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Real Heroes

"There are real life heroes who do great deeds for the others who are not even bothered to tell the world how grate they are"

Watch the following videos (the uploaded video and the link given) and comment your own ideas on the given statement. 


  1. 209243 Ravindu Dharmadasa

    All of them in this world are silent heroes. Artificial heroes in the fantasy world like Superman, Spiderman, Ironman have become real heroes in our childhood world today. That is very sad situation. They are not real heroes. For example, the medical field heroes are the real heroes who risk their own health and protect our healths with the minimum facilities available. The war heroes who shed their blood for the motherland are also real heroes. The teachers who taught us are also real heroes. I see even the one who sweeps the road as a real hero. Although not properly appreciated, many remain silent in public service. As students who live on the earth, we serve the people as best we can.

  2. 209058
    Clint Enos
    most people are helping others to only become famous and maintain their personal values in this short life. But they would never realize we all have to die someday. But there is one way to remind us silently. That is a good thing which we have done for others. We can only be truly successful with something we love, we can pursue what we want to do. We can become someone who truly enjoys others without knowing us. But one day it will all be worth it.

  3. There are so many silent heroes in the world . They have done their best for the innocent peoples. We also should be like these silent heroes. If our country some one did like this if he got a famous among people he will be a politician. After he doing bad things to innocent people. This COVID situation is most of the best examples for it. 😂 our politicians are behaving like only they live in Sri Lanka
    Rip for them 😂👏❤️

  4. 209122 Madhusha

    These days most of people addicted to social media. They want to be famous so they show off their Helping people works other like that by their social media account. Lot of people doing this real but some of them doing this only for famous. As human beings, we need to know that everything we do has consequences.

  5. 209186-Banuka
    Meeting people with humanity is the greatest gift we have ever received in life.The merit we get from our good deeds will help us in this life or in the next.The good praise that comes from helping people is worth more than the humiliation of making 100 mistakes.Always do good deeds.

  6. 209129 Ishan

    Our life is very short. We should help each other in this short period. But most of the people in the world are selfish and unkind. They only think about them. They never think about others. But some few people think about others more than themselves. People like that are very rare. We can call them as heroes. There are many heroes in movies and books. Everyone in the world know about them very well. But real heroes in real life. No one knows about them. They are silent herores.

  7. Persons who want to do real something to the world not going to care about others comment. Because they always think about that they do they know if they do some great something completing it is important not publish among people. But person who going to say or show that he is doing then there are not real than that he going to show.
    Humble peoples always are respected because they don’t show people see the real people understand reality. Most of time people call as model characters and call as real heroes.

  8. Name: A.M.A.Shanuka
    Reg. No: 209207

    Real heroes are people who lived for their country. They have quietly fulfilled their duties and responsibilities for their country. While some defended the country with weapons, others used their intelligence to defend the country. You do not have to fight with arms to be a hero, you can use your intellect to do what you have to do for the country. They do their job quietly without trying to be famous. They are the real heroes who live in this world.

  9. 209130
    Janidu Rashminda
    Lot of great man do the great thing and stay silence. that is there personality .all the war hero's have a internal great person they want to do great thing to the world & defend the nation
    they always do risk thing is it right .this story also the highlight great hero .we can see so many hero s in the sri lanka & world. the main thing is so many hidden heroes in the world they don't want to tell it to world they have there self satisfactions

  10. 209113

    Many things have happened in the world because of heroes. One person can be a hero to another but another can be an enemy. We often do not know the heroes of the real world. We only know the heroic characters in the movies. We love and respect only those characters. But we do not know heroes like sir Nicholas Winton. How many such heroes are there in this world? But they do not even appreciate their heroism. The point to appreciate in the video above is the proper respect for real heroes.

  11. 209212 – Malinda Kavindu Subasinghe

    There are so many heroic people in this world doing field work. But those people are reluctant to tell the world about it. There are several reasons for this. This is because what they do is important to one person but not important to another. So they are embarrassed and do not comment to anyone about it. Another reason is that some people are reluctant to appreciate themselves. Another thing is that they do it so that the beneficiary of the act does not feel it, so they do not expect an evaluation of it. Considering all of this, I feel like all of these people are proud to think of themselves as heroes.

  12. PRAMAUDITHA 209123
    lot of peoples helping other but they hope Popularity. someone are not so.
    its a not good thing.It is wrong for us to help and then wait for help again.According to world order,
    Everything we did coming after us.Therefore we did every help not to be expect again.not doing that one they are real hero's.❤️

  13. 209034
    Janith Chathuranga

    There are real heroes all over the world helping each other. They are human beings. But today, the heroes in the lives of young children are the heroes inflated by the media. True heroes help others and never tell anyone. But others do so for the sake of prominence and publicity. For example, in the face of an epidemic around the world, health workers and security forces are making great sacrifices. They are real heroes. True heroes do silent service for the good of each other and wait in silence.

  14. Glory or not, good deed is a good deed. All the heroes deserve recognition and we should give those who earned it.

  15. Oshada A Jayarathna

    There are some people among us who help others without expecting anything in return. But their help's social impact is larger than anyone imagined. They are true heroes who help people silently and so, they should receive more respect in this society.

  16. 209078
    Ihalavithana I.V.H.M
    Anyone who offers to help any person at any time is a true hero. When helping, we should not always help in public. By helping someone you should never expect help from them again. He should do it only for his pleasure. Then he can be a real hero. Today, war heroes and hospital staff work hard to save lives. They are real heroes, not limited to storybooks. They sacrifice their lives and work hard to save lives. They expect nothing from it. We will all die someday. We do not know how it will happen. Help others whenever possible. It makes everyone's life beautiful. He will be a hero to himself. Always be a silent hero too...

  17. 209203

    There are different people living in this world. People with different ideas and different working people. These people include people who think about others as well as people who do not think about people. Nicholas Winton is a man who thinks about others.Of course Nicholas Newton is a real man to be respected.

  18. Chalana Dissanayake

    There are lots of silent heroes in our society. Speciality on the battlefields. Sometimes they sacrifice their lives for us. But they don't get the respect that they deserve. But the good know what have they done. There are for respect to everyone. They can be silent heroes. We don't know how they sacrifice their lives for society. As well as if you help someone or do some good thing, don't tell to anyone. Be a silent hero.

  19. 209083
    H.M.H.L. Jayarathna

    All the peoples are not honest. Of those, some peoples are very kindly are helpful. Not only past, at present some time we can meet that kind person. But that happens very rarely. Their lives can be full of experience. They are often characters who are silent from society. But the service they have done to society is immense. Those types of people are often not even appreciated in society. May be people we meet are people who have made sacrifices for us. That is why we must learn to respect everyone. Then you never have to worry about what happened.

  20. Udara Ayomal

    Our lifespan is very short. During this time of our lives, there are times when others need our help. There we must be motivated to help them in any way we can. The satisfaction we get from helping someone is priceless. Helping others somehow makes us feel its value one day. This man who helped little children without even thinking about his life is truly a hero.

