybe no matter how many wars are fought, some battles may not be over. But the damage is huge. If only we could solve it without a war. How to minimize the damage. So we should not fight over small things. Whenever possible we should resolve everything peacefully. If we think like that, a lot of the problems, issues and fights that exist today can be reduced.

  10. 209134

    I think when we stop thinking about what other people think, then most of the small fights will disappear. Then we can concentrate on our dreams. We can fight for our dreams without distractions. We are in a fight since birth in some things of different ages. With aging, our goals get change and the fight change with it. I think ego builds up when we are getting old. If people remain humble as in their young age when they're getting older it will be a good value

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  12. Malinga Sandaruwan

    The speaker explained a great lesson for all the Success seekers. If someone wants to be a successful person, who should stop the fighting. According to my understanding of his speech, he tried to say that when we seek success should not wasting our Strengths, Time, Resources by engaging Not an effective and not being required functions and matters. Unless our goals may go away from us.

  13. 209076 Dhanushka

    Doesn't matter how hard you try you cannot satisfy everyone in your life. It is not worth how others think about you as long as you know who you are. Sometimes you feel like 'if anyone in my life treat me as I treat them'.' why anyone doesn't treat me the way I deserve'.
    My opinion is don't waste your precious life to make a good image of yourself in others. Use that time to follow you dreams goals or use that time for yourself. You will definitely feel so much powerful you can be when you stop fighting for simple things with others. It will makes you feel so much relief when you shed your ego aside.
    But also remember people sometimes have to fight for what they love. but that doesn't mean you should do that all you life. Balance your life and fight for your goals and dreams as well as you fight with others to make a good impression of yourself.

  14. 209123
    mwp madushan
    we want to be successful people we must achieve our target. I think after we achieved our goal we automatically become successful people. don’t care about others. Because they don’t help to achieve the target. It is wasting time activity


  15. We must learn to face every obstacle in our lives. Life always brings only problems. It is our duty to find a solution. After the problems of life comes a beautiful spring. It is up to us to decide how long that time will last. Once you have achieved your dreams and goals, your life will be stable. It is a good human quality to say how pioneers deal with my problems. When we begin our dream journey, we must not listen to those who say, "We can not do it." Because they can't work hard for their dreams. And we should learn to look at those people with compassion, not hatred.

  16. Name: A.M.A.Shanuka
    Reg. No: 209207

    We have to fight not with others but to achieve our goals. It is a very difficult task. Many difficulties have to be overcome in doing that work. Others do not help you achieve your goals much so you should avoid fighting with others. You always have to fight for your goals then you can be successful. The wealthy who are born in the world today are the ones who fought day and night for their dreams. It will be a comfort to us when we fight and achieve our goals. So fight for success at the anytime. Do the right thing to achieve the goals then you will succeed.

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  18. 209213-Shanuka Tharinda

    We can see different people in society. Their attitudes are different from each other. We don't want to fight with those stupid people. If we fight with those people, it will be wasting your valuable time. Don't do such useless work. You should only fight for your goals, future, and destiny. So without wasting your precious time to win those stupid arguments prepare yourself to win your real war; the real war that you must win and gain your dream successful.

  19. 209102 Hashan

    When we living our day today life, we meet different kind of peoples. some of them help us to move forward, some of them aren’t and some of them don’t care. We shouldn’t let us down to the those who are blocking our path. We face different kind of situations with different kind of peoples. Some of them might not go very well. There are some situations that other people criticizing us, trying to fight with us. Instead of fight back we should avoid the fights that aren’t worth fighting for. We should ignore them and keep moving forward.
    Some times its us who starts the fight. Our ego, our selfishness, our arrogance leads us to fight with others. In that kind of situations, we should shed our ego, selfishness, arrogance and avoid from fights. We shouldn’t fight with silly people or tiny matters. Instead of that we should fight for the truth and justice.

  20. 209078
    Ihalavithana I.V.H.M

    Success depends on one's endeavor. One must have a goal to overcome obstacles and move forward.
    On the way to overcoming challenges we meet many people. Some bless us. Others point out our shortcomings. But some try to weaken us. They say certain things and lose hope.
    We must not allow others to change their goals. The only weapon of weak people is to weaken others.
    Success can be achieved by removing such people from their lives and working towards their goal.

