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Life is hard!! You better be harder !!

Do not let the negativity to win.  When the life gives you lemon, you make a lemonade out of it !!

Watch the following story of a frog who was never ready to give up. Tell us how do you mange this tough time of your life... 

Do you consider this as a courage to face anything in life.?

Do you convert the negativity into spirit?

Or are you the fat frog who gave up easily? 


  1. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    It has been said that life can never be carried out and truly lived to its fullest unless there has been some sort of suffering and pain. Mistakes are to be learned from, and a hard past can only result in a stronger present. Though many might find themselves alone in their misery the truth is they are not, everyone has struggles. We all have our ups and downs, but it is how we react to them that truly matters. Life is life and no matter what, giving up on lifelong dreams and aspirations because of a few bumps in the road should never be an option.
    Manages this difficult time in life like the frog in the story, never ready to give up. It takes courage to face anything in life.

  2. 209052
    DS Ekanayake

    Sometimes life is hard but sometimes we make it harder than it really is. Life is not always fair.You can be too hard on yourself, and you need to feel good about your own strength. You neglect yourself too much. This is something we all do. Take care of yourself, your needs and your wants, and your life will be much better in every aspect. Don’t waste time and energy on things you don’t care about.

  3. life is not easy all the time. Sometimes it gets harder and sometimes it get easy. Life is facing the both hard and easy time with courage. If we only wanted to face easy part and give up on the hard time we will fail. I think this video shows a courage to face anything in life. Like this little frog we also need to be brave and have a courage in though times in our life’s.

  4. In the lives we have to face very difficult times. I consider as courage everything, that I have to face in the life. I always convert negativity into spirit in my life. As the thin frog, I newer give up the things easily, that I have to face. I never be the frog who give up things easily.

  5. Life is beautiful based on the experience of a new experience. That is, through the experience of new experiences that people like. People are born with a desire to experience something new. But the desire to have this new experience causes problems. But not everyone can cope with this new problem. But we must also fight to win somehow. I think it's very important to work hard to win. Because I think it's important to try your best to win. Because some people do not try, others try and quickly give up those challenges. So, as I see it, it is important not to give up thinking about success. It is very easy to achieve victory by trying like that.

  6. 209102 Hashan

    Throughout the life, we have to face many challenges and obstacles. Sometimes we are stuck in these challenges looking for a way out. In this kind of situation, we have to overcome those challenges and never give up like the frog in the story.

  7. 209046

    Everyone is going through some difficult time in life. "If you want to shine like the sun, you have to burn as much as you can." So we need to remove the negative thoughts from our minds. We must strive to give up our failed efforts and rise again at every opportunity.
    Believe in yourself first. Then you have to go your own way. We must move forward in the face of conflicts, hurts and setbacks. We too must manage these difficult times in life like the frog in the story. Never ready to give up. You have to have the courage to face anything in life.

  8. 209077 Hutha A.N.A.Z

    There are two types of people in the world. The first type people is those who fight with self-confidence in any problem and overcome it. Second type of people they face any problem don't self-confidence they loss the life. Those who are self-confident win in life Those who are not self-confident lose life This is the canon of the world.

  9. 209054
    Ekanayaka GGND

    Anyone has to face difficult times in life. We have to face everything positively. It is also foolish to think in a negative way that difficult things will go away in life. Because life is full of challenges as well as achievements. Facing them with courage can turn even difficult times into happy times.Manages life like a frog in a story. Never give up and be ready to face anything courageously.

  10. 209055

    Living means face to problems. Maybe it is difficult to bear, but if you hold it without giving up probably you will see a light. Sometimes we think we should give up, it is the time we must bear longer. When problems arrive in our lives our life strength increases. Our future will be easy as that strength. When problems come, if we give up, definitely later we will regret about that. When life is hard we must be harder.

  11. 209081 Himanshi

    life is harder but we should not retrogress about that. In some difficult situations, you will become sad. But never discourage you by yourself. Think about the way of passing the difficult situation. You should not think like the fat frog in the story and never give up life in harder situations. You should believe in your empower and your ability in difficult situations. That mind encourages you to think next step of the winning procedure. Finally, any time you face a harder situation never give up and try to jump that bad situation and focus on the victory of life.

  12. If I were a one of the frogs who fell in the milk bucket, Then I will suggest to my frog friend to drink the milk as much as we can. Then the milk level of the bucket will drop eventually. we will never give up on drinking milk. So after that we can jump of the bucket very easily. Some times when we face to problem , we have to find the easiest way to solve that problem. If we are going follow a hard way there is possibility to give up on that. I am not like the fat frog and I am not the thin frog either. I Have medium size body, there fore I give up some times and If there is good reason I will do my best to not give up.

