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  1. The friendship is a jewel that more valuable. So more people protect their friendships everyday. Everyone loves to have friendships with people who are more valuable to them. Some friendships are very strange in this world. They understand other one's situations everytime. They help eachother for their success and live always happily. Some friendships last a lifetime. Friendships are more valuable for all of us. Keep them safely.

  2. More specifically, nature of a person is revealed not only in the company he or she keeps, but also in the company and friend circle he or she avoids. Trust and confidentiality are so important in friendship. True friends always maintain these two aspects. Also, a person should enjoy his or her colleagues and friend's success as much as he or she enjoys his or her owns. Because ultimately true friendship is all about enjoying each other's success and giving space to your friend and being comfortable with that space.

    Charani 209247

  3. 209119

    I do not like to define what a friend, apart from myself, is. I would rather define what I see in myself as a friend. To me, almost everything in this life is a deal, where all parties associated are mutually benefited. But a true friend's ultimate goal is to supply, without any demand. That is the person I wish to be. However, this world is a very colourful, very diverse place. Not everyone is the same and everyone has unique roles to play. Thus, there are many types of friends. Most of the time, friendships rely on fulfilling each others' needs and wants. These needs can be from any dimension; emotional, physical, intellectual, etc. One does something. and gets something done in return. It can vary from sharing academic notes, books, etc. from merely being at one's side, being a listening ear, a sponge that absorbs the other's worries and make them theirs. In my opinion, all these friendships are real, but the level of clarity depends on how much I, myself as a friend, hope for inreturn. In other words, friendship is directly proportional to selflessness.

    However, friendship is not something simple to be reflected in just a few words. And there is a very, very true saying, "A friend to all, is a friend to none" and I wholeheartedly believe in this. In a person's eye, their friend is someone who takes their side at all situations, someone who shows favoritism towards them. And that is friendship too. But if a person is "a friend to all", he/she can show favoritism to none. And that my dear, is friendship too. Pretty controversial huh? But that is the way of life, nothing here is absolute, everything is related to one's views and standards.

    All in all, I see friendship as "being a helping hand" rather than "looking for a helping hand". Therefore, even though friends have been and done a lot to me, I'd rather not emphasize it because at the end of the day, friendship is not what you got but what you gave. (Well... like I say, nothing is absolute, so this isn't absolute either, because friendship, also is what you get ;-))

  4. 209243 Ravindu Dharmadasa

    A true friend like a rarest gem. A friend is someone who loves me, cares for me and protect me like family. They know my deep and hidden secrets. They respect my feelings and always try to make me happy. I do the same for them. I have lot of friends. They are close to me when I am in trouble. Many people will walk in and out of my life. But only true friends will leave footprints in my heart. I love my friends . Although they were not born in the same womb, but they are my brothers .

    Group B

  5. Name: WMLB Weerasekara
    Registration No: 209225

    “True friends are never apart maybe in distance but never in heart.”

    The best friends stay with us at the good times as well as at a hard times. All of us can’t live without a friend. Because we all want to share our happiness and sadness. When we have trouble they come to help immediately gift we can receive is an honest friend. They give many beautiful memories in our life. In this hardest time, we all want a friend to avoid our stress and take with them and share our emotions. We must thank our true friends to stay with us in our every second of our life.

  6. Friend ship is the best relation after our parents love. There are two kind of friend ship in this world . Both of good friend ship and bad friend ship . Bad friend ship are doing unnecessary things to our life. Good friend ship is too much value for our life . the time identify who are good and who are bad .we should keep good friends .

  7. S. Sharavanapavan

    Friendship is the one of the valuable gift to us. Best friend is like our siblings. When we fear to say the problem to our family, we say it to our best friend. He/she is understand our feeling and sup.port us. If anyone hasn’t best friend, he / she is not perfect man, because best friend is like a good book. When we in trouble immediately he/ she take action to us. Friendship is make good relation.

    Thank you

  8. 209253
    Friendship is the bond of the brotherhood. They stay together until they die. All the people try to make friendship with the other people who most love them. A lot of friendships are formed like that. Such friendships last a long time. They know each other well and help each other to make their lives successful. Friendships are more valuable for us and, we all try to keep them safely until our death.

  9. 209203

    True friendship is in people who do not isolate us in our sorrows and joys. We meet different friends at different times in life. But a true friend never leaves us alone. In today's society there are selfish people and altruistic people. Among them the real friend is with us who does not isolate us. It is true friendship.

  10. Malsha
    Friendship is not something that can define very easily. But one thing for sure; Friends are the people that you should never get rid of your life. Friendship is a gorgeous relationship that someone finds their non blood related siblings. Nobody can live alone. We always need someone to relay on, share good or bad things together. It’s true that you can’t find a good friend very easily. If you act with a friendly and non selfish manner everyone will attract to you and become your friend in no time. Even I have to spend one year of time in my high school life finding the best match for me. Now they know everything and anything about me. True friend should be a must in everyone’s life. Find someone who can see through your heart, who is willing to be in your side when you are having a bad day. Give them Love and faith, cherish them; then they will do the same for you without a doubt.

  11. K.D.P.S Chandrathilaka

    Friendship is a legacy of our life. Every people had a friend. A friend can change another person’s life. It can be good or bad. There was a good friend behind every successful life. We need to find good friends. I have a lot of friends. I am a good friend of theirs. They were close to my happiness in my grief. When I ask them for some help, they do it without hesitation. It brings a lot of joy to the mind when talking to them. Friendship is a good gift of life.

  12. 209257
    Friendship is a most valuable thing for us. We all have many friends our life. They are help to us every time. The best friend are like siblings and also never give up in problems. They can be with us in both sadness and happiness. Some people have many friends as well some people have few friends. We all love friendship. Friends are important for our life we have meet friends in the school life can be found throughout our lives. Sometime friends a Angry but it doesn't last long. Friendship is very important for our life.

  13. Friendship is one of the beautiful things in this world. In society, we can't live alone. We need friends. The most important point is choosing good friends. A good friend can push you few more steps up in your life. Every successful man has a good friend who had helped him in a hard time. No matter if we can't meet them for a long time, no matter how far we go from home, good friends are always in our hearts. If you have a good friend, go and find. If you have, keep that great friendship continuously.