  21. Rashmin Ridma

    There are many silent heroes among us. They do not bother to tell the world what they did. But they have self-satisfaction about what they did. The people saved by that heroes sometimes help others like they got help. It may become a chain and the world could be a better place. We must help other people every time we can. During this pandemic time, we can help people in many ways. Then you can feel happy about what you did in the past.

  22. 209052
    Dakshina Srinath Ekanayake
    Group A

    "There are real life heroes who do great deeds for the others who are not even bothered to tell the world how grate they are" Yes that's true. There are many such people in our society. They sincerely offer to help others without expecting anything return. But more people are like to help others for show others. So many people try to get a photo or video when they help someone. But it's not real life hero's attitude. It's worth it if you do not expect reciprocity or anything else in helping someone. Then it will come back to you.

  23. In today's world, selfishness is everywhere. Most people want to make their own way by destroying the other, but some of them will expect nothing in return for what they have done. In the face of complacency all the bad thoughts in their minds will be subdued

  24. 209147 Kaweesha

    How many silent heroes do we not know in this world? I think there are more than we can imagine. A hero is someone who has the ability to rescue others when they are in trouble. As well I think not everyone has that ability. Sir Nicholas Winton is also a hero of heroes. But no one knew about his heroism for 50 years. Even though he was so heroic, by not telling anyone about it we can know that he is a real hero. This is the greatness of a true hero.

  25. He was a true hero among heroes and a man who recognized the value of life. There are people in the world today who do not know the value of life.

  26. Name -Madusha Pramod

    There are many people in the world, but humane people are very rare .When we have problems, there are some people help us without even thinking about their lives.There are so many heroes in the world but they are just trying to make a name for themselves and also there are people who quietly help people without any publicity They are people who know the value of life. like this person who react in this video . If a person can do that, he should not just be popular but he or she should lives a long time .

  27. Sachinthaka Ariyarathna

    There are many silent heroes in the world, but many people help others to gain fame. It is not real help. But so many people help others not with such hope. They are real heroes.We must live our lives helping others.But don’t try to show it to the world.Being a silent hero is more valuable than popularity .

  28. 209102
    Hashan Chandimal

    We think we lives in a society that has no humanity left in it. After hearing Sir Nicholas Winston’s story, we can see it’s not quite true. there are people who does great deed for others. But they don’t keep yelling about what they did. Because they didn’t do it for getting compliments, glory or popularity. They do it because it’s the right thing to do. They are the unsung heroes. Not every hero gets movies or a legend, some are only gets satisfaction.

  29. 209047
    DMSD Dissanayaka

    We usually refer to people who work for the good of the world as true heroes. All people can be real heroes, but they cannot be because not everyone thinks the same way. When one is selfless, the other thinks only of himself. Nicholas Winton was able to save the lives of 669 children because he thought altruistically. If he had not thought so, all of them would have died. If everyone in the world had thought like this, all the wars in the world today would not have happened. And he is sure that in the end his happiness will not come from anything else.

  30. Malsha 209167
    A hero; everyone loves heroes. Everyone wants to be a hero. But there are people out there who did many great deeds without trying to claim it. Sir Nicholas Winton is someone that did not try to say out loud that he was this great of a man. Only 50 years later the whole world had discovered about this great man which was accidently opening a book that gathered dust for decades. That old common man who is in that video had done a most humanism thing that he could do. A real hero does not try to show it off. A real hero cares about the deeds that they have done. Your deeds, your actions can make you a hero. So be a real hero.
    “Anything that is not actually impossible can be done, if one really sets one’s mind to do it and is determined that it shall be done.” – Sir Nicholas Winton, (1909-2015)

  31. 209169
    N.V. Rajarathne

    We are know lot of heroes in the world. They are very famous characters among us. But some heroes are hidden from world.They are not even bothered to tell the world how grate they are. Always they are trying to protect other people. They aren't hopeful anything for their helping. I believe they are super heroes in among us.

  32. 209055

    Many people do good things for being famous taking other benefits. But some people do a lot of good things they do not even tell others what they did. They are real-life heroes. There are many silent heroes in our society but we do not know who they are. The heroes who we believe as real heroes many of them are not real heroes. They only do good things for themselves. we should be real heroes, not fake heroes.

  33. 209213-Shanuka

    Most of the people are in the world doing things become famous. Among some of them are do things without any expectation. They are real heroes. According to this video, the thing that should learn do good things without telling others. One day you will hear praises.

  34. 209054 Nethmi

    if we will help to someone in one day in a life, definitely we will see the result some day.At a time when responsibilities, duties and humanity are being eroded, Sir Nicholas
    Winton is a man of true humanity.In this video, Mr. Vinson has saved 669 lives. Seeing them all live in front of them makes Sir.Winton's eyes are watered with tears. Instead of killing all the people in a war, he tried to save lives. Age and time do not need to help others, it takes effort. One day everything you do will definitely be valued. Try to bring happiness to someone in the short time you live. One day, it will helped to you live happily.

  35. 209126
    Sahan Madhuwantha
    Group A

    We all want to be famous. Now a days we are able to know about many such incidents. But that publicity is limited to a short time. And there are very few people who help other people not to get any publicity for themselves. Sometimes those people may not have any recognition in the society. But the day will come when they will be rewarded for everything they have done. Then the whole world will give them the respect they deserve. Then they become immortal.

  36. Reg no: - 209046
    Name: - EPHP DILMINI

    Most people help to people but some are not wholehearted. There are other people who help others and me hope they have something. There are so many different people in the world. There are some other people. "There are real life heroes who do great deeds for the others who are not even bothered to tell the world how grate they are" So is this man. He did not tell anyone about his deeds, but his deeds are great. There are many cartoon heroes in the world, for example black panther, spider woman ,bird man ,Voltron, Spiderman, bat man, superman are some of them. They are a popular and well-known group to help people.

  37. 209023
    There are two types of heroes in the world. Namely, silent heroes and cartoon heroes. Cartoon heroes like Superman and Batman are remembered in the minds of children. But they cannot be real world heroes. However, there were many silent heroes. Like politicians, what they do is not publicized. They think only of the good they bring to society. The war heroes who fought on the battlefield, the doctors and nurses who faced the corona menace and the teachers who were dedicated to guide us are the silent heroes of our lives.

  38. Ruwanthi HGM

    "Real Heroes"

    We all love heroes in our life who were in the past, some were in our childhood & some heroes we never seen. In Sri Lankan past lot of heroes spent their time, money and their lives for our motherland without thinking their families and their lives. We have met some heroes who are very silent but they have done super works. In this video Sir. Nickoles Vintes is a super hero. He have protected 699 children. But he never published it to the world. He is a real hero. Thank you.

  39. Anyone likes to help the other. Many people in today's society help others to show off and gain the attention of others. I think It is a bad situation. But in the society we can see some people help to someone without show and secretly. They are the lesser known characters in society. We all are know, everyone like to be a hero among people. But everyone isn't lucky that. Heroism doesn't depend on social media but on action.