  13. 209261_Chathura

    life is not easy all the time. Sometimes it gets harder and sometimes it get easy. Take care of yourself, your needs and your wants, and your life will be much better in every aspect. Like this little frog we also need to be brave and have a courage in though times in our life’s.

  14. K.D.P.S Chandrathilaka

    Living is about facing problems. They can be very bitter experiences. We can successfully deal with those issues and problems. They should be considered as experiences in our lives. We must fight to win somehow. We must work hard to provide answers to the problems that come in life. It is very easy to try and win.

  15. 209207
    Name: A.M.A.Shanuka

    Life is like a waterfall. Sometimes it faces difficulties as well as it faces more easy ways to go on. Life has these types of things. Life always gives to a chance to choose how to live your life. Sometimes we have to select a difficult way. It is ok. As the Frog story says, never give up. If you want to live, encourage your mind. You always motivate yourself. You don't encourage your mind, definitely, you fail.

  16. 209144
    Nimalsiri OCC

    Life is hard. Nothing to do anything. we are always facing right and good way for challenges coming with us. All challenges give us to many important things for success our life. Since last year our life style change 100% on the other hand. Because corona pandemic was spreading all of the country in the world. Then it happens were coming for our country more or less. But the thing is It had a huge impact on our economy. Our economy was going down. Then the Our cost of living has gone up and it has become difficult to live. But we are not ready to give up anything. Let's save everything until we win somehow

  17. 209076 Dhanushka

    Life is not always easy. Sometimes it gets messy and hard. Sometimes you could not see the point of all the things you do. But as long as you keep trying to live in it you will never fail. As I said sometimes you could not see the path clearly to your goals and objectives but you should try to work to achieve those goals. When things get hard try to remember for what purpose that you are working for. Motivate by it. Sometimes the people around you or the people you love may let you down but you have to get back in your feet again and start working. Things won't be the same for long. If you try to keep living even when the hard times, you will definitely ended up in a better place before you know it.

  18. Student Number: - 209089
    Name: - Jayasuriya NJLN

    Life is a very bitter and difficult thing. In other words, life is a competition. Although there are only obstacles in the normal competition, there are various obstacles in this life competition such as sadness and happiness issues.
    If there is hard work and commitment in a match, it can be easily won. In the same way, to win the race of life, there must be factors such as effort and dedication. Negative thoughts should be removed and positive thoughts brought closer to life. We must live courageously, even in the most difficult times of our lives.

  19. Life is harder, not easier. life is like a balloon. if you never let it go up, you will not know how high you can rise. when we go up in our life, we have to face a lot of obstacles in our journey of life. sometimes we win sometimes we fail. when we fail, if we give up we can't succeed. Fail is the best motivation in our life. in a positive way, we can say fail is defined as First Attempt In life. When you fail, try again. if you fail again try again then you can succeed in your life. Try until you succeed. You have to manage your difficult time in the correct manner and courageously. Then you can win.

  20. 209038
    Sithara Embuldeniya
    Whatever you do in your life, you shouldn't give up. because if you give up so easily what's the point of living this complicated life. you must fight. fight like a soldier on the battlefield. you have to face many troubles in life. but, you are not the only person who's struggling. some people struggle more than you and have accomplished more great things than anybody. so you have to keep struggling, keep fighting, don't give up until your dreams come true.

  21. 209003
    People like us have to face many things in life. If we give up we will have to suffer by its consequences after some time. We have to fight for our future because in this country there will not be any chance to live a good life. Sometimes I had to get motivated by my own problmes. We have to keep a target about our life. Until we achieve that we should not give up because we will have face the fate of fat frog. One Day I think I will achieve my target. I will be very happy about my sacrifice. We can not get to something without a sacrifice.

  22. 209078 Ihalavithana I.V.H.M

    Not every moment of life is beautiful. Life always experiences obstacles and challenges. Just as there are always slopes to climb a mountain, there will be a very good time at the end of every difficult time. Patience is essential for us to do anything.
    Many do not have patience. As a result, they make decisions such as committing suicide because they cannot tolerate the problems. Patience and courage can make difficult times happier by facing problems
    He must first believe in himself. We must move forward on the setbacks of conflict. We, like the frog in this story, must manage the difficult times in life . Then we can deal with problems very well. Life can be successful.


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