    Chalana Dissanayake (209049)

  14. 209122- PPK Madhusha

    Most of people cannot live without relationship because people don’t like to live alone. During the people relationships they have lots kind of relationships. As example love relationships, friends, father, mother like that. Among them are the specialties of friendship. There are no age limits to friendship. This is relationships can affect a person's progress and decline. The Buddha has said to associate with scholars. So we have to be careful when Maintaining friendships.

  15. Malinga Sandaruwan

    Friendship may have various kinds of definitions. It depends on how it feels and experience you. In our lifetime, we meet a variety of people but are unable to build up friendships with everyone. There is a reason for it because of lack of similar ideas, opinions and communication ability. But you meet a like-minded individual with good communication whenever it converts into a friendship forever.
    In my point of view, friendship has two main components. those are understanding and assistance. Without one of those components does not build up a friendship.
    Friendship is essential to living in. Which can help to reach our targets, goals and success as well. further, it will stay by you in every obstacle and assist to overcome all of them.
    Keep a good friendship and be a good friend to everyone.

  16. 209246
    Udara Ayomal

    Maintaining a good friendship can be a little daunting. There are two types of friends in our life, good and bad. We must carefully choose the right friends for us. The right friends are as precious as the jewelry we have. If we go the wrong way, they will take us on the right path. And because they have such a good relationship, they help each other a lot. We must be careful and patient to maintain and protect such a friendship.

  17. 209077 - Zahirul

    A Friendship is a divine relationship . We don't have similarity in our blood , but still , that person cares for us . Irrespective of all differences , friend chooses you , understands you , and support you . Whenever you are in self - doubt or lacking confidence , talk to a friend , and your worry will surely go away.A true friend will always want your happiness . A life without a good friend is merely empty . Honesty is the key factor to maintain the friendship forever .

  18. Friendship is the best ship a one can aboard. In this ship you will find the best time and memories of your life. Finding a exact match is a rare thing but if you did, you will be in a ride of a lifetime.

  19. 209055

    We have a lot of friends in our life. But all are not true friends. They only suppose benefits from us. When there are not benefits they leave us. The friends who can share life they are true friends. True friends make easy our lifes. They always look after us. By the time life difficult they help us without requests. They always care about us. If we don't have true friends better aloneness rather than fake friends.

  20. 209083
    H.M.H.L Jayarathna

    Friendship, you know, we all have a lot of friends. Some friends help with our problems every time. First, we should identify who are good friends and who are cheated, friends. We call “Mango Friend” too good friends. Everyone should have a friendship with their friend. Most people have a best friend. He is one of those friends. If we have a best friend, he/she knows about our problems and current situations in our life. Often we try to discuss our own problems with friends. Mango friends help to succeed our life within solve our problems. Some friends have a mask. They try to fail our works and they need to build up their lives on my capabilities. Actually, if we have found good friends, we are a lucky person through those other people. This relationship has seriously affected our lives.

  21. 209113

    Everyone has friendships. But of all those friendships,there may be one or more that are close to the heart. When two like minded friends meet, that friendship become a long term friendship.To enjoy life, You need to find a friend who has similar ideas.

  22. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    The friendship is one of the greatest bonds that exists in this world. There is nothing better than a friend. True friends in the world will stay with us forever in any situation. We can share our sad or happy with them. Good friends lend help to a friend to get rid of grief. We can attract true friends by unselfishness. As well as we have to do one more thing to keep true friends with us forever. It is a simple thing. We must become good friends for it. Then the friendship will be more powerful. Friends make our lives easier in this complex world. The friendship always keeps us happy and simply. Friendship will stay as a huge power against every enemy. Therefore, Let’s keep it safely.

  23. 209104

    I think the best thing I have ever encountered in my life is friendship. It has always given a smile to the mouth. It has protected our souls. It keeps us alive. It can’t take in coercively . It grow up in our hearts inadvertently . most worth things in friend ship are caring and sharing . we need to try in Everytime to good friend for our friends .

  24. 209144
    Nimalsiri OCC

    Good friendship is better to our life going to success way. To the good friendship no worry about the gender but the important thing is how valuable friendship to our life success. Because of a good friendship can be another person life much difference way. These days every one known two famous character in Sri Lanka Andrew and Nelaka. They had own better friendship bond from the childhood. It is the main point they are life success so far. However, we always obtain good friendships to our life.

  25. Name: A.M.A.Shanuka
    Reg. No: 209207

    Friendship is better for the younger generation because they like to spend their time and enjoy themselves with friends. Friendship helps us like a shadow in every trouble as well as in difficult times in life. So some younger people have a lot of problems that can't say, other people. But they can to say the problems with their friends. They can understand us. Therefore, they give to better solutions to us. Friendship is a good thing but sometimes it can be harmful to us. You can't live alone. Therefore, you want to choose good friends to share your things with.

  26. In my opinion, friendship also very important concept . I know, we all have lot of friends. They are may be good or bad friends. Whatever we never feud about bad friends. Good friends care for each other. Close friends understand each other. But true friends stay forever. A friend who understands our tears is much more valuable than alot of friends who only know our smile.

    I think.....
    "😍😍 The greatest gift of life is friendship and I have received it ... 👭😍😍"

  27. Why we need friends. We need friends to talk, to face society, to share feels, and don't alone in society, etc. Everyone has a friend or friends but does having a friend, really build true friendships with each other ?. True friendship is built only among true friends. They help each other, care about the happy and sad moments, everything share with each other and they don't lie to each other. Actually, difficult to find true friends. If Somebody finds true friends, he or she must have big luck. Many philosophers have written books about friendship because they know how important true friends are to live. If you do not have a suitable friend to associate, you should live alone, as the Supreme Buddha said. It is better than to go the wrong way.

    H.D. Chamuditha Ekanayake (209056)

  28. D.S.Ekanayake

    Friendship is both good and necessary. Man cannot live alone. He is a social being. he needs someone to share his joy and sorrows. Generally, it is only people of similar age, character and background, mentality. etc. Who can understand him and his problems. Friends are needed for support and for sharing.
    There are many deferent types of friendships. Most people find friends at a very young age however it is harder for others. Many movies are based off of a group of friends. That is why I believe that friendship is an essential thing for a human being.

  29. Name: S A K T Prabath
    Reg no: 209156

    Friendship is on of the most precious gift of life. Friends are those who help you, enjoy with you, understand you. We know many people in our life but not all are friends. Friend is that person who understand you more than you. Friendship grows stronger over some time and develops into a strong relationship bond. A real friend guides direct and tries to bring out the best and positive change.