  40. 209253

    There are many Unknown heroes in the world. They have done a silent service to their neighbors, citizens, and the world. We have only heard details about some of the artificial heroes. So, the real heroes are the Best People in the world. This video shows a story about one of the silent heroes Called Mr. Sir Nickolas Vinton. He did a great job and, he saved 669 lives during the German military conflict. After a long while ago, one day, he met by chance the people he had saved. Everyone respected him and thanked him for saving their lives. It was a very emotional moment for him. He was happy. Since there are silent heroes among us who should be appreciated like this, we have to give due respect somehow. We also should help others in any way we can.

  41. 209220 - Deesara

    As this video, Sir Nikolas Winton is the one of hero in the world. But lot of heroes in the world who is infamous. In my opinion we all are the hero for some one. My hero is my father. Because that he tire for us. He never lacked for us anything. But one day, If we can grateful to them, It will be the one of biggest happiness to them. In this video the lesson to be learned is, We should help for each other. One day that memories will be the one of consolation for us. So we should toughly memorize for help each other in our life.

  42. Name: S A K T Prabath
    Reg: 209156

    This story emphasizes about humanity even in a crisis. The second world war spreading through out entire world in this era. All the countries were struggling with this to survive. Meanwhile Sir. Nikolaus Winston has launched a secret mission to rescue children in republic of Czech from German army and mission was succeeded. After 50 years, he got a chance to see all survived children spending their life as he wished before. Real life heroes are doing things to make the world better without thinking about their life.

  43. 209166
    Pasindu Rajapakse

    In the past there are lot of incidents happen in our world. We lost a lot of people. In those times some people are tried to save them without thinking their lives. In dangerous time everyone tried to save their lives but those kinds of people who are unselfish like Sir Nicholas Winton always care about others. He saved lot of children’s lives. But he never talked about what he had done and he never praise about himself. They are silent heroes. If his wife never Disclosures about him worlds never know about him. He is a great man to the world. We have to get a lot of things from his character. Try to be a unmarkable person in the world, like Sir Nicholas Winton.

  44. 209039
    Dangalla DMS

    When we say hero, we mean fictional characters like Iron Man and Batman. But, there are really heroes in this world. some of them are silent heroes. But this video reveals a real silent hero. He is Sir Nicholas Winton. He saved 669 human lives. He is a real silent hero. He is dead, but his name will never die.

  45. 209037 - D.Dinuka Sanjana Madhumal

    Real Heroes

    I had never asked about Nicholos Winton before that . He is a greatest hero in the world . He never think that children he will meet in future . But I was . Second World War is a very dangerous situation . Many of people and children was killed . In that situation he had tried to save some children's life . He did it . He was surprised after see he saved children in the program. He did long thing . It is greatest . He will a legendary in the second war .

  46. Name - Erandi Ayesha Rathnamali
    Register number - 209174

    More heroes are in real life and most of them are silent and they never expect great deeds. They help others but not expecting anything. today doctors, teachers, are the heroes. Doctors can save others life. Teachers are built future genaration. They are the real heroes. As well as city council employees are the heroes. They are clean our cities. If they not clean the City we will understand value of them, if we done that job we will undestant dificult of it. But no one admire them and they are not expeing. That heroes are silent and they are the teal heroes.

  47. Name ; Supun
    Index : 209185

    So I saw this video and I felt great grief about that video. Our world has lot of heroes. However today world become the cartoon heroes. There are Superman , Spider man, Batman and many types heroes. That heroes are children’s heroes in our world. But real life heroes are living in our world. That video shows about that a hero. He is sir sir nicholas winton. He changed hero’s story in our world. Anyway Hero should help to peoples always. Hero never fell down from their challengers. And they face to any problem bravely. therefore hero has good quality. however They are immortal among peoples forever.

  48. Student number : 209171
    Name : Ramanayaka GJSRPBNST

    It is better to do something quietly than to try to do something.Then it will bring great joy to our hearts as well as good to others.There are plenty of such people in our real life as well.They are the real heroes.Someday those people will somehow get the respect they deserve.Then they will get the proper respect in the society.Whenever possible we should live our lives in a way that is good and helpful to others.

  49. 209061
    Fernando P.W.S.V
    I think everyone in this world is someone else’s hero. For example, their parents are heroes to them. But sadly, today our children are considered heroes, Are movie characters. Sometimes the characters are good, but it's hard for kids to pick good characters in these movies. People like Sir Nicholas Winton in the video above are really real heroes. Such people are real heroes if they risk their lives to help another person. But many in today's social work in the hope of social fame. The future of this world will be brighter if at some point this is explained to our younger generation. I think it would be a good idea to include the life story of Sir Nicholas Winton in our school textbooks.

  50. If you want do some thing good to the world or some thing heroic you better do it infamously. Other wise it will not give what you truly expect from the good or heroic thing that you done. If you do it to get attention from public or to getting famous, of course it will give attraction and popularity. But it will not give the feeling that the old man in the video had.
    Some time world will never know what good things that have you done . But that is ok, keep doing it.

    209062 chamath

  51. 209217
    Dasun Thilina

    Hero means, not a person. Hero means a person who has struggled to keep humanity in the world. We meet the real heroes in our life. Sometimes they haven’t special power or big body shape. The power and body shape are not making heroes, but only one thought can make the hero. The real heroes are never getting population from their work, but they are always living in the human mind.

  52. 209257
    Heroes are different than others in their actions and way of thinking. They are many type of heroes but there are very few real heroes. But they are help to others do silent service to other. True heroes never worked for his good. sometimes they are not even known to other but they have done their work for other such people are real heroes.

  53. 209144
    Nimalsiri OCC

    I hear some of the heroes in Sri Lanka and the world but I didn’t see them. I watched this video It has a one of the great heroes in the world. Because earlier I didn’t see or hear him but he had done a good work in the past for save the children life. Therefore, now those children are living happy at the Middle Ages but Without him, these children would not be alive. Therefore, heroes are more important save life, save countries, and different things but we cannot create a hero. Therefore, we all are the try can be a hero one day.

  54. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)
    There is different type of people live in the world. Among the, many people always try to live selfishly. They didn’t think that as a human they have to do something for the betterment of society.
    As well as we can see another group of people. They always try to tell the world how grated they are. But real heroes who do great deeds for the others. Also, who are not even bothered to tell the world how grate they are. That real heroes always give their best try to create a better world. Such heroes live in hiding all over the world. We can see sir Nicholas Winton as the example. He saves 669 lives of children and didn’t tell about that to anyone. He needed to do the right thing. Also, was never done for respect. We must try to do right thing without profit for the world. We must try to protect humanity. Then we can become a real hero in the world.
    That happiness will be with us forever. We must remember that the development of society is always in the hands of those real heroes.

  55. 209160

    As I think, nowadays people do great things for others because of the covid pandemic. We can always see on social media how a lot of people do those kinds of things. Some people among those people do for only famous. however, a few people do very great things for others. and also they are slight and they do their work very honestly because they don't want to be famous. And also they don't want to tell anyone. Therefore they help a lot of people.

