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Believe in hope!!!

 When everything is falling apart, "hope" is always by your side....

Tell us how strong your "hope" is... Share a life story and tell us how "hope" lift you up when you almost lost everything you expected.... 


  1. Sometimes our goals can be lost . But if we have positive hopes about future .The hopes live us as a firing candle

  2. Name -Madusha pramod

    Our lives are slowly coming to an end like a candle
    But ,a man full of love and kindness can light up his own life as well as the lives of others
    Like lighting thousands of candles from one candle to another.
    Some of our goals and objectives may be lost but, relentless effort and commitment will make you a successful man.
    Think about the future without thinking about what you missed.

  3. 209134

    Hope is what keeps us alive. Because there are so many obstacles and sorrows in our lives. Hope itself gives us the energy we need to move through them. Hope motivates us to persevere, into the darkness, to journey onward, despite the obstacles blocking the trail of life, despite not knowing how, when, or where, or why our life's story will conclude. Hope is not wishful thinking or magical thinking. Hope is an emotion, a mindset, a belief, a motivation, that despite setbacks and obstacles, despite hardship and misfortune, despite the unknown last chapter of your life’s story, you believe that your life will work out

  4. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    Hope is the essence of life. Many of us have deep hopes in our hearts. Those hopes are dashed unexpectedly. In my life experience, there have been many disappointing times. My hopes were dashed as I did not get the expected results for the first and second A / L exams. Hoped to take the exam again for the university dream. Those hopes are met with success. Hope helps us keep the fight on and improves the chances of making our life better. Hope – the essence of life keeps our eyes wide open for an improved future. I know it’s very hard keeping up with the inner faith during the most critical times, but, those who never leave hope, actually make it till the end.

  5. 209246
    Udara Ayomal

    We can have different goals and aspirations to achieve success in life. But those expectations can be very difficult to achieve. But do not give up hope until you have achieved your goal. Hope always strengthens us. Even if our achievements are ruined like a candle, by being determined to achieve victory at the last moment, we will be able to reach success. We should always think not to jump up and grab a beam but to reach the moon somehow. These hopes will always lead us to victory.

  6. Nalinda

    Life is like a dewdrop on the grass. At some point we have to say goodbye. Every second we live we lose our lives. We have different dreams and only a few of them can come true. But dreams and goals keep us alive.

  7. 209199-Sasindu DMDP

    Hope is one of the most important and powerful emotions that humans experience. Hope brings us forward in life and makes us feel better. When someone has hope, they can live peacefully, faithfully and make love with others. So without hope, life can be difficult and makes us all feel bad about ourselves.

  8. Malinga Sandaruwan

    Life is not a unchanged matter.It always change. The life has not always victory.Almost every successful life is built on failures, losses, disappointments and so on.But at this every occasion,we can bounce back if we have a strong hope.Hopes can stand us as strong person.keep a strong and accurate hope and try in your best to make your hope come true then the rest of things will success effortlessly.

  9. Sudesh

    ๐Ÿค” "Hope" Hope is the best motivation in the world. because it can keep people in a life or kill. the hopeless man likes a dead man. the one little strong hope can make a grateful future and also a great man. so be hopeful and then you can make your beautiful future rather than the present.


  10. 209052
    DS Ekanayake

    Even if it seems everything is going wrong, there are things that are going right. Every day, write down all the things you are grateful for having happened to you today. Be descriptive of each item. Feel the joy those things bring you. Even if it's something really small like your car started this morning. Be grateful for it. This will help you to stay focused on the positive.

  11. "Hope" is just like a foundation to our success. Each and everything we have accomplished is based on hope. When we are doing something hard or impossible to do we won’t able to do it if we lose our hopes. We will be able to do even the impossible only if we won't lose our hopes.

  12. 209163
    Sandaru imesh

    People are motivated by hope. It is difficult for people who lack hope to achieve their ambitions. Struggling for hope in the face of adversity will enrich their path. As a lotus flower blossoms wonderfully in the mud, a person who has hope should work hard until they are realized. Just as the lotus blossom is a lovely flower, so will our lives be lovely.

  13. 209074 samantha.