  30. Ihalavithana I.V.H.M
    Friends are like our brothers who are there for us in all our joys and sorrows. He treats his own people as well as friends. Friendship is the most valuable thing. Some friendships are very old. They still protect those bonds. Trust and secrecy are very important in friendship. True friends do not help with any purpose or hope. True friends are the hardest thing we can have in life. Friends must always be protected. We must stand up for them. We all need a good friendship

  31. Dhanushka (209076)

    Friendship is being there for someone when they need you the most. It is the bond that has  between two or many people and makes them do things without any reason just for the other ones happiness.

  32. Dissanayake DMHSJ

    We cannot live without friends. Some people's best friends may be their parents. A friend is someone who is close to both happiness and sorrow, a brother who cares for us like a mother and a father. They understand instinctively even before we tell them about our feelings. We need a friend to share our joys and sorrows. I love my friend Dulanjani. She is like my sister. She understands me like my mother. She is my best friend.

  33. 209213-Shanuka Tharinda

    Friendship is a valuable thing that we can't buy. Everyone has friends, even at least one. Always good friends do good things. Bad friends do bad things. Both are in society. We should know how to identify good friends. When we are in a trouble, an honest friend will help us. They are with us, when we are sad and when we are happy. That is the value of friendship. Always be a good friend to others.

  34. 209054 Nethmi

    A best friend is someone who is close to us when we are sadness time or happily. Sometime, The friendships we meet will be remembered for a lifetime, and they will be like friends for the rest of our lives,that is true friendship.In short, secrecy and trust are the foundation of friendship. Best friends are those who understand it correctly. People who meet and leave at some point do not really make sense of friendship.

  35. 209166
    Pasindu Rajapakse

    We meet lot of friends in our lives. We have memories with every one of them. Some of them are real friends but some of them fake. We can't identify who is he or she at the beginning. But we know the real friends always care about us. They stay with us in our all conditions. In our happy moments and sad moments. They helping each other. They never let you down in the life. Friends make many funny moments in our life. They are really interesting. If you don't have any friends I think you are so lonely in this world.

  36. Friendship is a strong relationship in the world. Everybody has friend even animals, sometimes it is not just one, can be more than one. Real friendship makes strong confidence in minds. Then doing things even very difficult things with friend be more enjoyable than doing things in individual. Real friends never make partner in trouble always help and guide. Having a good friend is best reason to relax mind and happy mods.

  37. 209034
    Chathuranga GDJ

    Friendship is a part of our lives and we connect them closely with our well-being except for parents and relatives. Many people have gone to a higher level in life because of friendship. People like Bill Gates and Jackma are good examples. We meet one of our kind friends. Some are for our good and others are for their good. Another division is subject to us for their gain. We can all see friends of both types above. We have to be clever at finding real friends out of it. Then it will be good for us and good for them

  38. 209237 Ravindu

    Friendship is both good and necessary. Man cannot live all alone. He is a social being. He needs someone to share his joys and sorrows. Generally, it is only people of similar age, character and background, mentality, who can understand him and his problems. Friends are needed for support and for sharing.
    Friendship means familiar and liking of each other's mind. People who are friends talk to each other and spend time together. They trust one another and also help each other when they are in trouble or are hurt. Friends are people that can be looked up to and trusted.

  39. Oshada
    True friendship is the most precious thing in the world. because A true friend is the one who knows you as you are. and also they are the ones who know our feelings better than anyone else. it is a blessing to your life.

  40. Janidu Rashminda

    friendship also the great bond of our the life time we meet so many friend but every person have great bestfriend in life. That's bestfriend always with us all happy & sad movement in our life .They also help to all fail times . friendship also the great bound and it's change our life , how ever every age limit we meet good friend for our life .

  41. Friendship is the most valuable thing in the world. It will make you happy in every situation in your life. I like to define friendship as a gem. If you find true friendship already, you find your happiness. So try to find friendship and try to be a good friend. Then, unknowingly your life will be beautiful. That will be your happy pill.

  42. 209134

    Finding good friendships is not easy. But a good friendship lasts until death. We meet different friends in our lifetime. Of those, only a handful have long-last. The most important of those friends is the best friend. They stay with us in our sorrows as well as in our joys, pointing out when we make a mistake and helping us to the fullest when we need it. we should support our friends in their joys and sorrows but without expecting anything in return. As the Lord Buddha preached, good friends bring happiness in this life as well as in the afterlife.

  43. 209234
    Friendship is the most precious relationship in the world.We meet friends in different ways at different times in life.Some stay with us a long time.Others stay only a short time.In the meantime,there are some friends who would love to do anything for us.There are very few valuable friends.Having a friend is a big fortune.Having a best friend is worth more than that.If you find such a friend in life,be sure to appreciate him.Because he or she will be a best partner of your success way.

  44. S.N.C.O Akalanka
    Reg No- 209184

    Friends in need and friends in deed are two different type of characteristics. Friends in need are one of the important aspects in our life. Sometimes, they are very close to us like our relatives as we can share good as well bad with them. But friends in deed are very different from their behavior as they do not wish to depend on mutual living. You know that most of our friends are not with us when we face with the real life situation which we can hardly survive.But those who give their co-operative hand to survive without selfish disere are the real freinds in deed. This kind of friendship is very rare in our life.

  45. Name -Madusha Pramod
    Reg.No -209157

    A friend is an honest person who does not isolate us in our sorrows and joys .If we are sincere friends, good friends will be attracted us.
    Simply , a true friend is one path to victory.
    No matter how many friends people have in the world, true friends are seldom found .But we must be honest with our true friend and that is what they expect of us.
    It is useless to praise them when they are dead or in their absence, but we should reciprocate the good deeds they have done for us.
    Maybe it's a word or a thank , but they will have been happy in a word we spend.

  46. 209188
    Group B
    Friendship is the bond between individuals based on mutual thoughts or mindset. Friendship is a juwellry for our life. the most devolop pepole have good friendship .I have good friendship. The friendship should be selfless . Friends always try to be happy with us. In our life of Bad moments and good moments frieds are near the us. Friend are helping for our all things. A real firend guides in correct path. The different kind of friendships get to us from people .Then we should choice good friendship for our life.our personality and behavior completely depend on the friends we are surrounded by. Friendship is very important for all us.