  56. Dhanushka 209076

    We are in a world where some people are trying to take credits for something they didn't do. Some people like to be popular by doing something. They will tell other people they have done this and that and posting it on social media. There are also  some people among us doing great things and be silent about it. Those are the people who really experienced in life. They do what they suppose to do at the right time even if it's dangerous and simply observe the pleasure of doing the right thing. They don't request from world look at them as heros even if they are the real heros because they know doing the right thing is enough.

  57. Dhimantha

    Silent superheroes are among us .Their purpose is to live for others. The real hero never seeks fame. The conscience of the heroes is clear and unshakable and they are very strong.
    My father, for example, was always committed to us, with no expectation of profit, no benefit, no praise. His aim was to bring us to a better condition.
    He worked hard for us but hid that effort from us because his goal was our victory.
    Real heroes do something not for their popularity. They always think of the good of others. They are not at all anxious to tell the world how great I am. They want to do good to the world.It is, in fact, a matter of conscience. In fact, there are many such heroes in the world and they live among us .They were great people who had no hope and were dedicated to others.In today's world of dying humanity, dying humanity has always been protected by silent superheroes.

  58. 209188- harshan
    Group B
    The world have many silent heroes .Mr nicolus is one hero . I proud about him. We should help other people . Specialy small childrens. When we can devolop bright future . In This Covid -19 pandemic situation we should help other people for protect their life. We don't do bad works.

  59. Ashen 209021

    A real hero is someone who has given his life to something bigger than himself even in the darkest moments. Even sometimes we don't know what they are doing to make better our lives. the best example is the father. He works every day, makes sacrifices to raise families, and gets through life without hurting other people, and he is happy looking at the happiness of his family. A true hero is like a father, They would never expect and care about the attention and compliments. But they will live in our hearts forever.

  60. 209101
    Tharindu prabhath

    Many people in the world become hero for the publicity. But no matter how great some people do,they are revealed to the world. Sometimes it may be a secret only they know. Such honest people are great and their humility should be appreciated. Such people still live in the world. They want to do good to others and not to be popular with the masses. True heroes work not for popularity but for the good of others.

  61. Malinga Sandaruwa

    Some people are very rare in the world who always try to assist anyone in every possible way without expecting any privilege. Even recipient of help does not know who helped him. That kind of people never tells that what I did for you. They are satisfied only by helping.

  62. Group A
    209032 Sudesh

    Heroes are common in today`s world. but many of them do heroism in order to gain publicity or to achieve their hidden underlying purpose. today, the title Heroes is rarely heard. he is the best example of true hero. he did not want his wife to be praised for the sacrifices he had made for the world and society. he was humble enough to make such a sacrifice for the future of his country and nation and to remain silent. this is true heroism. the example we can take from this is to do your best for the future of your country and nation and remain silent. the consequences of what you have done will surely come to you one day. even the day you leave this world, the whole world will talk about your heroism. thank you.

  63. BGSN Kularathna
    FOT Group A

    That video is more emotional. we have already face like as same situation . In our war our army soldiers safed lot of people and children lifes. But present they are lived like as criminals for political advantages . Present living most of people If they did some little good work like give food for street dogs ..then they video it and put in own fb pages, intragam and other social medias . They don"t want to do good works..they want likes and comment in social ..But .. No matter how humble people like Sir Nicholas Winton were, no matter how great their work .. none of that is expected again.that is same thing our religion teaches..Do things for other people but don"t expectance anything . anyone can live like that they are the real life heroes.

  64. Pasindu Lakshika Jayarathna

    “Man's duty is to serve man” My father told me when I was a little one. He teaches me that what is the meaning of the hero. I think that spider man is a real hero when I was little but it was wrong. I saw a man who is a poor one, but he helped two children who can’t spend to learn. Even those who were stigmatized by society came to a better place because of him. He is a real hero. They are silent people. Most people, even if given a little one, they will make it public. First of all, they have finished posting the photo on Facebook. But real heroes work silently and die silently.

  65. 209097
    HSU Karunarathna

    We have heard in many stories that people have helped each other since time immemorial. How many such stories are there in this world that we have not heard of? But in today's world people help others in the hope of repaying them. These days, we see many stories being spread on social media around the world about helping people in need. It is sometimes well understood that these are done to gain publicity. But many people among them are quietly doing their jobs. Many people are taking advantage of this pandemic situation to do their work quietly. Let's make this a good opportunity to quietly help others.

  66. K.D.P.S Chandrathilaka

    I think there are few good people in the world. Some people who claim to be good are not clean on the inside. There are some good people in our hearts. They are hero in the world. For example, Parents, Teachers, Doctors, and Army soldiers are our heroes. Without them, we would not be able to live in a situation like this today. Heroes do what they can if they can. The best example of this is people like Sir Nicholas Winton.

  67. 209048
    Dissanayake DMHSJ
    Silent heroes are hidden in many parts of the world. Few people know about them, maybe no one knows. Some may not appreciate it. There is a Sri Lankan who went to the Japanese textbook. Few Sri Lankans today know about him. His name is Ranatunge Karunanandha. He represented Sri Lanka at the 1964 Olympics. That is for the 10000 m event. Our Karunanandha is the last. He has a few rounds left. He finishes the remaining rounds of the match in the middle of the cheering and cheering in the audience. To this day, he has the honor of being the greatest loser at the Olympics. Mr. Karunanandha was a great example to Japan, which was devastated by the Second World War. He was even given a page of the Japanese textbook. Only a few Sri Lankans know our Mr. Karunanandha who is so respected by the Japanese. He is also a silent hero and the real hero.

  68. 209237 Ravindu Tharuka

    Nowadays We can't find a good person without any bad habits. But all people are showing they are good, very friendly, calm and like to help others, but it doesn’t happen like this. It is a pretense of them. All people show via social media they are good and they have a good heart and they help so many people. because they want become a famous guy through the social media. but in real world they didn’t want to help others. they are very selfish. However only few good people in the society. They are real life heroes they didn’t want to become a famous guy because they have a good soul satisfaction, they know they are good so they didn’t want to show what they have done and they have good heart and how they helped to others. They are real heroes.

  69. I like to introduce they are real heroes because they dedicating their life to save millions of people. Sir Nicolas is the best evidence for this topic. We had the real heroes in the last 30 years of the civil war. He is Corporal Gamini Kularatne. we all know as a “haslaka gamini” who passed away in elephant pass. He is one of the recipient of “The Parama Weera Vibhushanaya”. So respect those types of real heroes

  70. 209031 Viduranga

    The great heroes of this world descended from the past to the future. But very few of the heroes became famous but no one knew about the majority. They have all fulfilled an invaluable responsibility to the world. Some people have sacrificed their full life time and lives to fulfill that responsibility to society. We are forever indebted to all real heroes and they should always be appreciated.

  71. 209221
    Nadeesha Vithanage.