  21. Name - KKMEA Rathnamali
    Register number - 209174

    We want work hard achieve our targets. When we waste time other not important things, that time may be important if we waste from our targets. When we give our attention for our targets, We can achieve it as more successfully. If we can minimize our time waste that unsuitable, It gave us great achievement in our targets.
    We can fight with our dream and target to win not with others. And when we win no matter about our born situation or position. On that time people only find about our win. If we want great achievement we want to fight with our dream..

  22. We want to fight our life and success, But we struggle too much with unnecessary things Thus we cannot reach the path of progress. So we have to keep our goal right and fight only for it so that we can cross many steps of success in life. This is the goal of life and we must succeed in life.

  23. 209129 Ishan

    As human beings we have to face so many challenges. We can not move forward in our life without facing challenges. And we have to fight each other to overcome those challenges. Our success depends on our commitment. We only think about ourselves on this journey towards success. We do not care about others. But we should think about other. We should help everyone and move forward in our lives.

  24. 209055

    We always think success can be achieved by fighting. But it is not true. we can be succeeded by giving up fighting. When we fight for not important things our resources and attention have to sacrifice for that. Then we can't fight for our dreams. If we avoid fighting for others and fight for ourselves we can achieve success.

  25. 209024
    Kavindu Deshan

    Everyone has a dream or goal of their own life. Everyone fights to achieve their own goals. Therefore when we are going our dream we can happen to some interrupts. Fight without think about it again and again until you succeed Sometimes we need to lose the small battles to win the war. Doesn't matter. It can make us be strong and powerful people. Finally, we can achieve our success.

  26. Sometimes we trying to win the fight with a very small thing that doesn’t even affect us that much. The thing is that we must keep in our mind is there is a big world out there, losing a small fight doesn’t mean that u loos everything. Sometimes it will be the reason for your success.

  27. 209048
    Dissanayake DMHSJ
    We can't never stop fight. Because we have face lot of challenges. Our successful is depend on achieve our goals. But we want stop fighting stuppied peoples, stop fighting for the tention and etc. And we want start fighting with our dream, our goal, our destiny, and our ideas. It can become our success. It is more important to fight with yourself and win than to fight with others.

  28. I think that we must first understand why we begin a fight. There is some common problem that most of us have, it is we are trying to compare ourselves with others. In my opinion, we shouldn't compare with others. Because everyone has a unique thing inside them. But we all are practised to compare with someone as well as the parent show some rich man and said to us be like that man. Often, they affect that from us but it is not fair. However, we all are already in that society. I wanted to say that is a beginning point of fighting with each other. Few people understand themself correctly and stop fighting with others because they know fighting each other is a wrathless thing. We are used to fighting with others in our A/L exam time to get a rank. On one hand, it is fair because if we want to survive in this society we have to do like that things. We can't change all the society instead that we must understand the society and try to reduce that wrathless fighting. Most of our friends are also still stuck in that fight and they don't like to help anyone because they fear whether that person goes above them. So, in my opinion, we must fight for ourselves, to understand our potential, for our visions. Don't hate anyone they have their path and you have yours. Go through that path, while helping others.

  29. Almost every human being in the world was fighting for any cause, be it education, wealth, power, popularity etc. Often living is a battle of some sort. I am also one of the other contestants who continues that fight . It is common in education, employment and other fields .So I was still struggling with my vision, ideas and so on
    We all know that survival is a struggle, but before we can compete, we must compete and win with human qualities. We have to figure it out for ourselves, no matter what other people do.

  30. 209047
    D.M Sachin Dilshan Dissanayaka

    We have to face a lot of challenges in this life. They can be small or large. That is what life is all about. sometimes we was fail when faced challenge. then we take power from it. but most time when we fail we was break down. so my mind is when we do anything honestly is received a pleasure even if we lose that. Therefore we never have to worry. this is my mind when we face challenge.