  47. R.D.M.L Aberathna
    Friends are important for us to live because nobody won't be able to manage all this things in our lives. When I am with my friends there are not any sadness but only happiness. When we have many friends, we don't want to fear troubles because there is someone beside us to help. Friendship helps us to be happy all the time

  48. Name: Dasun Thilina
    Stu no: 209217

    Friendship, we cannot give an exact definition for friendship. We can get a friend who has not to back out in your suffering and happy. They are always standing with us in our all situations. The friendship is like a neckless which has strung the gem, that is colored and beautiful our life.

  49. Pramuditha Madushan

    friends are most valuable in our life.spend that time happily and get help for our problem. some friends are look like our brother,some better friendship born from the childhood.i thin any one can't live with out any friends.A life without a good friend it is difficult to live our society.good friend anytime protect us they are support to us anytime Without expecting anything in return. its a real friendship.

  50. Kavindu Deshan

    Friendship is a most important thing in life .We can see two kind of friendships in the world. There are human - human friendship and human-animal frindship.Sometimes we can see bad friends. Good friendship means helping each friend at in trouble,surpport every good thing, to be near in happiness as well as in sorrow, talk some secret things etc. Some friends are not near but they are in the heart forever. I think that's it friendship

  51. 209169
    N.V. Rajarathne

    Friendship is like gold. Our life events in each we are met new friends. They help achieve our goals. friends are very important any people. they help us and give motivation be a successful person. We can get happy life with friends. I think any people need build a good friendship. We need always try protect our friendships.

  52. Friendship is very most valuable. The best friendship stays with a very difficult time. Friendship is most important to us, sometimes we are in trouble at that time most important our is very valuable good friendship can’t break never. Friendship gives many memories of our life and it’s very beautiful.

  53. 209160

    As I think, we has a lot of friends but a lot of them are not good friend. because they come to be friends not for friendship. they come a another reason like for a help or get a another thing. then, they talk very friendly but not because of the friendship. When they wanted doing from us something, we can identifie they are friends or not. If I say how, when we wanted some a help from they, they don't like to do it or they don't care. and also, we are going to tell some of them our personal things or our personal problems, then they try to tell others without thinking him. Therefore, they damage our personality. so, keep mind. when we met a new friend they all are not friend.

  54. Friendships, when we talk about this topic the first thing that came to my mind is one important part of our lives. As I think we can't live without friendship. Because We should be able to keep the good friendship. So I suggest when we live in modern society we must have strong friendships. We need friends. In that situation, we have to choose good friends. A good friend can be able to pave you the right way and push you few steps up in your life. Every successful person has a good friendship like a mango friend. We can define, A friend as a person who helped his friend in hard times or bad situations. keep in your mind If you have a good friend, you should never miss him/her. Always try to keep the good relationship in own lives.

  55. 209109
    Kumarasinghe K.A.S.K

    The world has different languages but friendship has one language. Anyone can't live in this world alone. Some things in our lives we can never tell anyone, but our best friend knows it all the time.

  56. T.G.S.D.Senarathna

    Friendship is a most important thing of our social life. We have number of friends. But all the friends are not part of our life. We associate closely with several friends. Often they know all the things of our life. When we stay in university, we build a good friendship with others. When we will perform a job, we will build good friendship with other. We cannot live individually in the social. Definitely we should have relatives, family members, friends. If not life is not balance. Be altruistic, thinking fist of others, when you learn to live for others, they will live for you.

  57. 209126
    Sahan Madhuwantha
    Group A

    We face many problems in our lives. In those times we get a lot of help from parents and siblings. And there are times when we can't solve those problems with the help of parents and siblings. Only friends can help us in those situations. Friends can be divided into two types. Those are friends who honestly help and friends who help for profit. I like to talk only about friends who honestly help. Finding honest friends can be a daunting task. Good friends are always close to you. We should also help these friends who help us at all times.

  58. Name- I.W.D.S.N.Weerasinghe
    Reg no- 209226

    "True friends are never apart, may be in distance but never in heart."
    We need a good friend in our lives.we addto our lives a friend who has a beautiful and honest heart. True friendship is not the kind of friendship that takes away happiness and sadness. A real friend is the person who is with us in every trouble. She or he should be beatiful not in appearance. We must be beautiful at heart. Our hearts must be beautiful in order to have a friendship. We need to help each other.

  59. 209129 Ishan

    Friendship is a valuable thing. True friends are very rare. I have so many friends They are different to each other. Real friends always think about us. They always care about ourselves. Also real friends stay with us in our happiness as well as our bad times. They help to us in our troubles. Also I have a best friend. He always brings a smile to my face. Trust and confident are very important to a good friendship. Good friendships depend on mutual understanding. I always enjoy with my friends. It is a huge pleasure to me. No one can live alone in this world. So everyone has friends. Some people destroy their lives by associating bad friends. But some people win their lives because of good friendships. So friendships can win lives as well as destroy lives. We need to have good friendships. So first, we must be a good friend to others. Then we will automatically receive good friends.

  60. Name – Erandi Ayesha Rathnamali
    Register number - 209174
    Friendship is the most beautiful relationship in our life. It starts in childhood. When we met someone we friend them automatically. But we select only one person who we heart touching as a best friend. It may be a relationship that comes in the previous soul. We choose a best friend regarding those habits. When we have a problem we can discuss it with our friends, we can minimize our tension. We have some problems which can’t discuss with our parents like these times friends are very helpful. They have the same feeling and they can easily understand us more than parents. I had seen some friends take their friends for a good path from a bad road. They are real friends. Really Friends help us always, they not along with us never and they never laugh at our weak points. They help us to be better and they like brothers and sisters.

  61. R.P.T.P Keerthirathna

    Friendship is a precious relationship between people.True friends never leave their friend alone and they work for the good of their friend.True friends help one another and succeed in life. If we want to maintain good friendships, we must have a good understanding of each other.Good friends share both sadness and happiness with others.
    So I think friendship is essential for a happy life.

  62. Student Number: - 209089
    Name: - Jayasuriya NJLN

    There are very few true friends today. Some do all the work with us as friends. They can be described as mango friends. Others come as friends and do bad things to us. They can be called sinful friends. Simply put, everyone is helping each other for some advantage. The proverb in the Sinhala language, "Breaking a honeycomb does not lick the hand" also means doing something for a profit. Some friends can lead us in the right direction and lead us in the wrong direction. I think it's best to keep a limit if you've made friends.


  63. 209029
    Kalana Lakjith

    Friendship is very important and strong relationship in our life. A true friend is someone who helps us both in good times and bad times. A true friend always guides us and protects us. Although there are a lot of friends, there are only a few good ones. So we also have to help our friends at all times. It makes friendships stronger.