    "There are real life heroes who do great deeds for the others who are not even bothered to tell the world how great they are"

    There are lots of heroes in the world. They have done great things for people or their country or religion. All people have a hero in their lives. They can be real heroes or imaginary heroes. We can see heroes in films, cartoons, books, such as Ben 10, Superman, Bat Man, etc. But in the real world, we can also see heroes. They are very brave, honest and kind-hearted. Real heroes never try to show the world what they did for the world. Because they were satisfied with the things that they did. As well as real heroes, we have seen cardboard heroes. They never do things for the world or innocent people. The only thing that they want is to be famous. Sometimes it can be for money, for name, for the purpose of politics. Some people try to show that they are doing good things for others by taking photos and sharing them on social media, but there is nothing that they are doing for society. There is only one acting. But some people do good things for society and share photos on social media. Sometimes, those heroes get all the appreciations, but real heroes get blamed and mud only. The father is one of a silent and real hero. He never tried to show what he did. There are some real heroes and they can be even politicians, monks and teachers. We can see silent heroes and they are the real heroes.

    We all should try to be a real hero to society.
    Thank You!

  72. Most of people are currently helping the other for the attention of society. But some people help the other for benefit. But a few of people help others with no appreciation. Such people are less in this world. Those people are very valuable to this society. If everyone is used to help without gain, it will be a pretty nice of this world. Everyone can be happy according to the conscience. That is the most valuable thing.

  73. 209209
    S. Sharavanapavan

    Real life heroes are always do great deeds for the others but they don’t bother their achievement. They mind is always thinking “What we did or what will we do”. They foccus the people life and encouraging people achievement. All the real life heroes always born in difficult or poor families. They faced lot of trouble. However they didn’t stop their success ways. They failed lot of time to their ways. One day they achieved the goal. After they sit a position. Then they help the people. We know Thomas Alwa Edition was failed 999 times. But he was trying, he success on 1000 time. He invented bulb. Now we used it for our light. So real heroes always do great deeds and even bothered their self.

    Thank you.

  74. S.N.C.O Akalanka
    REG NO - 209184

    In our society some people are special because they are very different than others. Actually their way of conducting , hopes and wishes and everything are very different than others. We can call them hero. because they are always doing things for others instated of thinking them selves . Actually it will give them a big relax to their minds. They are not boosting about what they are doing to the society and do not go after seeking popularity. This should be considered as a great humanness. In its real sense they should be considered as a real heroes in the society

  75. 209232
    Theekshana Malshan

    Everyone have different type of heroes. Some people have cartoon heroes batman, superman and spider man. They are only cartoon heroes. My fist heroes are my mother and my father. They feed in childhood to now. As soon as the world have many heroes who are saint. Someone heroes don’t like for famous. Therefore we should be salient heroes.

  76. Student Number: - 209089
    Name: - Jayasuriya NJLN
    Group: - A
    There are different types of heroes in this world. There are heroes like national heroes, health heroes, war heroes. And some heroes perform their heroic deeds in front of an entire society. But some other heroes do their heroism from the back of society. Some of these heroes work for a name, position, fame, or advantage in society. They are called heroes only in name and have done nothing useful to society. Like politicians. But there are heroes who do not expect only fame, power and name but only do things that are useful to society. They don’t like to talk about themselves or the heroism they did. That is their humility. Sir Nicholas Winton was one such person. He was a man who quietly performed the role relevant to him. There are people like this who do their heroic deeds in silence and are happy to see the results. The good done is never lost. Accordingly, practice doing good deeds as long as you are alive.


  77. These days there are three categories people are in the society. Some people help others, do donations, do clarity within a real purpose. They know even others are same as them.
    And in the second category, people are don't care about others. Even someone going to die in front of their eyes, they don’t care about it. There is another category too. They help others within hidden purposes like get votes, to be popular, to get some profit, to get someone attentions etc. However as this video, if we can help for others to get smile for their face without any doubt and benefits, definitely we also will get some benefits from the nature.


  78. 209029
    Kalana Lakjith

    Our world has a many heroes. some of them are not real heroes. Often real heroes are not popular. They have done a lot of good work for the world, but they are not getting publicity. However, if you do well, you will also get good things. And if someone is doing good, help him, appreciate him. Sometimes there are real heroes who sacrificed their lives. Try to be a real hero whenever possible without being a cardboard hero.

  79. People who do real service for the country and the nation quietly finish their work. That way, they only save the memories. This is a feature of a real hero. mom and Dad are the real heroes we meet in our lives. How hard it must have been to feed us from a young age until now? however, they looked aftre well of us. And the teachers who taught us, we must always respect their invaluable service. But all of them were dedicated and worked for us, but they never boasted about it. In addition, war heroes who sacrificed their lives for our country and nation are real heroes.There are many other things in this universe that we do not see. So when we see a person, we appreciate them without coming to a definite conclusion about him or her.

    W.A.Dilshi Shashikala

  80. 209256
    R.M.P.K Rathnayaka

    The lot of heroes are in our real life but we didn't know much about them. Real heroes never say they are heroes. They keep that heroism in mind and they live happily. Lot of people are in the world are trying to be heroes. However not every person can be a real hero, It depends on his heroism. However we must respect the heroes of in the world.

  81. 209074= samantha

    there have been many heroes in our society since ancient times. although many heroes are unknown their exploits are immense. but the present generation does not recognize the real heroes. they are know imaginary heroes. there are many real heroes today. for example doctors and security guards. true heroes are always selfless. they are constantly on the lookout for other and helping others. we need to introduce real heroes to our present generation. we should appreciate them.....

  82. 209024
    Kavindu Deshan

    various people think that Everything in the world is subject to money but Covid 19 pandemic shows it is not the case. We can help others at any time. People help others by hoping for help. Some people helping for each people or animals for upload fb or Instagram. I had never heard that story but those people are the real hero's of the world. That man didn't tell each others and he did a very good job. We must remember that if we do something good, the result will be good.

  83. Reg no - 209226
    Name - I.W.D.S.N.Weerasinghe

    When we associate with people in society, we meet different kinds of people. By the time, there are people who try to act like heroes. And also there are people who work try to be heroes. So they are not the real heroes. This video shows as about a real hero. We need such people. We don't want to be a hero in front of everyone by telling everyone what we did. A true never does that. We want to makes heroes in our lives, not actors in films. This video shows us about a real hero. We want to add to our lives. Such people should be appreciated and respected. There are many models we need to bring in to our lives from such people. And also if we look at the life story of a hero, there are many models we can get.

  84. 209082 DDJ
    "HEROES" yes heroes, not the comic ones but the real world ones; the video showed us one real hero who showed humanity being born as human. In this miserable world, life, we face lot of massive challenges when we are living. Money doesn't matter, poor or even the richer face different challenges. Sometimes it may unbearable. Somehow, when we turn back, in the end of our journey, if you see that not only your self but also another lives have been made the journey due to your work, it would be a unmeasurable price for your whole spirit.