  31. yes I have put aside the fighting for little things but at the same time I am aware of that a little spark can ignite the whole stack. Your ideas are based on your vision and working toward that vision will make your destiny. Engaging in such work will give you purpose. I have come to realize my purpose and with this purpose you will meet the clarity. This clearness of the mind will help you to understand your self and the ego will fade away

    1. Do I sound smart like this speaker? that is what I am aiming for

  32. K.D.P.S Chandrathilaka

    As the speaker points out, success lies in us. The successful is depending on an attempt of achieving targets. Must always move towards their own goal of success. If there are any obstacles to our success, we must overcome them. At the same time, we meet different people. Humble people, jealous people, stupid people and those who try to make their dreams come true, and many more. Out of that, we have to find the right people for us. It is a great contribution to the success of our lives

  33. We should fight for success because our life is a war. However, If we are to success ,we must fight with our dream, vision and destiny. Then we can became success. However, we don't fight with our family, stupid people such as thing because then we can't succesfull people. Therefore, we fight with our dream.

  34. 209101 Tharindu

    Despite the various challenges and challenges of life, it is difficult to overcome them all. But we must reach our ultimate goal. We have to work hard for that. Some things may fail on the way to the goal. But expectations should not be given up. We must achieve our ultimate goal based on the experience gained from those failures. We must win the final battle.

  35. 209166 Pasindu Rajapakse

    When we are live in this world, we have to face different kind of situations. When we spend our time to those things, sometimes we can miss one we needed. Sometimes we have to fail those things we have to save our energy to upcoming bigger goals in our lives. If we fight for those small fights, we doesn't have energy to fight for what we specially want. Don't make people enemies to you. Don't fight with them. Make your own goal and do your best to achieve those things. That energy you spending for your own main goal take you to it. Believe in your self and take action. We will be definitely success in future.

  36. 209144
    Nimalsiri OCC

    Fighting, then I can remember our 30 years’ war we faced hardly. It is the big fight we can face yet our life. I really can't accept fighting but our army did that war to save our country and we won it after 30 years. Also, our life is the fight. Because we are fighting with our achievement. Finally, we won the fighting then our life is success. Every time we can work hard and fighting to achieve our goals success way. That’s my opinion you can think it is good or bad for our lifestyle

  37. Name : T.W.S.Nimesh
    Reg No : 209145

    Fights with some small events caused loss and grief. Conflicts over small issues only result in a loss. Instead, fighting to achieve a specific goal affects success at the end of the day. We must fight to meet the challenges that come with achieving a goal and to achieve the goal. A person with a definite purpose avoids collisions in the face of small events and struggles to avoid them and achieve the goal. So the path to success for you and me is to stop battling for unnecessary things and fight for a goal.

  38. 209081 Himanshi

    If you want to succeed don't waste time-fighting for unnecessary reasons. You have to do many things for your future journey, therefore, try to do that. Fighting with family members, gossips news and weak mind person you lose your valuable time and you get nothing after that. So you should stop like that small fights. Start fighting with your aims, dreams, achievements and your weakness. After that, your life will get a new version in a better way. If you fighting with your own ideas and own victory it helps you create your life perfectively. Now don't waste time on unnecessary things, and start running for your dreams.

  39. 209106-Isuru
    Fighting is a very bad thing,
    but fighting for a good thing is a good thing.
    Now when it comes to this topic,This is a very serious matter.
    If only we had avoided quarreling here,
    We can live our lives very happily.

  40. T.G.S.D.Senarathna

    We have a dream of success. What is the meaning of successful? Accomplishing a desired aim or result. That is meaning of successful. Generally if you are satisfy about your current state, you are successful person. The successful way may be war. We will face lot of difficulties. We will spend our free time, sleeping time, may be our breakfast, lunch, dinner. We will fight dream, ideas and destination. We can’t achieve our tasks within one minute, one hours or one day. It will take some years. As well as we can’t directly achieve them. We must achieve step by step. Like climbing stair. If our successful way is a war, we must need to lost the small battles to win the war.

  41. 209188 Harshan
    Group B
    This video is most important in to our life. We should fight our ideas and dedestiny then we can devolop our life.we don't fight people .we all are egoistic persons. We should controll resources efficiency and efficiency for achive our goals. We met different types people in our life then we don't going to fight with them. We should choice the good people for our life .then we can succeding and achiving targets.