  64. DMSD Dissanayaka

    I think friendship meaning is happy. the good friends same to books. because they teach us many things. when we in sad feeling friend in with us. and they protect us by many bonds. when we live in hard time true friends help to us. the true friends speak against to our bad works. and we must do help to true friends. true friends are not every place. so we must not missing our true friends.

  65. YHGPN Bandara

    Sometimes friendship could help succeed and won life. We meet a lot of kinds of friends in our society. Some friends are closer to you to take something of you. We should understand well them and realize who are good friends. We need good friends most time because we could be facing a lot of problems in our life. Some problems we can solve with ourselves and some talk with parents. But we can solve some problems with good friends. we can talk about our problem with them and got the most suitable solutions for that situation. A good friendship can change our lives. Some people won their life with working good clever friends. Sometimes we can win our lives using the correct way with good friends. We should find always Good and suitable friends for our life success

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. 209074
    Friends are one of the important factors in our life. everyone has some kind of friends. there are two types of friends. they are good friends and bad friends. good friends are always take advantage of their friends. their bad is not to going. bad friends always engage in bad behaviour with their friends. we need to know that we should associate with good friends andnot associate with bad friends.

  68. 209116-Supun
    Everyone has friends .some of these friends are very special to us .some friends keep their friendship in a lifetime .when we live in the society, We can recognize friends. If we have real friendship , we should give attention for our friends . If they want a help , we should help them as much as possible. Friendships helps to face the problems what we want to solve. Therefore friendship is a very important . If you have an understanding with your friends , You can keep a good frifriendship with them

  69. Friendship is a most valuable gift in the world. Best friends are always like our siblings. We can meet different friends in our life time. They would be good people or bad people. But we should take there goods and try to take them for good path. Then They always help to us. They have good bond with us. There are lot of movies, stories and articles about friendship. The 30th of july is the world friendships day. There is nothing impossible for two good friends. Because they have good bond. It is valuable for live in society. We should keep everybody as our friends. Then we can easy to live in society.

  70. True friendship is like beer. Until we open a beer bottle, which seems like an ugly glass bottle outside with a hard bottle cap. The bottle is the trust and the bottle cap is the gate to closeness. When we open the bottle cap, there is a tasty drink called beer. Then we will find happiness, fun, craziness, and everything. If the bottle will be broken, there is no beer anymore. Beer is not a tasty drink for all but the one who knows the tasty and fun will never break the bottle.
    Ashen 209021

  71. 209199-Dinitha pramod

    Friendship is a one of the relationship with others. As the rule of the nature anyone can’t survive alone in the world. Even other animals have their friends in their herds. As a human, after the family we put valuable place for friendship. All we have some barrier with our family member and we can’t share every thoughts and every secret with them. At that time we want a good listener or good adviser who can trust. In that situation firstly we think about our friends. Spend with our friends is the happiest time than doing other activities. So we must protect our friends and when they need us, we must being with them.

  72. REG NO: - 209046


    Friendship is something we all inherit. It is a dedicated relationship between two people .Everyone can make friends. To give friendship to another person .It has two positive and negative aspects .Someone makes friends for the sake of gain. Someone associates with friends with heartfelt commitment. I meet a lot of friends in our lives. But true friends stay forever. A good friend does not lend another to his advantage. By understanding each other, we can keep this friendship with us forever. This gives us mental satisfaction.

  73. Reg no : 209061
    Name : Fernando P.W.S.V
    To the best of my knowledge friendship is immortal. Not everyone you meet in your life is a friend and not every friend is a best friend. I mean, they don't have to worry about finding their best friend. The best friend that suits you will give you time. There are many people in this world who have won their lives in search of a best friend. The best example is "Bathiya & Santhush, Mahela and Sangakkara, Loku malli Podi Malli". So they have to be careful when choosing their best friend. Bad friend can lead to bad results. so but if you can make a bad friend a good man, it is a very important service you do for this society.

  74. 209031 Viduranga

    Friends we have met since our childhood. Their friendship is a feeling that helps our lives and is very selfless. They constantly help us and we help them too. Friends really do not hesitate to help us, even in difficult times. Everyone in the world needs friends and their true friendship makes our lives colorful.

  75. 209085
    Pasindu Lakshika Jayarathna
    Group A

    Friendship is love. They can say who are all in the world that you are a happy man, but friend see our darkness in our life. And they can say you are a villain, but friend sees our light in our world. It was my experience. The friend can see our real life without colour glass, no matter what the world says. He does not say our weakness everywhere where I am not, but even if he is killed, he says face to face what he says. Those people are rare.

  76. 209062

    It does not matter what you do ,how much money that you going to spent after your loving ones passed away. It will only pretend that you was a good friend of them. But if you want to live a life with out regrets after your love ones passed away ,you have to do every thing you can do to make them happy while they in this world. It does not have to be big, expensive or a large sacrifice. Do little things. It may be little talk ,smile ,hug or something else. In now days life is vulnerable to every thing. It is okay now you hadn't been a good friend but don't be too late while you still have chance to be a good friend. Then your friends will live with you until the end of your life.

    209062 Chamath

  77. 209032 Sudesh
    Group A

    Friendship is a wonderful feeling that can be disturbed when you are near as if you were close when you were not around. if you have a best friend you have no secrets and you have no freedom. no matter how troublesome a friendship can be, it is one of the most beautiful and difficult feelings in the world. because that feeling has no purpose. it`s a wonderful feeling. sometimes I feel like I can be with my friend all my life. because that`s when I` re happiest. if you have a best friend, take care of yourself for the rest of your life. because life does not get a lot of best friends. I have not had many friends since I was a child. there was only one best friend in my life. he passed away in an accident last year. keep your best friend as life. thank you.

  78. 209114
    Lakshan MI
    Group A

    Friendship is the love we have for one another. It is a strong bond.
    Friendship benefits us. When we face a difficult situation in our life, need friend to help you overcome it. We know many people in our life. But not all are friend.
    Friend is that person who understand you more than you.
    Having a good friend is best reason to successes our life.
    I have many friend but Sanuka is my best friend.
    I never had any friend like him ever before.