    Life can bring many obstacles to us. Maybe those troubles can cause a lot of problems. Sometimes goals that have been in the mind for a long time can be destroyed. But at that time we fell mentally and we have room for failures in life.
    So all we have to do is stop the change and move on. It is necessary to move forward in life with a purpose in mind without giving up that task because a purpose has been broken.

  14. My hope is to finish higher education successfully and get a good job. I hope this will put an end to all the obstacles and challenges I face. That is why I am working hard to reach that goal.

  15. 209054 Ekanayaka GGND

    Hope keeps us alive. Do not give up hope when there is a setback or breakdown in life. We live with some hope in our heart. When things like obstacles and difficulties come to life, hope helps us to cope successfully. Never lose hope. Fight until the last moment. Expect victory until the end. Hope is the key to love, peace, and trust.

  16. U.G.D.T.Sandaruwan

    We humans face many obstacles in real life.In fact, those barriers affect our lives directly or indirectly.In a world where everything is not permanent, we too can lose many things in our lives.
    How do we really cope with those failures? How to deal with those failures?There is a silver lining in every dark cloud.And in every obstacle, in every problem, we have reasons to stand up again."Hope" is something that stays with us every time we fall.
    People can lose love, trust as well as material things, but we do not lose "hope".We can only hope that the things we lose will be found again someday.Hope really makes people live.

  17. Name : T.W.S.Nimesh
    Reg No : 209145

    War does not bring peace. Doubt does not build trust. There is no creation of love on avoidance. But they do not apply to hopes. Hope lives man. They make them happy. Broken hopes lead to new hopes. Like the joy of seeing a sailor land, hope brings new life to man. One who loves hope and believes in it finds inner peace in it. Never give up hope. Otherwise he will be an empty man. So trust yourself. Love you. Have hope for yourself. That is your self-confidence.

  18. 209127
    M.Y.U Madushanka
    All of us human beings live with a lot of hope in our minds. But those expectations come in the form of various obstacles in moving towards the goals. There we have to overcome all those obstacles successfully. In order for these hopes to come to fruition, we must reach our expectations through skills such as effort, trust and commitment. Then we will have a successful life.

  19. K.D.P.S Chandrathilaka

    Life is not easy. Living is about facing problems. Out of that we must have hope for life. The life has not always victory .Almost every successful life is built on failures, losses, and disappointments and so on. Hopes can lift us up as a strong person.

  20. 209081 Himanshi

    Life is flowing like a river. Therefore, any time of our life can come trouble. But if we have hope, it will give us the power to stand up withing fresh up our minds. When we do some work we have to face many failures. However, we can face that failure within our beliefs of hopes. Through believing in hope, we can light the lamp of hopes and it encourages us to go on irrespective of downs. So, hopes are the very important thing to bring our life the good way in the face of many difficulties. Finally, although the situation is so much difficult, you can come up with hopes and go on a long journey.

  21. When I am doing some thing I always try not to hope for the best from it. So even when I do not get the result as I expected It is not going upset me very much. It is difficult for me to relay on hope without doing my best for anything. But if I ran out of options, hope is the best thing that I can think of.

  22. 209046 - EPHP DILMINI

    Any human being does throughout life is to add hope. And finding hope to live. Hope keeps us alive. From newborns to the elderly, there is hope. So we try to live up to those expectations. But our expectations are not always fulfilled. We need effort and determination to achieve that hope, because we must see our hope with our own eyes. We will have to face various problems in going to fulfill the hope. But you have to have the attitude that I have now, I can not. Must fight to the end. We must pursue the hope of achieving our goal.
    So are my expectations. It is strong. Someday I will fulfill my hope. Until then I will work with determination.

  23. 209038
    Sithara Embuldeniya

    In our life, we have to hope for everything. because hope gives reason for life. we hope for a better tomorrow, we hope for a better life, we hope for everything. we must hope in this journey of life. love, peace, and faith depend on hope.
    personally, I hope for a better future, better humanity, better world.

  24. When we fail at everything, our life can be successful with the slightest hope. We work with hope for everything. There is hope behind everything we do. Hope keeps us alive sometimes. So work on everything with hope.