  42. Under the statement and short video show to encourage someone, we can get an important message. As I mentioned that, in our living circle sometimes we have to lose some small battles to win our future. So we should be able to stop doing unnecessary things. Because We should be able to fight with our future achievements and targets. When we were born maybe we had poor. But when we are going to die we should be able to die as rich gentlemen. That's why we have to work hard and create our future life as successful people. So finally I would like to remind you, Never give up your goals as a failure. Because we are the creators of our own destiny.

  43. 209186-banuka
    Don't be compare your success with others. If it's because that's get hurt you more and more, It makes you are like a jealous people. please stop fighting or competing with your friends, your family members, your relations, your enemies and your heroes. You must be do fighting or competing with your mind. If you will be able to control your mind as you want you will be able you accomplish your goals as you want that whenever you go and whatever you have done.
    Focus on your vision and mission. Don't fall for losers' words and don't fall for discouraging peoples' words. don't fall gossips. Go ahead within avoiding or facing it.
    "If you need happiness, just prepare for the challenges"

  44. Name - K.A.S.K. Kumarasinghe
    Register number - 209109

    When you stop fighting with the world, your life journey will end. I mean not fighting with people. You should fight, with your dream, with your goals, also and with yourself. The speaker said the same thing to you. You should never stop fighting. Sometimes we lose the battle but it will a lesson to us in the future. That is why it is important to fight constantly in life.

  45. 209160

    If you are fighting with other things without your dream, how can you succeed in your dream? your attention is not for it. stop fighting with any members of your family or another. Stop fighting other things also. fight with your dream. Then, you can succeed one day in your dream.

  46. 209150
    Ravindu Dilshan

    To be successful we must stop fighting with other people.Because their accusations are about
    the way they want to see us , not our true nature. So there is no need to spend time on those
    battles. We have nothing to gain by winning or losing those battles. What we need to win is the war
    to make life successful. For that, we must wage war with ourselves and not with others.

  47. Udara Ayomal

    Success in a person's life depends on his or her efforts to meet that challenge. We must fight to overcome those challenges. Without it, success is difficult to achieve. But never fight with your hands. If that happened then it would be very difficult for us to reach success. Rather, we must work hard to reach success. One day we will be able to reach success. We must act humbly once we have achieved success.

  48. Dasun Thilina

    We need to fight in some moment in our lives but that doesn’t mean fight to get attention from others or who is made gossips about you or stupid people. We need to fight with which are faced interruption in wඅy to successful. When we fight to become successful never be a slave in the ego. If we are not egos we can achieve great success.

  49. 209046 EPHP DILMINI

    The success of all of us depends on effort and determination. We must work hard to achieve our goals Problems come to everyone in life As we search for answers, a new product or writing or something new emerges We must spend our precious time productively without wasting it Because time is very important to achieve our success. We must not degrade and subjugate others and achieve our success without helping others.

  50. 209199-Dinitha

    As humans, we all get angry for many reasons. Sometimes when we get angry we fight with others. So as this speaker says, getting angry can be affected our frailer. Sometimes husbands and wives fight early in the morning about the late one of them. Sometimes company managers fight with other employees. So, everyone was people fight with others for little reason. But when they waste time for the fight, almost missed some of their valuable work. And also after a fight, their mind isn’t uncomfortable for a while. So that, someone can’t do their work properly. So should stop fighting each other and we need to focus our mind on what we are doing at that time.

  51. 209116 Supun
    Everyone has small battles in the life .but some battles don't get a value for out life . It is only a wasting time . we have to fight for our vision , goal to win our life . My goal is to be a successful businessman . Now l am fighting for that .Our society is different . We have met number of egoistic people. If you are humble person ,you can life happily and will receive helps to win your goals.

  52. 209257
    Fighting is a very important thing but never fight with other people. We must fight with our dreams our ideas like that. Then we can success our life. We can improve our life step by step. Then we can be a successful men in the world. our fight will be help it. If we fight every time with our dreams we can achieve our specific target. Therfore we must fight to be a successful man.

  53. Student Number:- 209089
    Name:- Jayasuriya NJLN

    We face many challenges in our lives. Those challenges are also wars. We have to sacrifice different things to win those wars. We have to make small sacrifices to overcome big challenges. At some point in our lives, we have to deal with breakdowns. But we must challenge those defeats and win our war. We must always be diligent. We must try and defeat small battles and win big battles. No war or challenge should ever be abandoned. The diligent one day wins. And the right person will one day win.