  85. 209116 Supun
    We know, There are lot of heroes in the world .Some of them were famous in the world or their countries .But some heroes are not known untill some time passes. If you know a hero like that , you should tell the world about that person .It can be give a happy to that person. Some people hope publicity after became a hero from something . But we should give our honor to all of the heroes .

  86. 209120 Umesh

    This video has brought out about a person who had a powerful thoughts. You know that in society majority are the people who spending their lives without any responsibility. But this man had taken over others' responsibilities also upon his shoulders. Then he had paved the way for a successful career to all those little childrens. It's rare to see the men like him and it's the definition of humanity in all means.
    He had proven lots of characteristics in his life. The proper leadership to overcome a problem is a must and the strategy to succeed a task.
    After a calm Procedure he had never declared in society that i'm the winner or i'm the person who give you life,
    But he had gently done his duty and again gone behind to the curtain.
    So those persons are the real He showed the value of lives to the whole world.

  87. we all are born to this world with responsibilities and duties. we have to complete certain duties in our life such as learning, taking care of our parents when they become older and so on. Apart from those responsibilities we meet with another duty in our life that is called "social responsibilities" that's mean we have to do something to the society like doctors have responsibilities as keep people healthy. In addition, we can say, teachers have their own duty in society which is to create good citizens for society. however to a certain extent, there are people that doing responsibilities beyond what society expects as here it is Nicholas Winton. we can consider that he did his responsibility beyond what he could do and Last but not least if you do a good thing exactly you can expect good consequences.

  88. A lot of people help others for getting some benefits like being popular. But some great people in our society are helping others without considering any benefits. It is the ultimate happiness for life. Because it doesn’t harm anyone’s privacy. We can call them as real-life heroes. However, nature gives them the benefits of those great works. This video gives live evidence of how grateful these works are. Sometimes a small help can be a great thing.

  89. Yasiru

    sir Nicholas is a very rare kind of silent hero.
    He had the humanity to be a good leader , the strength to make bold decisions.
    Saving a large number of lives at the risk of one's own life for the future of the country is a commendable act.
    Sir Nicholas is a role model for the whole world in a world where people think only of thir own advantage.

  90. A lot of people help others to get attention in a country or in the world. They want to be famous they don’t think about who gets helps from them. Sometimes who get help from them are facing a lot of difficulties. As an example, other people are treating them as helpless people. some people help others only they're satisfied. So we have to help others, but it is not good to do it expecting something from them or the world.

    N.H Isuru Lakshan

  91. Name : T.W.S.Nimesh
    Reg No : 209145

    There are various silent heroes living in our society. They do not want to be famous. So are our war heroes. They dedicated their lives to serving the country and the people.
    They did not expect respect for that. Such people color the whole world with goodness. They spend their whole lives quietly to serve innocent people. They do not expect any popularity or profit from it. But one day the whole world will be honored for their service.

  92. 209081
    There are many examples in the world of heroes who made sacrifices for society. someone's good behaviour as well as via qualities they become a real person. We call such people heroes if they make sacrifices for the good of others without caring about their own life. The real heroes did not brag about themselves. They only performed their duties very well. Medical officers, as well as security personal who work day and night to eradicate this epidemic, can currently be described as heroes. As citizens, we too can fulfil our responsibilities and become good citizens.

  93. People are different and life is wonderful.Many people in this world do a lot of things just to get publicity.It's just for publicity.But in our society there are kind,sensitive and brave people who have rendered services to the world.Their service is invaluable.They are people who are more dedicated to others than their lives.They are not nominal heroes.They are angels among the people of this world.


  94. Name : M.A.MOHAMED ALTHAFF : 209241

    A hero is someone who is selfless, generous in spirit, and tries to help people by giving back as much as possible. To me a hero is someone who saves people and is very caring.The real actors are the doctors, nurses, troopers, food distributors and cleaners who serve the people of the country in the current pentemic situation. They risk their lives to save the country and the people of the country

  95. This world has more real heroes, but they are silent, not popular. Some people are doing some work or help someone, they upload photos on social media. But in real life, they are not heroes , But some people in the world are selfish and unkind. They think their self only. Real heroes not famous. this story gives the perfect full idea “one day you help people they will help you and you can happy in your mind “.

  96. Name = G.S.Saubhagya Rathnayake
    Register no= 209179

    Many peoples in the world but unselfish and helpful people are decrease. Some people like popular person in the world by telling lie . few people are not. They are real person. They do priceless work and they don’t tell anyone but any day everyone know his work. That person feel very happy that day because he does useful thing. They are many silence heroes among us. We know our life is very short so we should help each other in this short period like a video.

  97. YHGPN Bandara

    I think, All of people are heroes. But they don't know why they would be heroes. All people have most important abilities. If they follow to their abilities they could be heroes. Some heroes most famous in their country or world but some people silent heroes. My silent heroes are my parents . They do lot of things for build our life well. We should respect for all heroes. specially silent heroes. we should introduce them to society.

  98. Srimal Hapuarachchi,
    There are different types of heroes in our world. A hero is anyone who can show courage when faced with a problem. A hero is a person who is able to help another in various ways. A person can become a hero by saving someone who is in danger. Another example of a hero is someone who is there to help others and gives them the strength to go on through life's difficulties.

  99. Avishka fonseka

    This world is as today because of the heroes of the past and the sacrifices the made. sir Nicholas Winton saved 669 children lives from German army. he is one of greatest person in the world. The whole world respect him because what he was done . Not only him lot of silent heroes in the world, they do brave things, but don't show to outside. As well as the current situation in the world, health sectors are doing a great service. the are the real heroes at this point. They are not a comic heroes like politicians.

  100. Sathusan 209200

    True and false heroes live in this world. False heroes do nothing for others but they are the ones who are most admired by the people. True heroes dedicate their lives to serving others but they are not admired by the people and they do not like it. They will do their jobs and live in silent. But one day the Lord will surely give them praise for their deeds. So we will do our duty properly as a real hero "Do not expect reward for doing duty"

  101. Every body has a hero in own life. It is different from each others. Because they choose their heroes from different scales. There are many heroes in the world. They are two kinds, called famous heroes and silent heroes. People imitate as they wish. But lot of peoples hero is theirs father or mother. Lot of imitate political heroes, economical heroes, teachers, writers , actors like that. Because they can heard about them every time on medias, newspapers. They try to be like that. But they don't know about real heroes. Because real heroes always silence from society. But their works are valuable. Knowledgeable people imitate silence heroes. We can't order to society they should know imitate real heroes. But we should know imitate real heroes.

  102. 209040
    Dasanayaka DHL

    The many real life heroes have been in the world from the past to the present. We need to the help the people. We must always think of the other. Humanity shouldn't be limited to only words. It must be confirmed by activities. Then we will can be a real hero in the hearts of the people. Then we always will be immortal in people everyday and then we will get their honor. If so, we should always imitate such characters.