  79. T.A Supun Sadeepa

    We have many relationships between the many people. But that people need not know our all things . Therefore we have few persons know our many things. that are friends. So sometime we have some accident or some bad things. Then maybe haven’t some people for help us. But our friends will come to help for us surely anytime. Because it is our friendship. So don’t matter our nations ,our language and our parent for our friendship. We can make our friendship any people. However as I know friendship is a good confidence between both of friends . So we should protect the our good relationship because it is better.

  80. Name : T.W.S.Nimesh
    Reg No : 209145

    Friendship is a unique bond that touches the heart. After parents, the closest people to life are friends. They give us a lot of unforgettable memories of life. It’s something that can’t be explained so easily. Every moment spent with friends is filled with smiles. Sacrificing for someone else without the expectation of profit takes an extraordinary dimension of friendship. That is why it is a matter of pride to be fortunate to have such friends. Friendship is an amazing bond created on the basis of simply wonderful memories and experiences with no underlying expectations. That’s why we called it friendship.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. R.M.P.K Rathnayaka

    friendship is a most valuable relationship in the life of person. A friendship is a good bond that a person has after their bond with their family members. we can build a great friendship with younger or older. Age is don't affect for friendship. A good friend is that person with whom one can share this knowlage, experience, secret and feeling. The good friends are genuinely happy with our win and also good friends help us when we are in trouble. Friendship is a bond that gives happiness.

  83. Karunarathna H.D.V.A

    I think the only thing we can believe in our lives is friendship except parents, siblings, relatives.
    It is occur a rough bond between two people. If it is a good bond it will not give up you in happiness and sorrow. So, you should not give up a friendship.

  84. 209120 Umesh

    It's so hard to find good companionships in these days. Now most of the people are very selfish and they always try to accomplish their aims with their own efforts. This has generated because now all the people in the world has been limited to their homes since the birth of covid 19. So people has departed from the society and they actually can't entertain human activities so that there is no human feelings with each others..
    We should build good interpersonal connections with our friends and it would abate our stresses but how do we select good friends? In this case we have to associate people and also we have to share our thoughts with them then gradually we would be able to decide that who are the right people to be our closest.
    So let's see the world with our friends then it will make easy to lead our lives without having stresses...

  85. Friendship is the most precious bond in the world. We need friends to live in the world. There are two types of friends. These two types are sinful friends and good friends. We should always have good friends. There is no age difference to be friends. Friends always help each other. Friendship is a loving bond..

  86. IBD Vilan

    Friendship is one of the most valuable thing in the world. but it we can't find true friendship. because lot of peoples are change with something. So if we have a true friend, we are lucky. But hard to find true or fraudulent peoples with their appearance. However I have one of friend since grade 6. He always helps to me for do my day to day works also. He is very happy to my achievements. All of friends can't happy with my achievements. Only true friend can be happy. So i said that all please find true friend. but if you can't find true friend, Please stay with single. You is the your best friend.

  87. 209058
    Clint Enos
    There are two most beautiful words in this universe, one is mother,second is friendship. Because those it contains love, care,trust,honest respect and many more combinations, but not like mother, because we all have lovely mother, but it is hard to find true friendship, if we have true friendship then remember we are very lucky one in this world.
    Friendship is a huge relationship between two individuals. They immense care and love for each other without any objective. They respect their thoughts so far.

    In this life long we meet so many friends,but One or some are staying with us forever, even if it is toughest time they support and shared everything they can.
    In conclusion friendship is a most valuable gift of our life. True friends are shared our joys and sorrows. They always happy for our success and they feel sad for our failures. Because of the friendship is the very important thing of our life. It's giving us a happier life forever. They can vanish our warriors within two min and they can feel us very comfortable. This is what friendship we talk about.

  88. 209221
    Nadeesha Vithanage.


    Friendship is a very beautiful and honest feeling. We can't learn it from people, schools, or tuition classes.
    It arises from the bottom of the heart. Someone continues friendship for cash benefits, other advantages, status, official, or occupation. But they are not real friends and there is no friendship. Some people come into our lives and, after the end of that time, they go. They don't even tell us that they are going. As an example, when I went for a/l we had a group of six friends, such as family members. But after finishing the a/l exam, only 3 friends remained. But we three enjoyed being together till today.

    In my opinion, we all need good friends. Some friends say good things about us when we are in that place. But they blame us where we are not. So we don't need friendship like that. I love real friendship. Because when I fell, my friends supported me as my shadow. They made me strong, made my heart stronger. I love real friendship and I think we all need real friendship. Real friends never let us alone when we are having a problem. Good friendship never depends on benefits.

    Thank You!

  89. 209258 Sanjula

    Friendship is the most valuable gift for us because if you can build a good friendship, you can share your any ideas as well can tell any thing with them. The friendship is a bond between any living beings. It cannot limit only people because the animals have too the friendships, so that is why I mention it. I would like to reveal a good friendship that I have ever seen before. Mr. Mahela and Mr. Kumar are the best friendship that I have seen as well have heard. Mr. Mahela Jayawardane was the former captain in Sri Lanka national cricket team who is one of the best strategic coach in the world and also Mr. Kumar Sangakkara is the current president of Marylebone cricket club who was also the former captain in Sri Lanka national cricket team. In my opinion that they are really good friendship as well great personality and leaderships.

  90. Srimal Hapuarachchi,

    Friendship is one of the most precious gifts of life. A person who has true friends in life is lucky enough Friendship makes life thrilling. It makes life sweet and pleasant experience. A friend keeps a lot of importance in our life, and everybody enjoys the company of a friend. True friendship is tough to get. Through every hardship and failure, the faithful friend will stand by. They will care for you every time, and gaining a true friendship is a real present.

  91. Himanshi (209081)

    Friendship is a wonderful bond. There is no limit to it. But not everyone can maintain a good friendship. Some friendships go beyond sibling bonds. we cannot live alone in society. If we have a successful friendship, we must stay together in bad or good situations. Each friendship has different colours. we share our emotions with our friends. Some friendships make love. Every these relationships different person by person. I think we should all have friends but they should be good friends. I think a good friend is worth more than 100 bad friends. I think if I am a good friend I should be able to take bad friends on the right path. A life without a good friend is merely empty. Honesty is the key factor to maintain the friendship forever. Stay happy keep friendship and be a good friend.

  92. 209037 - D.Dinuka Sanjana Madhumal

    World biggest relationship is the friendship . Relationship should be a best friend relationship . It is greatest . I have seen a sentence about friendship . I tell you that ." The life without a friend like a death without evidence " . Think about that meaning . That's true if we have a friendship without anyone it like a that . Relationship is secure us . We can share our life with friends . Some friendships become to love and they are love untill death .

