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We are more than the bad things ever happened to us..... ✊

Life is full of surprises..  It won't be exactly the way you want it to be.. Do not wait to be happy  till everything gets sorted !!

Chase your happiness!! Chase your dreams!! ☺☺

The courageous lady in this video passed away last 19th. Watch her courage. Will you be able to face every struggle with a positive attitude? 

If yes, how? If no, what should you do to be courageous? 


  1. 209052
    DS Ekanayake

    View a disappointment as an opportunity to grow stronger, and about it to yourself and others in a positive and optimistic way.
    By practicing gratitude, you can reframe your definition of a challenge. You will also be more happy overall in your present moment. Learning how to deal with challenges takes time, persistence, and a positive attitude. No matter your life situation, the hard times will happen.

  2. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have. Appreciating the little things in life means that you focus your attention on what nurtures and sustains you in life. On everything that brings you even the smallest amount of pleasure and you'll learn how to stop emphasizing the meaning of bad events to your life.

  3. 209054 Ekanayaka GGND

    We can never know in advance what will happen to us in life and what kind of things we will have to face. We can be happy during our lifetime through the good or bad things we do during our lifetime. It takes courage to accept life's challenges and face them successfully. This woman clearly shows her self-confidence and courage by coming on stage and singing songs of her own free will without showing it even though she is living ill. Giving her a gold buzzle, which ends her life happily with a sweet voice when she's sick, is an opportunity that has lifted her considerably from her oppressed life. Love, happiness, smile are the profits of a people.I think I'm not as brave as this woman. But success can be achieved by increasing self-confidence. Can live happily. Even at the moment of death, we live with the feeling that we are getting justice for the life we ​​have achieved by thinking about what we have done.

  4. 209110
    R.S. Kumarasinghe
    Faculty of Engineering technology (CEMT)

    Courage is a necessity to overcome fears and achieve a desired goal. Fear is something that exists in all of us. There is no hero or any particular courageous figure that is without fear. Being fearless is not required to be courageous, one simply has to look past or overcome their fears to possess this great quality. When overcoming fears and going against the norm, there are always risks involved. There are different types of risks that come about. Someone could risk life or limb, while others risk their reputation. Either risk is serious enough that a person must have courage to endure that particular risk. Courage can occur anytime, anywhere, and often in our everyday lives. Everyone will experience courage no matter how young.

    Courage is good quality and it helps a person in many ways. It increases one’s confidence and he can do things easily. Courage helps a person to experience many situations. This helps him to know about different places, people, things. It also helps a person to live a true live. He does the right thing and so he lives happily. Such people are always admired by everyone and he becomes an example for others. This makes the entire society good.

  5. 209102 Hashan

    We humans, can’t see the future. We don’t know what kind of things will happen to us. Even we don’t know will we wake up tomorrow morning when we go to sleep today. We should used to look at the bright sight of life. We don’t know what life will bring to us. All we can do is keep our head forward and move forward just like the lady in the video.

  6. 209207

    Life is often different. When one gets a chance, one loses that opportunity. We do not know whether we will be ready tomorrow or not, so work hard and live a happy life.
    You can be lucky by trying to make up for that lost opportunity. Success is not luck. It is one's commitment. Dedication to something and the victory achieved from it is very pleasing to oneself. But if they do not enjoy the commitment at that time, it is useless to do so. Therefore, they can be happy by doing their work in a way that does not harm others. Facing challenges without fear is life. Always believe in yourself, then you can overcome the same challenge.

  7. Nalinda.

    Life has to go through many difficult paths and we have to face victories as well as defeats. We have to face all the challenges without wavering.
    We should not ask questions until they have asked us questions, and we should not look at every question with pessimism.

  8. K.D.P.S Chandrathilaka

    We all have our weaknesses. We need to identify what we can do with those weaknesses. It also takes courage to take on the challenges of life. When a challenge comes, we must think positively about it. There we must be happy with what we can do to the best of our ability. It can fail while doing so. But we must not regret it. There may be another way to do that.

  9. Rathnamali KKMEA
    Life is a fully surprising thing. We don’t know what will happen and what kind of problem we have to face. The future may be decided by what we have done in the past. But no one can’t tell us about the future in our life it's a fully surprising thing. In the future, we may be live in good or we may we live in sick what it’s not important. Important is how you are living now. We don’t know what will happen next, but the thing is we should live in happiness now and every moment. That girl in the video is very strong. She keeps her happy during illness situations. Not give any best result living in sadly and angry. But by living happily we can achieve our self-freedom. In this video, that girl's target is to be the best singer. She has a beautiful voice for it, but she is suffering from cancer. She didn’t think about her illness and she tried to win her dream. Finally, she got her dream. She gives us an important message it is ‘living happily is the only thing, for easiest our life’.

  10. Courage is essential thing achieve anything in our life. There are some instances that we can achieve something without courage. But most of the time we will need at least a little bit of courage to motivate us to achieve something. It is good thing to us, to be courage by any thing. We can be courageous by any thing that we wanted, by the dreams that we want to fulfil, or even by the peoples around us. If you really cannot find courage to do any thing, you can be get close persons that can give you courage such as our parents. If you can figure it out your weaknesses you can be courageous even by those weaknesses.

  11. 209076 Dhanushka

    Life is not always easy. We have to face bad times too and it is common for everyone of us. Do not think all this bad things happen only to me when you having bad times. You have to find the courage to get through things when time is hard.
    In my experience, most of the times most of the people in my life did let me down. Besides my parents no one else was there for me. Most of the things I have imagined were not went as I thought they would. But it is the life. Life is not fair and square for everyone. Life has its own way of getting things done. We should move forward. Because life is not stopping just for you.  Besides your family no one really cares what you are going through. You should focus one your dreams and goals try to achieve them no matter what. You have to find the happiness when you can, out of the things you can. Do not let the bad things to take over your life. As long as you get up when you went down, you are a winner and you are more than the bad things happened to you.

  12. 209038
    Sithara Embuldeniya
    you have to be strong in life. you must have faith and dream. dream for a better future, dream for a wonderful life. of course, we are going to die someday. but what if we live an amazing memorable life in this short period... we don't have much time to hate, struggle, fight. we should do what makes us happy. we should be ourselves and love each other. life is something you get only once. so, you should get all the juice from it. dream, work, enjoy. as always... live the life you love; love the life you live.

  13. Student Number: - 209089
    Name: - Jayasuriya NJLN

    We have to face various challenges in our lives. We cannot avoid such challenges. If life is compared to a flowing river, the river faces various challenges. Like the river, we face many challenges. No matter how many obstacles we face, we can face them with joy. We must be strong in the face of challenges. we can take great pleasure in facing challenges without fear of being weak and overcoming them successfully.


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