  103. A lot of people want to be a hero or be popular. In today's society, we see some people pretending to be heroes. If a person tries to convince the world that he has done something heroic deed, we must look carefully at that action and the person because a person who has done an honest heroic deed will never convince society. Nicolas Winton is a person like this. He supervised the rescue of 669 children, most of them Jewish, from Czechoslovakia on the eve of World War II but he did not go to convince the world. However later, Winton was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for services to humanity and saving children. So we should not help someone in the hope of any benefit.

    H.D. Chamuditha Ekanayake (209056)

  104. Kunarathinam vithurshan
    Reg.No - 209260

    There are different people living in this world. There are some people among us who help others without expecting anything in return.Anyone who helps everyone will have a beautiful life .He will have happiness even if he has no money .So we will do our best to help others and make our lives beautiful.

  105. As an example, Today we can see so many heroes in our society. They all try to save us from this pandemic. They dedicating their lives to protect our lives. But they never came to get their famous to society. They all are silent heroes. we should give our respect to them. some people try to be famous among people showing they help others. Some famous heroes doing things temporarily to become famous. Being a silent hero is better than that. Real heroes are doing things without any expectation of something again.

  106. Sir Nicholas winton is a great person who rescued more than 100 lives from tha second world war season. According to his story i was 209208-GImhan.
    very exited because though he did such a vital role any one didn’t know before people found that scrapbook. He is a very good example for the people who use these kind of social activities to earn and to become famous.

  107. Name: Dhanushika Dulmini
    Reg No:209250
    The real hero is measured not by the size of his strength ,but by the size of his heart. Infact hero is someone who has a bigger heart, someone who has more love to give than strength or someone who is skilled one thinking for the good of others . A hero can be recognized by the work he does, the sacrifices he makes and the way he changes another person's life.

  108. We meet many people in our human lives .Many of them help another person for some purpose. There are very few people who help without any ulterior motives and without expecting anything. So we all get used to helping without any ulterior motives. Then that help will be remembered.

  109. 209258 Sanjula

    A hero is a person who helps person, carries for his country, and always does the right thing. The hero can be a woman or man. If it is so, their main aim is to help and protect their country as well people and any living beings. Sir Nicholas Winton who helped children in nazi custody was a real hero.

  110. Name: WMLB Weerasekara
    Registration No: 209225

    In our society, there are many silent heroes. They sacrifice their time, sometimes their lives. But some people show their good deeds to society as a hero. Among them, real heroes are silent heroes. As an example, the army soldiers protect our country with a risk of life. And also in the past, so many kings made many tanks, but the real credit must go to the workers they are the silent heroes. Finally, the king becomes famous by making a tank. Like this now also become the same situation. But they are the real silent heroes and they become immortal.

  111. Y.U.Madusanka
    We should help someone and not expect anything after that help, because we will surely get something we do, and it is enough to expect mental happiness when we donate something. The good things we do make us mentally happy.

  112. 209168
    Rajapaksha TRSPNP
    This video has brought out about a person who had a powerful thoughts. We can help others at any time. This is a feature of a real hero. We want to makes heroes in our lives, not actors in films. We must try to do right thing without profit for the world. The example we can take from this is to do your best for the future of your country and nation and remain silent. Many people are taking advantage of this pandemic situation to do their work quietly. Let's make this a good opportunity to quietly help others. Heroes do what they can if they can. The best example of this is people like Sir Nicholas Winton.

  113. Sadeepa miniruwan
    There are many silent heroes in this world who sacrifice their lives to save thousands of lives without sacrificing their own lives for themselves. There are tens of thousands of people in the city.From the time you are born to the end of your life, try to do everything you can for someone else's happiness. You can get happiness from those things someday. Try it. Then this world will be very beautiful.

  114. Raveesha savindi

    Life is a strange thing. There are many silent heroes in this world who sacrifice their lives to save thousands of lives without sacrificing their own lives for themselves. There are tens of thousands of people in the city.From the time you are born to the end of your life, try to do everything you can for someone else's happiness. You can get happiness from those things someday. Try it. Then this world will be very beautiful.

  115. 209017 priyamal
    If you want to be a hero, all you need a good brain and a kind heart. Super heroes in movies have super powers. but real world is totally different. there are so many people need help. some times its for education, business, in their job or may be live the day live. If anyone can help some one, that's the greatest thing in the world. to be a hero you don't need money, power or some thing else as mentioned before. if you want to be a hero, make some one as hero in your heart. you have the best heros with you- thats mom and dad and you should be like them too. Not just a mom or dad; a hero

  116. R.D.M.L Aberathna
    He is a great man with a brave and kind heart with many good qualities. He did it for the good future of that children and he saw the success of what he had done before. I think he had to face many challenges to do it but he passes those challenges because he had a good will. A lot of people owe him by their lives. There are many people that who help others silently.

  117. 209119: D. G. P. H. Liyanage

    WARNING! HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL TO POPULAR BELIEFS; MODERN, ANCIENT OR OHERWISE! DEPRESSING! MAY BE NEGATIVELY INFLUENTIAL! I beg, if you start reading, please read till the end and don’t jump to conclusions halfway through. Reserve your judgment to yourself because this essay is just a single moment of my mind, not the whole me. This essay is not everything that I represent but a flying thought!

    When I say, “the world spins, we have to spin with it or get eliminated,” regarding accepting homosexuality, the primary counter attack of the Sri Lankan society is, “so accepting homosexuality is going to change everything?” or “the only aspect we have to accept is homosexuality, is it?” Then my dear friend, I have to ask, “why not homosexuality?” “If the world is changing, and we have to change with it, why leave homosexuality behind?” “Is it not part of the changing world?” “Is development (in regards of materialism) the only change we have to accept?”

    My opinion is (I know, nobody cares about my opinions, this Earth is going to stay just as it was after my opinion, but,) everything synthetic, everything out of the order of nature itself is unnatural. They, if I’m truly being honest, negatively effect to the society as a whole. Our simple lifestyle, with the only food, habitats and safety as our needs, was barbaric. But it was natural. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we have to be barbarians again when I say, if we had stayed just the same, none of the modern problems would have risen. However, we learnt to accept that development along with all the new issues they cause. What I'm basically trying to say is, if we adapted to those unnatural developments, why are trifle things like colourful sexuality so repulsive?

    The world is changing my friends. Everything is changing. IT IS MEANT TO BE CHANGED. Otherwise why would it be the only eternal truth? Everything reach its peak from 0, and slides back down to 0 and back to the peak again. There may be variations in this journey, but it is the eternal truth. Everything with a beginning has an end. Same applies to a society. Yes, this society is reaching its end, but just because a single person, or small unit of this world starts acting against this flow, it won’t change the world’s direction (probably retard it, but never end it). So why, my friend, when we are all reaching our graves, be against someone else? One might say, “For the future generations,” but then I have to ask, “What makes you so sure they won’t change?”

    1. Be passive, for even if you are being affected by something, understand that someone else is being affected too and that the one making the “effect” has the right to change. Be active (by active I mean to act against a certain thing) if you want, but don’t keep hope, because the change won’t stop; reaching my grave, your grave, her grave, his grave, everyone’s grave won’t stop. Even if I write this, even if you read this, even if you get triggered and bash me, I will reach my grave, you will reach your grave, and this world will end one day. And if the law of conservation of mass and energy is true, the world will begin again from its dusts and this circle of you and I and everyone else reaching our graves will begin again.