  93. 209011. MALDM Arachchi.
    Everyone in the world needs friendship. There are good friends as well as bad friends. We should always be friends with good friends. Good friends never leave us in a difficult situation. Always they help us. Good friends are like brothers to us. They are with us in both happiness and sorrow. Good friends we should never be alone. We must live happily with them until we die.

  94. Friendship is an amazing thought that every people have felt at least one time in their life. As far as I believe that we should have a friendship in our all relationships. I meant that even we are loving with someone, we should mix some friendship into it. It will be a good thing to stay with her or him for a long time. Therefore, we can mix the friendship though into our every relationship to make those stronger.
    Every people have their explanation about friendship. Some people consider as friends who support do their bad activities. We can't judge them that it was not a friendship or there was not a friendship between them. Because of that we can't understand or feel others thoughts. So even the worst man in the world may have a friendship in his heart. It is a pure thing, doesn't matter who carries it with.
    Therefore, a friendship can change someone’s life either in a good way or a bad way. So be careful when you start a relationship with someone. Every people are not saints there are demons also among saint. So, there is a thing that I believe via my experience. When you chose a friend try to make a relationship with a person who has great thoughts above you or is equal to you.

  95. I think friendship is a connection between two or more people that have earn or reach. When we born we do not know single thing about in the world. Also, we are a stranger. Our first friends are parents. They teach us everything they know about this world and, they stay with us always. When we grow, we have to go to school for an education. Most people make a lot of friends in school. Why is that…? The reason is we do not like to be alone. Good friends are always nearby side, without looking for a good time or bad time. We are sharing opinions, we are playing together, we go on trips on vacations, we laugh, and we do a lot of things. Sometimes they know about us more than our parents. Always Friendship is great.

    Isuru Lakshan

  96. Name: Dhanushika Dulmini
    Reg no:209250
    We want friendship that we can feel the most comfortable around .it is most valuable relationship in the life of person .we all make many good friends in our life. Our personality and behaviour completely depend on the friends .we are surrounded by. Friendship is not a blood relation. But sometimes it is more than that. We share a relation with out friends that is unconditional and unbound. True friends are always there in our good and bad times as well

  97. Name : M.A.MOHAMED ALTHAFF 209241

    Friendship is the classic relationship system in which we hold the strong rope of trust. Some people hold it firmly, in simple words friendship is the relationship you have with the family of your choice. Friends are brothers and sisters who we have never had, and are on our side through the ups and downs of life. Some people cut the rope of friendship. The traitors do not know the beauty and value of the rope.

    “Don’t make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up.”

  98. Friendship is one of the greatest bonds anyone can ever wish for. Friendship is a devoted relationship between two or more people. They can trust each other in any case. you have met a lot of people in this society. But they all are not friends. Of those only some stay with you forever. those are real friends. They are close to both in sorrow and joy. Friendship is the most beautiful gift you can offer someone. I'm lucky to have that kind of friends.

  99. 209212 -Malinda
    Friendship is a marvelous bond between to or more person.But this friendship go towards animals also.Because some human beings make animals as there friends.So friendship dosen't care about the facts such as money ,gender ,age,type or profession.Some friendships may move someone from bright to dark as well as some from dark to bright.When we make a friendship we have to choose it carefully and we have to make a great effert to protect a good friendship while less effert to avoid frone bad friendship.

  100. Chathura [209261]
    Friendship is a valuable gift in the world. Best friends are always like our siblings. We can meet different types of friends in our life time. They would be good people or bad people. There is nothing impossible for two good friends. Because they have good bond and power. It is valuable for live in the society.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. Avishka fonseka

    Friendship is the best thing in the world. if we have good friends we have no worries. It's better than the relationship. Sometimes friends are the family. True friends knows us very well. and we didn't have anything they stay with us. Don't lose true friend because love or anything why we can find lot of temporary propels for our lives but we can't find easily true friend As well as there are good and bad friends we should know to choose good friends.

  103. 209002

    Friendship is like the stars that spread across the sky and is white in appearance and pure in virtue

    Time travel in this life may stumble and we may not have the dreams we had. Changes in memories may make us sad but those days when we are accustomed to love are on the wheel of "friendship".

  104. Gayan Sampath

    Best friends are the people in your life who make you smile brighter, laugh louder and live better.
    Best friends make the good times better and the hard times easier.
    Friendship consists in forgetting what one gives and remembering what one receives.
    There is nothing I wouldn't do for those who are really my friends.

    Thnak you.

  105. Friendship is a divine relationship. This is a place where we can have family without similarities in blood. A friend is a companion who sticks with us through thin and thick. We are blessed if we have friends, with whom we can depend on, in stressful situations. It is the moments, thoughts and insights we share relieve our mindsets. We all should remember to cherish a good friend with all our heart. It is the trust and loyalty that protects this relationship and woukd never leave you in any situation. Be wise to choose your circle qualitatively. It is followed with unbounded love which makes it strong. Nevertheless, a companion would need our time and trust. The only way to have a good friend is to be one.

  106. Janith Herath (209073)
    I think Friendship is very important for our life. Without friendship, our lives will be a desert. We will isolate ourselves from life. So everyone needs a true friendship. So that We can share our happiness, sadness with them. We face different kinds of problems in our lives. Some problems have we can’t share with our family or our partner. So, we will suffer from those problems. But if we have a true friendship, we are not isolated from that kind of problem. We can share our problems with them.
    So there are vey few real friends in society today. We have to be very careful to identify who are real friends and who are fake friends. If we associate with fake bad friends, or lives will go to the abyss. According to Buddhist teachings, It is said that ‘isolation is good if you do not have a friend to associate with’. So we also try to be good real friend to our friends.

  107. Sathusan 209200

    many relationships are in this world but the best of them is mom yes mom is the best relation to all who are living in the world. and friendship is the important relationship to all. friendship is the equal relation to mom. no one can't born here without mom as well as no one can't live here without friendship. the reason we are happy, content and mentally strong is our friends. if we have a loyal friend he will do anything for us. endless relationship friendship in this world

  108. there's no friend other than your self, but if talking another person as a friend it is bit different. since childhood we are having many relationships or friendships. but the more getting older, more becoming mutual the circle gets to be small. may be hundreds of friends to may be 2,3 or 4. those are the best of best that filtered out. they are the few people which can share any feeling or anything between. Its hard to live without those kind of people. they make us happy, joyful and bring us many experiences that make us encouraged and happy. what all matters is choosing the right ones for the journey.

