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Let's make the world a better place!!

 It's everyone's responsibility not to leave people unnoticed in the society. If someone is starving while others throw the left overs away, you need to think twice about the humanity you carry. Lack of generosity is the devolution of mankind. 

Let's make this world equal to everyone!! 😌


  1. 209038
    Sithara Embuldeniya
    just like in the story most thieves are stealing from others mainly because they are hungry. all human beings have the right to have food, clothes, a home, and proper health. but in society, we couldn't find this. some people aren't treated equally. there are many homeless people in Sri Lanka and they are in a struggle to live and find food.
    I think every bite you take out from your food after you full your stomach is another person's food.
    so I think when we can we must help each other. we must bring humanity forward.

  2. 209052
    DS Ekanayake

    Yes, the good news is it’s possible for all people to be equal not just in terms of wealth and respect, but in all other ways that we are evaluated by society. Nobody would judge us, regardless of our accomplishments or failures, and nobody would want for anything.

    The bad news is we would all be dead. As long as there are people, there will be inequality because we are not all given the same abilities or opportunities.

  3. Name-Madusha pramod

    everyone's responsibility not to leave people unnoticed in the society. If someone is starving while others throw the left overs away, we need to think twice about the humanity you carry. Lack of generosity is the devolution of mankind. we know ther are people who have not money but they also want to live in this society , but the society don't care poor people it is also a bad thing . and also we all want to live withing money or without money , withing food or without food like anything . those things are not a life .
    Let's make this world equal to everyone.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. We are not all the same in the world. Different types of people, islands, rich, young, old. According to this story, an old woman steals bread to satisfy the hunger of her grandchildren. He steals because he has no money at the time. Because she is a poor woman. But when she was brought before the court, she was pardoned in the face of the sympathetic view of the judges. However, we must understand that we must live helping one another without distinction.

  6. 209054
    Ekanayaka GGND

    Many people in society steal to find food to quench their hunger. People have to steal because of their helplessness. These things happen because of the divisions in society. This would not have happened if society had treated everyone equally. If you can give anything to anyone who is hungry, you are a real person.

  7. 209097
    HSU Karunarathna
    "Goodness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." Mark Twain has said. Anyone who has actually read his books knows the value of his ideas. And these videos show a sensitive story. That is, an old woman in the city is suing in court for stealing bread. But she said the bread was stolen "because my son-in-law left his family, my daughter is sick, so I stole it to feed my daughter's children." After hearing this story, the judge fined her $ 10. Here she says, "If I had $ 10, I would never steal." Compassionately, he pays the judge $ 10 for the sentence. Similarly, 50 cents each was collected from the courtiers and given to her.

    But in the world today the rich man has a lot to waste, but the poor man is always in poverty. Similarly, how much do capitalist people waste? When some people get angry, they throw the food they bought in the trash. We have also seen people wasting food to get views on internet social media such as YouTube. But there are so many people in this world who live on only one meal a day. Some people feed their families and fast all day. So I have to say you should never be low enough to throw away food. Buy or cook only what you can eat. Help others as much as you can.

  8. Name : T.W.S.Nimesh
    Reg No: 209145

    Not everything in the world is fair to everyone. That is the nature of the world. So the best thing is to practice goodness. Sharing and giving is a wonderful quality that satisfies man internally. It is a characteristic of a good person to show that giving or sharing is not only for human beings but also for animals. The good people, however, help even those who may not return the favor. We may say thanks if somebody does a favor. We may smile if somebody smiles at us. These facts can also heal a person. Be kind to everyone. Then it will not be difficult to see the world beautifully.

  9. Name - Rathnamali KKMEA
    Register number - 209174
    Our country has rich people as same as poor people. Rich people have everything and they enjoy their resources very well and they are wasting there. Poor people haven’t anything, they are suffering from poverty. Therefore, some of the poor people stole money or something like a story. All people have the right to take food, safety, house, etc. the people that haven’t that facility do a big war to continue their daily life. If rich people help poor people will have minimized their poverty. Then, we should help others that we can.