  54. R.M.P.K Rathnayaka

    We have variety dreams in our life. If We need achieve that dreams we should win the small battles of we got. That is, we should work hard. we must get rid of our laziness. And also as we move forward , we will face more obstacles. We must reach our gols face this obstacles. We can overcome the small battles we face and overcome the big battles someday.

  55. Success is always determined by our role. Then we want to achieve our targets. But there are many challenges behind every target. Then we can face different challengers. We want to fight with challengers to win our target. we shouldn't fight with mind laws, tension , public expectation and stubborn people. We should fight our dreams, ideas and our vision. I think then we can becoming successful. We don't want fight with others when we use correct way to success why should we fight with unwanted things. There are various kinds of people in the society. Some of people pulling back on our way to success, but we need to know the right way and then no one can stop us. We must not fight those obstacles and move towards our victory. Then we can have a successful life.

  56. T.A.S Sadeepa

    We are all of people. Then we have the many targets, achievement, challenges and many things. but more people are fighting with their bad things . There are our missing thins, our faults and other things. but we shouldn’t do it. We should to fight our visions, our targets, our achievement, challenges and other things. then we will can archive our targets. Ma be we ill have to face some bad situation during the our life fight. Also we will have to lose our some situation to come our target. However we should face every things. then we can come to our dream.

  57. 209237 Ravindu

    We all are like to become a success person one day but not all people succeed because they don’t know actually how to become a success person because they only have a dream to be success but they cannot. If so, why they can't be success?

    Because they always fighting for a very small thing or useless things and they are very egoistic. They don’t like to change their thinking pattern or their attitudes because they always think they are right and only they can do everything. Therefore they can’t be a success person.

    If you want to be a success person you must shed your ego and stop fighting for a small thing. Start to fight for your vision, ideas and destiny so that you can be a success person.

  58. Since our childhood, we all have had various requirements. People are always tired get something. As a childhood, If something we want we are Annoying to our parents. Such as, whenever we see a new toy or something we love on the market, we always fight to get it. When we grow up a little, we will no longer fight to get something like that. We find new things to fight. Such as, gossip about them, getting attention, fight for stupid people, and so on. It is not the right way. We want, we have to fight for our vision, for your dream, for our ideas, and for our destiny. That is the way to be successful. As have in Sun Tzu's book," Sometimes we need to lose the small battles in order to win the war."

    Isuru Lakshan

  59. We meet different types of people in our society, there are people with good qualities and people with bad qualities. However, there are various obstacles and challenges in our life that we have to face without fear. We must work hard to move towards our goals so that we can face the small fight that come our way peacefully.Finally, we won the fighting then our life is success.Every time we can work hard and fighting to achieve our goals success way.


  60. 209029
    Kalana Lakjith

    On our way to our goal, we have to face big obstacles as well as small obstacles. Small fights, on the other hand, will never allow you to progress and will keep you stuck in the same place. So, instead of wasting your valuable time trying to win those pointless debates, prepare yourself to win the actual war, the war that you must win in order to realize your dream.Help only those who need help and humbly move towards success

  61. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    We must learn to face any obstacle in our life. Life always brings only problems. It is our duty to find a solution. It is our duty to find a solution. A beautiful spring dawns after the problems of life. We have to decide how long that time will last. Once you have achieved your dreams and goals, your life will be stable. It is a good human quality to say how pioneers deal with my problems. When we begin our dream journey, we must not listen to those who say, "We cannot do it. "Because they can't work hard for their dreams, and we must learn to look at those people with compassion, not hatred.

  62. 209136 Nimasha
    We always fight to achieve our goals. So, our success depends on our effort. Sometimes we compete for the same goals. Our goals can be achieved in collaboration with others. But it is not common in today’s society. Some time we fail. But we should not give up trying. If we work collaboratively with others, we are less likely to fail.

  63. 209221
    Nadeesha Vithanage

    When we are alive, we have to face lots of obstacles. We are often insulted by others. And also, lots of people are filled with jealousy. They don't like seeing others succeed. So they insult others. At those times, we fall in mentally. It is a barrier to our goal. If we want to win, we should leave insulted.