    209017 priyamal

  109. 209230- Wijerathne SMKV

    True friendship is a very important thing in our life. when we have true friends, they will help to make our life happy. You can have not only real friends but also friends who take advantage of you by pretending to be real friends. Get rid of such sinful friends and associate only with good friends. Then your life will be Satisfying life. you also should always try to be a good friend then the friendship between you and your friends will be even stronger.

  110. Malitha

    Friendship is a very beautiful relationship in our life. We have a lot of friends. They are different from each other. But we have a few best friends. They are with us in our good times as well as in our bad times. They are real friends we met. Those relationships are never broken

  111. Name – Anjula Samidu Lakmal - 209008
    Friendship is considered one of the treasures that anyone can possess. God has given us the liberty to choose friends because they are for our lifetime. It is quite normal for our parents and siblings to love us because they are our own blood but a friend is someone who is initially a stranger and then takes his/her place above all the other relations. Friendship is nothing but pure love without any expectations.
    True friends share and support each other even during the toughest of times. A true friend is one who feels happy for our success, who feel sad for our failures, fight with us for silly things and hugs us the next second, gets angry on us when we do any mistakes. Friendship is all about having true friends who can understand us without the need for us to speak
    Friendship is very essential for a happy life. Even a two-minute chat with a friend will make us forget our worries. That is the strength of friendship.

  112. 209022 Lakshan.

    Friendship is one of the greatest bonds anyone can ever wish for. A devoted relationship between two individuals. Usually, a friendship is shared by two people who have similar interests and feelings. We meet many along the way of life but only some stay with you forever. Friendship never leaves us in bad times. True friends are like the best assets of our life because they share our sorrow, sooth our pain and make us feel happy. Friendship is the most beautiful gift you can present to anyone. The more friends we have in our lives, the happier we become. It also makes it easier for us to face many challenges. So we gather as many friends as possible.

  113. 209223 Ranith

    Friendship is the most valuable thing we get in our life. We meet many friends from our childhood to our death. As humans we like to interact with others. We meet thousands of people in our life but finding true friends is difficult. True friends live with us through thick and thin. We share our thoughts, feelings, sorrow, joy, secrets with our friends. Sometimes friends are like our family. They show us the correct path. Sometimes friends become closer than our family members. Friends help us to do good things and make great memories. Being a real friend to others and finding real friends is not an easy task. So, In this short life we should be real friend to others and gather real friends.

    REG.NO- 209260

    Friendship is a very important relationship in life. It happens between two or more people not related by blood. People who indulge in friendship are called friends. Friends are always there for you whenever you need help.Friendship is very important to us. We all need friends in our life. We play with them, talk to them and do so many other good things. Friendship makes us happy and strong. When we are sad, God blesses us with friends. They make us feel happy and loved.Without friendship, we will be lonely. It fills the loneliness and makes life worth. Friendship can form between anyone. Sometimes, men and animals are seen to be good friends. They love and care for each other. We should respect our friendship and love our friends. May God let friendship forever in our lives.

  115. 209061 - Fernando P.W.S.V
    Today most of society is computerized. There are several reasons for this. This catastrophic global catastrophe has been the catalyst for this. This is where the real benefits of technology come into play. This technology has been useful for people to pursue their studies and business activities as they are trapped at home in this epidemic situation. But because of this people have lost their freedom. Also eye injuries due to prolonged misalignment, spinal cord injury, Eye injuries due to long term mismatch, spinal disorders, But in my opinion, everything has two sides, so we have to use this technology and get our work done right at this

  116. 209057 Adithya

    Perhaps the most perfect relationship is the friendship . An individual without a companion carries on with a hard life. Everyone needs an ally to manage our experience. It is reliant upon you that how you characterize fellowship. It very well may be sharing your food, dealing with that individual, supporting them in their good and bad. You may not be uproarious with regards to it, however in the event that you care for an individual quietly, that is the thing that friendship is. friendship is tied in with giggling together on little things, treasuring each second you share, standing together for one another in any event, when the world turns its backs towards them.

    friendship are some of the time more tough than the relationship of adoration. Despite the fact that the meaning of friendship changes from one individual to another, the center importance behind it is something similar for everyone. Life is vacant without a companion. So when you acquire a genuine companion, ensure you treasure it with everything that is in you. The individual with a genuine companion, with whom every one of the things can be shared, is the most fortunate on the planet. A companion won't ever pass judgment on you, and they won't ever quit chastening you in case you are off-base. Be that as it may, whatever the circumstance be, they will consistently be there to help you.

  117. Nirantha

    The best friends stay with us at the good times as well as at a hard times. All of us can’t live without a friend. Because we all want to share our happiness and sadness. When we have trouble they come to help immediately gift we can receive is an honest friend. They give many beautiful memories in our life. In this hardest time, we all want a friend to avoid our stress and take with them and share our emotions. We must thank our true friends to stay with us in our every second of our life. We should respect our friendship and love our friends. May God let friendship forever in our lives.

  118. 209235- Thisara

    Friendship is one of the greatest gift anyone can ever wish for. Friendship is a devoted relationship between two or more people. some people make animals as there friends because friendship doesn't care about the facts such as money ,gender ,age,type or profession.if they can trust each other in any case,this is a friendship. you have met a lot of people in this society. But they all are not friends. Of those only some stay with you forever. those are real friends. They are close to both in sorrow and joy.

  119. imran aslam 209014

    Man cannot run alone in the world. Friendship helps man to be physically and mentally comfortable. Friendship is formed through proper understandings. Adult gender is not required for a friendly relationship . The gift of friendship is not right for everyone in the world . A man's action depends on the friends he joins
    . A friend can be a man and destroy a man. Some people in the world have even sacrificed their lives for friends .They are still remembered today as an example of friendship. We will also make the relationship of sacred friendship useful

  120. Hapuarachchige HATS
    Friendship is a true relationship between two or more persons living anywhere in the world. True friendship is the most precious gift in the lives of the individuals involved. True friendship gives us many memorable, sweet and enjoyable experiences in life. Friendship is a devoted feeling of love about which we can share anything about our life and care. A friend is one who understands and appreciates the other without any exaggeration. friends can be both good or bad, good friends lead us on a good path while bad friends take us on a bad path, so we must be careful when choosing friends in life.


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