  10. 209147

    I think everyone can take an example from this story. Because this old lady's effort to protect her family is very valuable. And from this we can know that not everyone in the world is the same. One lives a life of extreme luxury while the other leads a life of extreme misery.

    The verdict of the judge should also be highly appreciated. He pointed out at the time that the law was the same for everyone. And he's paying her fine is a very exemplary act. Here we realize that we must live helping others as much as we can. Then the world will be more beautiful.

  11. 209163

    Food is necessary for everyone on the planet to survive; else, they would perish. There are no positive attitudes to be found. Quenching one's hunger, according to Buddhism, is a highly nice deed. Food is necessary for everyone on the planet to survive; else, they would perish. There are no positive attitudes to be found. Quenching one's hunger, according to Buddhism, is a highly nice deed.

  12. 209166 Pasindu

    In this video, that old poor lady has to do something for their kids. If she didn’t take that decision the kids can’t make it. there are so many people in the world. Some of them can take care of themselves and also their people like this old women. If others give their attention to them and help them, there are no incidents happen around the world like those. We shouldn’t be selfish. If we have the chance to help others. We should probably help them. Because there is nothing more than humanity.

  13. 209246
    JMSUA Jayasundara

    There are different types of people living in the society. Not all people are equally rich. Poor people are more likely to steal because of their hunger. But stealing is very wrong. They are Social levels to steal to satisfy their hunger because other social strata are not tempted to help them. We must not be selfish and treat every human being equally. If we get used to thinking about someone else in this way, we will be able to create a society full of humanity.

  14. 209203

    In many parts of the world, humans as well as animals are struggling to find the food they need. Others can easily find daily food and drink. They are the rich of capitalist society. Others eat only once a day. It should not be so. The food we eliminate may be the best food for someone else.

  15. U.G.D.T.Sandaruwan

    People are divided into different levels based on wealth, power and caste.Of course, there is no such thing as high or low in this world. People are all the same.These divisions of people actually lead some to commit various crimes.Every human being has the right to live in freedom. Also, everyone has the same right to access health care and education.No matter how educated we are, no matter how high our level of intelligence is.No need here.More important than all of this is that we are rich in humanity.If everyone could help others as much as they could, and see everyone as high and low as equal human beings living in this world, then indeed this world would be so much more beautiful.

  16. 209134

    Most of the thieves stole things because of poverty or hunger. But most of the time there is a sad story behind that action. We have to help those people that have difficulties finding food or any other need. It will help those people, and it will help us too because it helps to build a better afterlife according to Buddhism.

  17. 209261
    Chathura Lakshan

    Like this story, hunger is the main reason why so many poor people or thieves steal.In today's world many people suffer greatly because of poverty.In today's world, people are deprived of much of their basic human needs clothing, food, and shelter.Although not common in our country, the leftovers from someone's meal in other countries are another person's delicacy.I think similar incidents are happening in our country too, though not in public.We help others in any way we can. Let’s try to change our attitudes.

  18. Reg No - 209013

    Everyone in this world is saying "All are equal". But actually some of us are treating poor people very worse. If you have much money, it doesn't mean you can rule them. It means you need to help them for making their life better. Everyone needs to understand this and try to follow.

  19. Index number : 209171
    Name : Ramanayaka GJSRPBNST

    We are all people who will die someday.The day will come when we too will need the help of someone else.At some point in life, such a day will inevitably dawn on us.So we need to help others in any way we can. Must be generous. Or the people of this society will be divided into sections.People with power are on one side and helpless people with nothing will be on the other side.It only aggravates social problems.So this world will be even more beautiful if the person in power thinks to help the needy whenever possible.Whenever possible we should try to help others in any way we can.

  20. 209102 Hashan

    In the present half of the world’s people are starving, African people eat clay biscuits while the southeast Asians eat rats. This happens every single day while the other half of the world throws away tons of food. If they thought to somehow give those foods to the starving people instead of throwing away them the world would be a better place for all people.

  21. 209127
    Although we criticize many people in the society, their real situation is very different. Some of the culprits are motivated to quench their hunger. However, it is a crime before the law. So no one wants to steal. Can become rich by using their own labor

  22. In this world everyone doesn’t have everything. When one person suffering from something. Maybe the other person doesn’t. If we are ignoring the people who suffer from our community, then where’s our humanity. We should help them out to come to pass their suffering.