      Ah! Then, who is a real hero? A real hero is the one who chose to act even though knowing the reality. A real hero is the one who choose a colourful life. A real hero acts for his or her belief; be it against someone else or something else. Who decides this? The majority, decide. If a person is acting for the majority (be it good or bad (once again, who decides good or bad? The majority decide)) if his or her acts impact positively on the majority, that person is a hero. And in the eyes of the minority, he or she is a villain; vice versa.

      Nothing in this world is absolute. Even the absolute value of a number is relative to 0! Everything is relative. Good and bad depends on the person making the judgment. I would have given examples if they had not been racist (and you might think, “Gosh! This girl is going against every ethic of the society but only now she’s thinking about being racist?”).

      Just because the above essay consists of my own ideas, my own words, my own view and opinions, am I going to be passive? Am I going to shun everything? Am I going to put aside my family responsibility and kick the degree and be another “Niganta Natha”? The answer is “no” my friend. I’m also a part of you. I’m also a water particle caught up in the flow. My mind might go awry and puke out things such as this essay, but I am still a part of you. I’m probably going to find a place to hide after publishing this. On the bright side, I’m pretty sure most of you out there won’t even care to read my two cents. (I didn’t even know that my views are somewhat parallel to Jainism until I searched “Niganta Natha” over the internet to get the spellings of His name correct at the last moment!)

  118. Gayan Sampath

    At this time, Covid-19 spreading all over the world. So at this time all the people like Doctors, Nurses, Drivers are real heroes.
    From time to time one or group of people become the real heroes.
    Wherever they are born, the main reason they became heroes was to preserve humanity.
    So remember that we are all heroes if humanity is to be preserved.


  119. 209022 Lakshan.

    We live in a very short time. In this short time we must do something that works for the world. This video shows about such a valuable person. We can call him a national hero. But he is not a famous person. This is because he does not make known to the world the good work he has done. We call the heroes the heroes in the movies. But they are not real heroes. Real heroes are people like this. There are very few such people today. Many people today display billboards before they can work. That is to win their popularity. They work for profit. But we should not be like that. If we do something good, it should not be done for profit. So we have to work like Sir Nicholas Winton.

  120. 209215 Nanduni

    This video perfectly reflects who the real heroes are. True heroes did not always present their heroic deeds to society. They only have self-esteem about it. They do not try to reflect their work to society. I think they are true heroes who help people silent and so, they should receive more respect in this society. There are humble, silent heroes in society today who have played such a greater role than the heroes we know. I think we should give due respect to such silent heroes. They are also the real heroes of the world.

  121. 209011 MALDM Arachchi
    Many heroes in the world do not expect any benefit from their service to the country or the people. Those heroes want to serve their country and society. Such people are much less in society today. We must always live as role models for society. Then there will be many real heroes in the future.

  122. Name – Anjula (Amarasingha JAASL) - 209008
    What is heroism? I don't think there is a clear definition of it. A true hero has many other qualities, including skill, dedication, perseverance, knowledge and intelligence. But I see humanity as the most important quality to have. Society does not benefit from any hero who lacks humanity. Many heroes have lived from the past to the present, but only the names of heroes who had a true humanity remain indelible. True heroes never try to stand out in society. But someday society itself will lift them up. Every human being is a hero to anyone. I call them heroes if they think of others before they do something. You don't have to do big things to be a hero. They are heroes if they do what they do for their own good. Real heroes prefer to look at something quietly and be happy than to do something and try to stand out. Real heroes prefer to look at something quietly and be happy than to do something and try to stand out.

  123. 209230- Wijerathne SMKV

    To be a real hero doesn't need a special power or some special thing. As I feel, if someone has a kind heart he or she can be a real hero. The persons who help others are real heroes. Doctors, teachers, army officers are the real heroes who live with us. Not only them but also you too can be a hero, only one thing you should do is help others. When you help others, you will become a hero in their heart.

  124. Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. A hero is brave than any ordinary man. They do everything on be half of other people. They are selfless. They risk their lives while sacrificing their own. But real heroes are silent. They do not brag their sacrifices. They do their best at all times when the time comes. They deserve our respect.

  125. 209164 - L.D.N.Priyashani

    We meet many people in life. Some are real heroes. We have seen super heroes in children's stories. They are heroes in the world of children. But real heroes are very different. They are silently working for the society. Maybe they will sacrifice their lives or save thousands more lives and die silently. All the war heroes who were dedicated to save this country from 30 years of brutal terrorism are real heroes. They are dedicated to saving thousands of lives. We all have heroes in our lives. Mother and father are the real heroes we see. They do a lot for us. There is a hero in every person's life. Real heroes always stand up for the good of society. But they never do it for profit. Whenever possible we need to understand people. We need to be able to move forward no matter what life throws at us. If one day you can be a real hero, it will be the greatest achievement of your life. Whenever possible you should help someone else. A real hero will build within yourself.

  126. How many silent heroes who are not written in the history books and are dedicated to others are living on this earth today ?silent heroes are people how strive for self -satisfaction among the people who strive to make a name for themselves in society. They do not want to stand out on social media, they are quietly fulfilling their responsibilities to society. As a society we have a responsibility to appreciate and encourage such people.

  127. 209223 Ranith

    There are so many silent heroes in the world. They do many good things for the betterment of others. They sacrifice their whole life to help others. But unfortunately nowadays there are many people who try to act as heroes and become famous. They try to get others attention. We don't need any super power to become a hero. We can become a hero by doing small things. If we do a great thing we become a hero.

  128. At the moment everything in the world is based on money. Because of this money, people in the world are divided into two groups. There are poor and rich. Although money is the key, it has no definite value. But I think whether we are rich or poor depends on how we think about ourselves. If we are not happy with what we have we are poor. We always think we have nothing and we cant anything we are poor. And if we are happy with what we have and we think we can do everything, we are rich. Always we have to practice be happy with what we get.

  129. Nirantha

    From time to time one or group of people become the real heroes.
    Wherever they are born, the main reason they became heroes was to preserve humanity.We live in a very short time. In this short time we must do something that works for the world. This video shows about such a valuable person. We can call him a national hero. But he is not a famous person. This is because he does not make known to the world the good work he has done. We call the heroes the heroes in the movies. But they are not real heroes. Real heroes are people like this. There are very few such people today. Many people today display billboards before they can work. That is to win their popularity. They work for profit. But we should not be like that. If we do something good, it should not be done for profit. So we have to work like Sir Nicholas Winton.

  130. Sashini silva

    There are so many different people in the world. At the same time, there are people living in the world with great qualities who are dedicated to helping others. They are always trying to do something for the people of the world, and such people are heroes to the world. There are many such well-known characters, and there are honest people who do silent service. Such people are an asset to the world. In fact, they are heroes.


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