    Life is like a war. We have to win the final war. If we want to win it, we should leave some small fights and fighters. Why are we sad because of others' words and works? In my life, I have had lots of experiences. After I entered university, lots of people did lots of evil things to me. I fell lots of times. I fought with them. But now I know their happiness is my tears and my fall. Now I'm not going to talk with them or fight with them. Because I know what their goal is. And this speech made me stronger.

    Don't fall because of others; Work hard for your goal, unconcerned about the evil deeds of others. Don't go to small fights. Save your energy for the final war. Then you can win easily.

    Thank you!

  64. Chathura [209261]
    In our living period sometimes we have to lose some small battles to win our future. We should be able to fight with our future achievements and targets. When we were born maybe we had poor. But when we are going to die we should be able to die as rich man. That is the why we have to work hard and create our future life as successful people. Never give up your goals as a failure. Start to fight for your vision, ideas and destiny so that you can be a success person.

  65. Hashan

    We all have targets. Sometimes we meet people, they help to achieve our goals. When we avoid our target they help and guide us to achieve that. When it comes to challenges and barriers, the tech to us how to fight with those and what paths we can avoid. Therefore, every time we fight with our challenges and barriers, then we will be able to achieve our goal. And keep in your mind, if you have a target don't stop your attempt to achieve that one.

  66. many people in this society, always try to fight each other. The main reason is people's jealousy. jealousy makes anger inside a person, that anger makes the fight with others. sometimes we compare our life with others and get angry with ourselves. We have to get rid of fighting with others. When we do not fight, we feel free.
    sometimes when we going to do something, people try to Depress mentally. That is the nature of many people. We have to do the only thing, stay unheard of their words. if we going to fight with them it can be big destruction to ourselves. when let ego fades away, we can live peacefully in society. It helps to reach your goals easily. So we can make our lives successful by stopping the fighting and arguing with each other. And try to fight to achieve your goals in obstacles.

  67. Life is like a horse running through a battlefield. That means we have to face a lot of trouble as we go through life. Not everyone can run the right path and reach success. In my childhood, I had fought for some small things but now I give up fighting for small things Because if I go to fight for the little things, it will be difficult to get to the main goal in life. Now I have a target to achieve success. egoistic friends are also a barrier when I find success. When I look for success, selfish people are also the ones who hinder that journey. You and I are sometimes also selfish people because we all worry about life. I too have met selfish people but I have tried to live away from such people. So go on a life journey with a plan.

    H.D. Chamuditha Ekanayake

  68. 209243 Ravindu

    Everyone in this world has to face some kind of obstacle. It is common to you and me. I also face many challenges. They are likes wars. I have to sacrifice different things to win those wars. I have to make small sacrifices to overcome big challenges. I have a dream. I have big obstacles to get to that dream. They have to win and move towards the goal. some insults can come into our lives. we must ignore them and win the future.

  69. 209073 Janith

    Usually, we think the strongest people are fighting. but it's not. I think weak people are fighting. If you are a strong person you will not waste time fighting with someone. Does not argue with anyone. Because you have to do a lot of works for yourself. The intelligent person will not waste his time for fighting with someone.

    But should we not fight in life? No.

    We should fight with our bad feelings, with our weaknesses. we must fight with ourselves. Then you will be a great and successful person in your life. Cheers!!

  70. 209011 Arachchi MALDM
    We have to face various challenges in life. We must fight to overcome those challenges. The challenge is war. Fighting means working hard to overcome those challenges. That is, we must work hard to make life successful in the face of challenges. When we facing the challenge, we meet different people. But we must not allow them to interfere with our victory. Time and effort must be used effectively to overcome our challenges. Then we will be able to successfully win the war of Challenge.

  71. Reg No 209013

    In here, everyone keeps running to achieve their goal. But only few people are getting success. Most of us getting struck with barriers. When we are going to achieve our goal, we will meet lots of people. Some of them will fight for nothing. If you take their fight serious you can't achieve your goal. So we have to pass or ignore them.

  72. Reg No-209155

    The main reason is people's jealousy. jealousy makes anger inside a person, that anger makes the fight with others. sometimes we compare our life with others and get angry with ourselves. We have to get rid of fighting with others. When we do not fight, we feel free. some of the time when we attending to do something, individuals attempt to Discourage mentally. That's the nature of numerous individuals. We got to do the as it were thing, remain unheard of their words. in the event that we aiming to battle with them it can be huge devastation to ourselves. when let self image blurs absent, ready to live gently in society. It makes a difference to reach your objectives effectively. So we will make our lives effective by ceasing the battling and contending with each other. And attempt to battle to realize your objectives in deterrents.