  23. Name : A.M.A.Shanuka
    Reg. No: 209207
    Society does not treat people equally. That treatment is influenced by money and age., An old woman steals bread to satisfy the hunger of her grandchildren. He steals because he has no money at the time. Because she is a poor woman. So they take them to court and the judge pays $ 10 and saves her. It should be based on working humanely and not on money.

  24. Reg.No- 209199
    Name - Sasindu DMDP

    In the world, there are many people born poor in poor families. Some become poor because of their wrong choices. However, as we know, these days we can’t survive in the world without money. For food, clothes, houses, health and all other needs have a value of money. So as human beings, we should be kind to others every time. We can’t eat food when a hungry man is looking at us. People who have enough money must share things as possible with other people who haven’t enough money. And also we should respect all the people without considering their economic level. All people should have equal opportunities to live in the world.

  25. 209237 Ravindu

    If a man is tempted to steal because of economic hardship or lack of food, we should think twice before punishing him. But if a person is tempted to steal and is addicted to drugs and wastes his wealth, he must be punished.

    It seems to me that stealing is a wrong thing to do, even if someone is suffering from lack of food. He can tell the truth and ask people for help. There are so many good-hearted people in society. They inevitably help the needy.
    But in this world, someone is tempted to steal because of the treatment he receives from society. If society marginalizes him and makes fun of him, they may be tempted to steal with the anger that arises in him.
    Therefore, we must treat everyone equally. We are all human. We are all human beings, rich and poor alike. Therefore, we must learn to treat all human beings equally. Through that we can build a better society.


  26. 209029

    Everyone in our society has a right to life. But often because of the actions of some, they do not happen properly. Then some people are tempted to get it by force or by stealing. It would be great if all the caste differences could be ignored. So it is always worthwhile to help those in need. Then this world is a very beautiful place.

  27. We all are responsible for the inequality among humans around the world. That because some people consuming or gaining too much resources while others suffers. So we have to be responsible what we take and how much we take from the environment. What ever that we waste, like water or food will lead to poor humans to suffocation. In the video the old lady represent the humanity who suffers . And the judger gives us the massage that we should pay attention to others. And help them out for their problems If we can.


  28. According to the story, the old woman stole food to keep her daughter and granddaughter alive. If someone is starving while others throw the left overs away, you need to think twice about the humanity you carry. every body beings have the right to have food, clothes, a home, and proper health Their main purpose is to meet the basic needs of a human being. If someone is tempted to steal, he is tempted to do so in order to satisfy his need.
    Many people steal money in order to satisfy their hunger. In most countries there were many people living without food, without clothes, without homes. So they suffer a lot and go to great lengths to rebuild their lives and quench their hunger.
    So I think we should help others whenever we can.

  29. 209156 kasun
    Not everything in the world is the same. When one is poor, another becomes rich. So the best thing is to make it better. Donation and generosity are important here. It creates a good society that is kind to others. It also helps to reduce poverty in a country.

  30. YHGPN Bandara

    Actually lot of poor peoples lives in our society. But most times we can't find them.because they are hiding of society. Most poor people most innocent and kindly. They use lot of methods for find money for get their foods. We can get good idea through that video. That woman stolen a bread in that video and she did it for feed his daughter and grandmother. actually always we need to help them for build their life. if you can help them always we can win our life with good habits and give support for win that poor people lives. It is most valuable thing for our worlwide innocent poor people.

  31. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)
    I think everyone can take an example in this story. Not everyone in the world is the same. One leads an extremely luxurious life. Another leads an extremely miserable life. The law must be the same for everyone. The law should not be enforced on the power of money. We must live by helping others as much as we can. Then the world will be more beautiful.

  32. Student Number: - 209089
    Name: - Jayasuriya NJLN

    Some of the people in our society are isolated from society. They are a group that has not received the attention of the people in the society. There are many reasons not to pay such attention. The reasons may be that they are ugly or poor or deformed or old. All people are the same. Like us, they feel hungry. They like to be beautiful. They too want to be loved. Therefore, we treat them kindly too. Elderly people should be cared for lovingly and not alone. No one in society will be left alone by acting generously with humanity.