  25. Reg. No: 209207
    Name: A.M.A.Shanuka

    Hope is what keeps people alive. People try to live up to these hopes. But some people don't do it. In order for hopes to be fulfilled, hopes must first be trusted. One who loves hope and believes in it finds inner peace in it. Never give up hope. You work hard and smart to achieve your hopes.

  26. 209003
    We all got hopes. We all lives with hopes that are unique to us. Our lives are like the candles. Every candle has a unique flame like our life at the end we die. We have to decide about flame is it brighter or law. The hope will carry our lives. When a man get sick seriously. His mentality will fill by hopes to live.
    I attend to long running events in school. After few rounds hope will keep you running. I think mentality must be strong than physical fitness.


  27. I think life is like a computer code with eras. We have to avoid the mistakes here, correct the mistakes and live our lives. In the problems that come to us and in the crashes. If we want to go beyond that, we must not give up hope. The best example is that on August 15, 2015 I participated enthusiastically in the Inter-School All Island Karate Championship. Because this is my first inter-school All Island Karate Pet. I played very fearfully in the first round and handed it over to my coach. After the first round, he told me, "Hope is what keeps us alive." From the moment I played Acrida with all my might, I finished third in the Inter-School All Island Karate Championship. That day I realized that fulfilling one's own expectations is as important as fulfilling the expectations of others.

  28. Student Number: - 209089
    Name: - Jayasuriya NJLN

    Of course! we must have some hope to live. One day a girl and a boy lived in love. They lived a very loving life. There were small quarrels. But they did not too long. After a big fight, the two parted ways. But the girl hoped the boy to come. The girl hoped that "if the girl really loves the boy, the boy will definitely come".Finally the girl's hope came true. She was in love with him with one mind because of her hope. Because of that hope of hers, the two eventually got together.

  29. Rg. No: - 209109
    Name: - Kumarasinghe K.A.S.K.

    No doubt life is a solid war zone. But it's not all bad. Try to keep your eyes full of dreams. Hope not only provides you the ability to overcome hardship, but it also makes the journey for the future easier. Let’s not worry about the fact that today is bad. Hope keeps us telling that tomorrow will be better than this. Optimism is fueled by hope. When I'm hopeful about anything, I'm thinking that the grief and struggle of today will soon pass. We stay positive because we have hope. As you know, our mind has lots of effects on our actions. If your mind tells you to stay strong on a path and not to lose courage, you will do so.

    So, hope gives a positive mind power. It generates an aura around you which protects you from the negatives. This is why; hope will always be the essence of life.

  30. 209048 Dissanayake DMHSJ

    Love, trust, peace and hope are like candles. There is great pleasure in lighting. But very sad when it goes out. But if we have hope, we can do everything else successfully. If there is hope above all else, then everything else can be done successfully

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. T.A.S Sadeepa

    Life is a very complicated thing. Because it works all the time. It works until the end of life. Then our life is like a machine. Because some things fit into our lives. Our lives have a beginning. That is our birth. And the machine is just like the beginning. It has a production level of machine life. Then our lives face many things in between our lives. That is, events, challenges, decision-making status, and many opportunities. It varies from person to person. But in general those things are the same. However, some people can cope with their situation. But most people are not. They can not face the events that come there correctly. Otherwise some people will stop their events halfway. Then there is a similar story in the machine. Some machines work well for the rest of their lives. But some machines broke down during their lifetime. However, each individual can preserve their goals. So why can't they preserve their events? Some important things lost in their lives. There are trust, peace, hope and love. that are very important to life. Therefore Then we have to work according to that matters. Then we can archive our events and everything else. So you have to trust yourself first. That's important.

  33. 209078 Ihalavithana I.V.H.M

    Purposeful expectations are what keep us alive. Everyone has purpose in life. Some goals can be achieved but some cannot be achieved. Then we will be embarrassed. There are many unfulfilled goals in my life too. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Goals and objectives may be lost, but relentless effort and commitment will make you a successful human being.

  34. Now I am undergraduate in a university. when I learn in advanced level in school I have many hopes. I was hope however I go to university. But I had many problems. However I thought about my hope and after how I build my life. So my first hope is success. Now I know I can do work for my hopes. so hope is very important to do success our life.


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