  73. 209173 Rashmika NS

    As the day goes on we meet different people. Some of them help us move forward and some don’t and some don’t. We must move forward without making mistakes to those who are blocking our path. We face different issues with different communities. Some of them may not go well. There are times when some people criticize us for criticizing us. Instead of fighting back, we should avoid fights that are not worth fighting for. We must ignore them and move on.
    Maybe we will start the fight. Our selfishness, selfishness, and arrogance lead us to fight with others. In such a situation, we need to get rid of our selfishness, selfishness, and arrogance and avoid fighting. We should not fight with stupid people or small things. Instead, we must fight for truth and justice

  74. Name: WMLB Weerasekara
    Registration No: 209225

    Wasting time on useless things is very useless. Because we mustn’t fight with other’s wish. Some of people around us like to handle us as their wish. Then we try to fight other’s gossips. Only one other expectation, other’s wish. Only one things we must do is fighting for our destination vision and our hopes. First avoid your vision. Then you can be a very successful man and the happiest man.

  75. 209212 - Malinda
    I think a big fight, a big fight, happens when he tries to get what he wants.
    Nowadays, there are struggles to get material things like money, property as well as feelings like love.
    My point is that even if we do not need a fight for these things, there must be competition, because otherwise we will never be able to get what we want.

  76. 209031 Viduranga

    Life is always a challenge and a big fight. In our life fight of those moments we have to face problematic situations every time. Also we can not win any challenge without a fight because no one easily wins over another. But instead of we fighting for goals with people in society, it is important to work to complete with ourselves for our dreams.

  77. Life is a full of battles. Even before we born, we fight, we race. Until death, we do this. Every second is a battle. A battle to live, battle to win. Even A king, even a beggar fights everyday for some thing. Life is a battle field. some times we win, some times we don't. we all ways look for the win and winners. Some times you have to fail likely or unlikely for next war. some times they really hurt. winners use pain as a extra weapon when losers keep feeling sad. Smart guys play in smart way on the battle ground. Some times they fall back a step; may be more. But after they take all the win. they get scars, but they win- that's the most important thing. fails don't say "it's over". Make it another start with heavy weapons, skills and start hunt down. win the big battle. In the end winners sing; not losers.

    Priyamal 209017

  78. 209070 – Gunawardana RMHD
    We do not get everything we need in life. Maybe something in our life that doesn’t suit us is something that doesn’t suit us. We do not enjoy spending time with things we do not have. Sometimes we missed something but exactly we will meet good thing in future. We all have dreams. Work hard for it.

  79. 209112/ Sachin Hirudika Lakman M

    Success is something that one has to achieve for oneself. The main thing is to dedicate oneself to it. Effort and enthusiasm are the other two parts associated with success. We should not always accumulate knowledge alone to maintain virtue with knowledge. Success is a great influence. Time is the resource we have in this time. We must not waste it and move towards success. We can do everything ourselves.

  80. M.A.MOHAMED ALTHAFF 209241

    Effort and determination are required for everyone of us to succeed. To reach our objectives, we must put in a lot of effort. Problems arise in everyone's lives, and while we look for solutions, a new product, writing, or something else arises. We must use our limited time wisely and avoid squandering it, because time is crucial to our success. We must not degrade or oppress people in order to achieve our goals without assisting them.

  81. 209230- S.M.K.V.Wijerathne

    Stop fighting for small things because it destroys the time that you should devote to your dreams. So start to fight for your dreams. When you start to fight for your dreams, you will focus on your dreams. When you achieve your dreams, you will be a success. Therefore stop the small fights that are not necessary and start to fight for your dreams. Then you become successful.

  82. 209038
    Sithara Embuldeniya

    sometimes in our life, we have to give up the small fights to succeed in the bigger fight. we face many challenges in our lives and we have to overcome all of them to successfully achieve our goals in life. we have to about the big picture instead of long-distance. nevertheless, we have to drop our egos and be king to one another.


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