  33. 209076 Dhanushka

    We are all living in a world that run by rules. People also so concerne about themselves than others. Most of them are too into themselves and they hardly giving time to think about others. But there are some moments occur that you have to make decisions from your heart not according to the rules and the system. There are some moments that your self-conscious would second guessing the decision you make whether it is write or wrong. Sometimes we have to listing to that and stand for what is right.
    The judge in that video stood up for that poor old lady even if she had stolen bread. Because of that is the right thing to do. If she had money to buy the bread and feed her grand children, she wouldn't have done that. There are many people in this world like that poor old lady. Who don't have the same privileges what we have. Even the basics. Therefore we should pay our attention, the generosity to them too. After all we are all human beings. We should care about each other and help one to another.

  34. 209173
    If someone is tempted to steal because of economic hardship or lack of food, we should think twice before punishing him. But if a person steals and becomes addicted to drugs and wastes his wealth, he should be punished.

    It seems to me that stealing is not good, even if someone is suffering from malnutrition. He can tell the truth and ask people for help. There are many kind-hearted people in society. They definitely help those in need.
    But in this world one is tempted to steal because of the treatment of society. If he is ostracized and ridiculed by society, he may be tempted to steal with the anger he has.
    So we should all be treated equally. We are all human. We are all human beings, rich and poor. So we must learn to treat all people equally. Through that we can build a better society.

  35. 209109
    Kumarasinghe. K.A.S.K.

    Like in the story, most burglars take from others because they are hungry. According to the story, an elderly mother steals bread to feed her grandkids. She steals because she doesn't have any money at the time. So, whenever possible, I believe we should assist one another. We must advance humanity. Furthermore, it is everyone's responsibility to ensure that no one goes unrecognized in society.

  36. 209081

    If we can make the world a beautiful place, it will be a great help to the new generation to build their lives. Many people are living in different social strata of society. Some are very poor, some are middle class, some are rich. We must be able to appreciate equality whether they are rich or not. Like this story, some people are helpless because of this inequality. In this story, an old poor lady stole food for kids. At the time, she had no choice except to steal food. If she did not, the children would starve. Although she was taken to court under the law, it was a shocking incident when treated humanely. Therefore the judge sentenced her according to the law but he paid the fine and released her. How many such incidents are there in society? This is the best time to change our society to a good place. Otherwise, we have to backwards through humanity.

  37. 209212 Malinda
    Not all places in the world are the same. There are different places, different people, different climatic conditions. Of these, climatic conditions vary, but humanity does not have to be different. Everyone should be treated the same. People should not be classified according to poor wealth. People should not be classified according to the black and white divide. People do not have to be different in religion. It is imperative that everyone in the world treats each other equally. It’s something like the law. That is because the law often does not change from person to person.

  38. 209241 Althaff

    They are social levels to steal in order to satisfy their hunger because other social levels are not tempted to help them.
    People in society come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Because of their hunger, poor people are more likely to steal. We will be able to create a humane society if we become accustomed to thinking about others in this manner.

  39. 209078
    People are classified according to certain conditions in the society. People are divided not only by race and religion but also by the rich and the poor. Some people lead a comfortable life and some are starving without even being able to find a meal. Many people are tempted to steal because of helplessness. The reason for this is the division of society. It is very important for them to be able to do even a little help for anyone who is suffering. If we help each other regardless of social status, thefts in the society will also decrease. It is society itself that breeds thieves. The reason is social inequality and poverty. Accommodation can be lived without a vehicle. But you can not live without food. Food is the most essential factor for human existence. Fill someone's stomach whenever possible .It will be great for them.

  40. 209048
    Dissanayake DMHSJ

    Not all the world's resources are equally distributed. There is a gap between the haves and the have nots. Giving to those who have and those who do not is a noble deed. They can also be friendly with each other. We may not have something to give someone, but you can treat him with a smile. You may be someone else's listener. Today's world would be a better place if everyone treated more as human beings than class divisions that do not look at everything. Nor has humanity been eradicated from man.


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